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Jacob Anthony FANS MUST READ!

what the "f' Jon u're the reason women turn ito lesbians..who said model Holden was a retard? i said nothing of the sort. i was referring to his facial features..they remind me of a down's client i used to take care of when i was in home health. and yes he loved me like his care taker and vice versa. so go blow ur load somewhere else. its not wanted in my ears any longer.

QWERTY - I quoted Baal's post which meant I was refering to his retard remark. So are you saying that I turn women into lesbians ?? Wow - considering I've never dated a woman/girl I find that hard to believe and I don't have fag hags around me either.

Also don't try and creep out of your nasty remarks with your later revelations about care homes. If you were that caring a person, you wouldn't have slated off Holden in the first place.
"His personality and sense of humor are what I find most attractive. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed but he is entertaining." Tampa "Holden and Logan" #26

It's really not very far from Tampa's "not the sharpest tool in the shed" to "Down syndrome." It's just a matter of degree. Oh, I know it doesn't sound as bad, or even look as bad on the screen, but, as one who works daily with both the highly gifted and the highly dependent, I know they prefer the term 'retarded' to the more colorful 'one brick shy of a hod' or 'cornbread not done in the middle' because they understand it, and the intention behind it, faster. They also recognize the openness of the one comment and the hypocrisy of the other. I would never allow any of them to be used in their presence. In their absence, I would make a sincere effort to control or stop the use, but there is a difference between taking a position and setting yourself up in one.

Oh, Jon, I don't care how many times you qualify that last paragraph of #22 with "I hope to God it doesn't happen" and "judging by your remarks," all I can think of is that line in Neil Simon's "The Odd Couple" when Oscar says to Felix "Who do you think you are, the Wicked Witch of the West?" What a horrible curse to place on anybody. Of course you didn't mean it, but if you didn't mean it, why say it? Hm? Meanness? Spite?

And Qwerty, if all it took to turn women into Lesbians was a man like Jon - the world would certainly be a happier place for people like me. I mean the loss of competition factor alone would make finding a man so much easier. You did kind of put yourself in a bad position with the earlier comments, but good Lord, we all have. Don't let us get you down. I think having a woman's perspective is pretty damn cool and welcome to Broke Straight Boys Ham and Shem and Japheth are not really in charge neither do they speak for the membership nor management. They are not the sons of Noah, they are really Moe and Curly and Larry in disguise.
Rifle, I think there is a massive difference between Tampa's sharpest tool in the shed (over here we refer that to perhaps a persons lack of intellect) to medical conditions like retardedness and Downes Syndrome. And no, last para of #22 was not done in spite or meanness, but as a wake up call not to mock the afflicted. You never know when these things come around and bite you on the behind.
Rifle, thanks for your perspective. It really helped me with this. In life we are all challenged in our own way. Challenge and diversity are a part of our personal and spiritual growth. "It doesn't matter what set us out on our journey; only what lessons we take from it." (an old Irish saying) In life we may say things we don't really mean. Maybe at the time we meant it and we say it; however, in truth we often say things out of: fear, lack of understanding, or misplaced anger, etc... I believe that intrinsically most of us mean well in general. I would like to pass on one of the things I learned the hard way. Sometimes; I remember this lesson other times I may need to be reminded of it.

  • When I made a mistake or said something I did not mean to say; I learned that you cannot always take it back. Often times you must move on and grow. When I error as a public speaker I simply apologize once and move on.

    Once something is spoken, or it has been said or written and read; the more you apologize, the more fuel you throw on the fire. (yeah, I know I am not following that advice now. LOL) The more you personally dwell on the issue the more you draw attention to the issue. If people are ever going to forgive you they will do it at the first apology. As long as your apology was sincere and genuine it will be accepted by those people willing to allow you to be forgiven. There are some people who will never forgive you no matter what you do. In other words. "That is it, that is all, it is over." You said it. Some people were offended. Finish the presentation and move on. Lesson learned. Mental note don't say that again... LOL

I used to give lectures to battered and abused women regarding HIV and STD's. Every time I passed out evaluations I was given low marks for sensitivity on some papers. Finally I asked the woman in charge if she would like someone other than me to come in. She said, "no, we almost have you broken in." I asked about the sensitivity area of the presentation. She said, "Oh, I that is easy. I keep forgetting to tell you." "Stop using the cliché' "rule of thumb"." We teach them about the history of violence before you ever get here. And we explain where that cliché' "the rule of thumb" comes from.

Come to find out that there used to be a law in the olden days of Old England. That carried over to the states. "The rule thumb" was a law that said a man may beat his wife and or children with a stick as long as it was not thicker than his own thumb to keep them in line.

Biblically speaking the Baptists, Catholics, and Protestants teach that the man is the head of the house and responsible for maintaining order and discipline. (One of my favorite arguments when it comes to the accuracy of the Bible regarding Gay rights. LOL)

Many town halls including ours had laws that allowed men to come down to City Hall and beat their wives and children on the City Hall steps before sundown. Form then on I was careful about that cliché'. Thank God for Power Point presentations...:lol::001_tt2:
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I see, Jon. I think I understand. Hmm. In England lack of intellect equal I.Q. 90. Retarded equal I.Q. 75. Oh, yes. Like I said. It's all a matter of degree. Jon, please don't ever hide behind 'over here' in England again, like we Colonials couldn't possibly understand because we're so primitive and inferior. I know you didn't mean that or say that, but the implication is always hanging there in your arguments, even in your conversations. In nearly every case when you explain one of these little deviations in semantics it's to justify something you said that you've been called on. And you can label #22 a "wake up call" if you like. I think that sounds better. It certainly makes it far less mean spirited and hateful. But, nothing about it says "wake up call," or anything of the sort, and any attempt to diminish its intensity without apology or at least a bit of remorse is like changing bull-shite into bull-cack. The taste and flavor stay the same, it's just the degree that lessens.

Jayman, I'm not sure the Cherokee were much better at it, but they were matrilinear and the women ruled the household. When the woman was tired of the husband she simply wrapped his possessions in his half of the bed cover and set them outside the door. He was dismissed. The men even shared power with the women. The Ghigau or Beloved Woman in each village had a strong say in village life and control over captured warriors and slaves. She was almost an equal to the two village chiefs. Needless to say it took only a couple of generations of assimilation into white society for all those practices to disappear.
I see, Jon. I think I understand. Hmm. In England lack of intellect equal I.Q. 90. Retarded equal I.Q. 75. Oh, yes. Like I said. It's all a matter of degree. Jon, please don't ever hide behind 'over here' in England again, like we Colonials couldn't possibly understand because we're so primitive and inferior. I know you didn't mean that or say that, but the implication is always hanging there in your arguments, even in your conversations. In nearly every case when you explain one of these little deviations in semantics it's to justify something you said that you've been called on. And you can label #22 a "wake up call" if you like. I think that sounds better. It certainly makes it far less mean spirited and hateful. But, nothing about it says "wake up call," or anything of the sort, and any attempt to diminish its intensity without apology or at least a bit of remorse is like changing bull-shite into bull-cack. The taste and flavor stay the same, it's just the degree that lessens.

Jayman, I'm not sure the Cherokee were much better at it, but they were matrilinear and the women ruled the household. When the woman was tired of the husband she simply wrapped his possessions in his half of the bed cover and set them outside the door. He was dismissed. The men even shared power with the women. The Ghigau or Beloved Woman in each village had a strong say in village life and control over captured warriors and slaves. She was almost an equal to the two village chiefs. Needless to say it took only a couple of generations of assimilation into white society for all those practices to disappear.

I hear you Rifle. One of the things I think is interesting in Native American Society is that it is the Clan Mothers are the ones who decide on who the chief of the tribe will be. It is because of their connection to the Earth Mother. The Clan mothers responsibility is to nurture the Tribe as Earth Mother nurtures us.:thumbup:
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That's just an excuse to flame an opinion that you don't like. I think she's right on the money with 'Holding' and also stated after his first appearance that he appeared retarded and acted that way too. He makes me wince more than anythinga nd feel guilty watching. I gave his latest video a one but that was because they don't have a zero...

Personal remarks are always in bad taste. Most of the time if the person making them had looked in the mirror first there would be fewer insulting remarks.
Amen, elyot1.

Jayman, I'm moving this to its own thread. There are a lot of members with interest in Native Americans who might like to join in. It's going to get lost here.
As big a fan of Anthony as I am, it might be time for him to move on. He might be broke but I think he's long lost his status as straight boy, especially since he and cuz seem to have a history predating his and the better Jacob's debuts on here...
Personal remarks are always in bad taste. Most of the time if the person making them had looked in the mirror first there would be fewer insulting remarks.

Exactly Elyot, but be carefull in your defence of those who you are trying stick up for. There are some people in here who twist the argument around so well, they try and make the innocent the guilty party.

Enough said - more of Holden please. :thumbup:
Oh, Jon, you dear sweet put upon soul. No one's twisting anything. What's eating you up inside is the reflection of your own unwillingness to forgive. None of us have any right to demand anything of each other. We only have the right to request it. I know, dear soul, you want to rid this group of it's 'trash;' you've practically shouted that several times. But regardless of what she said, you had no right to attack her the way you did. I don't care how right or wrong you were. And, Jonny boy, I am "some people" and I am not twisting your argument around, I'm not discussing her original description, I've already mentioned that, I talking about your reaction to it, and of that you are the guilty party. Cut her some slack.

After all, Jon, you did say this:
"Sorry Paris, but her opinions so far have been rather insultive, which is very surprising for a newbie forum person. Talk about bull in a china shop." And she'd only posted 9 times. We've all tolerated Baal and he's posted far worse in his 670. So stop doing an impersonation of an English Bulldog and go back to your English Cocker Spaniel - let go of the bone and bury it. Enough said!

Goddam it Baal - if old things around here start getting moved out you and I will be the first to go. Now shut up about it. In 27 years my husband has learned exactly where to put it and exactly how to stand in the shower door and get me excited. Jacob Anthony puts on a great show no matter who he's paired with. Watching the newbies turns me on to, but, in case you haven't noticed, the things they're doing to each other have been around since way before either of us blew our first Neanderthal, so give it a rest.