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MikeR and Steven, pt 2 - Are you kidding me?

The bottom line is that people are not watching the episodes. Period. Regardless of the reason, the last thing a business needs is for people to not come in because the stock is no longer appealing to them. That's when people move on to the competitor. So the business changes the stock or offers something else to the customers. What they DON'T do is promise that new stock will arrive in SIX MONTHS! Sorry to become a grump, but Mark dude - do somethng already! Even the posts have become boring because it's the same thing over and over.
~Faithful But Fading Fast~

I agree Troublemaker, I've just cancelled my membership because I'm bored with all the scenes that come out anymore. None of them are even worth downloading anymore, I'm so sick of Mike R, Braden, and Leon, every scene, over and over again.

I used to be a Mike R fan, until I got tired of him always doing the same thing, totally one dimentional, never any surprises. Who cares that he has a nice cock, nice cocks are a dime a dozen on gay for pay sites! And you expect more bang for your buck, not the same thing over and over again. Especially since at the end of the day, they're going to have sex in the scene...you at least expect to change it up once in awhile. But instead, it's a continuous loop of the same movie playing over and over again.

Braden, I never did like him, and he never grew on me. His coughing and hacking is gross, it sounds like he's been smoking since he was like 5. And he's a neandrothal, with no personality not to mention no skills. Being able to pound hard when fucking is not a skill, it's an instinct.

Leon is the biggest disappointment I think. Like Mike R, Leon made a conscious decision. While Mike made the decision to become arrogant and boring, and ink himself up with more and more cheap, randomly placed tattoos to the extent he now looks like cheap trailer trash, Leon has made the decision to apparently quit bathing and stop practicing good personal hygiene. I'm sorry but his visibly dirty feet in one of the updates was just DISGUSTING. I am convinced that his severe acne problem is because he doesn't shower frequently, not because of a skin condition he can't control. His hair is also dirty and oily, and his acne is a symptom of bad personal hygiene in my opinion.

I will check back in a couple months, after these 3 guys are no longer in anymore scenes, and I might re-subscribe then after these 3 are finally long gone. I wouldn't be so annoyed if they weren't constantly forced on us scene after scene, and mixed in with some other guys we haven't seen before, or at least not seen nearly as much. But no, the last 2 weeks it's nothing but Mike, Braden, and Leon. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Enough already!

Jason, just because you're getting sick of a particular model doesn't make you a hater. I used to be a huge Mike R fan! I'm just tired of seeing him in every scene is all, and that probably helped me get even more annoyed with the arrogance and pompous attitude he started getting after awhile.

I admit I looked at the photo set and saw mainly limp dicks throughout which prevented me from actually downloading/watching the scene. To me, limp dicks should never be in porn.

It is nice to hear that Mike seems to be getting nicer according to your opinion of the scene, I might have to check it out this weekend when I have more time.

But seriously everyone, aren't people entitled to voice their opinion without being called "haters"?


My dearest Abe,
I am so sorry you took offense to my "Hater Glasses" comment. I certainly did not intend for it to be taken personally by you or anyone else, nor was it directed at anyone in particular.

I was merely attempting to coin a phrase with the "*HG's" reference.

I keep forgetting that I am not an accomplished enough writer to be able to convey a phrase as tongue in cheek via the written word. However, in my defense, I did make the required facial expression that pairs with such a phrase as I typed it. Does that count?

So please, try to focus on the body of my post, not my feeble attempt at humor at the end. And yes, everyone is entitled to voice their own opinions on this forum, even me.

I used to be a Mike R fan, until I got tired of him always doing the same thing, totally one dimentional, never any surprises. Who cares that he has a nice cock, nice cocks are a dime a dozen on gay for pay sites! And you expect more bang for your buck, not the same thing over and over again. Especially since at the end of the day, they're going to have sex in the scene...you at least expect to change it up once in awhile. But instead, it's a continuous loop of the same movie playing over and over again.

Braden, I never did like him, and he never grew on me. His coughing and hacking is gross, it sounds like he's been smoking since he was like 5. And he's a neandrothal, with no personality not to mention no skills. Being able to pound hard when fucking is not a skill, it's an instinct.

Leon is the biggest disappointment I think. Like Mike R, Leon made a conscious decision. While Mike made the decision to become arrogant and boring, and ink himself up with more and more cheap, randomly placed tattoos to the extent he now looks like cheap trailer trash, Leon has made the decision to apparently quit bathing and stop practicing good personal hygiene. I'm sorry but his visibly dirty feet in one of the updates was just DISGUSTING. I am convinced that his severe acne problem is because he doesn't shower frequently, not because of a skin condition he can't control. His hair is also dirty and oily, and his acne is a symptom of bad personal hygiene in my opinion.

abe, i just fell in love with you. truth from start to finish.
My dearest Abe,
I am so sorry you took offense to my "Hater Glasses" comment. I certainly did not intend for it to be taken personally by you or anyone else, nor was it directed at anyone in particular.

I was merely attempting to coin a phrase with the "*HG's" reference.

I keep forgetting that I am not an accomplished enough writer to be able to convey a phrase as tongue in cheek via the written word. However, in my defense, I did make the required facial expression that pairs with such a phrase as I typed it. Does that count?

So please, try to focus on the body of my post, not my feeble attempt at humor at the end. And yes, everyone is entitled to voice their own opinions on this forum, even me.


LOL Jason! And, you are an amazing writer. :biggrin: I guess I was just getting a little over-defensive because at times it does seem like people get stomped on if they state their opinion on stuff. So for that you have my apologies, your post was perfectly conveyed.

Haha so I was able to watch a few vids today.. And this was one of them. I agree, Mike - if you were going to get inked up, atleast get tats that look somewhat good! Lol sorry.. And steven, I don't even know what to say.. I thought they called it modeling for a reason? You two would make a good Juvi or Jail scene! Haha

I finished with tylers camping orgy! ;)
Haha so I was able to watch a few vids today.. And this was one of them. I agree, Mike - if you were going to get inked up, atleast get tats that look somewhat good! Lol sorry.. And steven, I don't even know what to say.. I thought they called it modeling for a reason? You two would make a good Juvi or Jail scene! Haha

I finished with tylers camping orgy! ;)

Heh, even a straight guy agrees. Thanks Phil. Camping orgy was hot.
I could give Mike a few more looks.. Steven just didn't do anything for me besides make me want to brush my teeth.. Haha

And yessss! Camping is always a great time! ha
I could give Mike a few more looks.. Steven just didn't do anything for me besides make me want to brush my teeth.. Haha

And yessss! Camping is always a great time! ha

Hah, between Mike's teeth, attitude and tattoos... I can't. I can't even comment on Steven. Some people have told me I've been rather mean around here lately and should tone it down.
I guess it would be "mikes teeth" and "stevens tooths" ahahahah

And I'm breaking some rules here, because I try not to judge or insult anybody.. But then again they are the ones getting the money and Ben Franklin never told a lie! ;)
Hah, between Mike's teeth, attitude and tattoos... I can't. I can't even comment on Steven. Some people have told me I've been rather mean around here lately and should tone it down.
Actually there are still quite a few of us who are still "smitten" by young Mike. I think his teeth are sexy, (unlike Steven, who is a different story, physically). And I personally dig a hot young guy who is "cocky", (not referring to his big cock, which is pretty amazing too). I like Mike's looks and his personality, and think he would be a pisser to hang out with, cool and confident, but always with a wink, as if to say, "I'm only goofing dude". His tattoos are not a great work of art, to my taste, but it does not mar his beautiful toned skin.

I only respond as you seem to be pounding Mike, every day on the forum. There are many models who have appeared on David's futon who I'm not into, and I've commented on them a time or two and then let it go. You seem to have a vendetta against Mike, throwing out insulting comments regarding him, whenever his name is mentioned.

However it is all obviously a moot point, as both Mike's, Leon, Tyler, Preston, and all the rest of David's Fort Lauderdale stable of semi regular models are gone now.

And as far as you saying, "Some people have told me I've been rather mean around here lately and should tone it down.", perhaps it is food for thought. Just saying.......
I guess it would be "mikes teeth" and "stevens tooths" ahahahah

And I'm breaking some rules here, because I try not to judge or insult anybody.. But then again they are the ones getting the money and Ben Franklin never told a lie! ;)

Phil, read back on your last few posts and I think you'll be surprised how rude you've been. Constructive criticism is good for the site, damn rite rudeness towards the models is just not on.

Zyl - I'm quite surprised at you too :thumbdown:
Actually there are still quite a few of us who are still "smitten" by young Mike. I think his teeth are sexy, (unlike Steven, who is a different story, physically). And I personally dig a hot young guy who is "cocky", (not referring to his big cock, which is pretty amazing too). I like Mike's looks and his personality, and think he would be a pisser to hang out with, cool and confident, but always with a wink, as if to say, "I'm only goofing dude". His tattoos are not a great work of art, to my taste, but it does not mar his beautiful toned skin.

I only respond as you seem to be pounding Mike, every day on the forum. There are many models who have appeared on David's futon who I'm not into, and I've commented on them a time or two and then let it go. You seem to have a vendetta against Mike, throwing out insulting comments regarding him, whenever his name is mentioned.

However it is all obviously a moot point, as both Mike's, Leon, Tyler, Preston, and all the rest of David's Fort Lauderdale stable of semi regular models are gone now.

And as far as you saying, "Some people have told me I've been rather mean around here lately and should tone it down.", perhaps it is food for thought. Just saying.......

I'm anorexic when it comes to shit like that. Especially from people like you and the rest of the doomsayers. If they are gone, awesome. Try to find attractive young men. And there is no ill will, I just happen to be over it and speak my mind. Don't like it, don't read it. I don't like it, but choose to say what's on my mind...
I'm anorexic when it comes to shit like that. Especially from people like you and the rest of the doomsayers. If they are gone, awesome. Try to find attractive young men. And there is no ill will, I just happen to be over it and speak my mind. Don't like it, don't read it. I don't like it, but choose to say what's on my mind...

Are you having a go at Mike, me or both
Phil, read back on your last few posts and I think you'll be surprised how rude you've been. Constructive criticism is good for the site, damn rite rudeness towards the models is just not on.

Zyl - I'm quite surprised at you too :thumbdown:

I'm with you on this one Jon. Quite surprising, from someone that has always been so nice, and from someone who is so new.
I'm with you on this one Jon. Quite surprising, from someone that has always been so nice, and from someone who is so new.

The only thing I can say is that over time, the absolute insanity that exists on this forum and certain people have eroded my niceness.
The only thing I can say is that over time, the absolute insanity that exists on this forum and certain people have eroded my niceness.

It is impossible to erode one's niceness, you either have it or you don't. And I know you have it Zyl but maybe you're getting drawn into something and that you don't really mean what you say. I myself have been through this and have learnt to take a deep breath, step back and think again.
Phil, read back on your last few posts and I think you'll be surprised how rude you've been. Constructive criticism is good for the site, damn rite rudeness towards the models is just not on.

Zyl - I'm quite surprised at you too :thumbdown:

Jon.. I'm not trying to be mean or rude.. This is Porn.. Its all about hittin that sexual button in you and I just didn't like the way they came off in that video. If I wanted to see two gangster hoosiers fucking I would do laps in a trailer park. Now that might have been rude, but those are the words to how I feel.

Also, this is a Forum, we DISCUSS what we see on the sites..I don't take anything offensivly and I would hope the models do not as well. And if they do, atleast its throwin some ideas in their heads on what to spend the money on! ;)

Personally, looks is not everything to me, and both of their personalities that came off ruined it. I still say I will give Mike Robbins a few more looks but for Stevens second chance , it was his last for me!

Ms. Kianna - you added "and from someone who is so new"... Are you implying that there is a grace period of when my honest opinion can be heard, do I have to wait a month or... I just don't understand me being a new member on the forum has to do with my opinion on a video that everyone can view.
Are we not all people and equal and all the same? Calling me "new" is just the same as calling someone "gay".. Its a sterotype.

I'm just rambling so.. THE END!

And to everybody associated with this site whether member or model, I am a very open minded personal who has experienced a lot and mean nothing more then Honest Conversation bouncin opinions and observations off each other. Would never try and be intentionally rude or hurt anybodies feelings. After all words are just words and all they do is form sentences! Sorry if my sentences rub anyone the wrong way - I can rub ya the right way and make it better, litterally! ;)
yes we can can can...

The movie Moulin Rouge is one of my all time favorites. I can't help but think about the quoted Bohemian ideals of Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Love and how it pertains to our thread here. We have all of these things here in Broke Straight Boys land. How we interpret these things is completely subjective. I consider tolerance to be a concept that falls into the love category.



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