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MikeR and Steven, pt 2 - Are you kidding me?


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Really? - This episode only merits a 2+ rating?

Did anyone actually watch this scene before they scored it, or is everyone on the "I hate MikeR" bandwagon so much that they can't jump off long enough to give the episode a fair chance?
While I'll grant you that we have been inundated with MikeR scenes of late, the concensus seems to be that "if you don't want to bottom, I don't want to watch you", and to me that is pretty shallow thinking. I watch every episode, wether I like the model or not because you never when you're "gonna find a ruby in a mountain of rocks".
(Mikeyank, that last quote was for you,bud!)

For the record, I am not a MikeR lover and I have been less than impressed with Steven since the Torrin episodes, but this scene showed a different side of MikeR that I had never seen or noticed before. He was'nt very cocky, he was engaging and a little bit funny and you could sense that he was really interested in helping Steven have a good scene. He was very giving and caring, being the only one giving head in this episode, he endevored to bring Steven to full erection with his expert cocksucking abilities.
His topping of Steven was gentle and considerate, all the while striving for Stevens bottoming pleasure, while being vocal and reassurung to Steven of the pleasure he was deriving from Steven's tight ass. Steven really started to enjoy being fucked when MikeR flipped him over on his back and started to deliver a masterful fuck, causing him to moan in pure pleasure while jacking his stiff cock to orgasmic ecstasy while MikeR was still inside him. When it was all over and done, the two were truly spent and in a post orgasmic euphoria, grinning from ear to ear at the pleasure they had just given each other.
Even David seemed surprised.

That is how I chose to view this episode, take off your HG's* and give it another look-see, you might enjoy it!

I gave it a five. - J

* Hater Glasses
i gave it a 5 as well! but that doesnt really mean much coming from me.....

The scene surprised me. I like Mike for the most part; I could just do with a little less attitude. He was well behaved in this scene, considerate of Steven and encouraged him to "let go". In an earlier post I said that Steven getting fucked would be really wrong... well, it seems I was wrong. If you cum with a big dick up your ass you're enjoying some part of it! In their first scene together, Steven seemed remote and looked like he wanted to be somewhere else. This time he got with the program. I know that there are a lot of members who are tops and many more that have tried bottoming and didn't like it, but if you can get past the initial pain and get into the deep fucking and prostate stimulation and are one of the bottoms that can stay hard and cum while getting fucked,THERE IS NO MORE INTENSE ORGASM IN THE WORLD. I've fucked women, men, and of course my own hand, but nothing compares. Just my experience. And there were many nights that craving that experience drove me out into the streets of Manhattan searching for a strange to "bond" with!
I'm not a fan of Mike R.

There, I said it.

However, I found that he came across as quite a nice young lad and I was really surprised how much I liked him in how he interacted with Steven. I also have to say that in his past few videos, he's left a lot of his bullcrap behind and is coming across as a bit more mature... which is a bit of a shame as I know that he won't be on Broke Straight Boys much longer... and with him being more mature, I'm kinda getting to like him a little.
I really liked this episode. It seemed like an old Broke Straight Boys type of scene. Both guys are "straight" and act like it. I agree Mike was quite pleasant in this scene and I think that helps with first time bottomer's. I gave this one a 4.
Really? - This episode only merits a 2+ rating?

Did anyone actually watch this scene before they scored it, or is everyone on the "I hate MikeR" bandwagon so much that they can't jump off long enough to give the episode a fair chance?
While I'll grant you that we have been inundated with MikeR scenes of late, the concensus seems to be that "if you don't want to bottom, I don't want to watch you", and to me that is pretty shallow thinking. I watch every episode, wether I like the model or not because you never when you're "gonna find a ruby in a mountain of rocks".
(Mikeyank, that last quote was for you,bud!)

For the record, I am not a MikeR lover and I have been less than impressed with Steven since the Torrin episodes, but this scene showed a different side of MikeR that I had never seen or noticed before. He was'nt very cocky, he was engaging and a little bit funny and you could sense that he was really interested in helping Steven have a good scene. He was very giving and caring, being the only one giving head in this episode, he endevored to bring Steven to full erection with his expert cocksucking abilities.
His topping of Steven was gentle and considerate, all the while striving for Stevens bottoming pleasure, while being vocal and reassurung to Steven of the pleasure he was deriving from Steven's tight ass. Steven really started to enjoy being fucked when MikeR flipped him over on his back and started to deliver a masterful fuck, causing him to moan in pure pleasure while jacking his stiff cock to orgasmic ecstasy while MikeR was still inside him. When it was all over and done, the two were truly spent and in a post orgasmic euphoria, grinning from ear to ear at the pleasure they had just given each other.
Even David seemed surprised.

That is how I chose to view this episode, take off your HG's* and give it another look-see, you might enjoy it!

I gave it a five. - J

* Hater Glasses

Jason, just because you're getting sick of a particular model doesn't make you a hater. I used to be a huge Mike R fan! I'm just tired of seeing him in every scene is all, and that probably helped me get even more annoyed with the arrogance and pompous attitude he started getting after awhile.

I admit I looked at the photo set and saw mainly limp dicks throughout which prevented me from actually downloading/watching the scene. To me, limp dicks should never be in porn.

It is nice to hear that Mike seems to be getting nicer according to your opinion of the scene, I might have to check it out this weekend when I have more time.

But seriously everyone, aren't people entitled to voice their opinion without being called "haters"?

What's it all about....Alfie?

Jason, just because you're getting sick of a particular model doesn't make you a hater. I used to be a huge Mike R fan! I'm just tired of seeing him in every scene is all, and that probably helped me get even more annoyed with the arrogance and pompous attitude he started getting after awhile.

I admit I looked at the photo set and saw mainly limp dicks throughout which prevented me from actually downloading/watching the scene. To me, limp dicks should never be in porn.

It is nice to hear that Mike seems to be getting nicer according to your opinion of the scene, I might have to check it out this weekend when I have more time.

But seriously everyone, aren't people entitled to voice their opinion without being called "haters"?


Dear Abe,

When you get down to it Abe, with or without the "Hater glasses, we are all here primarily with our "actual or virtual" "mastur-bater glasses armed, as it were, with a handy box of kleenex or broken in cumrag and, in many cases some optional lube container ready to encourage the inevitable "roll the dice". Broke Straight Boys is a crap shoot game and with one roll of the dice, we frequently leave with a smile on our faces and a clean up job just freshly glistening all over our keyboard and monitor, awaiting our prompt reply.

We all are entitled to voice our opinion whether in our actions at home or our words on the forum. You are always the voice of reason and I so appreciate your contributing to the forum. I personally have gone the full spectrum of emotions with MikeR from glowing infatuation to glowing uninfatuation to being just one notch above average appreciation for MikeR. Admittedly, he has matured some, much to his credit, and it is my hope his life, whether in the tatoo parlor world, or porn world, or somewhere in-between world MikeR will land with his innate charasma and his ever amasing talented dick fully functional and ready to "entertain the troups" whether it be in the straight or gay world and with only one to one-hundred satisfied partners just awaiting his meteor shower of warm jizz.

The same drive for living vicariously through some remarkable image on a screen is alive and essentially the life force behind Broke Straight Boys or any other porn site. Seeing the image of MikeR evolve over time is a definite perk and adds meaning to this virtual experience.

We all need to resolve to take life one day at a time all the while with special emphasis on "smelling the roses" as MikeR is definitely a rose worth appreciating thusly.

Thanks for your candor and best of luck to you!
Never been a Mike R fan, not going to start now. These two do nothing for me. I gave it a 0 since I didn't vote or download it. Gross.
zyl, you gave it a 0 without even seeing it! OMG, that's stupid. It's not fair to judge without giving it a look.

I had no expectations of this scene going in especially after Steven's last scene and a bit of Mike overload, but is was pretty damn good. Mike has a great cock and knows how to use it. His attitude can be off putting at times but here he is pleasant and solicitous.
I gave it a 5 but it was very painful to watch Steven obviously in pain not pleasure mainly. It made me very uncomfortable at one point I felt like just turning it off but I'm a big Mike R. fan so I hung in there. I think that if one is in so much pain though they shouldn't air it & just take the loss. Not enough power fuckers since Jordan left. Where are you Jordan? Come back! Gino is okay but can't power slam like Mike & Jordan & Tyler-no comment.
Personally, I found the scene a 3.9. I do not love of hate Mike R.. If he doesn't want to bottom, fine. Steven on the other hand is o.k. He just kind of put his legs in the air and said there is my hole, wake me when it is over. There was nothing between the guys. They both have very good senses of humor but it wasn't captured in the video. It seemed as if it was boring to them also.

But lets spice it up a little. Have the models talk to each other, David does most of the talking in this video. I have NO PROBLEM with David talking with the models but let them talk to each other before they go dick diving. Lets see some of their personalities, their sense of humor etc. Let them interact a little, not just take off your clothes, get hard, suck dick, fuck, shower, go home.

Sorry I got off on a tangent, as I said before I give it a 3.9. A kiss would have got it a 4.3 and a facial a 10.
Even Steven?

Personally, I found the scene a 3.9. I do not love of hate Mike R.. If he doesn't want to bottom, fine. Steven on the other hand is o.k. He just kind of put his legs in the air and said there is my hole, wake me when it is over. There was nothing between the guys. They both have very good senses of humor but it wasn't captured in the video. It seemed as if it was boring to them also.

But lets spice it up a little. Have the models talk to each other, David does most of the talking in this video. I have NO PROBLEM with David talking with the models but let them talk to each other before they go dick diving. Lets see some of their personalities, their sense of humor etc. Let them interact a little, not just take off your clothes, get hard, suck dick, fuck, shower, go home.

Sorry I got off on a tangent, as I said before I give it a 3.9. A kiss would have got it a 4.3 and a facial a 10.

Dear lpdude86,

I agreed with you up to a point. Yes, I must confess I violated my earlier promise to boycott this episode, as my curiosity got the better of me. I would have loved seeing Steven evolve before our very eyes into his new persona as a sex-slave bitch boy. Only, I didn't get this impression on my monitor. I was with you up to your statement..."A kiss would have got it a 4.3 and"... due to technical problems in my memory bank to past unpleasantries, you broke in with..."a facial a 10." Holy Crap, Batman! Did I just see the Joker?

At this most critical moment with sparks flying everywhere ala MikeR's typical cumshot, I fell convulsing on the hardwood floor. Maybe if you had prepared me with the notion that... Steven, now being willingly and fully converted to gay sexual experiences...I think my memory bank could have more readily blocked out the horrible and most regrettable earlier visual experience of Steven's prior facial and overwrote it with a vastly improved and eagerly accepted facial cumming from MikeR for the newly converted Steven.

Unfortunately, this overly optimistic scenario didn't come to full-, much less half-fruition. Steven does, indeed, have the highly esteemed honor of a newly stretched hole, now, and for a tiddy sum of $1500. But, me thinks his butt is not some newly discovered "Cash cow". I don't realistically imagine its temporary gape, in the fullness of time, will be seeing much penetrating action in the future in this similar direction, anyway.
Zyl, watch it or I'll come over and kick your ass and then eat it xx

I'd prefer you just to eat my ass babe. I can't watch it. They are both so not my type... I'm huge on smiles and teeth....
zyl, you gave it a 0 without even seeing it! OMG, that's stupid. It's not fair to judge without giving it a look.

I had no expectations of this scene going in especially after Steven's last scene and a bit of Mike overload, but is was pretty damn good. Mike has a great cock and knows how to use it. His attitude can be off putting at times but here he is pleasant and solicitous.

It's not stupid. To me, these two men are the equivalent of anti-Viagra. I could pop two of this lil blue pills and still not maintain an erection looking at either of them...

PS - don't call someones opinion stupid. I think your opinion of MIke's cock is stupid! /sarcasm.
Here's what I noticed about Mike: Not only does he hage big dick, but a hell of a lot of his energy/sensation/sexuality is tied up in that dick. Note carefully the final minute or two of that vid. Mike is draining not only cum from that dick, but intense sensation and satisfaction. even when he break out of that throws of cuming, he holds on to that dick, pumps it, flashes his big smile and talks to David (never letting go) and even after that he is still twitching from the burn!

Say what you will about Mike, when he is into it, HE IS INTO IT!
I used to be a Mike R fan but after time it was the same thing over and over again. He refused to bottom and be a team player so he sealed his own fate. I now have Mike R on the "CJ watch" just counting the number of scenes he has left. I'm not a hater just not into the one dimensional models.
I have no issues with Mike R myself but Steven I am not sure should be trying to do these scenes if he is that uncomfortable. Although I am not sure but he might have enjoyed the Part 2. Who knows.
The bottom line is that people are not watching the episodes. Period. Regardless of the reason, the last thing a business needs is for people to not come in because the stock is no longer appealing to them. That's when people move on to the competitor. So the business changes the stock or offers something else to the customers. What they DON'T do is promise that new stock will arrive in SIX MONTHS! Sorry to become a grump, but Mark dude - do somethng already! Even the posts have become boring because it's the same thing over and over.
~Faithful But Fading Fast~
Really? - This episode only merits a 2+ rating?

Did anyone actually watch this scene before they scored it, or is everyone on the "I hate MikeR" bandwagon so much that they can't jump off long enough to give the episode a fair chance?
While I'll grant you that we have been inundated with MikeR scenes of late, the concensus seems to be that "if you don't want to bottom, I don't want to watch you", and to me that is pretty shallow thinking. I watch every episode, wether I like the model or not because you never when you're "gonna find a ruby in a mountain of rocks".
(Mikeyank, that last quote was for you,bud!)

For the record, I am not a MikeR lover and I have been less than impressed with Steven since the Torrin episodes, but this scene showed a different side of MikeR that I had never seen or noticed before. He was'nt very cocky, he was engaging and a little bit funny and you could sense that he was really interested in helping Steven have a good scene. He was very giving and caring, being the only one giving head in this episode, he endevored to bring Steven to full erection with his expert cocksucking abilities.
His topping of Steven was gentle and considerate, all the while striving for Stevens bottoming pleasure, while being vocal and reassurung to Steven of the pleasure he was deriving from Steven's tight ass. Steven really started to enjoy being fucked when MikeR flipped him over on his back and started to deliver a masterful fuck, causing him to moan in pure pleasure while jacking his stiff cock to orgasmic ecstasy while MikeR was still inside him. When it was all over and done, the two were truly spent and in a post orgasmic euphoria, grinning from ear to ear at the pleasure they had just given each other.
Even David seemed surprised.

That is how I chose to view this episode, take off your HG's* and give it another look-see, you might enjoy it!

I gave it a five. - J

* Hater Glasses

I havnt seen it but after that I can see it! Hahah

Thanks for makin me grow a few inches!