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Ok, I'm not sleeping now, something woke me up...

It is amazing how threads start as one topic and meander into something different. I love it 😍. Glad to see the forum being used more
It is amazing how threads start as one topic and meander into something different. I love it 😍. Glad to see the forum being used more
I am guilty I do it all the time!
It is amazing how threads start as one topic and meander into something different. I love it 😍. Glad to see the forum being used more
Me too Chac on both counts. I used to often compare meandering threads here to a mighty river. And I am thrilled that the forum is starting to see more use again for discussions and not just a picture posting medium. Hopefully this is a trend that will continue and multiply moving forward.

My mom is 83 and takes only one vitamin and she can move like nothing I have ever seen. I want to be active like her with she is older.

Pain sucks but I try to keep as active as possible. My best advice is to keep moving as much as you can. :)
Mark, you are someone to admire as you keep in such great shape and stay so active in sports despite your physical limitations Apparently it runs in your family based on your mom. Keep up the excellent work and good health to both you and your mother.
I watched it. I loved Season 1, but I'm more lukewarm about Season 2. I'm moving to actively disliking the character of Charlie (unfortunate, since he's one of the leads). And I think I can only take so much feel-good before it gets a little cloying. Refreshing at first, it became kind of a chore at times (and there's this condescending animated rainbow that pissed me off). Though Season 1 has this beautiful scene with a boy coming out to his mom and it made me openly weep (I bet a lot of the users here might be able to relate), though that's not that difficult in my case. I'd recommend.
I totally understand your opinion and respect your right to have it. Every person is subjective and our reactions are often a response to lived experiences. I loved it and yes, I did weep. I wept for every gay,bi, trans, asexual kid: anyone different and who lived or still lives in fear. It's not critical that everybody likes this program. It is, after all, a programme made for the YA market - but not exclusively as has been seen. The mother scene is so beautifully played, not least because it is Olivia Coleman at her most compelling. It will make you think I'm bonkers but I am rewatching season 2. Thanks for offering a different opinion. Cheers, W
I don't dislike Season 2. It just wasn't the best for me. As I said, I do recommend. I especially liked the supporting characters' increased prominence.
Sorry, it was very early in the morning and I didn't read your post correctly. I agree entirely that the development of the support characters is welcome as it becomes more inclusive. It must be so hard for an author to create something that gets the message across with labouring the point or dragging things out. My take was the bullying was relentless and needed to be repetitive because that was how life was/is. Thanks for pulling me up on that, though :) W x
I have watched both seasons and looking forward to season 3., season 1 was the better of the 2 in my opinion.