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I'm bored .... Helppp

tweeeeeeeezers Ray
I had a moustache for about a year in 1980. When I shaved it off I was relieved. But it itched for weeks.

I could have walked around naked & with a hardon & not felt as naked as when I first shaved it off
So Ray are you still working hard? Those sound like they can be some brutal hours. Do you get paid by the hour or are you salaried? Like the SOB's do us here when they want us to work over 50 hours a week without overtime.
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So Ray are you still working hard? Those sound like they can be some brutal hours. Do you get paid by the hour or are you salaried? Like the SOB's do us here when they want us to work over 50 hours a week without overtime.

I get paid by the hour
it's just a pain in the butt when guys who are rostered on don't want to show up for work & I have to fill in for them
yep done that befor today......... it sucks ,and not in a good way.

try one of these ..... peter just gave me this pic..... so i thought id share


  • bouquet1.jpg
    38 KB · Views: 21
So Ray are you still working hard? Those sound like they can be some brutal hours. Do you get paid by the hour or are you salaried? Like the SOB's do us here when they want us to work over 50 hours a week without overtime.

Yesterday was a pain
Started at 6:00am & did a 4 1/2 hr shift - that was supposed to be my day
Then the guy that was supposed to work last night didn't come in because he didn't think he was rostered on so he made other arrangements to go out, so I had to do his shift 5:00pm to close at midnight
But then I had to wait up till 1:30am this morning because of a late arrival & check in from New Zealand