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Jimmy and Anthony


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Another five star episode this evening!! Good job Jimmy and Anthony. This episode in my opinion, had something for everyone. Jimmy showed a caring and sensitive side for Anthony, but in the end gave him a good fucking!
I must agree Jimmy showed a side of him that had yet tobe seen.Great job guys,Jimmy you gonna make me a fan keep up the good work.Anthony great job the site is lucky to have you.
Thanks guys!!

Jimmy and Anthony, thanks for a great scene. I gave it a 5!! Anthony, you come across as a really nice guy who does a great job in an area of sexuality which is foreign to you. Hopefully, you will be with us for a long time. And Jimmy, slowly but surely you are exhibiting the characteristics of the power dominant top that I told you in a thread awhile ago that I felt you had in you. The elements you introduced in this scene (the ass slapping, the neck holding [no people he wasn't choking Anthony!], holding his face down on the futon, the fishhooking [although I think that's sexier during blowjobs]) are all the things associated with an aggressive and dominant top. All you need is some verbal dominance (you did it in the scene with you, Colin, and Mark when you told Mark to "get your back down, bitch!) and the role will be complete as far as I'm concerned. Two things you've said in the recent past I think are true for you straight actors on Broke Straight Boys: 1)It's all about the money; and 2) We're not here to make love, we're here to fuck! Back in the day, when I was in the mood (which was more often than not) I would always get with a straight or bi- guy and all I wanted was what he wanted, for me to blow him and for him to fuck the hell out of me. You remind me of those guys and those days. So I for one hope you never bottom, and I could care less if you ever suck another dick again. That's the past you help me to relive and the fantasy that I need now in my golden years. So thanks!
Jimmy showed remarkable sensitivity for a fellow model but that did not diminish his rough rugged performance with Anthony. God, Jimmy was goood! Anthony shined with his complementing actions: letting Jimmy stick his finger in his mouth, choking him and sticking his dick in his mouth at the end. They are a team. Can't wait to see Anthony fucked again by Jimmy. Fantastic performance! A straight "5" rating.
OMG! This has to be one of Jimmy's best scenes ever. Great job Jimmy! All along we keep hearing about what a wonderful guy he is in real life...offstage...in the green room, etc. But we rarely get a glimpse of that man when the cameras are rolling on set. I've been wanting and waiting to meet THAT Jimmy forever. I'm so glad he showed up. :001_smile:

I was blown away that he showed that level of encouragement to a new guy who was nervous. Whereas before he tried not to touch the other model any more than necessary, here he is talking soothingly to his scene partner and caressing his back and shoulders. It was actually kind of sweet the way he ran his hands through Anthony's hair as Anthony went down on him. That's more than some popular Broke Straight Boys-1 models would ever do. I'd like to see that more often.

Here, every step of the way Jimmy showed some level of empathy and concern for his partner. I'm still in a state of shock. That's not to say that Jimmy shouldn't ever play the alpha male role that he has up until now. But if he would let even a little bit of this side of his personality into each scene I think he would see his popularity soar. A combination of these two sides of him, in various ratios depending on the scene and scene partner, would work much better for him.

So THIS is the guy we've been hearing about from other people? I like him!

Normally after the bottom cums it is customary for the top to finish up fairly quickly. I liked the fact that Jimmy didn't want to stop because it was feeling too good. And because apparently Jimmy felt like he hadn't gotten quite "there" yet. That was when we saw the alpha male side of him who wanted to grunt and pound away a while more. Since I saw that Anthony was tolerating it well and seemed no worse for the wear, I enjoyed that part as well. Usually I'm leery of Jimmy ad libbing in a scene. But when he asked Anthony to suck his dick a little bit more so he could cum...I loved it!

I gave this one 5 stars. I think it will coast easily into the 4+ range. Good work on the part of the models, good directing, good camera work, lighting, etc.. :thumbup1:

*Satire and Sarcasm Alert*​

If I wanted to go along with some conspiracy theories I'd wonder who kidnapped Jimmy and replaced him with this body double?

Or from the other angle I'd wonder how this kindhearted guy managed to escape his kidnappers and vanquish the body double who's been impersonating him for the last several months. :001_rolleyes:
Another five star episode this evening!! Good job Jimmy and Anthony. This episode in my opinion, had something for everyone. Jimmy showed a caring and sensitive side for Anthony, but in the end gave him a good fucking!

yes, a thousand times yes!
man sex, no love making, just raw sex.
peace, jimmy! and now for something a little different.
great camera work.
anthony did well. came thru it all like a champ.
i'd say this was a touchdown!
a job well done!
yes, a thousand times yes!
man sex, no love making, just raw sex.
peace, jimmy! and now for something a little different.
great camera work.
anthony did well. came thru it all like a champ.
i'd say this was a touchdown!
a job well done!

Yep, Jimmy got his touchdown! From day one I knew you had it in you my friend and my faith never wavered. Way to go, Jimmy. You shined tonight.

And not to forget Anthony. Buddy that was a first class performance. Being your first time with another guy, the nervousness was natural and just added volumns to the scene in my opinion. I really look forward to seeing you in future scenes.

Mark, Clay...my hats off to you. This was that masterpiece you have worked so hard for. Your hard work and efforts are greatly appreciated by this member. Thank you so much.

5 stars from beginning to end.
Excellent Scene!!!!

This is one of the best scenes yet on BSB2. I never commented on the sex in the Jimmy & Colin scene, as I never got turned on by the rough sex scene that Jimmy, Colin and Clay had arranged and agreed to before the scene. Usually when I am not turned on by a scene or a model, I tend to say very little, but Jimmy and Anthony were GREAT in this scene, and I was aroused, which at the end of a day is what a porn scene is supposed to do for the viewer.

I am so much more impressed with Anthony today than I was by his solo. I think that he and Jimmy make a great team, and that Anthony is a natural bottom. Much like CJ and Danny from BSB1, Anthony has trouble getting and saying hard during a sex scene with another dude, but does get very aroused by having a dick in his ass, and he loved Jimmy's thick sausage even more than when he was using his finger during the solo. In fact Anthony was so highly aroused by Jimmy that he shot his load before he was given his cue to cum.

As far as the sex goes, Jimmy does get better and better at the gay sex part of his job as time goes on. This scene had an August date on it, while the previous Colin scene was identified as being shot in July. I can see that Jimmy has been paying attention to the advice that he has received on the forum. And I offer a big shout out to Tampa, and other's who I can see have influenced how he performs in front of the camera. He even mentioned that he got his new boxer's at the request of the forum. And during the early pre-fuck dick sucking, Jimmy suggested that Anthony move his hand as it was blocking Jimmy's dick, (advice from the forum), and then when Anthony was licking up Jimmy's cock, he told Anthony to look up at his face while licking, as "people will like that". There was also a lot more eye contact, touching and human connection between the model's than previously shown. Thanks Tampa, as I do believe that Jimmy read your post's and tried to improve for us.

As far as the person that Jimmy is, I totally 100% DISAGREE with those who say that he does not have a good worth ethic, or that he is "stealing money", and laughing all the way to the bank. Please understand that there is no one "job description" that defines working on this site. Because Jimmy is strictly a top, and Broke Straight Boys management does not want him to suck dick in his current scenes, does not in any way mean that he is "not working" as hard as the bottom.

It is a different job that he performs. It reminds me of when I managed a warehouse and a business, and often put in ten hour days, organizing all aspects of the business, and dealing with the workers under me, the office and ownership, as well as dealing with suppliers and customers, and I would hear complaining by the warehouse workers that "he" sits in an air conditioned office while we sweat in the warehouse and "he" gets paid more than us. Some workers have a mentality that all work is defined by lifting and sweating, whereas my bosses were very pleased with my management job. It is the same with Jimmy that because he does not do the exact same type of work that his bottom does, in no way means that he is "stealing his paycheck", anymore than I was "stealing" my paycheck, because I did not unload trucks, or pack orders all day long. At the end of the day, if the boss, and the customers are satisfied, then my pay check, (and Jimmy's) are certainly well deserved.

Finally, I am mystified by those who make comments about Jimmy to the effect of, "I wish we could see the same nice guy on camera as I see and hear about in his BTS appearances and at the events in his porn scenes". I do see and have seen the EXACT same guy in Jimmy in his porn scenes, at the events, where is always polite to his gay fans, and when he posts on the forum. Every model that he has worked with seem to enjoy his sense of humor, as they laugh at his jokes, and when asked on the forum, all say what a great guy he is.

Jimmy is basically a "jock" who has been a teammate all of his young life, and is loyal to his teammates both in sports and on Broke Straight Boys That is why he jumped in to defend Bobby, when a fan who loved Bobby complained that he had gained weight. And in today's scene with Anthony, Jimmy took the younger less experienced model under his wing, and did everything possible with words of encouragement, words of advice, and even encouraging pats on the back to help Anthony along. Colin said how much he enjoys being with Jimmy and went out to play video games, and eat wings with him, after their last scene together. Rob Ryder considers Jimmy a good friend, and he loves working the events with him.

Aside from the vocal "Jimmy haters" on the forum, he seems to be a well adjusted, really nice guy, both on camera and apparently off. Is Jimmy a great gay porn performer? Far from it, but instead he is a really good guy, who tries very hard to do a good job as a straight guy who is not naturally turned on by male to male sex. But I'm sure the haters will get right back on his case, calling him a homophobe, and insensitive to his partners needs, and lazy and cruel and all of their other garbage. To me he is quite the opposite as a great guy, and as a gay porn performer he is getting better with each scene, (look at the date's filmed, and not the dates released).

You have to be a strong man Jimmy, to put up with all the crap that has been handed out to you on the forum, but I love you and hope that you stick with your work here, and keep improving at the gay sex too.
Way to go Jimmy! Loved the scene. I never had any doubts to your character on or off camera. As always, enjoyed another great scene with you in it!
Alright, who is the guy in this scene, and what have you done with Jimmy? (kidding) I'm sure that no one ever expected me to say this about a scene with Jimmy in it, but I will: this was hot! Jimmy was caring, considerate, respectful, engaging and involved. He even put his hand on Anthony's shoulder and caressed his head! That an all new level of interaction for Jimmy. Nicely done Jimmy!

Anthony was exceptional as well. He's definitely a keeper.

The only negative marks I give this episode are on the technical side. I really wish Clay would listen to us and give his direction off camera. Enough with the, "why don't you reach around and help each other out" routine. The scene would be hotter if it looked as if they did something like that spontaneously and not on command. And how many times do we have to ask Clay to STOP telling the top to pull out and cum? For once, I'm enjoying watching Jimmy top someone and you interrupt! What the hell is that about? Have you got somewhere to go? Is the room rented on a timer or something? For gods sake, let 'em fuck and edit the video later ...

Anyway, back to Jimmy and Anthony --- thanks for a hot scene ...
Jimmy, this was a great scene! You showed us a side of you here that we've seen only in the behind the scenes vids. You were caring and considerate and this should ease much of the concerns expressed in the previous thread with Colin. Thanks for the new underwear even though my comment was addressed to those who just dropped em. I always appreciated you taking a few minutes in your boxerbriefs to get hard. The new and expensive boxers are really nice but the Hanes boxerbriefs seemed to fit you and your personality even better. Anthony, you were a real trooper and did a great job. My hat is off to you for being able to take Jimmy's huge cock. That is a tough way to do your first anal scene. But, you did it very well. Congrats to all on a job well done. It's a 5 for me.
Just had a thought, guys. (don't laugh, I'm not too old to get a thought now & then)

Do you realize that in the same week, we witnessed Jimmy (perhaps) at his worse and Jimmy (definitely) at his best? You think this was "Jimmy come (or cum) forth" week where he rose from the dead as the savior of BSB2? Do you think this was all planned by the powers from above? I do. Just a thought. I'm going to rest a little easier now knowing that my favorite porn site is in great hands. These guys know exactly what they are doing. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" and when the crowd is hungry enough, they will appreciate it more. Great job Mark & Clay.

Welcome home, Jimmy.

God, this was a long week!
They both did a good job but folks Master James is showing (to coin a phrase) great progress and quite frankly from where it comes I care not. AH! and now I throw down the gauntlet I do and say bring back Bobby (as soon as I let him out of my basement) and put the two of them together and we'll all vote for the Mr. Personality winner who does the hottest job on screen for the year thus far. Thanks for letting me ramble for I fear this makes absolutely no sense.
This was a great scene! Jimmy definitely outdid himself in this one, and hopefully this will help make up for his last scene with poor Colin. I gave this one 5/5, which I rarely do on a one sided scene (no mutual cock sucking) and no kissing, but I did anyway to vote that I loved the improvement of Jimmy's on-camera treatment of his scene partner. Great job Jimmy! If my theory that Jimmy has a signed contract of Blu Media exclusivity is correct, it's possible that Jimmy may redeem himself prior to expiration and he just may be asked back for more work after expiration. Jimmy *this* is how you get fans.
Jimmy I am finally a fan of yours. This was a great scene from both of you, sensitive in the beginning and rough at the end. I think Anthony really liked it. Look forward to seeing him in the future.
Yeah Right!

You have got to be kidding! Jimmy the savior of BSBII, Are you kidding? I can understand some members liking Jimmy, even though I can't understand, why anyone likes Jimmy.

Just this week we saw two long term members leave Broke Straight Boys, and Jimmy, in their own words, a major reason for leaving. This to me is extreme, because Broke Straight Boys has some great free sights, and College Physicals. BSBII also has Bobby, Mark, Mick, Jack, Colin, and Kevin. College Boy Physicals is doing what we have asked for on Broke Straight Boys, to see some of the most enjoyable models from the past. Once and a while I like to see the older models. Unlike Broke Straight Boys, College Boy Physicals gets the message.

My feelings go back to a Broke Straight Boys behind the scenes interview, when Jimmy said of my comments," Nobody gives a fuck." I find Jimmy, a person that I don't want to watch or hear from, I don't like his attitude towards other models on camera and his total disrespect of the members. I don't think Jimmy understands where his salary comes from.

Lastly, I don't want to deny any members enjoyment if they like Jimmy. I just wish that Mark and Clay would use Jimmy a little less. As for Jimmy's contract I hope it expires-- YESTERDAY
Being a "jock" one must understand the significance of one's "track record"!

This was a great scene! Jimmy definitely outdid himself in this one, and hopefully this will help make up for his last scene with poor Colin. I gave this one 5/5, which I rarely do on a one sided scene (no mutual cock sucking) and no kissing, but I did anyway to vote that I loved the improvement of Jimmy's on-camera treatment of his scene partner. Great job Jimmy! If my theory that Jimmy has a signed contract of Blu Media exclusivity is correct, it's possible that Jimmy may redeem himself prior to expiration and he just may be asked back for more work after expiration. Jimmy *this* is how you get fans.

Just had a thought, guys. (don't laugh, I'm not too old to get a thought now & then)

Do you realize that in the same week, we witnessed Jimmy (perhaps) at his worse and Jimmy (definitely) at his best? You think this was "Jimmy come (or cum) forth" week where he rose from the dead as the savior of BSB2? Do you think this was all planned by the powers from above? I do.

Welcome home, Jimmy.

God, this was a long week!

Alright, who is the guy in this scene, and what have you done with Jimmy? (kidding) I'm sure that no one ever expected me to say this about a scene with Jimmy in it, but I will: this was hot! Jimmy was caring, considerate, respectful, engaging and involved. He even put his hand on Anthony's shoulder and caressed his head! That an all new level of interaction for Jimmy. Nicely done Jimmy!

Anthony was exceptional as well. He's definitely a keeper...Anyway, back to Jimmy and Anthony --- thanks for a hot scene ...

This is one of the best scenes yet on BSB2. I never commented on the sex in the Jimmy & Colin scene, as I never got turned on by the rough sex scene that Jimmy, Colin and Clay had arranged and agreed to before the scene. Usually when I am not turned on by a scene or a model, I tend to say very little, but Jimmy and Anthony were GREAT in this scene, and I was aroused, which at the end of a day is what a porn scene is supposed to do for the viewer.

I am so much more impressed with Anthony today than I was by his solo. I think that he and Jimmy make a great team, and that Anthony is a natural bottom. Much like CJ and Danny from BSB1, Anthony has trouble getting and saying hard during a sex scene with another dude, but does get very aroused by having a dick in his ass, and he loved Jimmy's thick sausage even more than when he was using his finger during the solo. In fact Anthony was so highly aroused by Jimmy that he shot his load before he was given his cue to cum.

As far as the sex goes, Jimmy does get better and better at the gay sex part of his job as time goes on. This scene had an August date on it, while the previous Colin scene was identified as being shot in July. I can see that Jimmy has been paying attention to the advice that he has received on the forum. And I offer a big shout out to Tampa, and other's who I can see have influenced how he performs in front of the camera...There was also a lot more eye contact, touching and human connection between the model's than previously shown. Thanks Tampa, as I do believe that Jimmy read your post's and tried to improve for us.

As far as the person that Jimmy is, I totally 100% DISAGREE with those who say that he does not have a good worth ethic, or that he is "stealing money", and laughing all the way to the bank. Please understand that there is no one "job description" that defines working on this site. Because Jimmy is strictly a top, and Broke Straight Boys management does not want him to suck dick in his current scenes, does not in any way mean that he is "not working" as hard as the bottom.

It is a different job that he performs...At the end of the day, if the boss, and the customers are satisfied, then my pay check, (and Jimmy's) are certainly well deserved.

Finally, I am mystified by those who make comments about Jimmy to the effect of, "I wish we could see the same nice guy on camera as I see and hear about in his BTS appearances and at the events in his porn scenes". I do see and have seen the EXACT same guy in Jimmy in his porn scenes, at the events, where is always polite to his gay fans, and when he posts on the forum. Every model that he has worked with seem to enjoy his sense of humor, as they laugh at his jokes, and when asked on the forum, all say what a great guy he is.

Jimmy is basically a "jock" who has been a teammate all of his young life, and is loyal to his teammates both in sports and on Broke Straight Boys That is why he jumped in to defend Bobby, when a fan who loved Bobby complained that he had gained weight. And in today's scene with Anthony, Jimmy took the younger less experienced model under his wing, and did everything possible with words of encouragement, words of advice, and even encouraging pats on the back to help Anthony along. Colin said how much he enjoys being with Jimmy and went out to play video games, and eat wings with him, after their last scene together. Rob Ryder considers Jimmy a good friend, and he loves working the events with him.

Aside from the vocal "Jimmy haters" on the forum, he seems to be a well adjusted, really nice guy, both on camera and apparently off. Is Jimmy a great gay porn performer? Far from it, but instead he is a really good guy, who tries very hard to do a good job as a straight guy who is not naturally turned on by male to male sex. But I'm sure the haters will get right back on his case, calling him a homophobe, and insensitive to his partners needs, and lazy and cruel and all of their other garbage. To me he is quite the opposite as a great guy, and as a gay porn performer he is getting better with each scene, (look at the date's filmed, and not the dates released).

Jimmy I am finally a fan of yours. This was a great scene from both of you, sensitive in the beginning and rough at the end. I think Anthony really liked it. Look forward to seeing him in the future.

Dear Jimmy and his supporters,

Having been given a "Jimmy Hater" award, I think the alleged wisdom of management painting Jimmy into this corner of being a totally straight alpha-male top that is by definition insensitive to the needs of your partner has erected a major obstacle for my mind to overcome. Frankly, I could NOT care less if you were ever some "jock" because all of your offensive actions on Broke Straight Boys episodes prior to this scene with Anthony. It has created a tremendous amount of "BAGGAGE" among us feeble-minded "HATERS OF ALL UNNECESSARY BRUTALITY". There are "Good Jocks" that are not ego-maniacs, not selfish to the core, and can actually be "real team players" instead of acting like a "one-man team". All too often "jocks" have been spoiled rotten by the powers that be at their school and protected them from reality at all costs. These spoiled "jocks" are not team players.

All I can say speaking for myself is that, having been personally burned so many times since you came to Broke Straight Boys by your unpleasant, arrogant acting, and offensive episodes, MAYBE SOMEDAY I CAN ACTUALLY BRING MYSELF AROUND TO WATCH ANOTHER EPISODE WITH YOU IN IT. For the time being, I simply refuse to watch this episode with Anthony because of the past brutality/alpha-male bull shit I observed dished out to Colin and others before him. Laugh at me all you want! I still am MAD AS HELL OVER WHAT YOU DID TO COLIN AND I DON'T FORGET THIS KIND OF CRAP EASILY!

On the positive side, I do respect all of those I quoted above and readily accept their honest evaluation of your performance with Anthony that, for the first time ever, you were considerate of your partner. That is a basic value that no human should ever forget! Kids frequently believe they can give you HELL EVERYDAY and then, when they really want your support at the drop of a hat, they think why not support them now, afterall, this is a new day!. In their naiveté they fail to recognize there is an accumulation of sentiments that occur in any relationship over an extended period of time, like 4- to 5-months. Spoilled brats are not all of a sudden forgiven and all is now perfect with the world! That doesn't happen like this in the real world, not even for "jocks". No one likes to have their affections toyed with, on-again, then off-again. I had wanted to see you had gradually softened your rough edges until this disaster with Colin, and that guaranteed you a seat "back in the dog house".

I sincerely hope Management as well as future Broke Straight Boys models have learned a lesson from all of this unnecessary hoopla. Some Broke Straight Boys members REALLY RESENT being manipulated emotionally, especially if they are very open to attaching great affection for the models on this site. It is a dirty trick to play with the emotions of the faithful and I resent it personally!


Using tricks to show a personality that is in total conflict with the BTS persona that is fun-loving and kind-hearted is a guaranteed way to create this lack of congruence in the way Jimmy is perceived. This creates a Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde persona that I deplore having to observe or deal with, akin to someone that has bi-polar disorder and is going through "mood swings" repeatedly going from one extreme to the polar opposite extreme. That is very unsettling and is completely unpleasant to experience for both the person so impaired as well as those that must interact with him.

Lets get down to basics and offer enjoyable gay porn and cut all the CRAP! Then, maybe with Jimmy's continued humane progress on site like this episode with Anthony, I may feel justified in abandanoning my "Jimmy Hater" status and finally watch some of his more compassionate episodes beginning with Anthony. Then, and only then, will I apologize to Jimmy or Management for using the "R-word". Certainly Colin(the victim) has no need to apologize to anybody for what happened to him in that brutally offensive episode.

By the way, until today writing this comment, I would never considered myself as a "Jimmy Hater" but rather as someone wanting to offer corrective feedback for the benefit of everybody. I recognized long before today that Jimmy is nice looking, has a nice body (regardless of his dick size I failed to fully appreciate), and was making gradual progress to show a little more thoughtfulness to his partners on the set. And for the record, I did not come to view his episode with Colin with anything other than well wishes for a sexy scene especially with the very sexy and willing Colin. That is all I brought to that party. I believe Colin mentioned in a post that there had been some problems with the shoot. Looking back, it seems like when the birthday cake crashes to the floor, it would be much better for everyone to simply write it up as a "total loss" rather than to serve this kind of stuff to your members. Afterall, it brought almost universal disgust and negative comments. I wished I had never watched it. Just like the whole thing with Santos that lit up the forum when David was the director.

Still wounded, but not on my deathbed yet,

Stimpy, the Old Grouch/Party Pooper
This is one of the best scenes yet on BSB2. I never commented on the sex in the Jimmy & Colin scene, as I never got turned on by the rough sex scene that Jimmy, Colin and Clay had arranged and agreed to before the scene. Usually when I am not turned on by a scene or a model, I tend to say very little, but Jimmy and Anthony were GREAT in this scene, and I was aroused, which at the end of a day is what a porn scene is supposed to do for the viewer.

I am so much more impressed with Anthony today than I was by his solo. I think that he and Jimmy make a great team, and that Anthony is a natural bottom. Much like CJ and Danny from BSB1, Anthony has trouble getting and saying hard during a sex scene with another dude, but does get very aroused by having a dick in his ass, and he loved Jimmy's thick sausage even more than when he was using his finger during the solo. In fact Anthony was so highly aroused by Jimmy that he shot his load before he was given his cue to cum.

As far as the sex goes, Jimmy does get better and better at the gay sex part of his job as time goes on. This scene had an August date on it, while the previous Colin scene was identified as being shot in July. I can see that Jimmy has been paying attention to the advice that he has received on the forum. And I offer a big shout out to Tampa, and other's who I can see have influenced how he performs in front of the camera. He even mentioned that he got his new boxer's at the request of the forum. And during the early pre-fuck dick sucking, Jimmy suggested that Anthony move his hand as it was blocking Jimmy's dick, (advice from the forum), and then when Anthony was licking up Jimmy's cock, he told Anthony to look up at his face while licking, as "people will like that". There was also a lot more eye contact, touching and human connection between the model's than previously shown. Thanks Tampa, as I do believe that Jimmy read your post's and tried to improve for us.

As far as the person that Jimmy is, I totally 100% DISAGREE with those who say that he does not have a good worth ethic, or that he is "stealing money", and laughing all the way to the bank. Please understand that there is no one "job description" that defines working on this site. Because Jimmy is strictly a top, and Broke Straight Boys management does not want him to suck dick in his current scenes, does not in any way mean that he is "not working" as hard as the bottom.

It is a different job that he performs. It reminds me of when I managed a warehouse and a business, and often put in ten hour days, organizing all aspects of the business, and dealing with the workers under me, the office and ownership, as well as dealing with suppliers and customers, and I would hear complaining by the warehouse workers that "he" sits in an air conditioned office while we sweat in the warehouse and "he" gets paid more than us. Some workers have a mentality that all work is defined by lifting and sweating, whereas my bosses were very pleased with my management job. It is the same with Jimmy that because he does not do the exact same type of work that his bottom does, in no way means that he is "stealing his paycheck", anymore than I was "stealing" my paycheck, because I did not unload trucks, or pack orders all day long. At the end of the day, if the boss, and the customers are satisfied, then my pay check, (and Jimmy's) are certainly well deserved.

Finally, I am mystified by those who make comments about Jimmy to the effect of, "I wish we could see the same nice guy on camera as I see and hear about in his BTS appearances and at the events in his porn scenes". I do see and have seen the EXACT same guy in Jimmy in his porn scenes, at the events, where is always polite to his gay fans, and when he posts on the forum. Every model that he has worked with seem to enjoy his sense of humor, as they laugh at his jokes, and when asked on the forum, all say what a great guy he is.

Jimmy is basically a "jock" who has been a teammate all of his young life, and is loyal to his teammates both in sports and on Broke Straight Boys That is why he jumped in to defend Bobby, when a fan who loved Bobby complained that he had gained weight. And in today's scene with Anthony, Jimmy took the younger less experienced model under his wing, and did everything possible with words of encouragement, words of advice, and even encouraging pats on the back to help Anthony along. Colin said how much he enjoys being with Jimmy and went out to play video games, and eat wings with him, after their last scene together. Rob Ryder considers Jimmy a good friend, and he loves working the events with him.

Aside from the vocal "Jimmy haters" on the forum, he seems to be a well adjusted, really nice guy, both on camera and apparently off. Is Jimmy a great gay porn performer? Far from it, but instead he is a really good guy, who tries very hard to do a good job as a straight guy who is not naturally turned on by male to male sex. But I'm sure the haters will get right back on his case, calling him a homophobe, and insensitive to his partners needs, and lazy and cruel and all of their other garbage. To me he is quite the opposite as a great guy, and as a gay porn performer he is getting better with each scene, (look at the date's filmed, and not the dates released).

You have to be a strong man Jimmy, to put up with all the crap that has been handed out to you on the forum, but I love you and hope that you stick with your work here, and keep improving at the gay sex too.

Dear Jimmy and his supporters,

Having been given a "Jimmy Hater" award, I think the alleged wisdom of management painting Jimmy into this corner of being a totally straight alpha-male top that is by definition insensitive to the needs of your partner has erected a major obstacle for my mind to overcome. Frankly, I could NOT care less if you were ever some "jock" because all of your offensive actions on Broke Straight Boys episodes prior to this scene with Anthony. It has created a tremendous amount of "BAGGAGE" among us feeble-minded "HATERS OF ALL UNNECESSARY BRUTALITY". There are "Good Jocks" that are not ego-maniacs, not selfish to the core, and can actually be "real team players" instead of acting like a "one-man team". All too often "jocks" have been spoiled rotten by the powers that be at their school and protected them from reality at all costs. These spoiled "jocks" are not team players.

All I can say speaking for myself is that, having been personally burned so many times since you came to Broke Straight Boys by your unpleasant, arrogant acting, and offensive episodes, MAYBE SOMEDAY I CAN ACTUALLY BRING MYSELF AROUND TO WATCH ANOTHER EPISODE WITH YOU IN IT. For the time being, I simply refuse to watch this episode with Anthony because of the past brutality/alpha-male bull shit I observed dished out to Colin and others before him. Laugh at me all you want! I still am MAD AS HELL OVER WHAT YOU DID TO COLIN AND I DON'T FORGET THIS KIND OF CRAP EASILY!

On the positive side, I do respect all of those I quoted above and readily accept their honest evaluation of your performance with Anthony that, for the first time ever, you were considerate of your partner. That is a basic value that no human should ever forget! Kids frequently believe they can give you HELL EVERYDAY and then, when they really want your support at the drop of a hat, they think why not support them now, afterall, this is a new day!. In their naiveté they fail to recognize there is an accumulation of sentiments that occur in any relationship over an extended period of time, like 4- to 5-months. Spoilled brats are not all of a sudden forgiven and all is now perfect with the world! That doesn't happen like this in the real world, not even for "jocks". No one likes to have their affections toyed with, on-again, then off-again. I had wanted to see you had gradually softened your rough edges until this disaster with Colin, and that guaranteed you a seat "back in the dog house".

I sincerely hope Management as well as future Broke Straight Boys models have learned a lesson from all of this unnecessary hoopla. Some Broke Straight Boys members REALLY RESENT being manipulated emotionally, especially if they are very open to attaching great affection for the models on this site. It is a dirty trick to play with the emotions of the faithful and I resent it personally!


Using tricks to show a personality that is in total conflict with the BTS persona that is fun-loving and kind-hearted is a guaranteed way to create this lack of congruence in the way Jimmy is perceived. This creates a Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde persona that I deplore having to observe or deal with, akin to someone that has bi-polar disorder and is going through "mood swings" repeatedly going from one extreme to the polar opposite extreme. That is very unsettling and is completely unpleasant to experience for both the person so impaired as well as those that must interact with him.

Lets get down to basics and offer enjoyable gay porn and cut all the CRAP! Then, maybe with Jimmy's continued humane progress on site like this episode with Anthony, I may feel justified in abandanoning my "Jimmy Hater" status and finally watch some of his more compassionate episodes beginning with Anthony. Then, and only then, will I apologize to Jimmy or Management for using the "R-word". Certainly Colin(the victim) has no need to apologize to anybody for what happened to him in that brutally offensive episode.

By the way, until today writing this comment, I would never considered myself as a "Jimmy Hater" but rather as someone wanting to offer corrective feedback for the benefit of everybody. I recognized long before today that Jimmy is nice looking, has a nice body (regardless of his dick size I failed to fully appreciate), and was making gradual progress to show a little more thoughtfulness to his partners on the set. And for the record, I did not come to view his episode with Colin with anything other than well wishes for a sexy scene especially with the very sexy and willing Colin. That is all I brought to that party. I believe Colin mentioned in a post that there had been some problems with the shoot. Looking back, it seems like when the birthday cake crashes to the floor, it would be much better for everyone to simply write it up as a "total loss" rather than to serve this kind of stuff to your members. Afterall, it brought almost universal disgust and negative comments. I wished I had never watched it. Just like the whole thing with Santos that lit up the forum when David was the director.

Still wounded, but not on my deathbed yet,

Stimpy, the Old Grouch/Party Pooper

Mike, I agree with you 100%.

Stimpy, I get what you're saying and I don't entirely disagree with you.

However, Stimpy, I think you have your sights aimed at the wrong antagonist. You are blaming Jimmy, when in fact Jimmy was following a script that was given to both he, and Colin in the "rough sex incident" scene.

If you believe for one minute that Jimmy and Colin came up with that rough sex scene concept, think again. Yes Colin is willingly taking the blame for it, and trying to get us to believe he and Jimmy did it on their own because as I believe Colin put it "...a member requested it", but as I said on another thread, I don't buy that anymore than I bought the birther movement or the "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy theory.

At the end of the day Stimpy, in my opinion both Jimmy and Colin were doing what they're paid to do: More or less following a script that they were told by the very industrious/burning the candle at both ends and hard-working Clay to perform.

I caution you against blaming a performer for a really bad scene, when in fact that blame lies squarely at the feet of the director who likely came up with the whole idea to begin with. Remember, the term "jumping the shark" wasn't coined because of bad acting and bad performers, but instead because of bad writing and storylines that take a really wrong turn.

Jimmy, the proverbial Fonz, shouldn't be blamed for treading shark infested waters.
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Thanks Abe

Mike, I agree with you 100%.

Stimpy, I get what you're saying and I don't entirely disagree with you.

However, Stimpy, I think you have your sights aimed at the wrong antagonist. You are blaming Jimmy, when in fact Jimmy was following a script that was given to both he, and Colin in the "rough sex incident" scene.

If you believe for one minute that Jimmy and Colin came up with that rough sex scene concept, think again. Yes Colin is willingly taking the blame for it, and trying to get us to believe he and Jimmy did it on their own because as I believe Colin put it "...a member requested it", but as I said on another thread, I don't buy that anymore than I bought the birther movement or the "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy theory.

At the end of the day Stimpy, in my opinion both Jimmy and Colin were doing what they're paid to do: More or less following a script that they were told by the very industrious/burning the candle at both ends and hard-working Clay to perform.

I caution you against blaming a performer for a really bad scene, when in fact that blame lies squarely at the feet of the director who likely came up with the whole idea to begin with. Remember, the term "jumping the shark" wasn't coined because of bad acting and bad performers, but instead because of bad writing and storylines that take a really wrong turn.

Jimmy, the proverbial Fonz, shouldn't be blamed for treading shark infested waters.

Dear Abe,

You make alot of sense. I feel I have cooled off some. Thank you for your diplomatic and rational approach, and I really mean that with all due respect! I am definitely going to miss you around these here parts!

Thanks Again!

Jimmy @ Anthony

Great job guys keep up the great work..... It was nice to see you Jimmy be sensitive to Anthony for his first time it was nice to see that side of you. I sure hope Anthony comes back after that fucking you gave him but I think he kind of enjoyed it a bit after all he did cum first.:thumbup1::biggrin::drool: