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NORML and Marijuana reform/activism


BSB Model
Jan 24, 2010
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Hi, I was just wondering if anyone follows norml or any marijuana activist parties... lately ive been researching on what i can do to do my part. This is a huge thing that i would love to be a participant in.

So basically i would like to know everyones views, the pros and cons (in ur opinion) and would love to have kinda a debate on the topics (non violent and peaceful, no heated arguements, just polite responses expressing your opinion on others). i've got a little free time these next couple weeks so ill be on here more often... but just let me know ur opinion on medical use and recreational.

I personally believe that tobacco and alcohol should be in the position marijuana is in now and vice versa.

Mike Robbins
Mike it is nice to see you back on the forum. I know a lot of people use marijuana to self medicate. I have friends that has tried anti-depression medication and because of the side effects of the medication and the cost have turned to the use of maijuana. I hope u have a scene soon, kind of miss u on the futon.
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone follows norml or any marijuana activist parties... lately ive been researching on what i can do to do my part. This is a huge thing that i would love to be a participant in.

So basically i would like to know everyones views, the pros and cons (in ur opinion) and would love to have kinda a debate on the topics (non violent and peaceful, no heated arguements, just polite responses expressing your opinion on others). i've got a little free time these next couple weeks so ill be on here more often... but just let me know ur opinion on medical use and recreational.

I personally believe that tobacco and alcohol should be in the position marijuana is in now and vice versa.

Mike Robbins

My views are pretty simple = legalize it now for medical and for recreational use. But if medical use is the frontline now, lets get behind that and make it happen. Even in Illinois there is work going on!
definitely, i self medicate myself, prescriptions never worked for me, marijuana is like my wonder drug lol colds flue insomnia anxiety mood swing anaything really...

yup illinois is on the last process to legalize med marijuana!
Florida is way behind times. Be careful when u come here, the strong arm of the law.
from what i hear pennsylvania is pretty close!
Florida is way behind times. Be careful when u come here, the strong arm of the law.

yeah, but psilycobin mushrooms happen to be legal, or so ive heard lol idk for suer or not but internet says so... i think they'll be starting to move towards it soon, lots of retirees and what not.. soon i hope!
haha well im taking my very own steps right as we speak! lol
haha puff puff pass? thats kinda hard over cyber-space lol
Oh boy, I'm gonna make enemies today. I'm against it for recreational use.
Tobacco is so different than Marijuana. You don't get "high" when you smoke tobacco.
Alcohol is worse that tobacco and Marijuana to me.

What are the acute effects of marijuana use?

Not only we have to worry about drunk ass people on the road, but soon, we'll have to worry about pot heads too. Marijuana does affect your ability to function. How many people will smoke pot, feel "sooooo good dude" and get on the road. If there are any risk of accidents, to me, it just makes it clear. NO!

In a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a moderate dose of marijuana alone was shown to impair driving performance;

I've been around people who smokes pot about 10 years ago, it was amazing to see how silly they would get or "act" and just hated being around them. Probably why I don't talk to them anymore.

For medical use, at your home. YES.
For recreational use. HELL NO.

Anyway, that was just my 2 cents.
Oh boy, I could write a book on this and by the time I finish this you may well think I have. LOL First off let me say I have been researching this subject for many years so my thoughts come with much experience. Cigarettes will kill you just plain and simple. They will also addict you so you cant quit even if you want to. Alcohol can kill you and for dam sure can mess you up. If you get drunk at a party several hours latter when it is time for you to go home your still drunk and are now going to be out driving down the road risking my life as well as yours. Crack, Meth, ext all can and will kill you, don't even go there. In all my years of watching this stuff I have never seen anyone that exhibits signs of any medical condition caused directly by smoking marijuana. You have to use the term "directly caused" here because if you add in any other drug or product with this you open up a whole different scenario. Yes it contains the same tar and nicotine and other addictive and damaging compounds found in cigarettes but since no one is using that as a selling agent so it is only in it's natural amounts there is much less of it. You could still get lung cancer from smoking it but to do the quantities you would have to do to get it you would die a very happy man.

But what about that train the wrecked and people got killed because the engineer was smoking pot? Well yea but would you feel better if the engineer was drunk? Of course not so duh you don't get drunk and go drive a train nor do you get stoned and do it. Now I will say that I have seen a few people that smoked almost 24 hours a day and some of them seemed to be a bit stupid. I am not sure if this was do to the extended use of weed or if they may have just been that way to begin with. Frankly if you have nothing better to do then stay stoned 24 hours a day your probably not going to miss much anyway.

But it's the stepping stone drug, people that use it end up on heroin or meth. Well I have smoked more then a little of it over the years and so far I have never felt any overpowering desire to shoot heroin. The stepping stone has nothing to do with the weed but rather in where you get it. If you walk into a car lot what is the job of the guy that comes to wait on you? His job is to sell you the biggest most expensive product that he has on his lot and to do it in a fashion that your going to keep coming back to buy more. You buy weed from a drug dealer who is only trying to do the same thing. If you legalize it you separate the distribution of it from the drug dealer and put it in the liquor stores where it can be controlled. This also allows you to tax it and to do so quite heavily since people are already used to paying high prices for it. The government tax gains from this would be astronomical and could be used for education to keep kids off the hard stuff like meth and for law enforcement to catch the bastards that are selling the hard stuff that does hurt people.

Tobacco lobbyist are some of the strongest in Washington which is why we still have cigarettes. If they ever got their head out of their ass they would give up on tobacco and support the legalization of marijuana. The tobacco growers who are now hurting because of less cigarettes being smoked could start growing weed instead of tobacco and the processing plants could also switch over.

Well I have left out a ton of stuff but I am getting tired of writing so I will call it a day but to answer your question what can you do to help. Sign up to help in your local democratic campaign head quarters and support the farthest left leaning people you can find. As long as there is an once of conservatism left in Washington it probably wont happen as they believe you can still legislate morality.
Oh boy, I'm gonna make enemies today. I'm against it for recreational use.
Tobacco is so different than Marijuana. You don't get "high" when you smoke tobacco.
Alcohol is worse that tobacco and Marijuana to me.

What are the acute effects of marijuana use?

Not only we have to worry about drunk ass people on the road, but soon, we'll have to worry about pot heads too. Marijuana does affect your ability to function. How many people will smoke pot, feel "sooooo good dude" and get on the road. If there are any risk of accidents, to me, it just makes it clear. NO!

I've been around people who smokes pot about 10 years ago, it was amazing to see how silly they would get or "act" and just hated being around them. Probably why I don't talk to them anymore.

For medical use, at your home. YES.
For recreational use. HELL NO.

Anyway, that was just my 2 cents.

We'll i totally 100% disagree on the recreational use, i've been smoking pot for more than half my life, so yes at 16 i drove while high (every single day) never got into an accident, never blacked out. If anything i believe i drive better when im high because it lowers my anxiety while on the road, especially when driving in high traffic situations. In california it is actually prescibed to motorists to help them calm down while driving. As for cigarettes go, they are a million times worse, marijuana may be "mood altering" but cigarettes kill, cause cancer, and are just plain horrible. who has ever died from smoking pot? there have been multiple studys proving it increases your short term memory, instead of decreasing. I dont think there has been a day since 2004 i havnt been high. i do everything high, i cant function properly in this world if i dont smoke, id be just as crazy as i ever was before i decided i was gona say fuck the prescriptions and just stick to pot. I think, that if a person wants to use it recreationally and be able to drive, they should have to take a course/test proving they're able to function while "under the influence". cause i understand some people cant handle it like others, and if that the case then they should stay away from it. cigarettes are the true gateway drug, not marijuana.
Oh boy, I could write a book on this and by the time I finish this you may well think I have. LOL First off let me say I have been researching this subject for many years so my thoughts come with much experience. Cigarettes will kill you just plain and simple. They will also addict you so you cant quit even if you want to. Alcohol can kill you and for dam sure can mess you up. If you get drunk at a party several hours latter when it is time for you to go home your still drunk and are now going to be out driving down the road risking my life as well as yours. Crack, Meth, ext all can and will kill you, don't even go there. In all my years of watching this stuff I have never seen anyone that exhibits signs of any medical condition caused directly by smoking marijuana. You have to use the term "directly caused" here because if you add in any other drug or product with this you open up a whole different scenario. Yes it contains the same tar and nicotine and other addictive and damaging compounds found in cigarettes but since no one is using that as a selling agent so it is only in it's natural amounts there is much less of it. You could still get lung cancer from smoking it but to do the quantities you would have to do to get it you would die a very happy man.

But what about that train the wrecked and people got killed because the engineer was smoking pot? Well yea but would you feel better if the engineer was drunk? Of course not so duh you don't get drunk and go drive a train nor do you get stoned and do it. Now I will say that I have seen a few people that smoked almost 24 hours a day and some of them seemed to be a bit stupid. I am not sure if this was do to the extended use of weed or if they may have just been that way to begin with. Frankly if you have nothing better to do then stay stoned 24 hours a day your probably not going to miss much anyway.

But it's the stepping stone drug, people that use it end up on heroin or meth. Well I have smoked more then a little of it over the years and so far I have never felt any overpowering desire to shoot heroin. The stepping stone has nothing to do with the weed but rather in where you get it. If you walk into a car lot what is the job of the guy that comes to wait on you? His job is to sell you the biggest most expensive product that he has on his lot and to do it in a fashion that your going to keep coming back to buy more. You buy weed from a drug dealer who is only trying to do the same thing. If you legalize it you separate the distribution of it from the drug dealer and put it in the liquor stores where it can be controlled. This also allows you to tax it and to do so quite heavily since people are already used to paying high prices for it. The government tax gains from this would be astronomical and could be used for education to keep kids off the hard stuff like meth and for law enforcement to catch the bastards that are selling the hard stuff that does hurt people.

Tobacco lobbyist are some of the strongest in Washington which is why we still have cigarettes. If they ever got their head out of their ass they would give up on tobacco and support the legalization of marijuana. The tobacco growers who are now hurting because of less cigarettes being smoked could start growing weed instead of tobacco and the processing plants could also switch over.

Well I have left out a ton of stuff but I am getting tired of writing so I will call it a day but to answer your question what can you do to help. Sign up to help in your local democratic campaign head quarters and support the farthest left leaning people you can find. As long as there is an once of conservatism left in Washington it probably wont happen as they believe you can still legislate morality.

Very nice denny! i agree basically with everything you said, besides the stepping stone.. i believe if anything it would be cigarettes... i would say 100% of the people i know now always say the started with just a cigarette then when they heard of people smoking marijuana cigarettes they wanted to try, and so forth and so on. hell for me it was alcohol. started drinkin, tried smoking cigarettes, then started smoking pot.. i think it all has to do with you your hanging out with not who you get it from. i would never ask my dealer for anything other than pot and if he asked me i would be offended and wouldn't go back. I was addicted to cocaine for a period of my life, and it wasnt because my pot dealer talked me into buying it, it was because my best friend bought it from my pot dealer and talked me into trying it. dealers are nobody in my world, just a face that i can get my weed from. It's not the drugs, it's the people. they can make their own choices just like everyone else. but what they have to understand is the road that they will be taking when they make the choice to move past marijuana. to me tobacco and alcohol are a million times worse. especially alcohol, killed my father.
im not comfortable driving high, because like mike said, it hits everyone differently. i use it to finally relax and step out of my over active ocd mind for an hour or so. it helps me fall asleep as one of my biggest problems with sleep is shutting off my mind and letting myself drift into that blissful sleep. i might not NEED it, but it sure as hell makes my life a little easier. Cigarettes are another story. ive smoked since i was 14, and im now 23. i am addicted to the very essence of the definition. the patch and gum does nothing to help me quit, and i certainly am not strong enough to just quit cold turkey. lately ive been reducing in hopes of becoming less dependent on my next cigarette, but even that is hard. cigarettes are the real issue, here.
Hey Mike, I'm gonna stop here with this argument cos I totally disagree with you, and this is the kind of conversation that goes nowhere... you think you're right, I think I'm right and we'll just butt heads :) I just don't agree with you driving under the influence, nor do I agree with people driving drunk, to me they're the same. On the other hand, I have no problem with people smoking cigarettes and driving :) Then if they want to die of cancer, it's their choice.

The "I never got an accident under the influence" argument doesn't hold for me. Sorry. Maybe you can handle pot more than others... but we all know that when people are high, they think they can do anything. The driving part is what bothers me the most, that's all.

Anyway, just be careful, and I still love you :)

PS: I'll add this... people smoking pot at their house, I have no problems whatsoever, people do whatever they want to do... But when they go on the road under the influence and eventually get people in danger, that I don't agree.
Figures from previous studies of automobile accident victims show that from 6 to 12 percent of nonfatally injured drivers and 4 to 16 percent of fatally injured drivers had tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, in their bloodstream, Dr. Heishman said.

Just showing numbers :)
We'll i totally 100% disagree on the recreational use, i've been smoking pot for more than half my life, so yes at 16 i drove while high (every single day) never got into an accident, never blacked out. If anything i believe i drive better when im high because it lowers my anxiety while on the road, especially when driving in high traffic situations. In california it is actually prescibed to motorists to help them calm down while driving. As for cigarettes go, they are a million times worse, marijuana may be "mood altering" but cigarettes kill, cause cancer, and are just plain horrible. who has ever died from smoking pot? there have been multiple studys proving it increases your short term memory, instead of decreasing. I dont think there has been a day since 2004 i havnt been high. i do everything high, i cant function properly in this world if i dont smoke, id be just as crazy as i ever was before i decided i was gona say fuck the prescriptions and just stick to pot. I think, that if a person wants to use it recreationally and be able to drive, they should have to take a course/test proving they're able to function while "under the influence". cause i understand some people cant handle it like others, and if that the case then they should stay away from it. cigarettes are the true gateway drug, not marijuana.

Personally, I don't use marijuana. Mostly because I don't like being stoned, but I don't mind a buzz. But I don't see where it can be compared to other substances like alcohol. I don't think that for the most part people get stoned and then want to drive, unlike alcohol. Remember, alcohol is like liquid courage and makes you do things you have no business doing. Also consider how alcohol affects some people; makes some mean, others violent and just plain crazy. I don't see weed doing the same thing. Most people just want to chill when smoking it. Add to the fact the medicinal potential of it, not to mention additional revenue a legalized and taxed commodity it could be at a time when we need the revenue the most. There are so many reasons to legalize it instead of putting people in jail. The benefits far outweigh the consequences.
We could order peyote cactus buds by phone to Mexico when I was a sophomore at UNC, but the lady at the Texas Cactus Farms had been run out of business by the time I got back to Chapel Hill in September of my junior year. I used it three or four times and had the typical psychedelic epiphany each time. Peyote contains (now I have to remember since I'm not gonna wiki it) an alkaloid similar to one found in strychnine which caused us to have painless stomach cramps, an entry symptom of poisoning.

Devil's Lettuce, when I've got really high, has always made me a little paranoid, as if I were in very slightly the wrong place with not altogether exactly the right people. The two most amazing experiences were a) being pulled over on a mountain road by the author of "The Marijuana Papers", having a huge joint thrust into my hand, and being told I just had to try this. Standing by the car I took one toke and sat down really hard on my butt without noticing my legs had given way, like someone in a snuff movie, as soon as the substance hit my blood stream. The other time (b) lol, was on the nude beach (Es Trenc) where I'd gone with two lanky German hotties who had their Rizla out as soon as we laid our towels down. They totally anesthetized me with something called "Thai Stick", a braid of grass that's dipped quickly in a solution of opium and dried for sale and consumption. They were able to frisbee whereas I couldn't move, except for my smile muscles. I heard them talking about me, one saying he wanted me for himself so don't try anything and the other saying he wasn't keen on the dusting of blond hair on my ass so have him if you want him. Smiling, supine, immobile, paranoid, flattered, stiff, nude, high as a bloody kite. It was a nice day.

To the point: I don't think I could drive and smoke weed or hash for all of the reasons above. Two guys I know, now in their early 30s, did way too much pot way too young (from 14) and are on bigtime meds now, living at home and helping with the dishes after dinner and de-ticking the dog. They are both mega bright and multi-talented and really badly unprepared for the rough and tumble of life as we forumites, models and subscribers, know and love it. Some people can't handle big doses when their bodies and brains are sprinting into adulthood, and some can.