Wow... Jimmy has a sensitive side... I think he half way had some sort of real feeling for Anthony. Way to go Jimmy... I like this side of you.... alot!
Dear Jimmy and his supporters,
Having been given a "Jimmy Hater" award, I think the alleged wisdom of management painting Jimmy into this corner of being a totally straight alpha-male top that is by definition insensitive to the needs of your partner has erected a major obstacle for my mind to overcome. Frankly, I could NOT care less if you were ever some "jock" because all of your offensive actions on Broke Straight Boys episodes prior to this scene with Anthony. It has created a tremendous amount of "BAGGAGE" among us feeble-minded "HATERS OF ALL UNNECESSARY BRUTALITY". There are "Good Jocks" that are not ego-maniacs, not selfish to the core, and can actually be "real team players" instead of acting like a "one-man team". All too often "jocks" have been spoiled rotten by the powers that be at their school and protected them from reality at all costs. These spoiled "jocks" are not team players.
All I can say speaking for myself is that, having been personally burned so many times since you came to Broke Straight Boys by your unpleasant, arrogant acting, and offensive episodes, MAYBE SOMEDAY I CAN ACTUALLY BRING MYSELF AROUND TO WATCH ANOTHER EPISODE WITH YOU IN IT. For the time being, I simply refuse to watch this episode with Anthony because of the past brutality/alpha-male bull shit I observed dished out to Colin and others before him. Laugh at me all you want! I still am MAD AS HELL OVER WHAT YOU DID TO COLIN AND I DON'T FORGET THIS KIND OF CRAP EASILY!
On the positive side, I do respect all of those I quoted above and readily accept their honest evaluation of your performance with Anthony that, for the first time ever, you were considerate of your partner. That is a basic value that no human should ever forget! Kids frequently believe they can give you HELL EVERYDAY and then, when they really want your support at the drop of a hat, they think why not support them now, afterall, this is a new day!. In their naiveté they fail to recognize there is an accumulation of sentiments that occur in any relationship over an extended period of time, like 4- to 5-months. Spoilled brats are not all of a sudden forgiven and all is now perfect with the world! That doesn't happen like this in the real world, not even for "jocks". No one likes to have their affections toyed with, on-again, then off-again. I had wanted to see you had gradually softened your rough edges until this disaster with Colin, and that guaranteed you a seat "back in the dog house".
I sincerely hope Management as well as future Broke Straight Boys models have learned a lesson from all of this unnecessary hoopla. Some Broke Straight Boys members REALLY RESENT being manipulated emotionally, especially if they are very open to attaching great affection for the models on this site. It is a dirty trick to play with the emotions of the faithful and I resent it personally!
Using tricks to show a personality that is in total conflict with the BTS persona that is fun-loving and kind-hearted is a guaranteed way to create this lack of congruence in the way Jimmy is perceived. This creates a Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde persona that I deplore having to observe or deal with, akin to someone that has bi-polar disorder and is going through "mood swings" repeatedly going from one extreme to the polar opposite extreme. That is very unsettling and is completely unpleasant to experience for both the person so impaired as well as those that must interact with him.
Lets get down to basics and offer enjoyable gay porn and cut all the CRAP! Then, maybe with Jimmy's continued humane progress on site like this episode with Anthony, I may feel justified in abandanoning my "Jimmy Hater" status and finally watch some of his more compassionate episodes beginning with Anthony. Then, and only then, will I apologize to Jimmy or Management for using the "R-word". Certainly Colin(the victim) has no need to apologize to anybody for what happened to him in that brutally offensive episode.
By the way, until today writing this comment, I would never considered myself as a "Jimmy Hater" but rather as someone wanting to offer corrective feedback for the benefit of everybody. I recognized long before today that Jimmy is nice looking, has a nice body (regardless of his dick size I failed to fully appreciate), and was making gradual progress to show a little more thoughtfulness to his partners on the set. And for the record, I did not come to view his episode with Colin with anything other than well wishes for a sexy scene especially with the very sexy and willing Colin. That is all I brought to that party. I believe Colin mentioned in a post that there had been some problems with the shoot. Looking back, it seems like when the birthday cake crashes to the floor, it would be much better for everyone to simply write it up as a "total loss" rather than to serve this kind of stuff to your members. Afterall, it brought almost universal disgust and negative comments. I wished I had never watched it. Just like the whole thing with Santos that lit up the forum when David was the director.
Still wounded, but not on my deathbed yet,
Stimpy, the Old Grouch/Party Pooper
I think we have to look at the reality of the timing of these scenes before we can give "ourselves" credit for the change in Jimmy between his Colin scene, and the ranting about his perceived "brutality", and then the "kinder and gentler" Jimmy scene with Anthony.Jimmy says he wants to hear from the viewers. Well, I think he got an earful from those forumites who were displeased with his scene with Collin. Maybe that's why he, or Clay, decided we should see his "sensitive side" in his scene with Anthony. Time will certainly tell!!!
I think we have to look at the reality of the timing of these scenes before we can give "ourselves" credit for the change in Jimmy between his Colin scene, and the ranting about his perceived "brutality", and then the "kinder and gentler" Jimmy scene with Anthony.
Colin & Jimmy was shot in July, and Anthony & Jimmy in August. Both scenes were promoted in advance on the homepage, to be released when they were respectively, so "the reaction" by the forum over the Colin scene had absolutely nothing to do with the Anthony scene, as this was all recorded and released as planned well before we ever saw either episode.
Another1 dude, I do believe that you totally get it. You are seeing exactly what I am seeing. Jimmy is a straight guy who offered apparently good money to appear on a gay porn site. He had little or no understanding of what fan's of gay porn like to see, because he is april and may when we first met jimmy, there was call for him to more into scene. i said that he grunted and sighed too much when given direction, that he looked distracted during the scenes. my comments were among many, said more clearly by others and with far more energy than i possess.
in july, jimmy made one scene with jack, one threeway scene with mark and colin, and two scenes with colin.
in august, jimmy made the scene with anthony.
near the beginning of september, after the threeway, comments were made about jimmy touching the other model and nice it was to see jimmy inact. some not enough yet!
then members saw the anal scene with colin. now we have Broke Straight Boys 2.0, before colin and Broke Straight Boys 2.0 after colin.
in the first scene after colin (ac), viewers saw the rough side presented with the caring side. the scene with anthony was hot.
i think it has been fine journey from april 2nd to this day.
i went back and watched jimmy and brett scene. i don't understand how anyone could not see the difference between a scene made in march and this scene made in august.
april rollout
june incorporate suggested changes
august continue model development
i wish all my projects moved forward at a steady pace. just when i think i have everything in place something, anything goes wrong. not just wrong, but horribly wrong!
kudos to clay and jimmy and anthony and to Broke Straight Boys
Dear Jimmy and his supporters,
Having been given a "Jimmy Hater" award, I think the alleged wisdom of management painting Jimmy into this corner of being a totally straight alpha-male top that is by definition insensitive to the needs of your partner has erected a major obstacle for my mind to overcome. Frankly, I could NOT care less if you were ever some "jock" because all of your offensive actions on Broke Straight Boys episodes prior to this scene with Anthony. It has created a tremendous amount of "BAGGAGE" among us feeble-minded "HATERS OF ALL UNNECESSARY BRUTALITY". There are "Good Jocks" that are not ego-maniacs, not selfish to the core, and can actually be "real team players" instead of acting like a "one-man team". All too often "jocks" have been spoiled rotten by the powers that be at their school and protected them from reality at all costs. These spoiled "jocks" are not team players.
All I can say speaking for myself is that, having been personally burned so many times since you came to Broke Straight Boys by your unpleasant, arrogant acting, and offensive episodes, MAYBE SOMEDAY I CAN ACTUALLY BRING MYSELF AROUND TO WATCH ANOTHER EPISODE WITH YOU IN IT. For the time being, I simply refuse to watch this episode with Anthony because of the past brutality/alpha-male bull shit I observed dished out to Colin and others before him. Laugh at me all you want! I still am MAD AS HELL OVER WHAT YOU DID TO COLIN AND I DON'T FORGET THIS KIND OF CRAP EASILY!
On the positive side, I do respect all of those I quoted above and readily accept their honest evaluation of your performance with Anthony that, for the first time ever, you were considerate of your partner. That is a basic value that no human should ever forget! Kids frequently believe they can give you HELL EVERYDAY and then, when they really want your support at the drop of a hat, they think why not support them now, afterall, this is a new day!. In their naiveté they fail to recognize there is an accumulation of sentiments that occur in any relationship over an extended period of time, like 4- to 5-months. Spoilled brats are not all of a sudden forgiven and all is now perfect with the world! That doesn't happen like this in the real world, not even for "jocks". No one likes to have their affections toyed with, on-again, then off-again. I had wanted to see you had gradually softened your rough edges until this disaster with Colin, and that guaranteed you a seat "back in the dog house".
I sincerely hope Management as well as future Broke Straight Boys models have learned a lesson from all of this unnecessary hoopla. Some Broke Straight Boys members REALLY RESENT being manipulated emotionally, especially if they are very open to attaching great affection for the models on this site. It is a dirty trick to play with the emotions of the faithful and I resent it personally!
Using tricks to show a personality that is in total conflict with the BTS persona that is fun-loving and kind-hearted is a guaranteed way to create this lack of congruence in the way Jimmy is perceived. This creates a Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde persona that I deplore having to observe or deal with, akin to someone that has bi-polar disorder and is going through "mood swings" repeatedly going from one extreme to the polar opposite extreme. That is very unsettling and is completely unpleasant to experience for both the person so impaired as well as those that must interact with him.
Lets get down to basics and offer enjoyable gay porn and cut all the CRAP! Then, maybe with Jimmy's continued humane progress on site like this episode with Anthony, I may feel justified in abandanoning my "Jimmy Hater" status and finally watch some of his more compassionate episodes beginning with Anthony. Then, and only then, will I apologize to Jimmy or Management for using the "R-word". Certainly Colin(the victim) has no need to apologize to anybody for what happened to him in that brutally offensive episode.
By the way, until today writing this comment, I would never considered myself as a "Jimmy Hater" but rather as someone wanting to offer corrective feedback for the benefit of everybody. I recognized long before today that Jimmy is nice looking, has a nice body (regardless of his dick size I failed to fully appreciate), and was making gradual progress to show a little more thoughtfulness to his partners on the set. And for the record, I did not come to view his episode with Colin with anything other than well wishes for a sexy scene especially with the very sexy and willing Colin. That is all I brought to that party. I believe Colin mentioned in a post that there had been some problems with the shoot. Looking back, it seems like when the birthday cake crashes to the floor, it would be much better for everyone to simply write it up as a "total loss" rather than to serve this kind of stuff to your members. Afterall, it brought almost universal disgust and negative comments. I wished I had never watched it. Just like the whole thing with Santos that lit up the forum when David was the director.
Still wounded, but not on my deathbed yet,
Stimpy, the Old Grouch/Party Pooper
I prefer to think that Jimmy is turning over a new leaf and is incorporating our suggestions. I look forward with some hope to seeing him do better and better as time goes on.
The fact that there is still alot of animosity towards him to overcome is obvious and quite understandable. Several months back when his scenes were rating 1's and 2's, some people were saying to give him a chance and he would get better. I hoped they were right. I sincerely hope that we really have turned a corner here with Jimmy. I would love to see him become a successful model on here. Measured as such not just by the flattering posts of members of the forum, but by good ratings that are voted on by all members who pay their dues to watch.
I wrote back on 5/10/11:
"Jimmy still has the chance to build up a good fan following here on the site. But his progression does need to move along at a faster pace or people will lose interest in him. Even if he does more a month or two down the road people may not be able to forgive him for all the mediocre scenes that it took to get him to that point."
So instead of two month's worth of scenes it took four month's worth to get us to where we are now. I really hope that this is the real Jimmy that we will see more and more of as time goes on. On the other hand Jimmy and mgmt also need to realize that this will take a while. Everybody's feelings towards him are not going to change overnight. Especially given all the history there is to overcome. That includes voting members who never read or join the forum.
But the good news is that it is definitely doable. Just as in show business, even online porn has a quality of "What have you done for us lately?". Jimmy still has many of the same great qualities that he has had along. Namely a nice body, handsome face, and a warm smile. Maybe most importantly though we are finally going to see the wonderful personality that we have heard so much about in legend...but have far too rarely seen.
I consider myself to be a quick forgive. (At least on some things) I am a Scorpio after all. And we have memories like I finally see reason to be optimistic with Jimmy. My hope for him (personally as well as professionally) is that the days ahead for him are steadily brighter, happier and more prosperous than those in the rearview mirror.
Mike, Abe, Another1, Buckeye1. You guys are something else! I appreciate your integrity and loyalty; patience and compassion for Jimmy. It shows that you really are supportive of something/someone you believe in. I respect that. I think my problem is that I am probably less so when it comes to my porn. I expect results, and I have little patience for hand-holding and coddling str8 guys through a gay sex scene or in their g4p porn careers.
Because the gay-for-pay genre has an element of str8 guy worship, it tends to cater to those who are willing to accept a less than stellar performance from its models. Having watched a lot of quality gay porn, I've seen models give amazing performances. Take Kristen Bjorn. He traveled the globe and found men from various cultures and ethnic backgrounds and found a sizeable group of hot men, many of whom were str8 and lived str8 lives. To this day, his films are among the best in the industry. I've watched Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher, and others featuring str8 men (we can debate that till the cows come home and not get anywhere) and those were among the hottest performances I've seen.
So, my feeling is that I don't have to settle for mediocre when I'm paying money. If Jimmy's scenes don't get me off, then I have to evaluate if whether it's worth it to me to skip his scenes. And since he appears often enough for me to feel that I'm getting less for the money, it's time to move on. I don't begrudge Jimmy the income he has contracted for a certain amount of scenes in a year, although I question the wisdom in that, given how easy it is to grow tired of any model who appears too often. Personally, I find Jimmy attractive, but for me, he's not all that and a bag of chips as some of the members believe he is. I don't think he's any more appealing than the other models, which is why I'm befuddled that he is given preeminence on this site. Believe me, I would feel the same if I felt a model were appearing too often on any site, no matter who the model is. However, it just doesn't happen very often elsewhere. I guess that's why it took me by surprise to see two Jimmy scenes back-to-back. For that I blame management, who should have known better. They're not exactly new at this.
Perhaps you guys are right. Jimmy is making progress and the best is yet to come. I just don't have it in me to stick around to see that happen, because based on the incremental progress made already, it'll be a lengthy process; and life is short.