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Circumcision, does it really matter?

If you'd only know the feeling of being uncut... And gosh you are hot Graham, I've seen that! ; -)
One of the flute players in that song looks a lot like my heart throb, Graham. :001_wub:

That rendition of Both Sides Now was lovely.

And I still love you dearly. Keep trucking manager (husband to be)

I love you Buckeye from deep inside my heart, and nothing can change that.

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I know this is not true for everyone, but as someone who works in healthcare, I am an advocate for circumcision. I've seen way too many penile infections in uncut men, and in comparison have seen very few in cut men. Usually, when cut penises have infections a long standing catheter is involved, while poor personal hygiene is the leading cause of infection in uncircumcised men. So yeah, off with the foreskin, I say! xD
I know this is not true for everyone, but as someone who works in healthcare, I am an advocate for circumcision. I've seen way too many penile infections in uncut men, and in comparison have seen very few in cut men. Usually, when cut penises have infections a long standing catheter is involved, while poor personal hygiene is the leading cause of infection in uncircumcised men. So yeah, off with the foreskin, I say! xD

LOL - Glad you're not in the UK then dude..
I had not commented on this thread because I thought we had discussed this subject enough on other threads, but I guess not. While I do not propose banning circumcision for consenting adult men as that is their choice and they can live with the concequences, I am absolutely against infant circumcision. I personally was a victem of this practice and suffered complications from it. I would not have chosen it for myself. The complications I suffered were painful erections because too much skin was removed. This does not allow the penis to develope normally. After two years of foreskin restoration techniques, that complication has been negated, but I should not have had to go through this in the first place. As for the "benefits" of circumcision, these can be accomplished with good heigine, which I now practice since I have a reconstructed foreskin. You have no idea what you miss out on. Once the skin covered the head again, it took only a couple of weeks for my sensativity to increase dramatically. It feels great, but I will never know the full benefits as my foreskin was stolen from me. Why risk complications over something so unnecessary? Choose for yourself and live with the concequences, but don't choose for your children. Let them make that choice for themselves.

Just really I don't have very many at this time and the ones I did have there of me underage lol. But the videos thr you have seen are what my hair really looks like. A hot mess if not controlled lol
Hello everyone.
I sense that there are way MORE uncut penises in the world.

Europe is almost entirely uncut territory.
And so is ASIA, except the Philippines when it became a U.S. commonwealth and even at present time. -it was entirely uncut before and during 330 years of Spanish occupation. And perhaps Indonesia since it's a major Muslim country. I dunno much about the African statistics.

Yes many uncut dicks, smell. some even smell like fish sauce.
But I have encountered numerous nasty smelling cut sausages too.

I suppose the issue with smelly uncuts is trapped urine. Well, it must be NO DIFFERENT from unwashed VAGINAS.
If the reasoning for clipping the "HOOD" is medical, then how come there are more & more uncuts in the world?
... Even here in America, more & more foreskins are being pardoned and being saved from the guillotine.

I for one was sentenced to the guillotine. I wasn't cut at birth. Then one summer day after fifth grade, my mom called me in their bedroom and
showed me a rubber penis (of course now I realized it was a Dildo & I don't wanna ask my mom now why she had it then) and said that my dad
wants me to be circumcised so it will look like his.
-on the way to the hospital, it freaked me out, I ran away.
They found me that evening - many many blocks away at a schoolmate's house. I did not get cut then.

But the next summer, 3 male cousins came to visit and my parents found out that they all just got circumcised recently. They were teasing me that I was a sissy. I was already sorta "showing" signs of being gay and being teased for this did not sit well with my dad.

Then one day before the end of summer, A doctor friend of my parents (he was a OB-GYN) came in my house and circumcised me in my bedroom. Well, now I'm cut and yes I still turned out to be a real sissy- who likes uncut penises more.
Oh,they made sure my brother got cut at birth. He does not know what he's missing, but I do.
Bollox Asi - Just because you're all of jewish decent doesnt mean that those that are uncut have smelly dicks. Don't forget your roots mate and they came from the uk. So somewhere along the line someone has turned up to the US with a big knife and convinced you to get your 4skins chopped off. You lot are so gullable. ha ha
Bollox Asi - Just because you're all of jewish decent doesnt mean that those that are uncut have smelly dicks. Don't forget your roots mate and they came from the uk. So somewhere along the line someone has turned up to the US with a big knife and convinced you to get your 4skins chopped off. You lot are so gullable. ha ha

Ha Ha -HUH?

Hey Jon-my fave "intact" Brit,

I hope you're not saying what I just posted was B.S.?

Lemme make clear what my post was really all about: I am a PATRON/LOVER OF BOYS WITH THEIR HOOD .


In my post, I was actually questioning the common reasons for circumcision: MEDICAL/AGAINST STD'S, RELIGION.
-- THE GENERALLY CIRCUMCISED U.S. IN THE 80's had one of the highest stats for HIV/AIDS, WHILE THE ALMOST ALL UNCUT ASIA had the LOWEST STATS OF HIV/AIDS- basically NON-EXISTENT THEN, up until the 90's when THAILAND (I heard) TOPPED the Asian stats-but largely because of the country's famous RED LIGHT DISTRICT.

--RELIGION?, well I also heard that the Philippines is the ONLY major CATHOLIC country in ASIA, and the generation from 1930's to present are almost all (including the Muslim Islands too) circumcised because their church dictates that JESUS CHRIST was circumcised so therefore
every male catholic MUST be as well.

... ... See Jon, that one is major BOLLOX, because, Spain,which brought catholic religion to the Philippines is almost entirely UNCUT. ... so is ROME, ITALY ( my brother-in-law is Italian from Rome, and he told me so) where I assume includes the POPE.
... ... and so are almost all the hispanic countries. - So why is Filipino Catholic Religion different from it's mother church?, from what I was told,
The Americans introduced circumcision to the country, which in turn was adapted by the church as part of its edict. :jesushippy:

HOW-EVAH JON, since I just admitted that sexually, I am an AMBASSADOR OF GOODWILL, which meant I eat all kinds of sausages-European, South-Central American, Asian, African- and maybe even had Muslims ( I'm from San Francisco- It's a place of rainbow colored men)...
... which meant I am kinda slutty... ... which meant YOU NEED TO TRUST ME when I say THERE ARE MANY smelly UNCUT DICKS floating around town. >>> and just because I love hooded sweaters, DON'T MEAN :4755f044: I would wear a smelly one, even if it's a DESIGNER label - WOULD YOU?

P.S. When I say SMELLY, I meant the nasty-ones. :d345c3a7:
otherwise, my favorite penis is the LATE AFTERNOON-JUST GOT OFF WORK kind.
- just like a skinny construction guy or even a nerdy accountant. - I told you I'm an equal opportunist. :supergay:
Bollox Asi - Just because you're all of jewish decent doesnt mean that those that are uncut have smelly dicks. Don't forget your roots mate and they came from the uk. So somewhere along the line someone has turned up to the US with a big knife and convinced you to get your 4skins chopped off. You lot are so gullable. ha ha

Jon, I see nothing funny here. This problem is something a few of us are fighting against with so much opposition. Attempts to present evidence in our favor to stop infant circumcision are often met with emotional outbursts of disgust and outright dismissal of our position no matter what we say. America is not the only nation with this issue, though in others it is usually due to religion. Still, I have not given up the fight to abandon this practice. I always said that if I ever had a son, I would not do this to him. It takes time and effort to correct issues like this that have such a hold on a society.
Ha Ha -HUH?

Hey Jon-my fave "intact" Brit,

I hope you're not saying what I just posted was B.S.?

Lemme make clear what my post was really all about: I am a PATRON/LOVER OF BOYS WITH THEIR HOOD .


In my post, I was actually questioning the common reasons for circumcision: MEDICAL/AGAINST STD'S, RELIGION.
-- THE GENERALLY CIRCUMCISED U.S. IN THE 80's had one of the highest stats for HIV/AIDS, WHILE THE ALMOST ALL UNCUT ASIA had the LOWEST STATS OF HIV/AIDS- basically NON-EXISTENT THEN, up until the 90's when THAILAND (I heard) TOPPED the Asian stats-but largely because of the country's famous RED LIGHT DISTRICT.

--RELIGION?, well I also heard that the Philippines is the ONLY major CATHOLIC country in ASIA, and the generation from 1930's to present are almost all (including the Muslim Islands too) circumcised because their church dictates that JESUS CHRIST was circumcised so therefore
every male catholic MUST be as well.

... ... See Jon, that one is major BOLLOX, because, Spain,which brought catholic religion to the Philippines is almost entirely UNCUT. ... so is ROME, ITALY ( my brother-in-law is Italian from Rome, and he told me so) where I assume includes the POPE.
... ... and so are almost all the hispanic countries. - So why is Filipino Catholic Religion different from it's mother church?, from what I was told,
The Americans introduced circumcision to the country, which in turn was adapted by the church as part of its edict. :jesushippy:

HOW-EVAH JON, since I just admitted that sexually, I am an AMBASSADOR OF GOODWILL, which meant I eat all kinds of sausages-European, South-Central American, Asian, African- and maybe even had Muslims ( I'm from San Francisco- It's a place of rainbow colored men)...
... which meant I am kinda slutty... ... which meant YOU NEED TO TRUST ME when I say THERE ARE MANY smelly UNCUT DICKS floating around town. >>> and just because I love hooded sweaters, DON'T MEAN :4755f044: I would wear a smelly one, even if it's a DESIGNER label - WOULD YOU?

P.S. When I say SMELLY, I meant the nasty-ones. :d345c3a7:
otherwise, my favorite penis is the LATE AFTERNOON-JUST GOT OFF WORK kind.
- just like a skinny construction guy or even a nerdy accountant. - I told you I'm an equal opportunist. :supergay:

Asi - I love your posts, you are so funny. I wasn't referring to catholism, I didn't realise that catholics were forced to be circumcised however, I do not that Jews and Muslims are. I'm not sure where the association between HIV and cut and uncut comes from either - if you wear condoms then that's the major prevention from contacting stds.

There are plenty of parts of our body which have protection, for instance the hairs in our nasal passages and in our earlobes are there to prevent nasties from getting in. So the hood is there to protect our nob end from getting damaged, so leave it intact - it makes sense.

Phantom - I'm unaware of the big issue over there about to cut or uncut your kids. But surely it is the parents' who make the final decision. If the boys want to be circumcised when they leave home then they can do it then.
Hey again, Jon.

Not my intent to :sign0023: harangue you about "smelly uncut wieners" but:

I was watching this show on Bravo (reality shows cable tv) called WATCH HAPPENS LIVE, hosted by Bravo producer, Andy Cohen,
his guests were 4 of the 5 boys of the British Boy Band, WANTED.
The topics of discussion were mainly sexual questions. the boys were very funny and very blunt.
A boy named Tom, tweeted from Josh's(or was it Jay?) own phone that He- Josh's "KNOB SMELLS LIKE FETA !!"

:wtf: What's my point you ask?
Well, It's a fact that even uncut guys are aware that hooded knobs CAN DO smell, - even for famous British Boy Band members.

:sign0029: What's REALLY my point you ask?
I'm still a big fan of the HOODED KNOB. --:sign0028: Now, AsI, :stfu: ...:sign0039:
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Jon, you make it sound so simple and easy. Your right that the solution is simple, but unfortunately it is not easy to get people thinking in terms of what is really better for the child. Parents do make the decision, but society seems to push them toward the wrong decision and people tend to go with what is popular. Unfortunately, it takes time to change this. Few of us actually think these things through and really analize the situation. I absolutely agree with you that it should be the decision of every guy when they come of age and they can live with the consequences of their own decision. I just wish society agreed with us.