I really enjoy your posts betyoudidntknow. I don't always agree with your opinions and perspective, but I love the points and the questions that you raise.
By coincidence over this past weekend I was exchanging views with a forumite who is not currently posting on the forum, (for his own reasons). But I said to him that the two guys* on the site right now who I believe are basically straight in their sexual orientation are Johnny and Adam, and those are the two guys who you criticize for "lack of enthusiasm". To my way of thinking, I don't expect straight guys to be enthusiastic about having sex with another dude, but that is my own minority perspective on this forum.
* I also mentioned Ayden as a third primarily straight guy who is probably a one or two on the Kinsey Scale (1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual, 2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual).