And I totally understand what you guys are saying but some of you are not talking in a proper manner and that's what irritates me. You have the right to not like an episode/model but it's not a reason to unload the anger on us. And now hearing that "We" sleep with models? really? Are we going that low now? I'm sorry but it's a shame. We probably have one of the best team in the porn business with a class "A" étiquette. Everybody cares and I'm not embellishing, we do care. Hell, we work on improving the site all day long, every day.
Ok some of the episodes are not up to par, but we can't have 100% of really great episodes either. Clay got out of the studio and shot outdoor for a change; granted the audio was not great but at least we're trying. We have more NEW straight guys coming; granted they're paired with Jimmy, but at least, you get to see new guys. It's not like the new guys will disappear and never come back. Bradley is coming back and you'll get to see/hear him again, unfortunately, for now, you guys seem to only focus on the negatives and don't get to enjoy this new guy.
Once again, I didn't like this episode just because it's a jack off scene and I don't like them, but the boys were ok to me.
When we go to events/clubs, people/members are all over Jimmy, then we come here and we get to see your comments, it's really confusing. That's why Mark said "I guess I'm not sure what you guys want at this point." Because seriously, I'm confused too. I wish the members we meet at the events would use the forums so we could hear their opinions as well.
Anyway, I have to get back to work but wanted to give my 2 cents, as usual.
I think you guys are reading too much into what you may be hearing at the pride events. While some attendees are surely
Broke Straight Boys members (i.e. another1), you're probably meeting a lot of folks who are not members of
Broke Straight Boys and/or
College Dudes. So you're hearing feedback from people who think Jimmy is drop dead gorgeous, but who may not even be customers of
Broke Straight Boys
So if you're listening to pride event attendees as to what they want to see (who may not even be sober, they're out among tons of other screaming gay people), you're listening to the wrong audience.
What it boils down to is what do your paying customers want, and what do your affiliates want.
Screaming pride event gay people can make you some quick cash by purchasing t shirts and other
Broke Straight Boys gimmicks, but they don't generate long term revenue unless they sign up for recurring memberships to the site(s) and don't cancel.
Again, in my opinion this train wreck of a scene was not as much about Jimmy being in another scene as it was about a brand new guy not even getting naked, and having to do yet another one sided non reciprocation oral scene with the new guy doing the sucking.
I like Jimmy, I am a fan of Jimmy, I have defended Jimmy many times before. But this issue is not with Jimmy, it's with whoever is coming up with this brilliant ideas for scene content. Come on, whoever came up with the idea for this scene has no clue what members want to see.
The car thing was perfectly fine (other than the audio issues another1 pointed out), and the scene would have been ok if Jimmy would have sucked the new guy instead of the other way around.
You guys are completely ignoring that the members hate one sided scenes, and even more than that we hate when the new guy doesn't even show us what he looks like.
You're just blaming it on the fact Jimmy was in the scene, and ignoring everything else. Yes Jimmy has been severely over used lately, which is only generating more complaints but seriously, as I pointed out earlier it could have been Colin and the new guy and the reactions from members would have been similar. There probably wouldn't have been any Colin bashing, but members would still be screaming because it was a one sided scene where the brand new model did all the work and didn't even get naked.
And finally, I think you guys did Jimmy a severe dis service putting him in a scene like this. Jimmy has struggled valiantly to get members to like him more, he has done everything but stand on his head in order to try to reach out to the members. He has really improved his performances, but you guys keep putting him in the types of scenes you have to know that your members are going to hate. So that only incites members more when they see a scene like this, and the typical reaction is to blame Jimmy because he is fast becoming the
Broke Straight Boys whipping boy and I feel that is a very cruel, and unfair dis service to be putting him in scenes like this.
How do you think this makes him feel?
You guys need to do everything you can to try to help Jimmy, put him in scenes where people aren't going to scream about it where you can showcase his humor, and his great personality.
For God's sake don't put him in a scene with a new model, where the other guy doesn't even get naked and is forced to suck Jimmy's cock. You're only asking for trouble by doing that.
I am very angry and annoyed at the decision that was made to put Jimmy in a scene like this, not because I am against Jimmy but instead because I feel it is unfair to him not to mention cruel.