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Let's talk about sex


BSB Addict
Nov 1, 2010
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According to a recent study from Ohio State University, young men think about sex 19 times per day.

In contrast, the Kinsey Report, which examined the sexual behaviour of men aged under 60 years, found 54% think about sex every day or several times a day, 43% think about sex a few times a week or a few times a month, and 4% reported just one sexual thought, or less, a month.

Another study, from 1990, found 16- to 17-year-olds think about sex every five minutes. By age 40 to 49, this drops to a sexual thought every half an hour, and it keeps reducing with age.

There’s certainly no consensus among researchers about the frequency of men’s sexual thoughts. And little is known about the nature of these thoughts.

So, do men think about sex more often than women? How often do you think of sex?

It seems like I can't get away from thinking about sex. I see Jeff Probst walk out on stage for his talk show and I wonder if he really doesn't wear underwear or if it was a joke. I see his dimples when he smiles and think about kissing him. Even when I watch the news I'll think hmm that guy could be sitting in his underwear and we wouldn't know it. I get dirty thoughts quite often when I'm watching TV, when I'm listening to music I can be thinking damn that would be a good beat to fuck to or this would be some nice make out music. Sometimes my mind even wanders when I'm reading especially if the author is very descriptive I'll picture that man in mind.

When I worked with the public I was always wondering what guys looked like naked and the summer time could be dangerous when guys came in without a shirt or shirt wide open. I thought they used to say that the average man thought about sex every 19 seconds that seemed normal to me. Now I'm not getting sex as often as I did when I was younger so I'm thinking about it more.

I would have never joined a site like this when I was in my 20s and 30s because I was too busy actually having sex I wouldn't have had time to take advantage of a wonderful site like Broke Straight Boys
I was on an airplane a few months ago and a woman in my age group (late 50s) leaned across the eisle to ask me if I had seen the young pilot whom she described as a "hottie". We got into a roucous conversation about all the hot men in the airports and the older woman (40s) behind us joined in. The flight was an hour and we talked dirty the whole way whopping it up. I think the cute young man in his twenties in front of me was probably squirming in his seat listening to grandma and mama age women whope it up over young hotties, particularly since I had spoken to him when I got on.

I saw a movie on netflix recently about men and their sex drives. One of the men interviewed was a transman who had started out life as a bio female. You would not know that if you passed him on the street. He said that the first thing he noticed after starting hormone therapy was how much more he thought about sex. Constantly as opposed to frequently, I guess.

As a woman, I have had periods (like now) of extreme horniness. I have also had periods where I chose to be celebate and although I continued to masterbate I wasn't in hyperdrive. When working with sexually abused children, I was sometimes even repelled by the idea of having sex because those awful detailed images would pop in my head and I didn't want them there to torment me.
I am always thinking about sex! Now that I do not work, I play out a lot of the fantasies I've had for years; some alone, some with Steve. I wonder all the time what it would be like to have a dick. I love being a woman (I would change if I didn't) but I find that I am a pretty aggressive female so maybe I have the best of both worlds (to me) I have the girly bits and the sex drive of a man! I apparently said "no" to Steve the other night in my sleep (usually he just starts fucking me and I wake up). The next morning when we got up, he asked if I was feeling sick? I said 'no, why?' He told me what had happened...it is VERY strange for me to say 'no.' Anyway, I guess I was just more tired than usual; and yes, we had our "morning sex"...like clockwork; back on track now...3-4 times a day.:thumbup:
Beth, The one thing we got that the guys don't got is the ability to have multiple orgasms... Aren't we lucky, girls? Yes, I sometimes have a bit of penis envy but I'm happy being a female. I do like to think that if I were a man I'd be bi, just like now. And yes, to be able to stick it in a guy would make me happy if I had a dick to stick it with (ha ha).
Beth, The one thing we got that the guys don't got is the ability to have multiple orgasms... Aren't we lucky, girls? Yes, I sometimes have a bit of penis envy but I'm happy being a female. I do like to think that if I were a man I'd be bi, just like now. And yes, to be able to stick it in a guy would make me happy if I had a dick to stick it with (ha ha).

I do love multiple orgasmsm; I usually cum at least 5 or so times. I also squirt a lot so a little "prep work" is needed (puppy pads work best). I have tried a strap on, but I just can't satisfy Steve the way I can with a Dildo; he cums so hard with something in him...which makes me so happy! I would do anything for him to try a guy, but he says "no."
I forget if you have been with girls, but I have. I really enjoyed my experiences, but when it comes to the vag...it's got to have a warm stiffy to be pleased properly!:thumbup:
I do love multiple orgasmsm; I usually cum at least 5 or so times. I also squirt a lot so a little "prep work" is needed (puppy pads work best). I have tried a strap on, but I just can't satisfy Steve the way I can with a Dildo; he cums so hard with something in him...which makes me so happy! I would do anything for him to try a guy, but he says "no."
I forget if you have been with girls, but I have. I really enjoyed my experiences, but when it comes to the vag...it's got to have a warm stiffy to be pleased properly!:thumbup:

Beth, Yes, I've had both with no regrets. I'm in a monogomous marriage to a man now, like you. But I didn't marry until 45 and I started my sexual journey at 15 so I sewed a lot of the wild oats you hear tell about. I think I remember you said you were 12. If you count the neighbor boy that I went down on when we were 5 and diddeling with a neighbor girl at about the same age... Well you get the idea. I think most kids do the playing doctor, let's show each other stuff. I did a lot of it as a child and then not again until about 14 with first boyfriend on top of the clothes stuff. The oral at 15 on me, first blow job 16, etc., etc., etc. 10,000 orgasms ago. When I masturbate the sky is the limit on the number of orgasms. Several or more with partner depending on desire and his/her stamina (ha ha). Yummy, yum, yum. Just wish I were skinny and limber like the good old days. Yikes the contortions and the fun that never stopped.
Beth, The one thing we got that the guys don't got is the ability to have multiple orgasms... Aren't we lucky, girls? Yes, I sometimes have a bit of penis envy but I'm happy being a female. I do like to think that if I were a man I'd be bi, just like now. And yes, to be able to stick it in a guy would make me happy if I had a dick to stick it with (ha ha).

Now wait just 1 minute I've had multiple orgasms a few times and it was glorious! OK so it's pretty rare but it can happen with the right amount of stimulation. I love my penis, I love my penis A LOT!!! I'm not huge but I'm very happy with what I have and wouldn't change it for anything but there have been times when I thought if I were a woman I would have been able to have a lot more sex.

I have the idea that today more younger men have fantasies about being with older women, it seems more acceptable and I think they want to know if it's true that an older woman knows stuff. When I want to perv over nude pics of guys I go onto the M4W section of craigslist and I do see a lot of ads for young men looking for older women in their 50s and 60s. To be honest older women look better now than they did when I was young. Even if they are a grandma they don't like a granny.
Now wait just 1 minute I've had multiple orgasms a few times and it was glorious! OK so it's pretty rare but it can happen with the right amount of stimulation. I love my penis, I love my penis A LOT!!! I'm not huge but I'm very happy with what I have and wouldn't change it for anything but there have been times when I thought if I were a woman I would have been able to have a lot more sex.

I have the idea that today more younger men have fantasies about being with older women, it seems more acceptable and I think they want to know if it's true that an older woman knows stuff. When I want to perv over nude pics of guys I go onto the M4W section of craigslist and I do see a lot of ads for young men looking for older women in their 50s and 60s. To be honest older women look better now than they did when I was young. Even if they are a grandma they don't like a granny.

That is where tantric yoga can come in. Men can train themselves to hold back the ejaculate but have multiple orgasms, lasting hours.
It seems like I can't get away from thinking about sex. I see Jeff Probst walk out on stage for his talk show and I wonder if he really doesn't wear underwear or if it was a joke. I see his dimples when he smiles and think about kissing him. Even when I watch the news I'll think hmm that guy could be sitting in his underwear and we wouldn't know it. I get dirty thoughts quite often when I'm watching TV, when I'm listening to music I can be thinking damn that would be a good beat to fuck to or this would be some nice make out music. Sometimes my mind even wanders when I'm reading especially if the author is very descriptive I'll picture that man in mind.

When I worked with the public I was always wondering what guys looked like naked and the summer time could be dangerous when guys came in without a shirt or shirt wide open. I thought they used to say that the average man thought about sex every 19 seconds that seemed normal to me. Now I'm not getting sex as often as I did when I was younger so I'm thinking about it more.

I would have never joined a site like this when I was in my 20s and 30s because I was too busy actually having sex I wouldn't have had time to take advantage of a wonderful site like Broke Straight Boys

I agree Ben Ben, Jeff Probst is hot! What do you think of our Aussie version? I often wonder if they were separated at birth. Lol

His name is Jamie Durie and he started his public career as a member of ManPower, a strip group and now he's a very popular TV gardening guru. He's one of those people who look better as they age...


Yep! I think about sex when I look at him!
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Jeff Probst at his home...


Jeff Probst at Valentine's


Jeffrey Lee "Jeff" Probst (born November 4, 1961)[SUP][/SUP] is an American game show host, executive producer and a reporter. He is best known as the Emmy Award winning host of the U.S. version of the reality show Survivor. Beginning on September 10, 2012, he hosts The Jeff Probst Show, a syndicated daytime talk show produced by CBS Television Distribution.

[h=2]Early life[/h] Probst was born in Wichita, Kansas, but grew up primarily in Bellevue, Washington. After graduating from Newport High School in 1979, he attended Seattle Pacific University and worked at Boeing Motion Picture/Television studio as a producer and narrator of marketing videos.
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That is where tantric yoga can come in. Men can train themselves to hold back the ejaculate but have multiple orgasms, lasting hours.

All a man has to do hold back an ejaculation, is to squeeze off his hose... like with pieing.

Grace I have been a big fan of Jamie Drury's for a long time. I think the first thing I saw him in was apartment makeover show from Australia? It was a long time ago when I saw it but I think he hosted it? 4 couples had to redo an apartment and sell it who ever made the most money won. He did do some swimming and shirtless scenes. he has a beautiful body but what really did it for me is the same thing as with Jeff the beautiful eye and the big warm friendly smile and then Jamie has that very sexy Aussie accent that makes my heart skip a beat.

I was very happy to see Jamie on some gardening shows here and he is a regular on a gardening show on PBS. I saw some recent pics of him and he was getting a little chubby but I could care less he's has so much sexiness pouring out of his body. WOOF WOOF
Grace I have been a big fan of Jamie Drury's for a long time. I think the first thing I saw him in was apartment makeover show from Australia? It was a long time ago when I saw it but I think he hosted it? 4 couples had to redo an apartment and sell it who ever made the most money won. He did do some swimming and shirtless scenes. he has a beautiful body but what really did it for me is the same thing as with Jeff the beautiful eye and the big warm friendly smile and then Jamie has that very sexy Aussie accent that makes my heart skip a beat.

I was very happy to see Jamie on some gardening shows here and he is a regular on a gardening show on PBS. I saw some recent pics of him and he was getting a little chubby but I could care less he's has so much sexiness pouring out of his body. WOOF WOOF

Ben Ben, I didn't know he'd 'made it' in the US. That's so nice to hear because, hot looks aside, he comes across as a super nice guy. :001_smile:
I'm glad we've gotten to know him, he seems like a great guy and he is nice to look at.

I have seen those Jeff Probst nude pics before a lot of people think they are fake, Jeff will neither confirm nor deny, can you blame him they look hot. I have also seen the same pic of Jeff where he is soft but he's wearing a pair of Tasmanian Devil boxers. Then on his TV show he said he doesn't wear underwear?
Ok, I never had sex. I'm a 33 year old woman as you all know now, I guess... And I think about sex almost all the time. There are periods where I don't think that much about it and it's not the case right now.
I never got the chance to experience what kids do growing up, playng doctor... I grew up, being an outcast, bullied and made to believe that I was worthless... So no clubbing, going out either... I grew up way too soon. I was uber serious already at 15. I didn't get to do crazy things or unresponsible things.
I wish I could go back in time..
I have just watched one of the dirties, horniest films ever. 27 mins of pure lust including cum swapping, cum eating, barebacking and lots of kissing. I cannot post the link on here so if you want it pm me.