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Is Controversial Circumcision Ritual Dangerous?


BSB Addict
Nov 29, 2008
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brooklyn ny
It's not part of a Jewish law but more "tradition" of very orthodox Jews that when the circumcision is performed the mohel ( the religious surgeon) sucks the blood out of the wound on the penis of the 8 day old baby boy. My son never had that but I'm sure I did many years ago. I've seen it done. He spits out the blood and washes his mouth with wine ( has alcohol in it). Now NYC says 17 herpes cases were reported. Don't know if it's religious freedom to allow it or should it be banned but parents should not allow it for the health of their child.

The thought of an 8 day old baby being infected with herpes for the rest of his life is pretty freakin' scary.
I realize that the sucking out of the blood is done in keeping with ancient religious practices... But yuck!
I'm a firm believer that such things should be left to the individual and not the parent. I was forced to go to communion classes as a kid of 13 and I didn't want to. In the end I did it to keep my mother and granny quiet. I would never force anything religious or body harming to any kids of mine.
I'm a firm believer that such things should be left to the individual and not the parent. I was forced to go to communion classes as a kid of 13 and I didn't want to. In the end I did it to keep my mother and granny quiet. I would never force anything religious or body harming to any kids of mine.

I have to agree with you Jon....Very much so !!!!....If a young man comes of age and wants to be circumcised then that is his decision and his alone !!!!! I asked my dad before he passed why they had me cut and his simple response was " the doctor recommended it ".....Dang Doctor..
I agree with Jon and Rafe. Should be your personal decision. The global stats on this has uncut numbers rising. Read that just last week. It's a horribly violent and bloody way to be welcomed into this world. Unless it's foreshadowing to prepare for life, lol.
Circumcision is rarely medically indicated (needed) in today's world. Phimosis (from the Greek phimos (φῑμός ["muzzle"]), is a condition of the penis where the foreskin cannot be fully retracted over the glans penis. One to five percent of males will have nonretractible foreskins by age 16 years, and not all of them will need to be circumcised.

Normal developmental non-retractability (of the foreskin) does not cause any problems. Phimosis is deemed pathological when it causes problems, such as difficulty urinating or performing common sexual functions. There are numerous causes of so-called pathological phimosis. Nonsurgical treatment involves the stretching of the foreskin, steroid creams and changing masturbation habits. Surgical treatments include preputioplasty and circumcision.

An alternative to circumcision is preputioplasty, in which a limited dorsal slit with transverse closure is made along the constricting band of skin and can be an very effective alternative to circumcision. It has the advantage of only limited pain and a short time of healing relative to circumcision, and avoids cosmetic effects. (You keep all of your nerve endings!) I only wish I had been given the choice, if I had needed such a surgical intervention. But when an infant is circumcised at birth, the child will never find out if it was medically needed or not. And people say male infants are traumatized by the surgery, especially if the child wasn't anesthetized. I don't remember the procedure at all, and I don't know if I had any anesthesia, but I sorta doubt it.

Again, I wish I had been given the choice. Oh well, life goes on.
I work in a medical facility where I take care of a lot of long term care residents and alzheimers patients. I will say that the risk of infection runs rampant in patients who aren't circumcised and the probability of getting a UTI nearly doubles for those who aren't circumcised. For those individuals who have frequent penile infections will usually end up having an indwelling catheter(foley) that, over time and because of the need to frequently change the catheters for general cleanliness practices, actually tears the penis away from itself. This is called anterior urethral destruction. It's very painful and makes the penis super sensitive to even the slightest sensations. So, yeah, I support circumcision as a practice 'cause I have seen far too many infected penises in my lifetime. However, the blood sucking? Incredibly unhygienic and way too risky for me to allow. As a side note, frequent UTI's can lead to a deteriorated mental state, high fevers, and chronic disease. Many older men choose to be circumcised when they're older due to chronic UTI's and if you think it's painful or can be traumatic when you're an infant, it can be twice as bad as an adult since the penis is fully developed. So yeah, that's my two cents.
Circumcision is rarely medically indicated (needed) in today's world. Phimosis (from the Greek phimos (φῑμός ["muzzle"]), is a condition of the penis where the foreskin cannot be fully retracted over the glans penis. One to five percent of males will have nonretractible foreskins by age 16 years, and not all of them will need to be circumcised.

Normal developmental non-retractability (of the foreskin) does not cause any problems.

I'm not going to say that I disagree with your post DrabBoiz...but I've always wondered how bad the smell and bacteria level must be inside the foreskins of a majority of guys whose foreskins are non-retractable. I know they can put Q-tips inside and swish mild antiseptic soaps around in there. As Bobbity alludes to, that's the standard practice in nursing homes and hospitals for sponge baths and so on. But how many guys out there in the general public with non-retractable foreskins are willing to do that cleaning process on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis? Even some guys who are uncut and whose foreskins fully retract will sometimes still allow all kinds of smegma, curds, pubic hair, odors and other residue to build up in there because of a lack of good hygiene habits.

Have I made anyone hungry yet? haha

I just imagine that if I ever wanted to give oral to an uncut guy with a foreskin that didn't retract, that the law of averages would not be on my side for a pleasant odor-free experience. lol It seems to me that finding such a guy who keeps everything clean, tidy and mostly free of offensive odor down there would be the exception rather than the rule.
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It's called making sure you willy is clean. Showering regularly, pulling back the FS and cleaning it. When you piss you pull it back and shake it all about at the end lol.
Normal developmental non-retractability (of the foreskin) does not cause any problems. (Because it's usually retractable by the age of 16)
Oh gosh ~

It is almost time for me to run off to work, but. . . absolutely, the whole circumcision vs. non-circumcision debate, is one which I have witnessed to cause MANY a civil board, to ERUPT into civil war, over the years. (People get very passionate about this.)

I'll simply say that my sense is:

*In response to Joeychuck's question about an Orthodox mohel's 'mouth-cleansing' of an infant's circumcision-wound: I've read some of the concerns that have been expressed about this practice, too. It seems to me unhygienic, and unnecessary either for religious (granted, I am no Mosaic scholar) or for medical reasons, and so I think it ought to be dispensed with. (I have a couple of friends who are both doctors, and devout Conservative Jews, and I am sure they would agree.)

*With respect to circumcision itself, I think it is neither as needful as it has sometimes been made out to be; nor as AWFUL, as some have suggested it to be. (My Father isn't circumcised - because he was born at home, not in a hospital, and it wasn't something - in the Depression, that his parents could afford: even though there was a sense, at the time, that it was the right thing to do. I WAS circumcised, because I was born in a hospital, and the practice in North America was universal, at that time.)

*My Dear Old Dad (who is 82, and thankfully does not suffer from Alzheimer's, or live in a nursing home, and is in very good health) has never, to my knowledge, suffered a single day's ill-health, because his foreskin is intact. (Of course, as Jon says, it is all a matter of "keeping one's willy clean" - a phrase I both love, because it's amusing: and also rather dislike, because I had a Scots Uncle Willy, and the term always seems vaguely disrespectful, to him ;-)

*On the other hand, while it is well-known that the foreskin is richly-endowed with nerve-endings, and reputed by all experts in sexology, to be a huge source of pleasure. . . I (being 49): have never gone a single day without being able to whack off three TIMES a day. . . and the whacking has been immensely wondrous and pleasurable to me. . . with no apparent loss of JOY ;-) NOR (I must tell you) have I ever woken up at midnight, besieged by nightmares about MY circumcision as an infant, as the virulent 'anti-circ' lobby tells me I OUGHT to have done.

*When my sister asked me my opinion about whether to circumcise her lads or not, my suggestion was, "I don't think it will change their lives for good or ill CRUCIALLY, either way - but I'd suggest, as long as they are healthy, probably not." (She took my advice.) *I think the uncircumcised penis is a beautiful thing. . . but, on the other hand, I also think the CIRCUMCISED penis is a beautiful thing, as well!* (Mr. K., who is American, is circumcised, and I think HIS penis is beautiful - - - and he's never expressed any angst about this particular issue ;-)

*While I think that, for healthy males who have no religious obligation, non-circumcision is perfectly acceptable as the 'default' decision - I don't spend days and nights weeping and wailing about this either. As do the vast leagues of advocates (men and women) who cry to heaven. . . . "People who steal our foreskins, are MURDERERS and CHILD-MOLESTERS." (This is the sheerest hyperbole, I think.)

*While most men with a foreskin live perfectly HAPPY lives (from cradle to grave) just as long as - like Jon said - they "keep their willy clean" (just like my Dear Old Dad), and as long as, in the oldest of old age, they have proper care and support in nursing. . . the 'anti-circ' lobby has ALSO (I think) over-emphasized some of the sexual detriments, and minimized some of the health benefits, which circumcision can confer.

*As Bobbity has suggested, for those who are older or in ill-health AND lack all the personal supports they might need (which of course they should not): circumcision can, it seems, help prevent certain opportunistic infections, to which a person in those situations might fall prey. (Though, in fairness, this is less an argument for circumcision, than it is in favour of better health-care, for the ill and elderly!)

*However, one fact which the anti-circumcision lobby has been KEEN to DENY - but which has been shown to be true, in a variety of studies, is that: circumcision DOES reduce the rate of contraction of HIV amongst (predominantly heterosexual) men who have unprotected sex with HIV-positive women. I know, I know, that may not mean a lot to many of us HERE - because most of us are GAY, and presumably (and hopefully) we all do our best to engage in PROTECTED sex, but. . . on a world-scale, this is a very significant matter. (I don't say so - the World Health Organization, says so: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcision_and_HIV) And this is not a negligible matter, I think, for the world at LARGE.

*Albeit that we, as gay men, must limit our risks in different ways. (Because oral sex is of lesser risk - and genital-anal sex is of very HIGH risk, and condom-use remains the best possible preventative measure, as far as the latter is concerned, for us. . . . ) The fact remains that, for great swathes of the world's heterosexual population, who cannot be convinced to use condoms on a regular basis, circumcision can help to mitigate the risk of HIV to some degree. . . not to any perfectly efficacious extent, but to an important extent.

*And, even for us, there are potentially minor benefits that circumcision can confer - with respect to deterring the propagation of minor urological infections and illnesses. As Jon said, a good hygiene-regime should render most of these risks negligible, but, the foreskin is what it is - a lovely, aesthetically pleasing, and richly-endowed source of sexual pleasure: and ALSO a lovely, warm, and sheltered place for bacteria to nest, and grow, sometimes. (Even despite our best efforts.) *To put it in perspective - so is the human MOUTH - and we could hardly do without a MOUTH - at least - I couldn't! LOL! * But: none of life's blessings, is an UNMIXED blessing ;-)

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So, guys, I dunno:

*I think the Orthodox (or ultra-Orthodox) practice of the mohels that Joey described, is unhygienic and bad. I don't think most Jews in the present day think it is essential, or even important, to the bris, or to Jewish life or identity. . . and I bet I could get you some quite traditional (Conservative) rabbis, who would attest to this, also.

*I think the practice of circumcision, generally, while people tend to go at the subject as if it were the "Wars of the Roses" - is a little more complex and nuanced than some people who take up cudgels on either side, usually imagine. There are pro's and con's, on either side.

*While I love Jon, generally, I disagree with his analogy between circumcision, and subscription in a Sunday-school, or catechetical studies of some kind, for young people whose parents are of the Christian faith (for example). *And I know this is a subject that has been much lectured-about by Richard Dawkins, amongst others.*

Dawkins, et. al., will commonly contend that, one should ONLY be introduced to ANY religious or philosophical idea (or ideal) - apart from that of "pure science" (which is not so 'pure' as one might think - cf. Thomas Kuhn, and so on, but that's a subject for another day) - when one is 21 years old, and one's brain is fully matured.

That's a lovely, idealistic position, but. . . the fact is - the human mind learns most actively, and retentively, and makes most of its emotional associations, from birth, to about the age of 14 or 15. (Very few great pianists, for example, started to hear, love, and play the piano, after the age of 16.) Everything having to do with language, culture, and values, is (I think) very much the same.

While it is quite possible to REJECT a pattern of mythos and culture, in one's 20's (and many people DO so); and while it is quite possible to adopt an IDEOLOGY in one's 20's (which is a much thinner, and shallower, thing, than a "mythos", or a culture); it is very difficult to BEGIN TO LEARN, in one's 20's, one's CULTURAL IDENTITY - what it means to be Jewish, or Scottish, or English, or French, or Native American. Or some imponderable and unique combination of some of these (or the whole range of other human) identities (these were simply examples): admixed with subtle familial and/or religious, and/or ethical, values. (I think this is just as true for a Turkish boy who has rejected Islamism in favour of the secularism of Ataturk, as it is for me, a Scottish boy who rejected Calvinism in favour of a gentler, more Arminian eschatology.)

Parents necessarily teach their children their communal identities as a matter of course. And we, as children - necessarily first accept, and then react against these teachings, in varying proportions. Which is altogether right, and in our gift. But, Jon - I should have thought your family MONSTERS if they HADN'T sent you to your Sunday-school, or catechism, so you could have something to REACT AGAINST. Else, you would have wound up as some sort of boring robot - a Brussels civil-servant with no values, no ethics, nothing but a manifesto scrawled on a scrap of paper, presented to you, by bureaucrats. Karl Marx thought morality could be made this way. . . but the great sociologists, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim, didn't.

Jon, whether you are a Christian or not; an atheist or an agnostic - I am fine with your feelings, and your best intellectual conclusions. BUT - what you MUST realize is. . . . you would not even have the ground to stand upon, and MAKE YOUR CHOICE, unless your family had TRIED SOMETHING. *And, as a philosophical conservative, this is a reflection I would (and do) urge upon EVERYONE with whom I write, and ever converse. Whether he is circumcised, or not ;-)*

That's it, that's all,

*Without family, without history, without our stories - we are lost not only to the world - but to love, and to ourselves.*

Showering together is great foreplay and allows each partner to wash the other. I love to cleanse intact penises. While you're cleaning, you mine as well soap up the crack, for that rim job that is awaiting.
*While most men with a foreskin live perfectly HAPPY lives (from cradle to grave) just as long as - like Jon said - they "keep their willy clean" (just like my Dear Old Dad), and as long as, in the oldest of old age, they have proper care and support in nursing. . . the 'anti-circ' lobby has ALSO (I think) over-emphasized some of the sexual detriments, and minimized some of the health benefits, which circumcision can confer.

*As Bobbity has suggested, for those who are older or in ill-health AND lack all the personal supports they might need (which of course they should not): circumcision can, it seems, help prevent certain opportunistic infections, to which a person in those situations might fall prey. (Though, in fairness, this is less an argument for circumcision, than it is in favour of better health-care, for the ill and elderly!)

*However, one fact which the anti-circumcision lobby has been KEEN to DENY - but which has been shown to be true, in a variety of studies, is that: circumcision DOES reduce the rate of contraction of HIV amongst (predominantly heterosexual) men who have unprotected sex with HIV-positive women. I know, I know, that may not mean a lot to many of us HERE - because most of us are GAY, and presumably (and hopefully) we all do our best to engage in PROTECTED sex, but. . . on a world-scale, this is a very significant matter. (I don't say so - the World Health Organization, says so: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcision_and_HIV) And this is not a negligible matter, I think, for the world at LARGE.

The latter part alone would seem to be a good argument in favor of circumcision worldwide. That being the moderate efficacy of hiv prevention among the heterosexual population particular. Of course that doesn't mean that it prevents hiv altogether. But I think any mother or father in Africa would like to give their son even a 5-10% less chance of contracting it if they could.

On the other side of the argument I can totally understand those who point out that an uncut penis was they way nature intended it to be. And therefore it's rather arrogant of us mere mortals to believe we can improve upon nature and evolution.
As far as JoeyChuck's original discussion of the ultra orthodox ritual, it is something I had never even heard of until a couple of year's ago, and while it is basically impossible to get an Orthodox person to change any of their beliefs as they say that it is God's word, I do agree it is unsafe and basically yucchy!

As far as a traditional circumcision, I am Jewish and grew up in a secular conservative Jewish neighborhood, where the population was over 90% Jewish, and so a cut penis is what is normal to me, because of my environment, and so my preference in partners still leans that way. It is hard to change values that you've held since your early childhood. But logically speaking God or nature gave us a foreskin and I don't see how we can justify it's removal in the first week of our lives. My belief is that as the generations move on, except for religious reasons, among Muslims and Jews primarily, I believe it will become less and less practiced in the secular community.
Mike, I too came from a predominantly Jewish community in Brooklyn. As for why the religion requires it, Abraham in old age was commanded by God to circumcise himself. That's why Jews and Muslims do it since he is the father of both religions. Isaac and Ishmael had different mothers Sarah and Hagar. Why on the 8th day of life? Their doctors of the day thought that the baby's brain felt pain only after the 8th day after birth. No one really knows how it really was. Why God commanded Abraham to do it is a mystery which we don't have the ability to understand.
What is my personal opinion? As a Jew it is part of my culture I accept it. As for the ritual Maybe there was a good reason 100's of years ago and it no longer is a good reason now. My son never had that ritual but was circumcised by a Mohel who had medical training . Whether the government should intervene in its use for religious reasons or even cultural reasons is something our Constitution has to look at and be applied. Maybe the US Supreme court needs to look at it. Some people want circumcision itself to be outlawed others want it to be postponed till the child is old enough to agree then there are others that just don't want the sucking of blood out of the incision.
MIKE, good insight into our opposition with your line "It is hard to change values that you've had since early childhood." Wow, we could discuss this for hours from all fronts. I think the anti-gay groups have these "values", a lifestyle? I know I was born gay, I have no choice, so it's not a "value." nor is it a lifestyle to me. But it may seem so to our haters. We could show them through our behaviors, activities, and kindness who we are.
JOEY, I hope we never see the day when government walks into my house and tells me what religion to practice, to use no birth control, no abortions, etc. We need to demand our right to privacy and to practice our own religions and beliefs without government interference. I listened to a politician from Texas this morning on one of the Sunday morning news shows. He was very upset that gay marriage is taking away his religious freedom and that the GOP is going to repeal it. Yesterday, while waiting on my oil change, a gentleman was going on how Obama is a communist Muslim who was born and raised in Kenya. His face turned red. He was very convinced of this. Probably watches Fox News. This is a taste of the near future. GOP wants us back in the closet.?
I couldn't figure out how either one came to those conclusions. I did engage but was quickly overtalked.