BSB Addict
Jon.. I'm not trying to be mean or rude.. This is Porn.. Its all about hittin that sexual button in you and I just didn't like the way they came off in that video. If I wanted to see two gangster hoosiers fucking I would do laps in a trailer park. Now that might have been rude, but those are the words to how I feel.
Also, this is a Forum, we DISCUSS what we see on the sites..I don't take anything offensivly and I would hope the models do not as well. And if they do, atleast its throwin some ideas in their heads on what to spend the money on!![]()
Personally, looks is not everything to me, and both of their personalities that came off ruined it. I still say I will give Mike Robbins a few more looks but for Stevens second chance , it was his last for me!
Ms. Kianna - you added "and from someone who is so new"... Are you implying that there is a grace period of when my honest opinion can be heard, do I have to wait a month or... I just don't understand me being a new member on the forum has to do with my opinion on a video that everyone can view.
Are we not all people and equal and all the same? Calling me "new" is just the same as calling someone "gay".. Its a sterotype.
I'm just rambling so.. THE END!
And to everybody associated with this site whether member or model, I am a very open minded personal who has experienced a lot and mean nothing more then Honest Conversation bouncin opinions and observations off each other. Would never try and be intentionally rude or hurt anybodies feelings. After all words are just words and all they do is form sentences! Sorry if my sentences rub anyone the wrong way - I can rub ya the right way and make it better, litterally!![]()
Phill - Yes this is a porn site but just because it is a porn site doesn't give people the right to be cruel and insultive to either models or the sites members. Criticism is fair and welcome by the management and members alike but there is a fine line between being critical and insulting.
Your reference in the last para to words just being words and forming a sentence gives the impression to me that you think you can write anything you like within this or any other form of communication, but because there is not a direct audible or visual communication, than this is okay. Think again on that one dude and history shows that many conflicts have started due to words and sentences - often taken in the wrong context - being misinterpreted and all hell breaking lose.
I do like the idea of the last sentence though.