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Lost brothers in arms


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
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leeds england
With all this talk about the Dustin tragedy, I would like to take a step back and share a few moments silence for those who have lost their lives serving their country. Especially in the recent ambiguous "wars" that Bush and Blair have got us all into, I fear that these are truley wasted lives.
With all this talk about the Dustin tragedy, I would like to take a step back and share a few moments silence for those who have lost their lives serving their country. Especially in the recent ambiguous "wars" that Bush and Blair have got us all into, I fear that these are truley wasted lives.

I would like us to take a step back and steer clear of turning the tragic death of Dustin into an anti-war campaign. My older brother is currently serving in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq twice before that and he is serving his country proudly. He lost two friends to IEDs when he was in Iraq and he was slightly injured himself. I tend to agree that our country's reasoning and justification for invading Iraq was very flawed and that Iraq and Saddam Hussein had NOTHING to do with 9/11/2001, but congress authorized the war in Iraq and our military went in and did what they were ordered to do as they continue to do. My brother's friends and EVERYONE who died in the line of duty serving their country did so knowing that they may pay the ultimate price for defending their country, I find it highly insulting and rude to state that my brother who chose a career in the military and his comrades who lost their lives serving their country have "wasted" their lives. How dare you say something like that man, not having a clue who may be hurt by those cold, and harsh words, which make you sound like John Kerry did when he said those who don't study hard in school and get full college scholarships (in other words, "losers" in his way of thinking) will end up in Iraq.

I have a niece serving and being against an action a soldier participates in is hardly the same thing as not supporting the troops. Many of you are too young to recall when Viet Nam vets were welcomed home to calls of being baby killers but I think we're too sophisticated a society to do that again. Whether or not we think Obama is a cowardly moron for continuing many policies that apparently were only wrong when Bush did them, each and every soldier deserves our thanks for being willing to serve their country. Heck, at Walmart when a customer mentions a relative is serving anywhere I always make sure to ask them to pass along my thanks to the brave lad or lassie!
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I want everyone who has a family member or friend serving our country in the military to thank them all for there service. Only the best men and women that this country has to offer can even qualify to be in the military...Even with all thats going on you have to be worthy of serving in the military in order to get in. they only take the best and everytime one of our brave soldiers fall in battle the entire country has lost someone that we cannott replace.

I would like us to take a step back and steer clear of turning the tragic death of Dustin into an anti-war campaign. My older brother is currently serving in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq twice before that and he is serving his country proudly. He lost two friends to IEDs when he was in Iraq and he was slightly injured himself. I tend to agree that our country's reasoning and justification for invading Iraq was very flawed and that Iraq and Saddam Hussein had NOTHING to do with 9/11/2001, but congress authorized the war in Iraq and our military went in and did what they were ordered to do as they continue to do. My brother's friends and EVERYONE who died in the line of duty serving their country did so knowing that they may pay the ultimate price for defending their country, I find it highly insulting and rude to state that my brother who chose a career in the military and his comrades who lost their lives serving their country have "wasted" their lives. How dare you say something like that man, not having a clue who may be hurt by those cold, and harsh words, which make you sound like John Kerry did when he said those who don't study hard in school and get full college scholarships (in other words, "losers" in his way of thinking) will end up in Iraq.


Sean you totally misinterpreted my post from the first word. I was merely taking, what is a sad time on the forum, to sit back and think of all the brave men out there who have lost their lives. In fact I have friends of friends in the British army who have also lost their lives. I have even attended a funeral of one of them.

It doesn't stop me thinking that both wars or conflicts as some like to call them, are pretty pointless and have definately not made the world a safer place. Tony Blair even admitted on a BBC interview shown last week that they would have still invaded Iraq even if they knew there were no WOMD. That statement says it all.

However, this thread was about taking time out to think about our lost loved ones and others' too. You Sean, have made it political.
Sean you totally misinterpreted my post from the first word. I was merely taking, what is a sad time on the forum, to sit back and think of all the brave men out there who have lost their lives. In fact I have friends of friends in the British army who have also lost their lives. I have even attended a funeral of one of them.

It doesn't stop me thinking that both wars or conflicts as some like to call them, are pretty pointless and have definately not made the world a safer place. Tony Blair even admitted on a BBC interview shown last week that they would have still invaded Iraq even if they knew there were no WOMD. That statement says it all.

However, this thread was about taking time out to think about our lost loved ones and others' too. You Sean, have made it political.

I apologize if I caused a misunderstanding, and it was very thoughtful and kind of you to offer a moment of silence for all who had lost their lives in the line of duty. I guess it just threw me off balance when you brought Bush and Blair into the mix by blaming them, and said that the lives lost while serving their country were wasted lives. I guess I get super defensive when anyone seems to accuse our troops of not serving a noble cause, even if that's not the intent because my whole family is always on edge with my brother Ryan on his third tour of duty, this time in Afghanistan. I pray every day that he will be able to stay safe and make it home to be with us again soon! Sorry man, guess I jumped the gun.

I apologize if I caused a misunderstanding, and it was very thoughtful and kind of you to offer a moment of silence for all who had lost their lives in the line of duty. I guess it just threw me off balance when you brought Bush and Blair into the mix by blaming them, and said that the lives lost while serving their country were wasted lives. I guess I get super defensive when anyone seems to accuse our troops of not serving a noble cause, even if that's not the intent because my whole family is always on edge with my brother Ryan on his third tour of duty, this time in Afghanistan. I pray every day that he will be able to stay safe and make it home to be with us again soon! Sorry man, guess I jumped the gun.


Sean you're a cool dude mate and I accept your apologise. Most people can't even spell the word apologise never mind write it. It shows you've got good stock in your blood (English expression) and that you've been brought up well.

Back on topic, no doubt our new illustrious leaders will visit the troops. I hope your brother Ryan and his friends returns home safely and where possible, has a good xmas. xx
It's cool Sean, he meant it very respectfully and kindly. But I can understand you being on edge with your brother in harm's way, I will keep him and all the troops in my thoughts and prayers, and I join Jon in the moment of silence for all who lost their lives too soon.

What you guys just did was absolutely fantastic! Misunderstanding, apologies and reconciliation among Broke Straight Boys members - I'm getting more out of this site than my money is worth. Thanks guys.
What you guys just did was absolutely fantastic! Misunderstanding, apologies and reconciliation among Broke Straight Boys members - I'm getting more out of this site than my money is worth. Thanks guys.

Whats the poing of getting angry at one another dude, you're only this Earth once and I have more respect for people who apologise that those who do not. Similarly, I am the first to apologise if I'm wrong but also sometimes if I feel that an apology will smooth out the waters, even if I am NOT in the wrong. Maybe I should be in the diplomatic corps. xx
First off I want to thank all y'all that send y'alls love to the soldiers that lost their loves over in Iraq and Afghanistan and for the soldiers that serve over there. I am a soldier myself and when we lose someone over there it's like losing a family member. But as far as Dustin goes, some of us just take the wrong direction and don't have all the support we need. At one time I was in the same situation as Dustin, but I had all the support in the world to get me where I'm at now. I just had to say that for Dustin. RIP Dude.