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Internal cumshot on CBP?


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2010
Reaction score
I could be wrong, but I believe that latest update on College Boy Physicals has an internal cumshot! Check out "Tristan Followup" and see what I'm talkin' about! This is my favorite way to end a video! (I mean really, who pulls out when it's fireworks time!)

The good doctor seems to cum (inside the condom) while still inserted in Tristan's beautiful butt-hole, but unfortunately he doesn't show it to us at the end. Wow!
You can't win them all

"But unfortunately he doesn't show it to us at the end."

Most unfortunately! What a disappointment for Cumrag this must be... Would it hurt the good doctor, to show us how his injection needle filled that condom?

Better luck next time Stimpy. :blush:
Good Night JohnBoy moment revisited

"But unfortunately he doesn't show it to us at the end."

Most unfortunately! What a disappointment for Cumrag this must be... Would it hurt the good doctor, to show us how his injection needle filled that condom?

Better luck next time Stimpy. :blush:

Dear rrhill,

Funny you should ask as I hold a lot of cherished special memories related to your topic. I used to have a dear friend who lived with me for some 17 years on- and off- again. He was 15 years my junior and definitely straight with girlfriends where ever he went, but was okay with me kissing, hugging, and occasionally feeling him up followed by a BJ. Every night when we each went to our bedroom, we would talk like "The Walton's" TV show bidding each other our version of the "Good Night, JohnBoy" moment before going to sleep.

This relationship started some 30 years ago and even now when we speak long distance, he tells me that he loves me and I let him know I feel likewise. Back then, he would on command jack off for me while locking himself behind the bathroom door only to emerge and present me with a fresh and molten hot display of his manly elixir for me to enjoy to the fullest. He did this for me as a special favor with no strings attached(no pun intended but then again...). In the morning if he would leave the house after I already went to work, he would leave his freshly worn underwear enhanced with his most recent cumload strategically placed so upon returning home from work, I couldn't miss his handiwork.

He was a womanizer having great personal charm and, when returning from his latest conquest, would ever so kindly and thoughtfully bring me his used condom tied into a knot for me to have it's valuable contents as a consolation prize. I enjoyed its contents greatly and he seemed very proud to share a bit of himself with me as well. Sort like killing two birds with one cumshot. And I don't know if his condoms contained more than one orgasm worth, but, you mighy say whatever it represented, it was indeed a creamy and generous cum load(s). You have to ask yourself, Self: How much better could any "straight roommate" be than this? I really felt blessed by his friendship and the accompaning benefits!

Robert, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Merry Christmas, you bad, bad boy. I threw away the "lump of coal" Santa had for you and gave you this story.
:xmaschristmas: and​


The Proof of the Pudding is the Creamy Pudding

I could be wrong, but I believe that latest update on College Boy Physicals has an internal cumshot! Check out "Tristan Followup" and see what I'm talkin' about! This is my favorite way to end a video! (I mean really, who pulls out when it's fireworks time!)

The good doctor seems to cum (inside the condom) while still inserted in Tristan's beautiful butt-hole, but unfortunately he doesn't show it to us at the end. Wow!

"But unfortunately he doesn't show it to us at the end."

Most unfortunately! What a disappointment for Cumrag this must be... Would it hurt the good doctor, to show us how his injection needle filled that condom?

Better luck next time Stimpy. :blush:

Dear DrabBoiz and Robert,

I really had high hopes for this "internal cumshot" and the good doctor did give some appropriate moans and growns at the appropriate time while revisiting the inviting hole. I just wished I saw a flash of something remotely white, but I didn't.

Now I am truly disappointed and left feeling empty. What a wonderful opportunity was missed here to appeal to a broader audience, something inside the condom but definitely outside of the customary "porn" box. They both had such beautiful bodies too. Tisk! Tisk! Darn! Does the good doctor realize what the primary purpose of the condom is? I think not, but maybe this is due to an unfortunate edit as the floodgates were just being released. What a pity! I know you tried to forewarn me, fellas!

Let this be a warning to all porn editors! What goes around ultimately cums around, that is if you don't stupidly edit it out! Dam! And I was dreaming of a "White Christmas" too! To College Boy Physicals staff, unfortunately "No cigar here", only lumps of coal for you guys.

Sincerely sad,

I agree with all of you who say that if indeed a model has a premature orgasm inside a condom, that it really enhances the moment if they drain the contents on the other model. I know that directors always prefer for the model not to cum inside of the condom. The idea being that you want to show the cumshot as much as possible. But on the rare occasions that a premature orgasm does happen, (and it will, because these are people and not robots) a scene can be "saved" by showing the cum to the camera and the viewers.

For the newer viewers to the site though I would just point out that Broke Straight Boys and College Boy Physicals are two different companies with two different directors.
Dear rrhill,

Funny you should ask as I hold a lot of cherished special memories related to your topic. I used to have a dear friend who lived with me for some 17 years on- and off- again. He was 15 years my junior and definitely straight with girlfriends where ever he went, but was okay with me kissing, hugging, and occasionally feeling him up followed by a BJ. Every night when we each went to our bedroom, we would talk like "The Walton's" TV show bidding each other our version of the "Good Night, JohnBoy" moment before going to sleep.

This relationship started some 30 years ago and even now when we speak long distance, he tells me that he loves me and I let him know I feel likewise. Back then, he would on command jack off for me while locking himself behind the bathroom door only to emerge and present me with a fresh and molten hot display of his manly elixir for me to enjoy to the fullest. He did this for me as a special favor with no strings attached(no pun intended but then again...). In the morning if he would leave the house after I already went to work, he would leave his freshly worn underwear enhanced with his most recent cumload strategically placed so upon returning home from work, I couldn't miss his handiwork.

He was a womanizer having great personal charm and, when returning from his latest conquest, would ever so kindly and thoughtfully bring me his used condom tied into a knot for me to have it's valuable contents as a consolation prize. I enjoyed its contents greatly and he seemed very proud to share a bit of himself with me as well. Sort like killing two birds with one cumshot. And I don't know if his condoms contained more than one orgasm worth, but, you mighy say whatever it represented, it was indeed a creamy and generous cum load(s). You have to ask yourself, Self: How much better could any "straight roommate" be than this? I really felt blessed by his friendship and the accompaning benefits!

Robert, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Merry Christmas, you bad, bad boy. I threw away the "lump of coal" Santa had for you and gave you this story.
:xmaschristmas: and​


Dear Stimpy,

You asked if I saw this post, and yes I most certainly did, and was highly aroused reading your story. I've written probably multiple times about my straight former employee who stayed in my apartment when he was 19, and I was away on vacation. I had sucked his cock one time, the week before my trip, and when I returned home, he had packed his stuff and left, but I found a pair of his white jockey shorts lying on the bathroom floor and when I picked them up, they were filled with a fresh load of 19 year old hot straight boy jizz.

I love how your straight friend would do this for you, Stimpy, and to the extent that he would actually bring home his filled condom after fucking his woman of choice that night, and present it to you as a gift.

As arousing as I find this scenario, Stimpy, I am a somewhat surprised that you engaged in this totally one-side act of "worshipping" an obviously egotistical young man, who got pleasure from knowing that his older, gay roommate was sniffing his underwear and licking the cum out of his condom.

But yes to me this was a highly entertaining tale of a straight man presenting his cum to a gay admirer. And knowing how much my friend Robert also enjoys a load of cum from a straight man, I feel confident that he also enjoyed your rather personal, but honest account.

I give your story five stars *****

Dear Stimpy,

You asked if I saw this post, and yes I most certainly did, and was highly aroused reading your story. I've written probably multiple times about my straight former employee who stayed in my apartment when he was 19, and I was away on vacation. I had sucked his cock one time, the week before my trip, and when I returned home, he had packed his stuff and left, but I found a pair of his white jockey shorts lying on the bathroom floor and when I picked them up, they were filled with a fresh load of 19 year old hot straight boy jizz.

I love how your straight friend would do this for you, Stimpy, and to the extent that he would actually bring home his filled condom after fucking his woman of choice that night, and present it to you as a gift.

As arousing as I find this scenario, Stimpy, I am a somewhat surprised that you engaged in this totally one-side act of "worshipping" an obviously egotistical young man, who got pleasure from knowing that his older, gay roommate was sniffing his underwear and licking the cum out of his condom.

But yes to me this was a highly entertaining tale of a straight man presenting his cum to a gay admirer. And knowing how much my friend Robert also enjoys a load of cum from a straight man, I feel confident that he also enjoyed your rather personal, but honest account.

I give your story five stars *****

Dearest Mikeyank,

I realized that this story was very one-sided at the time but, that was my whole point of writing this. It was my unrealistic hope that he would gradually initiate sex acts with me, without my doing any of the necessary preliminaries. This never happened, it never advanced into being mutual as I hoped it would at the time. It was what it was! Thanks for the high rating!


Dear Stimpy
I loved your story!! I got a hardon just reading it and thinking how wonderful it must have been to experience something so exciting and hot. I can just wish I could have this happen to me. As a cum lover,I will take it anyway I can get it; straight from the faucet,out of a condom, or lick it off the body. Just give me cum!! Of course these days, because of disease we have to be careful. Thanks again for a great story.
Thanks for your taking time to respond

Dear Stimpy
I loved your story!! I got a hardon just reading it and thinking how wonderful it must have been to experience something so exciting and hot. I can just wish I could have this happen to me. As a cum lover,I will take it anyway I can get it; straight from the faucet,out of a condom, or lick it off the body. Just give me cum!! Of course these days, because of disease we have to be careful. Thanks again for a great story.

Dear Jayshaw,

Thanks for your unexpected "kind and supportive words". I am pleased that you were so appreciative of my cum-filled living arrangements back then. I guess I have not been in communication with you before this writing. Could you please tell me either on the forum or through a PM a little bit about yourself.

Furthermore, I guess if there was an equivalent in writing dirty stories to getting a "standing ovation" at the theater, then in the cumfort of your own home, I guess getting a "hardon" is, in a roundabout way, similar to a "standing ovation" only with a little messier ending when you got finished.:drool:

I would like to encourage you or anybody else who feels like sharing some of your cum-filled interludes providing me with a complementary "hardon" of equal magnitude as your ultimate response to the article. What do you think? I would be happy to entertain such merrimaking. After all, ...'tis the season to be jolly!

