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Mike Robbins poll

Mike Robbins poll

  • I strongly dislike him, I never did like him

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • I am definitely not a fan of his.

    Votes: 4 6.7%
  • I quit liking him since he started getting arrogant

    Votes: 11 18.3%
  • I neither like nor dislike him.

    Votes: 3 5.0%
  • I used to like him, but only before he started getting arrogant.

    Votes: 9 15.0%
  • I do like him, but he he's not one of my top 10 favorites on BSB.

    Votes: 13 21.7%
  • I love him, he's one of my top 10 favorites!

    Votes: 19 31.7%

  • Total voters


BSB Addict
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
What is your opinion of Mike Robbins?

Keep in mind the following:

  • Options 1-3 are considered disapproval of him (NOT favorable).
  • Option 4 is dead average, you neither like nor dislike him.
  • Options 5-7 are approval (favorable) of Mike R.
I think he is the one with the tatoos not the guy who fucks his cousin.
I like the Mike with tatts... I will give him a 5
I must confess I was a former MikeR worshiper

I think he is the one with the tatoos not the guy who fucks his cousin.

Dear Virgin34,

My standard reaction to a pretty new face is to ALWAYS GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT!. I always liked the shy-looking if slightly cocky MikeR. With a cock and its legendary firing system, I was forced to like his cockiness!:blushing:

I guess what disturbed me the most was him "Tag-teaming" with Jordan(conspiring with a fellow Broke Straight Boys model not featured in the episode) for fucking newbies, like one of MikeR's best friends. He treated an old boyhood friend (straight/newbie) as if the friend was some worn out and beyond repair fucking machine about to be retired from service. With no regard for his friend, the roughness MikeR exhibited was cruel and beyond the pale as far as I was concerned. Then, he had a similarly cruel performance in a four-way that I found offensive even though the guy he was fucking I had no interest in.

Most recently for a 2-way episode on its third installment, David had MikeR as an add-on making this a 3-way now. The original two boys weren't happy obviously and the reaction from most viewers was the episode was ruined by MikeR's addition. Any hope for building on the passion established from the previous episode was lost by the addition of MikeR.

I have to reluctantly agree MikeR's ego has gotten way to big for his britches regardless of his legendary firing power! He needs to be sent to a 12 step program rehabilitating super-inflated egos not to exceed the size of their already sizable cocks, at least!
I do think hes cocky like his stuff don't stink. But he isnt bad to look at so I mute all the scenes with him in it and that works for me.
Current numbers:

  • 24.39% have an unfavorable opinion of Mike Robbins.
  • 7.32% have neither an unfavorable nor favorable opinion.
  • 68.29% have a favorable opinion.
Mike Robbins currently enjoys a wide majority of favorable opinions among those of us who voted. Mikey Yank, you should be proud of ya boy!

Current numbers:

  • 24.39% have an unfavorable opinion of Mike Robbins.
  • 7.32% have neither an unfavorable nor favorable opinion.
  • 68.29% have a favorable opinion.
Mike Robbins currently enjoys a wide majority of favorable opinions among those of us who voted. Mikey Yank, you should be proud of ya boy!

Abe. You make me smile, a lot. Thanks. :001_smile:
Not to be too nitpicky about this, but aren't options 3 and 5 basically the same thing? "I quit liking him since he started getting arrogant" and "I used to like him, but only before he started getting arrogant." I'm not seeing the distinction. Both indicate the person did like MikeR, but since they felt he was being arrogant they stopped. Either way I don't see how 5 is considered favorable.

election fraud

Not to be too nitpicky about this, but aren't options 3 and 5 basically the same thing? "I quit liking him since he started getting arrogant" and "I used to like him, but only before he started getting arrogant." I'm not seeing the distinction. Both indicate the person did like MikeR, but since they felt he was being arrogant they stopped. Either way I don't see how 5 is considered favorable.

This is starting to remind me of Chicago politics and the two Mayor Daley's, or the Al Gore - George Bush election back when there were voting irregularities in Florida. I demand an investigation, at once. :lol:
Mike is great and his cocky attitude is a great attribute and turn-on.
I couldn't agree with you more. We are all wired differently, in regard to what kind of guy turns us on, and some of us enjoy watching a cocky, self assured, good looking young guy with an entitled attitude. His type is certainly not for everyone, but is terrific for those of us who enjoy it. :001_tt2:
Abe. You make me smile, a lot. Thanks. :001_smile:

Aaaaw, you usually make me smile (or at least chuckle) a lot too Mike. :thumbup: Hopefully you are very pleased that your boy Mike R is well liked...at least by the forumites who voted!

Not to be too nitpicky about this, but aren't options 3 and 5 basically the same thing? "I quit liking him since he started getting arrogant" and "I used to like him, but only before he started getting arrogant." I'm not seeing the distinction. Both indicate the person did like MikeR, but since they felt he was being arrogant they stopped. Either way I don't see how 5 is considered favorable.


This is a great catch Stacey, and you are so right. I noticed this myself after I had already posted the poll, but once you post it you cannot change it.

Going forward, I will ensure that all my poll questions are vetted more carefully before being released into the pipeline lol.

With the Mike Robbins poll, I wanted to create a distinct difference between the "old" Mike (for lack of a better word) and the "new" Mike (once he started acting arrogant and cocky in his scenes).

Which I think I did with question # 3, but I wish I would have instead made question #5 "I like Mike Robbins, but I really wish he would do more in his scenes: like kissing, bottoming, cum eating, and/or showing passion."

I'm pretty sure that if Mike R would have done more in his scenes than getting sucked, sucking, and fucking (his few second attempt at getting fucked doesn't count in my opinion), he would have probably been a top favorite. AS LONG as he kept his cockiness/arrogance at bay. That's just my opinion though.

Once he had filmed his second action scene, he had done it all in terms of his lack of progression. I think that's what a lot of folks (like myself) love, is to see the progression of a model. Starting with a Broke Straight Boys who is nervous about jacking off alone on camera, to that same boy a year later who gets into hot sex! Not saying you have to make out or get fucked in every scene by any means, but adding it in for some extra zing and hottness when we least expect it makes us go crazy with delight!

Remember how we all went WILD when Diesal and Jimmy had their scenes with all the kissing and lovemaking between them? We were talking about that one for WEEKS, and we still talk about it!

Just think of the heights that Mike R would have been elevated to if he would have chosen to follow a similiar path. But instead, he chose not to and is no longer employed by Broke Straight Boys/Blu Media/D&E Entertainment as far as I know.

Interestingly, the poll clearly shows that Mike R is still a very popular model, in spite of the fact many people have been put off by his cockiness and arrogance that he's been showing the last several months.

It would have been interesting to have done a similar poll on him before his cockiness/arrogance started, I'll bet his numbers would have been even higher than they are now.

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When you wish opon a star...

#5 "I like Mike Robbins, but I really wish he would do more in his scenes: like kissing, bottoming, cum eating, and/or showing passion."

I'm pretty sure that if Mike R would have done more in his scenes than getting sucked, sucking, and fucking (his few second attempt at getting fucked doesn't count in my opinion), he would have probably been a top favorite. AS LONG as he kept his cockiness/arrogance at bay. That's just my opinion though.

Once he had filmed his second action scene, he had done it all in terms of his lack of progression. I think that's what a lot of folks (like myself) love, is to see the progression of a model. Starting with a Broke Straight Boys who is nervous about jacking off alone on camera, to that same boy a year later who gets into hot sex! Not saying you have to make out or get fucked in every scene by any means, but adding it in for some extra zing and hottness when we least expect it makes us go crazy with delight!

Remember how we all went WILD when Diesal and Jimmy had their scenes with all the kissing and lovemaking between them? We were talking about that one for WEEKS, and we still talk about it!

Just think of the heights that Mike R would have been elevated to if he would have chosen to follow a similar path. But instead, he chose not to and is no longer employed by Broke Straight Boys/Blu Media/D&E Entertainment as far as I know.

Interestingly, the poll clearly shows that Mike R is still a very popular model, in spite of the fact many people have been put off by his cockiness and arrogance that he's been showing the last several months.

It would have been interesting to have done a similar poll on him before his cockiness/arrogance started, I'll bet his numbers would have been even higher than they are now.


Dear Abe,

MikeR simply was like one of his spectacular cum showers that landed over a wide area with a ploop! and then a sizzle!. His re-entry into the Broke Straight Boys atmosphere didn't have to take such a disastrous turn because he refused to bottom. Think of Shane the Tank. He was around for a long time and I feel he never allowed his boo boo to be penetrated, much less fucked. I feel that Shane was more able to work the system to his favor and I do not feel our membership thinks any less of Shane for this today. Because of the endless adulation highlighting MikeR and his shower head cum shots, this one sticking point became even more difficult for MikeR to put off. In fact I believe there is a scene where MikeR was to bottom and, if I recall it correctly, that it lasted all of .03% of a second before MikeR called a halt to the booty assault. This was then probably interpreted by the membership as being arrogant! However, a similar event took place with Diesal's boo boo (#3 with Jimmy Slater) and no similar negative judgment took place. I ask "what the fuck and why not"? It seems that Diesal is everybody's darling, but not so for sassy MikeR.

Other websites have a more helpful and guiding way they utilize encouraging, providing, and fitting sex toys to their "straight"boy's boo boos thus allowing them to experiment with butt plugs and other sex toys during episodes but before the cherry pops. This ready availability of sex toys becomes a part of the intermediate scenes we currently limit to just oral sex. Now, doesn't this sound like fun, too! Encouraging this time for experimentation incrementally, over a session or two duriing filming, can add much to the degree of comfort they feel prior to having some stranger make the back-door plunge. I REPEAT, THIS IS A BIG DEAL WITH MANY GUYS WHETHER THEY BE GAY OR STRAIGHT. IT WOULD BE FOR ME!

Now think about it, having your first gay sexual experience filmed in a studio should seem a little off putting for most guys unless you are a total dedicated exhibitionist. These guys are not stupid and probably fear most precisely what happened to MikeR when he returned to North Carolina, his home town. Childhood friends came up to him shaking their head disapprovingly and this would be difficult for anybody to take. I feel if we want to make that GIANT STEP which is at odds totally against their sexual identity, then there has to be more to this desired progression than simply money. They need a support system to bolster them up when the shit hits the fan. We need to learn that all sexual activity can be made pleasurable if all parties simply take sufficient time and show some human compassion for our newbies.

If it were left to me, I would personally like to see every straight guy newbie converted if nothing more than to appreciating the sexual experiences gained while on our set. THAT IS WHY I AM SO OPPOSED TO TREATING A NEWBIE ROUGHLY. These first experiences should be truly pleasurable and, at the same time, a totally unforgettable moment for them to get pleasure in the future. That is what I want to see on the Broke Straight Boys set. If someone wants to slap someones butt during sex, well at least give the newbie bottom a chance to get into the groove and get comfortable with the fact their ass is now being fucked and possible stretched for the first time in ways not previously experienced! Have some consideration, please!

If they are more experienced and need more rough sex to get off, then go for broke! Just allow newbies cherries the chance to see the many possibilities and really enjoy their first time. I would hope most of the members would be patient enough to then see the full progression in later episodes. Furthermore, maybe more of these guys would actively want to return thus making it easier for David and management on recruiting and to picking from the best, thereby improving episode quality. In other words, a little more on-the-job-training side of this equation applied judiciously and lovingly would go a long way improving to our site.

Everybody has some personal limit they reach beyond which they can go no further. Everyone has personal boundaries to be respected or they become a "well-used and disregarded doormats" if taken to the nth degree. Having personal boundaries is essential for your mental health. People unable to define personal boundaries and have them defined by others become lifelong wimps and/or victims. This is anything but the desired results. As far as that "progression" we all are so fond of seeing, Broke Straight Boys management seems not to be too concerned with this. Consequently, we routinely have scrambled episodes with dates out of consecutive order. No. Not all Broke Straight Boys members suffer from or have advanced OCD. Rather, this lack of consecutively ordered episodes is responsible for SO MANY COMPLAINTS BY MEMBERS. I too very much like to sequence the episodes to see this very progression. On someone like MikeR, who was progressively getting inked up, I had to resort to reading "tree rings" in the form of tattoos to make any sense of the chronology of events. It was not totally foolproof but it was far better and more accurate than using the Broke Straight Boys provided release dates.

I hope this will become some food for thought on how Broke Straight Boys can deal better with our straight boys and, also, get more of what we are looking for out of them.
MikeR simply was like one of his spectacular cum showers that landed over a wide area with a ploop! and then a sizzle!. His re-entry into the Broke Straight Boys atmosphere didn't have to take such a disastrous turn because he refused to bottom. Think of Shane the Tank. He was around for a long time and I feel he never allowed his boo boo to be penetrated, much less fucked. I feel that Shane was more able to work the system to his favor and I do not feel our membership thinks any less of Shane for this today. Because of the endless adulation highlighting MikeR and his shower head cum shots, this one sticking point became even more difficult for MikeR to put off. In fact I believe there is a scene where MikeR was to bottom and, if I recall it correctly, that it lasted all of .03% of a second before MikeR called a halt to the booty assault. This was then probably interpreted by the membership as being arrogant! However, a similar event took place with Diesal's boo boo (#3 with Jimmy Slater) and no similar negative judgment took place. I ask "what the fuck and why not"? It seems that Diesal is everybody's darling, but not so for sassy MikeR.
Thank you cumrag for bringing up Tank Shane in this discussion, as I see a great similarity between he and Mike Robbins. They are both physically perfect to my taste, and they are both among the most straight guys to appear on this site. Shane did get fucked in one scene, and it is a scene that I will not watch again. I considered it torture for him, and was totally asexual to me.

I totally disagree with David's position, as well as the majority of active posters who say that a model must "progress" to accepting anal sex on the site, or they can no longer return to the futon. We all have our personal sexual limits and desires, and each of us is different.

I could watch beautiful (Tank) Shane or Mike Robbins, get naked and suck dick, get sucked or fuck anytime, and enjoy it. They are not bottoms and I see no reason that they need to be forced to accept a cock in their ass if that is not their nature. They are hot straight guys who both perform so nicely using their beautiful cocks on other guys who enjoy taking it. But alas, I'm definitely in the minority on that point. But thank you cumrag for bringing this point to the attention of the forum.
Thank you cumrag for bringing up Tank Shane in this discussion, as I see a great similarity between he and Mike Robbins. They are both physically perfect to my taste, and they are both among the most straight guys to appear on this site. Shane did get fucked in one scene, and it is a scene that I will not watch again. I considered it torture for him, and was totally asexual to me.

I totally disagree with David's position, as well as the majority of active posters who say that a model must "progress" to accepting anal sex on the site, or they can no longer return to the futon. We all have our personal sexual limits and desires, and each of us is different.

I could watch beautiful (Tank) Shane or Mike Robbins, get naked and suck dick, get sucked or fuck anytime, and enjoy it. They are not bottoms and I see no reason that they need to be forced to accept a cock in their ass if that is not their nature. They are hot straight guys who both perform so nicely using their beautiful cocks on other guys who enjoy taking it. But alas, I'm definitely in the minority on that point. But thank you cumrag for bringing this point to the attention of the forum.

I agree with you 100% Mike, a guy DOES NOT have to get fucked in order for there to be progression. But they do have to do more than simply fuck and do oral scene after scene. They need to have at least a couple scenes in which they also kiss, get a facial, or something memorable besides simply fucking and doing oral.

I know that doing nothing more scene after scene is perfectly fine with you, but for some of us it gets really boring!

I keep going back to Diesal He was always a goof ball in his scenes, only fucking and doing oral...and he didn't even seem to like sucking dick. But then that magical scene with Jimmy came about, and Diesal was transformed. Because of all the kissing and passion! Diesal has been on Broke Straight Boys for years now, and he's still going strong. He has progressed, beyond simply fucking and doing oral. He has shown passion, tenderness, and been very loving with Jimmie.

I think most of us give him a pass, because we know what he is capable of and we keep hoping to see more of it in the future. Not saying that we will, but Diesal is definitely "safe" for now...I don't look for him to get kicked out of the Broke Straight Boys house anytime soon.

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I agree with you 100% Mike, a guy DOES NOT have to get fucked in order for there to be progression. But they do have to do more than simply fuck and do oral scene after scene. They need to have at least a couple scenes in which they also kiss, get a facial, or something memorable besides simply fucking and doing oral.

I know that doing nothing more scene after scene is perfectly fine with you, but for some of us it gets really boring!

I keep going back to Diesal He was always a goof ball in his scenes, only fucking and doing oral...and he didn't even seem to like sucking dick. But then that magical scene with Jimmy came about, and Diesal was transformed. Because of all the kissing and passion! Diesal has been on Broke Straight Boys for years now, and he's still going strong. He has progressed, beyond simply fucking and doing oral. He has shown passion, tenderness, and been very loving with Jimmie.

I think most of us give him a pass, because we know what he is capable of and we keep hoping to see more of it in the future. Not saying that we will, but Diesal is definitely "safe" for now...I don't look for him to get kicked out of the Broke Straight Boys house anytime soon.


David is pretty circumspect about broadcasting why boys who've been on the futon over a series of shoots get dropped from the call up list. He probably doesn't like to say every time that they'd started losing their hair and gaining weight and getting pushy and demanding, but we've heard that more than once, memorably in Dustin's, CJ's and MikeR's cases.

The whole thing is like something from a Franz Kafka story, the business of trying to piece together who is still part of the stable, especially since we've just twigged to the fact that the videos being released now date back nearly a year (Tyler's 20th birthday with the cake).

There are some guys who don't drink too much beer and have a genetic resistance to male pattern baldness, who've made it through and are still filming, but the whole business of a model's being dropped because of issues to do with lack of "progressing" might be a kinder way of saying that they stopped being attractive enough to film.
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