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Next Door Studios and Paul Canon

LOL Just like Drake, who's everywhere, is somewhere here in my house. Speaking of Drake, I don't think he has posted for awhile. I'm sure he is going through a difficult time with the loss of his friends...hope and pray he is okay.

I forgot to post with a quote. @ mikeyank
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Ditto Robb,

I'm starting to miss Drake also. I hope he's alright and will get back to us soon.
I don't worry about the models who post and then stop, as they all do it for a period of time and eventually move on. It is a handful of us forumites who always come back, never a model.

It would be nice if Drake does return to the forums as he has proved to be an interesting and intelligent young guy who often has something real to say, but I also understand that he is a professional gay porn performer who has worked for many studios and perhaps is working right now and is not thinking about Broke Straight Boys and the forum. Just as no model remains working here as a permanent job, the models also post here for a while and then move on with their lives. It is just the way it is.
Well as long as You and that slut from Seattle keep your hands off Tanner and Draven we can all live happily together. LOL
Sounds like a plan to me, little Johnny, but watch out for the "Seattle Slut". He has no shame. lol :001_rolleyes:
Sounds like a plan to me, little Johnny, but watch out for the "Seattle Slut". He has no shame. lol :001_rolleyes:

That's right bitches no shame in this motherfuckers game!!! Matter of fact I'll steal Tanner and turn him into a sissy bottom.... lol
That's right bitches no shame in this motherfuckers game!!! Matter of fact I'll steal Tanner and turn him into a sissy bottom.... lol
Oh no little Johnny! He's back, the "Seattle Slut" to steal away our boys! :crying2:

That's right bitches no shame in this motherfuckers game!!! Matter of fact I'll steal Tanner and turn him into a sissy bottom.... lol
Thanks..I will take Tanner as a sissy bottom anytime..But you really can have Jaxon. Like your feeling for Zeno Kostas he does NOTHING for me.
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Thanks..I will take Tanner as a sissy bottom anytime..But you really can have Jaxon. Like your feeling for Zeno Kostas he does NOTHING for me.

Tanner Tanner Tanner Tanner!!! That's all little johnny can say these days lol Well you can have him with no Peterh stains on him. I'll take my little DWB Jason and live happily ever after. Wait a minute Jason looks to much like Seattle Brady, that may not work lol So if I ever get a chance to chat with PC I'll let him know you've moved on and your cheating on him! Oh PC was not the king Damien Kyle was and is...lol
Oh No he Diih'unt!!!

You aren't gonna let that stand. Are you Johnny? :ridehorse:
Tampa.. Paul new I loved him and always will. But I think he is enough of a man that he would want me to be happy.
And he will always be the King too me. As for Peterh..:piss: on him. lol Ah. I love him no matter how rotten he treats me.
I am in TOTAL AGREEMENT with management's decision to do this. After all, that is WHY they are management, and the models/are the EMPLOYEES. Administration has a BUSINESS to run, if they, the EMPLOYEES/actors feel THIS adult film company 'treats them SO POORLY', they have the option to quit, whether it be as soon as they wish, (like other '1 and doners'), or not to renew their contract. JS, ya know?


Hey, Bob -

It's interesting that you feel so strongly about this, and of course I respect your opinion. I do think there has always been a bit of a division of opinion about the appropriate business model, for sites such as Broke Straight Boys On this and most other sites where the members are able to express opinions (very few have message boards anymore, but sometimes opinions will seep out into review sites, and the like): some members always stoutly maintain that it's entertainment; it's a business; stress the free contractual nature of the relationship between site, models, and members; and generally are concerned with adherence to clear performance-standards, and customer satisfaction - in a fairly non-sentimental way.

Others (old softies like me, for example) have a slightly different take on this business. We would (gently) propose that the erotic-video business is, in a significant way, a business sui generis - very much unlike (for example) selling new Buicks, or lawn-furniture. This judgement comes down (I suppose) to a variant understanding of human anthropology - and stems from the idea that, in any circumstance where human sexuality is involved, not to mention discussion of ideas about oneself and one's experiences (as occurs in the BTS videos): feelings may often follow in the train of these experiences.

Thus, Bob, while I agree that management has a duty to itself and its customers, to run an efficient, effective, business; and while I think you are right (also) that if models are unhappy, they owe it to themselves to take a hard look at the situation, and move on. . . I also think that, owing to the special nature of what transpires in the making of erotic video (especially in a repertory company, such as this one): both management and members owe models, not a contractual, but a MORAL duty of care, which exceeds that of most businesses.

Simply put, because (in my view) the models share more of themselves, emotionally and personally, than a typical Wal-Mart employee shares with his employers or customers, on the stock-room floor - a little more emotional care and kindness is owed to the models in this kind of business, than in most others. (Of course, my perspective on all this is also shaped by the knowledge that many of our models have come from difficult and vulnerable places in life - just as Paul did.)


:worship: Long Live the King! haha :thumbup1:


"God save our gracious, Paul; long live our noble, Paul" ;-)

Tamps, I'll bet a certain Englishman we know, would happily trade the future King Charles III, for Paul I. . . in a Liverton minute!!! ;-))) Vivat Rex Paulus!!!

"A" ;-))))

Tamps - - -

Not, "Vivant Rex Paulus et Regina Damiana???" (Behind every great king, there's a great queen, you know! LOL!!!)

"A" ;-)))

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Tamps - - -

Not, "Vivant Rex Paulus et Regina Damiana???"

"A" ;-)))

I decided not to go there Ambi. haha I considered going with "Princeps Damienus" but I didn't want it to sound incestuous. :p

Of course the ancient Romans all the way to the somewhat modern Habsburgs were all about keeping all the wealth and power of the throne within the same family. LOL
I decided not to go there Ambi. haha I considered going with "Princeps Damienus" but I didn't want it to sound incestuous. :p

Of course the ancient Romans all the way to the somewhat modern Habsburgs were all about keeping all the wealth and power of the throne within the same family. LOL


Tampa, you are as diplomatic (and as crafty!) as Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich ~ who was, as you doubtless know, Henry Kissinger's great idol: for Metternich's substantial role in establishing, and preserving, a durable European peace, even despite the decaying power of the Hapsburgs, the bellicosity of the Prussians, the revolutionary ambitions of the French, the isolationist reveries of the British, and the deluded grandeur of the Russians. . .

You are such a FINE analyst of world (not to mention, Broke Straight Boys) politics, Tampa. Here is an article which will vex you a little; make you throw up in your MOUTH, a little; and perhaps (also) make you LAUGH a little - knowing the source, whence it comes ;-)

Here is an article, for you: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1999/06/kissinger-metternich-and-realism/377625/

And, dear Tampa, here is a waltz, from what I am certain is (for both of us) one of our favourite empires, in history - if not for its efficiency, certainly for its liberality. . . conducted by that awful old National Socialist monster, Herbert von Karajan. . . (who nonetheless, had an inimitable way with the old Austrian waltz-genre, of the ancien régime: he was NOT so good at OPERA, I can tell you!)

Your analyses and breadth of learning are always a delight!

In admiration, always,
