Ha Ha -HUH?
Hey Jon-my fave "intact" Brit,
I hope you're not saying what I just posted was B.S.?
Lemme make clear what my post was really all about: I am a PATRON/LOVER OF BOYS WITH THEIR HOOD .
In my post, I was actually questioning the common reasons for circumcision: MEDICAL/AGAINST STD'S, RELIGION.
-- THE GENERALLY CIRCUMCISED U.S. IN THE 80's had one of the highest stats for HIV/AIDS, WHILE THE ALMOST ALL UNCUT ASIA had the LOWEST STATS OF HIV/AIDS- basically NON-EXISTENT THEN, up until the 90's when THAILAND (I heard) TOPPED the Asian stats-but largely because of the country's famous RED LIGHT DISTRICT.
--RELIGION?, well I also heard that the Philippines is the ONLY major CATHOLIC country in ASIA, and the generation from 1930's to present are almost all (including the Muslim Islands too) circumcised because their church dictates that JESUS CHRIST was circumcised so therefore
every male catholic MUST be as well.
... ... See Jon, that one is major BOLLOX, because, Spain,which brought catholic religion to the Philippines is almost entirely UNCUT. ... so is ROME, ITALY ( my brother-in-law is Italian from Rome, and he told me so) where I assume includes the POPE.
... ... and so are almost all the hispanic countries. - So why is Filipino Catholic Religion different from it's mother church?, from what I was told,
The Americans introduced circumcision to the country, which in turn was adapted by the church as part of its edict.
HOW-EVAH JON, since I just admitted that sexually, I am an AMBASSADOR OF GOODWILL, which meant I eat all kinds of sausages-European, South-Central American, Asian, African- and maybe even had Muslims ( I'm from San Francisco- It's a place of rainbow colored men)...
... which meant I am kinda slutty... ... which meant YOU NEED TO TRUST ME when I say THERE ARE MANY smelly UNCUT DICKS floating around town. >>> and just because I love hooded sweaters, DON'T MEAN

I would wear a smelly one, even if it's a DESIGNER label - WOULD YOU?
P.S. When I say SMELLY, I meant the nasty-ones.

otherwise, my favorite penis is the LATE AFTERNOON-JUST GOT OFF WORK kind.
- just like a skinny construction guy or even a nerdy accountant. - I told you I'm an equal opportunist.