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Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
salisbury, nc
is it normal for a straight buy like myself to enjoy sites like Broke Straight Boys i mean i love sex with girls and i never did anything with a guy but i find myself curious and having gay fantasies. i even think i would anjoy making a Broke Straight Boys movie. has any one else felt like this. i mean i don't see myself being exclusively gay, but would like to try just to try it out
I am the same exact way. I have never been with a guy, but have always been somewhat curious. I don't think that I would ever want to make a movie, but you never know.
Hello lvjustin, and rjr191:
You are absolutely normal. Everyone wonders what the "other side" is like. Perhaps you can check out various threads in the forum for ideas, and of course, all questions/observations are welcome. meantime, please relax and enjoy being here. We certainly appreciate your candor, and welcome your input!

Please also feel free to make/accept as many freindships as you like, and enjoy checking out our "private" homepages. (Sorry, I could not resist the pun!)

Best Regards, I am
is it normal for a straight buy like myself to enjoy sites like Broke Straight Boys i mean i love sex with girls and i never did anything with a guy but i find myself curious and having gay fantasies. i even think i would anjoy making a Broke Straight Boys movie. has any one else felt like this. i mean i don't see myself being exclusively gay, but would like to try just to try it out

First of all LvJustin welcome to the forum!

Please feel free to post in here and ask any question you like of any of us. In here you can talk about whatever you want without embarrassment. It would be very difficult to shock most of us. And most questions you might bring up are ones that we have already dealt with ourselves at one time or another.

I think what you are asking in your post just means that you are curious about sex with guys. I suspect that you are fairly young. It is not unusual for young guys to not be completely settled in their sexual identity. If you find the gay porn arousing then at the very least you could be bisexual. It is not my place, given so little information about you, to determine if you are gay. I know that can be a rather frightening thought for many young men. You obviously have some desires that brought you here.

It's possible that you may experiment with gay sex and decide it's not for you. Or you may decide that you like it more than with women. You may decide you're bisexual and like both equally. Or maybe one a little more but not enough to give up the other completely. You may yet still wind up married with kids and block off any attraction to the same sex. Sexual identities in young people are very difficult to label because they are so fluid and prone to fluctuation.

If and when you decide to experiment sexually with other guys please use protection for both your sake and your partner's. It is more dangerous than with a woman although you should definitely be using protection with women too.

Your curiousity about doing a porn shoot could be a little bit of an exhibitionist streak. And there's nothing wrong with that. If you have a girlfriend it would not be fair to string her along for very long if you are indeed questioning your sexual identity. I hope this is of some help to you. I'm sure that others will step in with some advice and words of wisdom for you.

Best wishes to you LvJustin. :wink:
Take it from MM

Hello lvjustin, and rjr191:
You are absolutely normal. Everyone wonders what the "other side" is like. Perhaps you can check out various threads in the forum for ideas, and of course, all questions/observations are welcome. meantime, please relax and enjoy being here. We certainly appreciate your candor, and welcome your input!

Please also feel free to make/accept as many freindships as you like, and enjoy checking out our "private" homepages. (Sorry, I could not resist the pun!)

Best Regards, I am

Hey guys! Welcome to forum land. We are all normal as long as we are comfortable in our own skin. Curiousity didn't kill the cat.... look, drool, jo it's all cool. Check out Tyler... He's basically str8 but seems to enjoy gay sex. Don't worry about wanting to do it or even liking it. It's sex, its supposed to feel good (and us guys are better cocksuckers that the gals).
When you start having serious romantic thoughts then you might need to "redefine" your sexuality. That's my belief, you can take it or leave it as you see fit.

If Markymark (her Majesty Queen of the forum) tells you something is ok you can take his word for it. He is funny, wise and has a big heart.

Read, post and have fun.


I am the same exact way. I have never been with a guy, but have always been somewhat curious. I don't think that I would ever want to make a movie, but you never know.

Welcome to the forum Rjr191. Feel free to ask us anything you like. If you want to share anything with us to get our opinions on we will be happy to help you in any way we can.
is it normal for a straight buy like myself to enjoy sites like Broke Straight Boys i mean i love sex with girls and i never did anything with a guy but i find myself curious and having gay fantasies. i even think i would anjoy making a Broke Straight Boys movie. has any one else felt like this. i mean i don't see myself being exclusively gay, but would like to try just to try it out

Contact David or Mark. They have a link on the web so that you can apply to be a model. Is it normal? I don't know I started experimenting with guys and girls when I was 9. However; I understand it is very normal to have a curiosity. I can have fun in any bed I wind up in. It just takes a little bit of effort to get used to it as being "normal." :thumbup1:
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DO what thou wilt and harm none. Archaic language to express my true belief from the bottom of my heart. Experiment , love, touch, feel experience but try not to harm the people
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DO what thou wilt and harm done. Archaic language to express my true belief from the bottom of my heart. Experiment , love, touch, feel experience but try not to harm the people

Bless your heart...:thumbup1:
Its normal to have curious feelings. Most of the boys on Broke Straight Boys are in the same boat as you. I echo the same as the above threads and agree with many of the posts.
i guess i worded that a little wierd sorry. i didn't mean to say normal. i guess what i was getting at was -and don't take this as though i'm oversimplifying- "does this make me gay?"
and i don't believe it does, but i guess i needed to have some one else say it.
All the guys have pretty much given you all the advise any of us could give you already so I'll just add that I agree with what they've said already, it is extremelly normal.

"does this make me gay?"

I'm a gay man but I have had sex with two girls in my life, one of which was after I came out to my friends and family (that confused the parents), but it's all part of finding out who you are and I wouldn't change the experience even though I probably wouldn't repeat it. And I would not consider myself bi, so I guess that's a no to your question. It only makes you bi if you decide you like it as much as sex with a girl and only makes you gay if you decide you never want to sleep with a girl again :p
i guess i worded that a little wierd sorry. i didn't mean to say normal. i guess what i was getting at was -and don't take this as though i'm oversimplifying- "does this make me gay?"
and i don't believe it does, but i guess i needed to have some one else say it.

You're gay if you think you're gay. If you are not sure, ask your boyfriend.

Sexuality is more than sex. Do you see yourself making an emotional connection to a guy? Could you get into kissing and hugging with a guy?

And of course there are the standard questions. How many Broadway soundtracks do you own? Do you realize that the winter Olympics feature more than figure skating? Do you know the difference between Pinot Noir and Merlot? Have you ever been to a Madonna concert?
On the other side of the coin: How about a Metallica concert? Do you think that Espresso is the fast lane in an Italian supermarket? Are you able to pound 4 beers and burp the Alphabet Song?

But in a nutshell, looking at gay porn does not make you gay. If the premise of this site is to believed, you can have gay sex and not be gay. Just watching it is a non-issue.
DO what thou wilt and harm none. Archaic language to express my true belief from the bottom of my heart. Experiment , love, touch, feel experience but try not to harm the people

Lester, this fairly hackneyed phrase from S'peare has always been my comforting bit of archaic wisdom, from when I was maybe 15:

This above all: to thine own self be true...thou canst not then be false to any man.

and is also the principal piece of advice I give guys who are doubting their identities.
On the other side of the coin: How about a Metallica concert?

OMG, you're telling me I'm straight!? Why didn't I realise this all this time?! Thank you for helping me out, now I can go sleep with girls like the real boys do :tongue_smilie: j/k

Though I happen to like Merallica btw, along with several other heavy metal bands. My music tastes are very eclectic. :001_cool:
Hmm I guess the big question is what exactly is normal? We are all individuals and all have needs, wants, and intimate desires. I guess the only normal thing about what you feel is your curiosity and your desire to enjoy sex. We are all human and sex is apart of everyones life. So get out there and enjoy what you will...just be safe :)
Hmm I guess the big question is what exactly is normal? We are all individuals and all have needs, wants, and intimate desires. I guess the only normal thing about what you feel is your curiosity and your desire to enjoy sex. We are all human and sex is apart of everyones life. So get out there and enjoy what you will...just be safe :)

Sounds like a great plan...:thumbup:
thanks for the good advice. it's what i've really thought all along but sometimes you need to hear other people say it you know
lvjustin and rjr191, you have echoed my thoughts exactly. I wouldnt want to do porn, but I have the same feelings as both of you. It's nice to know there are people here besides methat feel this way.
Being Bi-curious is no surprise to me. I've lived a Bi lifestyle my entire adult life. I first had sex with a boy when I was 13.. He was my best friend. He showed me his boner when I had a sleep over at his house, and the rest is history. Soon after my family moved, and I only saw my friend once after that. I met another boy in my new school. We became best friends, and started having sex.

I first had sex with a girl when I was 15. I have had girlfriends ever since. At the same time my BF and I continued to be together, a relationship that lasted longer than some of you have lived. He is also Bi. Some say this parallel sex life is unfair and dishonest to the girlfriends, but we never saw it that way. What my BF and I did was private. Only he and I knew about it. We were happier, better people for our girlfriends because of our relationship with each other. If I was in love with a girl, he totally respected that, and it was never an issue. I know some people suspected my BF and me, but I always figured what I do with my penis is no one else's business. A couple of times jock types have given me shit about what they thought about my friend and me. These guys were drunk and leering in my face. I just brushed them off, but I think they really wanted to fuck me. Or vice versa.

I think my current girlfriend's lesbian sister's partner said it best. A couple years ago, we were all at an annual Epiphany party, given by a gay friend of ours; the sister's partner was sitting on a couch against the wall and I was standing a few feet away with my back to her, chatting with some people. She suddenly blurts out to me, "Damn, you have a nice ass!" I turned around with a "Huh?" look on my face. She said "I've always loved a man's ass, and a woman's boobs!" The entire room burst into laughter!

I have always had a hard on for both sexes. It just is what it is.