I do not know if you read all the threads but he did not get anything from those forumites, his only reaction was - I got a 5 . And by the way he does not want to hear " the " viewers he only wants to hear from his fans. Read his responses to some of the post and see how ignorant he can be and all the name calling if you do not like his episodes."Half way" is right! I think Jimmy has a long way to go before I can start believing he cares about his partners! Although, I do agree with Abe about the scripting and directing of the scenes, I feel that with all his experience so far, Jimmy shares some of the responsibility for his actions, even if Collin admits he was a willing victim. Jimmy says he wants to hear from the viewers. Well, I think he got an earful from those forumites who were displeased with his scene with Collin. Maybe that's why he, or Clay, decided we should see his "sensitive side" in his scene with Anthony. Time will certainly tell!!!
Alright, who is the guy in this scene, and what have you done with Jimmy? (kidding) I'm sure that no one ever expected me to say this about a scene with Jimmy in it, but I will: this was hot! Jimmy was caring, considerate, respectful, engaging and involved. He even put his hand on Anthony's shoulder and caressed his head! That an all new level of interaction for Jimmy. Nicely done Jimmy!
Anthony was exceptional as well. He's definitely a keeper.
The only negative marks I give this episode are on the technical side. I really wish Clay would listen to us and give his direction off camera. Enough with the, "why don't you reach around and help each other out" routine. The scene would be hotter if it looked as if they did something like that spontaneously and not on command. And how many times do we have to ask Clay to STOP telling the top to pull out and cum? For once, I'm enjoying watching Jimmy top someone and you interrupt! What the hell is that about? Have you got somewhere to go? Is the room rented on a timer or something? For gods sake, let 'em fuck and edit the video later ...
Anyway, back to Jimmy and Anthony --- thanks for a hot scene ...
I do not know if you read all the threads but he did not get anything from those forumites, his only reaction was - I got a 5 . And by the way he does not want to hear " the " viewers he only wants to hear from his fans. Read his responses to some of the post and see how ignorant he can be and all the name calling if you do not like his episodes.
They both did a good job but folks Master James is showing (to coin a phrase) great progress and quite frankly from where it comes I care not. AH! and now I throw down the gauntlet I do and say bring back Bobby (as soon as I let him out of my basement) and put the two of them together and we'll all vote for the Mr. Personality winner who does the hottest job on screen for the year thus far. Thanks for letting me ramble for I fear this makes absolutely no sense.
Hey Jimmy, besides New York, I love the great state of North Carolina, and specially Durham where my Duke Blue Devils play, but I dig you, and if you love Maryland, then Terrapin country is Okay with me too.im trying RAY and i love MARYLAND greatest state in the country
Jimmy I am finally a fan of yours. This was a great scene from both of you, sensitive in the beginning and rough at the end. I think Anthony really liked it. Look forward to seeing him in the future.
Hey Jimmy, besides New York, I love the great state of North Carolina, and specially Durham where my Duke Blue Devils play, but I dig you, and if you love Maryland, then Terrapin country is Okay with me too.![]()
You have got to be kidding! Jimmy the savior of BSBII, Are you kidding? I can understand some members liking Jimmy, even though I can't understand, why anyone likes Jimmy.
Just this week we saw two long term members leave Broke Straight Boys, and Jimmy, in their own words, a major reason for leaving. This to me is extreme, because Broke Straight Boys has some great free sights, and College Physicals. BSBII also has Bobby, Mark, Mick, Jack, Colin, and Kevin. College Boy Physicals is doing what we have asked for on Broke Straight Boys, to see some of the most enjoyable models from the past. Once and a while I like to see the older models. Unlike Broke Straight Boys, College Boy Physicals gets the message.
My feelings go back to a Broke Straight Boys behind the scenes interview, when Jimmy said of my comments," Nobody gives a fuck." I find Jimmy, a person that I don't want to watch or hear from, I don't like his attitude towards other models on camera and his total disrespect of the members. I don't think Jimmy understands where his salary comes from.
Lastly, I don't want to deny any members enjoyment if they like Jimmy. I just wish that Mark and Clay would use Jimmy a little less. As for Jimmy's contract I hope it expires-- YESTERDAY
That's okay Jimmy. We both like the Yankees. I liked your nice comment's a couple of weeks ago about Robinson Cano, and this Friday the Yanks begin their drive for championship #28.well overall UMD has a better sports program we beat that ass in football and always have a good rivalry in basketball weve had some big upsets on duke
Wow... Jimmy has a sensitive side... I think he half way had some sort of real feeling for Anthony. Way to go Jimmy... I like this side of you.... alot!
I think the "star" in Jimmy is beginning to shine and that little freek Anthony is a great bottom. I think he enjoyed Jimmy's power fuck. Jimmy, it's just great to see you shine! This is the compassionate, caring, hot fucking Jimmy I want to see. I personally would like to hear you become more verbal when you're taking charge, slapping & fucking the "bottom" boys.
Hats off to you Jimmy,
"Half way" is right! I think Jimmy has a long way to go before I can start believing he cares about his partners! Although, I do agree with Abe about the scripting and directing of the scenes, I feel that with all his experience so far, Jimmy shares some of the responsibility for his actions, even if Collin admits he was a willing victim. Jimmy says he wants to hear from the viewers. Well, I think he got an earful from those forumites who were displeased with his scene with Collin. Maybe that's why he, or Clay, decided we should see his "sensitive side" in his scene with Anthony. Time will certainly tell!!!
Wow, Stimpy, the Old Grouch/Party Pooper, that was a lot to digest. You kept me up most of the night trying to take it all in...and I'm still not there. My Tums bottle is empty and I feel a migrane coming on. (just kidding)
First, my friend, let me please explain my post a little. I was just using a metaphor to try to explain the part that you deleted, namely that Broke Straight Boys was using this "Jimmy drama" as a marketing tool. And in my opinion, it worked. The raising of the dead thing was Jimmy coming forth with his new kinder and caring persona. Do I think Jimmy is the savior of Broke Straight Boys? Not at all. But, do I think that the powers from above made all of this happen? Absolutely. "Powers from above" meaning the owners and management of the site. They absolutely know what they are doing, and are doing it well. And the fact that it just about drove this forum into a frenzy, just proves they are in fact doing their jobs well.
Now, may I just take a quote from you and give you my perception of this whole mess? You're free to take it or leave it, and I don't claim that my perception is right or even the best. It's just me, dumb hick from Ohio.
"Some Broke Straight Boys members really resent being manipulated emotionally, especially if they are very open to attaching great affection for the models on this site. It's a dirty trick to play with emotions of the faithful and I resent it personally." Your statement (along with the rest of your post) makes a lot of sense too. But Broke Straight Boys is a production company, first and foremost. They are in the business to sell a product and one great marketing tool is to manipulate the emotions of current and potential customers to keep them interested in their product. They can in fact tell us what we want and need by manipulation. Happens all the time. How do you think soap operas have stayed in business for 50+ years...manipulation of emotion. Someone is always killing someone or marrying someone or suddenly turning evil, etc. I have actually seen my mother sitting, crying her eyes out about something that happened on her favorite soap opera. It's just a way to keep the viewing public viewing their production. And Broke Straight Boys is doing it well.
The Jimmy you see on screen, is not necessarily the Jimmy off screen. I could and should use that statement for all of the models. They have a part to play. I'm sure they are told before the cameras roll how that part should be performed (affection, no affection, hard ass, easy going, etc.). In the case of Jimmy, if you want to see the real Jimmy, watch the tapes of him at the Broke Straight Boys events. I used to believe that in his case, what you see is what you get. But I'm a little sceptical of that idea now. Too big of a change too quickly for me to swallow just yet. I love the new Jimmy and I hope he stays that way. Look at me, I'm getting manipulated just like everybody else!
What we have with Jimmy, is a genuine -- and super hot -- straight guy who is performing sexually with other guys on camera. Jimmy brings with him all the lack of passion and excitement as 99% of other straight guys would bring to his scenes. If not for the fact Jimmy is able to get and maintain an erection (most of the time), he probably would have never been hired to begin with. There aren't many things worse in porn than a limp dick in my opinion.
For those of you out there who are 100% gay, and not at all interested in women sexually, how would your performances be if you were having sex with girls on camera? And keep in mind that as a gay man you were having sex with women on camera, there probably wouldn't be the stigma associated with having sex with women because after all, you were likely trained from the time you were a small child that it's considered "normal" to want to have relationships (sexual and otherwise) with girls.
Yes Jimmy is paid to perform, but do you expect him to pretend to be something he's not?
The scene with Colin was a trainwreck, I completely agree with that. But I honestly don't think that was as much Jimmy and Colin's idea as they claim as it was those who are in charge of actually thinking up the scene content. My personal opinion is that it was probably more Clay's idea than anyone's. After all, Colin himself made the comment that Clay made it very clear to him that he could stop the scene at any time if he felt he couldn't continue. If the whole thing would have been Colin's idea to begin with, I don't think Clay would be reassuring Colin that they could stop filming if they needed to.
The way Jimmy is in his scenes is really no different than Jimmy is when he's not on camera in my opinion. Jimmy is a young straight guy, who has a great smile and a great sense of humor, and he's friendly and nice. I don't think Jimmy tries to be something he's not, and he is just a young guy trying to make his way in life.
Personally, I would *love* to watch Jimmy do some straight porn...I'll bet anything it would be hot as hell to watch him have sex with some hot girls. But it is a fact that guys who do straight porn don't get paid a fraction of what guys in gay porn get paid. In straight porn, guys are not a whole lot more than props...all the attention is paid to the women in the scenes.
But you know what everyone, I'll bet if Jimmy was doing straight porn he wouldn't be a whole lot different towards the girls than he is towards his male scene partners. I'll bet he'd still say funny things, and he'd probably still feel awkward having sex with a girl on camera no matter how hot she is...although I'm guessing he'd enjoy it a HELL of a lot more.
Please try to keep things in context everyone. While I completely suspect and believe that Jimmy in real life is totally straight, I highly doubt that many of the other guys performing on Broke Straight Boys are actually straight in real life even though they say that they are. After all they're playing a role. Am I calling them liars? No, I'm telling you they are playing the role whether in the scene, on the forum, whatever.
Would you expect Leonard Nimoy to live his life wearing pointed ears, wearing a Starfleet uniform, and acting like a Vulcan? Of course not.
It is no different people, these guys are playing a role for our viewing pleasure. When you get 100% straight guys in front of the camera having sex with other guys, you're generally not going to see hot sex as the result. But for some of us, that's still hot as hell to watch. I know that Mikeyank and I share that love.
To me there is nothing hotter than watching someone slurp on Jimmy's big fat hot cock, and worship it like there's no tomorrow. Personally I'd love to see Jimmy worshipped even more, and would love to see more attention paid to his balls...his amazingly hot nipples, his beautiful body, and yes even his hot, sexy, manly feet (Mike I know that you would probably stop at the cock part lol).
There is something really hot, and erotic, for me to watch a guy completely worship a straight man's cock and body if he's really good at it.
But after awhile that gets boring and old if it's always the same old thing scene after scene. So you have to throw in mutual cock sucking, and eventually fucking because you have to satisfy everyone at some point or everyone will eventually cancel.
You simply cannot run a purely straight guys having gay sex website because 1. everyone else is already doing it (just do a google search of straight guys having gay sex and see how many results you get), and 2. the purist websites out there who have attempted it seem to not do so well (see StraightCollegeMen.com). The SCM site literally required all of their guys to be completely straight, they even put it on the application for potential new models and asked are you straight, bi curious, bi, gay. If anything more than straight, they likely wouldn't be asked back after their $500 solo jack off scene.
But the result, to many, was really boring and non-erotic sex. So they ended up having to use the same two guys in every scene for like 2 years straight ("Max" and "Tucker") and the site ended up going out of business.
Again I ask you, if you are completely gay, how great of a performer would you be if you were having sex with women on camera, in front of a film crew, and then having to face the viewers in a forum environment. I don't think I could do it even back when I was in my early 20's and living a mostly straight existance.
For those of you who can't stand Jimmy, please try to keep that in mind when you're watching him.
And again, I seriously have my doubts that the Jimmy and Colin rough sex scene was as much Jimmy's idea as it was that he was simply following the script, and doing what he was told.
Mike, Abe, Another1, Buckeye1. You guys are something else! I appreciate your integrity and loyalty; patience and compassion for Jimmy. It shows that you really are supportive of something/someone you believe in. I respect that. I think my problem is that I am probably less so when it comes to my porn. I expect results, and I have little patience for hand-holding and coddling str8 guys through a gay sex scene or in their g4p porn careers.
Because the gay-for-pay genre has an element of str8 guy worship, it tends to cater to those who are willing to accept a less than stellar performance from its models. Having watched a lot of quality gay porn, I've seen models give amazing performances. Take Kristen Bjorn. He traveled the globe and found men from various cultures and ethnic backgrounds and found a sizeable group of hot men, many of whom were str8 and lived str8 lives. To this day, his films are among the best in the industry. I've watched Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher, and others featuring str8 men (we can debate that till the cows come home and not get anywhere) and those were among the hottest performances I've seen.
So, my feeling is that I don't have to settle for mediocre when I'm paying money. If Jimmy's scenes don't get me off, then I have to evaluate if whether it's worth it to me to skip his scenes. And since he appears often enough for me to feel that I'm getting less for the money, it's time to move on. I don't begrudge Jimmy the income he has contracted for a certain amount of scenes in a year, although I question the wisdom in that, given how easy it is to grow tired of any model who appears too often. Personally, I find Jimmy attractive, but for me, he's not all that and a bag of chips as some of the members believe he is. I don't think he's any more appealing than the other models, which is why I'm befuddled that he is given preeminence on this site. Believe me, I would feel the same if I felt a model were appearing too often on any site, no matter who the model is. However, it just doesn't happen very often elsewhere. I guess that's why it took me by surprise to see two Jimmy scenes back-to-back. For that I blame management, who should have known better. They're not exactly new at this.
Perhaps you guys are right. Jimmy is making progress and the best is yet to come. I just don't have it in me to stick around to see that happen, because based on the incremental progress made already, it'll be a lengthy process; and life is short.
That's okay Jimmy. We both like the Yankees. I liked your nice comment's a couple of weeks ago about Robinson Cano, and this Friday the Yanks begin their drive for championship #28.
I respect you as a Maryland fan, and I respect you as a model and as a man!!
Thanks Jimmy, for taking some time to interact with us. You rule!!!
so far i like you as a model and a man.
Mike, i love you man!
There must be a smilie that could go here!
Out the door.
Remind me which team you like in pro football.