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Being Bi-curious is no surprise to me. I've lived a Bi lifestyle my entire adult life. I first had sex with a boy when I was 13.. He was my best friend. He showed me his boner when I had a sleep over at his house, and the rest is history. Soon after my family moved, and I only saw my friend once after that. I met another boy in my new school. We became best friends, and started having sex.

I first had sex with a girl when I was 15. I have had girlfriends ever since. At the same time my BF and I continued to be together, a relationship that lasted longer than some of you have lived. He is also Bi. Some say this parallel sex life is unfair and dishonest to the girlfriends, but we never saw it that way. What my BF and I did was private. Only he and I knew about it. We were happier, better people for our girlfriends because of our relationship with each other. If I was in love with a girl, he totally respected that, and it was never an issue. I know some people suspected my BF and me, but I always figured what I do with my penis is no one else's business. A couple of times jock types have given me shit about what they thought about my friend and me. These guys were drunk and leering in my face. I just brushed them off, but I think they really wanted to fuck me. Or vice versa.

I think my current girlfriend's lesbian sister's partner said it best. A couple years ago, we were all at an annual Epiphany party, given by a gay friend of ours; the sister's partner was sitting on a couch against the wall and I was standing a few feet away with my back to her, chatting with some people. She suddenly blurts out to me, "Damn, you have a nice ass!" I turned around with a "Huh?" look on my face. She said "I've always loved a man's ass, and a woman's boobs!" The entire room burst into laughter!

I have always had a hard on for both sexes. It just is what it is.

Paris, you and Jayman epitomize for me the bi-paradigm. This is a great story, like many of his are.

As an ex-heterosexual, who used to be straight and now is gay, I feel really envious of you guys. But not envious enough to wish I weren't me lol...

love you a lot mister. Great to see you posting this personal stuff.
Paris, you and Jayman epitomize for me the bi-paradigm. This is a great story, like many of his are.

As an ex-heterosexual, who used to be straight and now is gay, I feel really envious of you guys. But not envious enough to wish I weren't me lol...

love you a lot mister. Great to see you posting this personal stuff.

Thank you, Slim! Love ya!
Paris, you and Jayman epitomize for me the bi-paradigm. This is a great story, like many of his are.

As an ex-heterosexual, who used to be straight and now is gay, I feel really envious of you guys. But not envious enough to wish I weren't me lol...

love you a lot mister. Great to see you posting this personal stuff.

Slim, I will try not to let this get arround but you are quite the sweety...:wink:
Well, I love you too. And him. And him and him and him and him and him and him and him...

Heck. We all love you Slim! You have the best qualities one could hope for in an older man. A youthful mindset, a constant fascination with life, and great wisdom and advice for all of us of any age. :001_wub::001_smile:
Sexuality is more than sex. Do you see yourself making an emotional connection to a guy? Could you get into kissing and hugging with a guy?

GL2 makes a really good point here. So many times we hear jokes about guys being so oversexed that they would stick it in the knot of a tree if they thought it would get them off. LOL

I guess a truer test of being gay or bi, rather than just being intrigued or aroused by the sexual acts, is the emotional side. Could you see yourself falling in love with another man? Could you see romance and passsion in a non sexual aspect of the relationship? Could you be blissfully happy holding hands with another man around a fireplace? Could you see yourself making out and cuddling with a guy you loved even when there was no expectation of it leading to sex or an orgasm?

Could you see yourself feeling so in love with another man that you would open your heart to and let him in to your deepest thoughts? Could you see yourself feeling that kind of closeness with another man? Obviously it's true that gay guys are very sexually motivated. But without a strong emotional pull towards other men I think the sexual curiosity is less a gay identity than just a love of sex in general. Or somewhere within the spectrum of bisexuality. I also must stress though that in my own opinion a mere curiosity about gay sex does not saddle you with the label of bisexual either.
GL2 makes a really good point here. So many times we hear jokes about guys being so oversexed that they would stick it in the knot of a tree if they thought it would get them off. LOL

I guess a truer test of being gay or bi, rather than just being intrigued or aroused by the sexual acts, is the emotional side. Could you see yourself falling in love with another man? Could you see romance and passsion in a non sexual aspect of the relationship? Could you be blissfully happy holding hands with another man around a fireplace? Could you see yourself making out and cuddling with a guy you loved even when there was no expectation of it leading to sex or an orgasm?

Could you see yourself feeling so in love with another man that you would open your heart to and let him in to your deepest thoughts? Could you see yourself feeling that kind of closeness with another man? Obviously it's true that gay guys are very sexually motivated. But without a strong emotional pull towards other men I think the sexual curiosity is less a gay identity than just a love of sex in general. Or somewhere within the spectrum of bisexuality. I also must stress though that in my own opinion a mere curiosity about gay sex does not saddle you with the label of bisexual either.

That was very amazingly put Tampa, you express what a real connection is about very well. :biggrin:
Now let me see if I get this straight (did I just use the "straight" word here?). We are talking about in this thread about NORMAL. Now if I have read this correctly here is where we are:

Slim Loves Paris
Paris loves Slim
Jayman states Slim is a sweety
Slim hopes Jayman is serious
Tampa states we all Love Slim

Using Logic then we can conclude Everyone Loves Slim. So what does that make Slim?????

Getting back to the subject, Kham & lvjustin, what Tampa said it very, very well put. I'd only add that Sex is Sex. But an emotional attachment as GreatLakes stated will be the bottom line determinant for what is "normal" for you.

Live Long and Prosper,
Enjoy life,

GL2 makes a really good point here. So many times we hear jokes about guys being so oversexed that they would stick it in the knot of a tree if they thought it would get them off. LOL

I guess a truer test of being gay or bi, rather than just being intrigued or aroused by the sexual acts, is the emotional side. Could you see yourself falling in love with another man? Could you see romance and passsion in a non sexual aspect of the relationship? Could you be blissfully happy holding hands with another man around a fireplace? Could you see yourself making out and cuddling with a guy you loved even when there was no expectation of it leading to sex or an orgasm?

Could you see yourself feeling so in love with another man that you would open your heart to and let him in to your deepest thoughts? Could you see yourself feeling that kind of closeness with another man? Obviously it's true that gay guys are very sexually motivated. But without a strong emotional pull towards other men I think the sexual curiosity is less a gay identity than just a love of sex in general. Or somewhere within the spectrum of bisexuality. I also must stress though that in my own opinion a mere curiosity about gay sex does not saddle you with the label of bisexual either.

Very well said my good friend.
GL2 makes a really good point here. So many times we hear jokes about guys being so oversexed that they would stick it in the knot of a tree if they thought it would get them off. LOL

I guess a truer test of being gay or bi, rather than just being intrigued or aroused by the sexual acts, is the emotional side. Could you see yourself falling in love with another man? Could you see romance and passsion in a non sexual aspect of the relationship? Could you be blissfully happy holding hands with another man around a fireplace? Could you see yourself making out and cuddling with a guy you loved even when there was no expectation of it leading to sex or an orgasm?

Could you see yourself feeling so in love with another man that you would open your heart to and let him in to your deepest thoughts? Could you see yourself feeling that kind of closeness with another man? Obviously it's true that gay guys are very sexually motivated. But without a strong emotional pull towards other men I think the sexual curiosity is less a gay identity than just a love of sex in general. Or somewhere within the spectrum of bisexuality. I also must stress though that in my own opinion a mere curiosity about gay sex does not saddle you with the label of bisexual either.

Well said, Tampa.

You have me thinking about my BF. I know we said we loved each other when we were in jr/sr high, but after we started dating and having sex with girls, the only time we said the L word, is when one of us said, "There! Right there! Just like that! I love it!". We did sleep/cuddle with each other occasionally, but never held hands in front of the fireplace. I loved him, but I can't say I was in love with him, if that makes sense. We were comfortable with each other, and just had a good time together.
Well said, Tampa.

You have me thinking about my BF. I know we said we loved each other when we were in jr/sr high, but after we started dating and having sex with girls, the only time we said the L word, is when one of us said, "There! Right there! Just like that! I love it!". We did sleep/cuddle with each other occasionally, but never held hands in front of the fireplace. I loved him, but I can't say I was in love with him, if that makes sense. We were comfortable with each other, and just had a good time together.

You bring back stuff that had been filed in my memory and almost forgotten. It's the fireplace that did it. A friend of mine, older and rich, was asking me one evening (he had had a bit to drink, as was and still is his wont) if I didn't ever miss sculpting. I think I said that thing people say about living in the moment, and trying not to "miss" anything, ever, from the past. But he insisted. He said he'd be willing to be my agent/angel, and create a grant that would allow me to carry on with my own business, but devote afternoons to producing a collection of the sculptures that he liked so much, which he'd find a gallery for in London, for a show. His commission would be 40% on the sale of the work, and though in the end I wouldn't get a very big share of the takings (because of the stipend he would have already advanced) it would nonetheless be a second start for me, getting back into the art world. So I said yes. In our bunch was a Broke Straight Boys from Canada. He was really beautiful, with ice blue eyes and floppy light brown hair and an amazing body kept trim and hard by a meager diet and lots of exercise. And he knew how to weld. My mentor asked him to be the sculpting assistant, since the sculpts had always needed two guys to hold the different components in place for welding, and this collection was to be no different in approach. I wasn't thinking about doing anything with a guy, but did notice that I was very chuffed to have this beautiful kid on board. I was just 28 then, and he was almost 25. The age difference seemed to me to be a gaping, abysmal pit; I was almost old enough to be his dad for Chrissakes. Well, after a while he started coming home with me sometimes for a meal and we really got to know each other.

So, Paris, one night we stayed talking quite late in front of the fireplace, two floppy haired, really fit hotties, straight boys doin' guy stuff afternoons with welding torches and metal, relaxin' at the end of the day. I'm a good "fireman", with a certain wolfboy intuition regarding how a specific log behaves burning in a fireplace. I remember noticing that the four logs we had going had stopped flaming and were just pulsing out that midnight orange glow from inside. I knew that if I gave them the least tiny impulse, the least excuse to fire up, they'd flash alight again in a second. So I got up and tore off a tiny corner from a newspaper on the coffee table and flicked it in between two of the logs. The fire burst into life.

He's Canadian, OK, and these things are more important up there I guess. In any case as I sat back down I saw this terrifically complex expression on his face, and whatever it was he was saying had wound down in mid sentence. This look was one you couldn't ignore. After a few seconds of it he spoke. He'd just that second fallen in love with me he said. He looked really impressed by the fact, very serious, and maybe a bit scared. I really dumbly asked him "why just now?" (instead of weeks ago I suppose I meant, god I'm so stupid sometimes). I was too puzzled to be eloquent.

"Because of what you did with the fire," he said.

We worked together for months on that collection of sculpts, and despite all the stuff we did together during that time, the L word didn't crop up again. He came to London with me for the opening, and stayed. I came back here to Palma.

Three years later I heard that he'd signed up as a mercenary soldier in Angola and had died of a bunch of bullets in his belly. It took him three terrible days to do it. I've wished so often I'd told him at least once how much I loved him, but we were too straight for that.

(Here are a couple of newspaper photos I found on the internet from that show that Douglas and I put together so long ago.)


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Now let me see if I get this straight (did I just use the "straight" word here?). We are talking about in this thread about NORMAL. Now if I have read this correctly here is where we are:

Slim Loves Paris
Paris loves Slim
Jayman states Slim is a sweety
Slim hopes Jayman is serious
Tampa states we all Love Slim

Using Logic then we can conclude Everyone Loves Slim. So what does that make Slim?????

Getting back to the subject, Kham & lvjustin, what Tampa said it very, very well put. I'd only add that Sex is Sex. But an emotional attachment as GreatLakes stated will be the bottom line determinant for what is "normal" for you.

Live Long and Prosper,
Enjoy life,


That make Slim a dunce. Because I've just told a long story a bit farther back about Love Unspoken, Lust, a Welding Torch and Sex Between Straighties, when I could have been complimenting you on your powers of logic and your existential approach to being me. I'm so flattered mister. I always click the little arrow that takes one to the last post on a thread and therefore missed your fine philosophy till just now.

Needless to say Vice, I love you man.:001_wub::lol:
Now let me see if I get this straight (did I just use the "straight" word here?). We are talking about in this thread about NORMAL. Now if I have read this correctly here is where we are:

Slim Loves Paris
Paris loves Slim
Jayman states Slim is a sweety
Slim hopes Jayman is serious
Tampa states we all Love Slim

Enjoy life,


So what am I? Unlovable? :sad: (Where is the emoticon for tears?)

Geez, I want to be part of this cluster-hump.
Well said, Tampa.

You have me thinking about my BF. I know we said we loved each other when we were in jr/sr high, but after we started dating and having sex with girls, the only time we said the L word, is when one of us said, "There! Right there! Just like that! I love it!". We did sleep/cuddle with each other occasionally, but never held hands in front of the fireplace. I loved him, but I can't say I was in love with him, if that makes sense. We were comfortable with each other, and just had a good time together.


I want to let you know what is going on with your PM's. You need to look at your control pannel settings. I have not been able to return any PM's in about three weeks that you have sent. It is also not possible to leave any messages for you on your profile page. I just wanted you to know we are not ignoring you. We cannot respond to you anywhere but in the threads. Thanks...:thumbup:
So what am I? Unlovable? :sad: (Where is the emoticon for tears?)

Geez, I want to be part of this cluster-hump.


The only reason you were not included in the "cluster-hump" was that none of your post mentioned love to anyone one. It's that simple. And now Slim "loves" me.

So I guess that makes me part of the humping parade.

Anyone else want to get in on the ACT?

Live Long and Prosper,


So if Vicekid has joined the humping parade does that we all get a piece of him?

Love you Kid!!!!! Now do you subscribe to the Pon Far philosophy and only have sex every 7 years? LOL

Peace and Long Life,

So if Vicekid has joined the humping parade does that we all get a piece of him?

Love you Kid!!!!! Now do you subscribe to the Pon Far philosophy and only have sex every 7 years? LOL

Peace and Long Life,


Don't worry Vicekid I am sure we can run a holodeck simulation anytime to make that seven year time frame cum much quicker. Shhhh! I won't tell him you are part Trillian and Betazoid.
Don't worry Vicekid I am sure we can run a holodeck simulation anytime to make that seven year time frame cum much quicker. Shhhh! I won't tell him you are part Trillian and Betazoid.

Do Betazoids spit or swallow? If neither, what's the story on Trillians?
So if Vicekid has joined the humping parade does that we all get a piece of him?

Love you Kid!!!!! Now do you subscribe to the Pon Far philosophy and only have sex every 7 years? LOL

Peace and Long Life,



Pon Farr is more accurately a mating cycle. If a Vulcan does not take a mate and or renew a mate they can die. As to whether this is the only time for sex or if Pon Farr ends in sex is still not fully understood.

Jayman as for running a holodeck simulation (hands off, please) what you don't know and I am now forced to tell you is that this is a simulation that is currently running. I need only to tell the computer to end stimulation and all of this will vanish.

Slim, can't answer your question on Betazoids. However, the formal, traditional marriage ceremony for all Betazoids are conducted in the NUDE! This includes the wedding party and guests!!!!!!!!

Live Long and Prosper,


P.S. Be nice or I'll have to tell the computer to end program.