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Ink and such


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Admittedly was gone for a couple months. So I'm way behind on the member messages. Having said that, I'm really turned off by all the inked up dudes in the recent scenes. Hey, just my taste in men, ok? Couple other things bother me also, but jeez, who am I to bitch? lol! Just curious if anyone else feels the same way...
one of the things i like most about jimmy is the lack of tattoos and extra holes.
just me.
i have never allowed myself to let tattoos and piercing blind me to the qualities i like.
when it comes to back hair ... . that's a different thread.
Hey Lights,

Good to see you back, man! :001_smile:

You are not alone in noticing the increased hiring of models with tatts. I myself don't care for them either. But that seems to be one of the new directions the site has gone. Fortunately not all of the models are inked up...but many of them are.
I usually try to overlook the ink. But some guys get the worst, most stupid tattoos. I always thought a tattoo should not only mean something but add to or enhance a person's look. But a lot of it looks like graffiti or something scribbled on a bathroom wall. This kind makes a person look dirty and skanky, or just out of prison.

I do like the kind that looks like artwork.

The first one I don't like but the second guy gets my attention in a very good way :) I've seen him before and every time he turns me on. I love tattoos when it's well done. To me they don't have to have a meaning really, as long as they look good. But even if they look bad, I don't get turned off easily :)

I usually try to overlook the ink. But some guys get the worst, most stupid tattoos. I always thought a tattoo should not only mean something but add to or enhance a person's look. But a lot of it looks like graffiti or something scribbled on a bathroom wall. This kind makes a person look dirty and skanky, or just out of prison.

I do like the kind that looks like artwork.

The first one I don't like but the second guy gets my attention in a very good way :) I've seen him before and every time he turns me on. I love tattoos when it's well done. To me they don't have to have a meaning really, as long as they look good. But even if they look bad, I don't get turned off easily :)

I can see why number 2 would get your heart pumping Scorpio. haha :001_tt1:
I guess I look dirty, skanky and just out of prison....

:sneaky2: :mad: :confused1: :thumbdown:
I am prob in the minority here

I MYSELF will not get a tatt, but I like the looks of 'SOME' tatts/artwork, on SOME guys...Having said this, I know I might need to strain what I drink at upcoming Broke Straight Boys events for shards of glass, (KIDDING!!), but some people just do not look good with them, just like some people do not look good with short hair/long hair, etc.

Just my PERSONAL opinion. Having said this, I do not dictate what my friends get, and if they DO decide to get inked, I will not 'unfriend' them, just because of that.
Lol Bob. I'm only kidding. I just mean I am covered in tats. I think my tats make me look fabulous. And to each their own. y'know? If a model doesn't have the body you like you can choose to not watch them. Same goes for their ink. I don't usually see the ink, I'm usually too busy watching penis go into mouth or ass.... :D
Admittedly was gone for a couple months. So I'm way behind on the member messages. Having said that, I'm really turned off by all the inked up dudes in the recent scenes. Hey, just my taste in men, ok? Couple other things bother me also, but jeez, who am I to bitch? lol! Just curious if anyone else feels the same way...

I don't like the military haircuts and the tats. Total turnoff. Most models not very good looking, just a couple like Bobby and Rocco. The rest look like trailer park trash.
LOve the range of views on inked models. Again, let me emphasize I was expressing my personal taste and surprise after being gone. (For example: I can't imagine Logan with ink.) Those who liked inked guys, I mean't no offense and yes, to each hos own!

It's great to be back but must say I've been watching more "golden oldies" than recent updates, lol!
Lol Bob. I'm only kidding. I just mean I am covered in tats. I think my tats make me look fabulous. And to each their own. y'know? If a model doesn't have the body you like you can choose to not watch them. Same goes for their ink. I don't usually see the ink, I'm usually too busy watching penis go into mouth or ass.... :D

Sorry, Didn't mean you, Miss D. I think you're beautiful and sexy. But I do think people go overboard, and as with anything, less is more. :blush::001_wub:
MissDeidra. If that is your picture on your avatar, I think you are cute as can be.
I like having a few models with tats. I like the variety of pretty boy, shy boy, tough boy. They all provide their own excitement.
Sorry, Didn't mean you, Miss D. I think you're beautiful and sexy. But I do think people go overboard, and as with anything, less is more. :blush::001_wub:

I was just messing. I knew you were talking about models. :) I just like to stir it up a bit.
Hey thanks for the welcome back. i was kinda reserved regarding ink and such. I may be way off base here, but recent models are NOT sexy and enticing at all. I will not use the derogratory description repeated to my thread, but I feel the same way. I'd prefer to say thugs, punks, street dudes, lazy ass fuckers content with doing nothing with their real lives.

Moreover, while there were several very honest and relevant responses, once again an attention seeking member found it necessay to divert comments to "her". Sorry, but I've NEVER been that starved for attention. Anyone can respond to a thread, but WTF? Keep it relevant. And NOT about you. And no, I will NOT kiss your ass. Ink is ink. And thats what I wrote about.
Dude. Totaly uncalled for! Bring it down a few notches.