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I'm back


BSB Addict
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
Kincheloe, MI
I was left the house in a real hurry 3 weeks ago and left my computer in my bedroom. I really missed having it with me. Now I have to get caught up with all the post's. :w00t:
I was left the house in a real hurry 3 weeks ago and left my computer in my bedroom. I really missed having it with me. Now I have to get caught up with all the post's. :w00t:

We missed you too.
I was left the house in a real hurry 3 weeks ago and left my computer in my bedroom. I really missed having it with me. Now I have to get caught up with all the post's. :w00t:

GOOD LUCK!! I was here and I don't know what was going on, well, except that Jayman, Jayce, Tampa and I were up to our usual shenanigans. GL was doing stand up, Vicekid was busy speculating on motives, and preparing for his cruise, Jon was cold over in the U.K. and had trouble with some of the new sites, (so did several of us) and Slim and Reuben were reminiscing, along with rifle and several others about trips to Not so gay Paris. Denver was sharing beatiful lyrics and poetry,
and, I think that's all this poor brain can recall at the moment. (Except for the nekkid pictures everyone wants to see in our personal website pages, ((from our youthful days, of course.)) ).

Did that cover it, guys? [Now I'm exhausted!] LMAO

Oh, did I forget all the new video's and sites?

Yep, this site is Definitely addicting!
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Hey guy's. Sorry about being gone so long. Sprint ended my contract for the wireless card. I bought the service when I was out on the road, but now I'm here at home and they don't have service up here. So they ended my contract, saying I roamed to much, hahaha.

Anyway, I'm back and I have missed all of you. And thank you to guy's that have already pm'd me. Luv ya's all.
Hey guy's. Sorry about being gone so long. Sprint ended my contract for the wireless card. I bought the service when I was out on the road, but now I'm here at home and they don't have service up here. So they ended my contract, saying I roamed to much, hahaha.

Anyway, I'm back and I have missed all of you. And thank you to guy's that have already pm'd me. Luv ya's all.

Love you more! haha :wink:

Welcome back I2!
how is everything down there? I seen on the news there was a tornado warning there. Hope all is ok.
i2, man fill us in a little on what's been goin' down in your life mister. Tell us something, we love ya...
Hey welcome back..... u were missed greatly
Hey guy's. Sorry about being gone so long. Sprint ended my contract for the wireless card. I bought the service when I was out on the road, but now I'm here at home and they don't have service up here. So they ended my contract, saying I roamed to much, hahaha.

Anyway, I'm back and I have missed all of you. And thank you to guy's that have already pm'd me. Luv ya's all.

Glad to have you back. I have got to teach you about Denny's, Duncan Donuts, and Starbucks. When I get bored at home doing my school work I take my lap top to one of those places with a friend or two and we have a wireless party. Yes, we have even been naughty enough to view Broke Straight Boys and the Forum at the Donut shop. I found it amazing how many young straight guys ( Yeah, right) that will look over shoulder at those places. LOL :biggrin: Again, welcome back.
Glad to have you back. I have got to teach you about Denny's, Duncan Donuts, and Starbucks. When I get bored at home doing my school work I take my lap top to one of those places with a friend or two and we have a wireless party. Yes, we have even been naughty enough to view Broke Straight Boys and the Forum at the Donut shop. I found it amazing how many young straight guys ( Yeah, right) that will look over shoulder at those places. LOL :biggrin: Again, welcome back.

LOL! that the Donut crowd were looking over your shoulder to see the Broke Straight Boys guys! Jayman, I don't want to hear on the news about a couple guys in PA, kicked out of Dunkin Donuts for watching porn! LOL!!
LOL! that the Donut crowd were looking over your shoulder to see the Broke Straight Boys guys! Jayman, I don't want to hear on the news about a couple guys in PA, kicked out of Dunkin Donuts for watching porn! LOL!!

Ah, never... Hell I hoped I was able to talk a few of the guys into contacting David and spend some time on the Futon. LOL :biggrin:
I never thought about going to a wireless hot spot. DUH. Around here I could have sat in my van with the computer. No Denny's, Dunkin Donut's, or Starbuck's around here, hell we just went from a wal-mart to a supper wal-mart.

I servived a week in Norfolk,Va with my sister and her kids. Her two girls are in the navy. Dam if you could have seen all the seamen down there.lol We went to Busch Gardens. I think I scared everyone that day. I finished chemo on thursday and on sunday I was going on all these rides, it was alot of fun but men was it rough on me. We went out every night that week. I won the go cart race but lost at bowling. I went on a ride called the skycoaster, is a swing that is 134 ft. high. Man was that fun.
You guys needd to come down to Busch Gardens Africa down here in Tampa. There are elephants, giraffes, zebras and all manner of exotic animals. As well as the amusement park rides. I'd love to see you guys there! Errr...here! haha