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Jimmy and Bradley


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Before I start this rant, I want to say I like Jimmy Johnson and his career as a model. I have nothing but respect for Jimmy and look forward to seeing many more videos starring him....

However, DAMN YOU COLE! You had a new boy in the studio that was absolutely gorgeous and the entire sex scene Jimmy was the center of attention. When Bradley pulled down his shorts to expose his ass, did Cole take the camera off Jimmy's cock for a second to give us an up close view Bradley's sweet ass! NOPE! It was only when Jimmy was nutting that we got to see an above view of his ass. I am disappointed with the cinematography of that scene. I sure hope that Bradley will be back to show off more of that gorgeous butt and other scrumptious body parts.
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Before I start this rant, I want to say I like Jimmy Johnson and his career as a model. I have nothing but respect for Jimmy and look forward to seeing many more videos starring him....

However, DAMN YOU COLE! You had a new boy in the studio that was absolutely gorgeous and the entire sex scene Jimmy was the center of attention. When Bradley pulled down his shorts to expose his ass, did Cole take the camera off Jimmy's cock for a second to give us an up close view Bradley's sweet ass! NOPE! It was only when Jimmy was nutting that we got to see an above view of his ass. I am disappointed with the cinematography of that scene. I sure hope that Bradley will be back to show off more of that gorgeous butt and other scrumptious body parts.

I agree with you about not getting a nice shot of Bradley's ass and a glimpse of his total package. I'm guessing that Clay is saving that for his solo episode. This episode for me was more comedy than porn. Thank God for Jimmy's wisecracks and sense of humor; because from a porn aspect, it was a snoozer. But they can't all be lustifully arousing.
Well, if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all...sums it up!

As old as I am, can I really afford to waste 27 minutes and 8 seconds of my life? Trying to hear some inane pap in a car with so much road noise you couldn't hear anything, let alone anything intelligible. The banana was more interesting than the whole works put together.

I can't fault Bradley, right now he doesn't know sickum from suckum. I was hoping we would get just a cursory glimpse of the goods from Bradley but it appears the focus was elsewhere....!!

There was no rating for this video clip because the rating system doesn't go to ZERO! :cursing:
Well, that was unusual. I kinda enjoyed the boy-talk in the car. Jimmy was his usual interactive self. Bradley looked shell-shocked but engaging. Inspite of Jimmy's performance which is always fantastic, I think this episode of Bradley was just a mind-teaser for us to hunger for more of Bradley. We show no dick except for Jimmy's and only a short scene of Bradley's gorgeous ass. So when are we going to see the jewels of Colorado?
However, DAMN YOU COLE! You had a new boy in the studio that was absolutely gorgeous and the entire sex scene Jimmy was the center of attention. When Bradley pulled down his shorts to expose his ass, did Cole take the camera off Jimmy's cock for a second to give us an up close view Bradley's sweet ass! NOPE! It was only when Jimmy was nutting that we got to see an above view of his ass. I am disappointed with the cinematography of that scene.

Absolutely agree.... This scene was first-class trash! Neverending talk in the car and then: Jimmy... Jimmy... Jimmy everywhere. Thumbs down!
One has to ask, what is Clay trying to do here? There was a request for more interview. Watch what you wish for, you just might get it. We learned that Jimmy likes cock, "why else would I be doing this?" he opines. We are already clear that quality is not a goal of this sight and now it seems quantity has joined that list of non goals. If I gave a damn, I would be pissed off. I have given up expecting anything.
New low

An all new low for BSB2. The scene was abysmal, simply abysmal.:thumbdown:
Well, if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all...sums it up!

The best line is out of Steel Magnolia's. "If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit next to me..."
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I was bored with this episode before even watching it, because I knew it was going to be another episode where the world once again revolves around Jimmy. At this point, why even bother putting another model in the episode with Jimmy? In fact, here's an idea: why don't you guys just foot the cost to give Jimmy his own website? You could call it: JUST JIMMY! That way all the Jimmy-lovers could get non-stop Jimmy 24/7. (Ooh, wait a minute, there's better name for the site: NON-STOP JIMMY 24/7!)

And as far as the previous comment, "We learned that Jimmy likes cock, "why else would I be doing this?" he opines." ... please ... do you really believe that? Trust me, Jimmy has learned to pander to the gullible audience. It's called stretching your 15 minutes.

There's a reason that so far the member's have rated this episode a 2.0. The tag line for the episode reads "What does a banana, a Jimmy and a Bradley make? You'll find out when you watch this smokin' hot oral scene that dares to be different!" -- Talk about spin. There was no smoke in this episode ... and where there's no smoke, there's no fire.

Lastly, hasn't anybody noticed that in the listings of the top twelve rated member favorites episodes that NOT ONE episode features Jimmy?

I concur (once again) with richardnoggin869 this was another BIG FAT ZERO!
Enough Jimmy already!!!

Another waste of time with Jimmy. Jimmy is NOT the center of the universe, and to act as if he is is insulting to me and other members. The only thing about this minus scene, besides Bradly, is that BSBII can't get any worse.
Same old, same old. What a waste of a hottie (and I do mean Brad). And ditto to most all the other comments.
I could not hear Bradley in the car ride because of all of the background noise. I think that part would have been fun if you could hear it. When they got to the set to begin the "hot oral scene" Jimmy disrobed but you only had Bradley remove his shirt. I think Bradley is really cute and should have been more of the scene. I am also disapointed that we did not get a good ass shot once Bradley pulled down his shorts. I'm sorry, but you have two great looking guys and this scene could have been much better. :(
Bradley is hot (I think) but I couldn't even get worked up over him because there was not much of him to see.
Jimmy the -A-hole

Guys its a waste of to mention jimmys bad attidue, He Clays boy, and what we say goes unheard. In Clays little world Jimmy is Broke Straight Boys I do watch Jimmy videos, cause he has a nice ass.( yea an ass hole , with a nice ass) do as i do watch jimmys video, BUT just mute the sound. (it works!)
I agree this was ABSOLUTELY BORING!!!!! I didn't even finish it when I realized that Bradley wasn't gonna get off. I also would've loved to seen his whole package, too
Wow, talk about two steps forward and three steps back. What the hell was Clay thinking? There was absolutely no need to have Jimmy in this scene, a solo by Bradley would have been so much better
You really can't blame Jimmy for this disaster, for it is Clay that has a vision for the scene and sets it up to shoot. Credit Jimmy for having Brad expose his ass, too bad Clay wasn't interested in showing it to us. Maybe Mark should hire someone to head up Quality control, since he's apparently too busy counting his money to even have a clue as to what is happening to this once great site. It is beyond me how you, as a business owner, could not have your finger on the pulse of the dues paying membership, and not know that a scene such as this would not raise the ire of those members. Maybe Broke Straight Boys should have two directors, each one filming their own scenes, that way Broke Straight Boys could only buy the best of what was offered on any given week, that would certainly raise the quality of the scenes with a bit of healthy competition and accountability for quality. The bar has been set. It is up to Mark to raise that bar. - Jason
I didn't watch this one, because I do not normally watch one sided scenes unless the guy getting blown is a newbie who is first being "broke in". But since Jimmy got blown by the new guy instead, I didn't watch it.

My only comment is that the Jimmy and Vinnie "foot" disaster, I mean scene, starring Jimmy and Vinnie is I believe the all time lowest rated scene in Broke Straight Boys's rich history (which spelled the end of Vinnie's Broke Straight Boys career).

I believe this scene is the second lowest rated scene in Broke Straight Boys history.

That is not a stastistic I would be proud of if I had anything to do with the production of either scene.

For those who say ratings don't matter, actually yes they do. While they're not scientific polls, they do represent a cross section of the membership who does vote just as scientific polls are.

The numbers -- at least as of right now unless the rating for this scene improves -- tell us that overall the members did not like this scene and that scenes like this should not be filmed again or people will likely begin cancelling memberships.

Nuff said.