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Idea's, suggestions for the new Broke Straight Boys

JLipps, I've been saying the exact same thing since the forum was first established. I've discovered over that time that many of the active posters, (representing the actual paid membership???), have asked for and enjoyed the gay and more gay-acting bisexual models. And I've come to appreciate the effectiveness of having a gay guy along for the ride, to help bring the straight boys through their journey.

But if I had a vote in what I would like to see in the new Broke Straight Boys, I too would vote for exclusively, masculine young straight guys, or the closest thing available to it, for my "prurient interests". :001_tt2:

As you stated JLipps, "There are tons of other sites that offer kissing and passion and all that other gay stuff".
I fear that the intent of my suggestion was missed. I, too, very much enjoy following the story line of a new model on this site. However, I don't think it's too much to ask that if an update is a solo jerk off vid that two jerk off vids be added that day. I do get disappointed waiting three days only to watch a solo jerk vid. I really don't think such a request results in a drastic variation from the site's original intent.
For clarification,

I started to respond to this earlier but had to go check something out and then got distracted with another post. But, I am glad that I did.

I realize that many members do like the professional models and gay boys that are often used. It used to bother me, a lot. I even bitched about it before in the past. In time I learned to accept my fate and enjoy what was being presented,regardless. So, I do, and it makes the straight shoots even more valuable to watch.

What I do take exception with isthe use(sometimesover and over again) of models, specially if they are pros or gays, that give such lackluster performances. For example, the beautiful and talented Shane, who almost always brings so much to a shoot. While, on the other hand, there is Braden whose only real asset is his beautiful cock. Let's face it, he is not truly that attractive, and his personality sucks and so do his performances.

As for the gays, some do come on here and do enhance a straight boys performance, but all too often, they don't! Take the Giovanni and Jordan shoot of May 2, 2009. That was Jordan's innaugural oral shoot. Jordan really got into the shoot and gave a stellar performance, inspite of Giovanni, who seemed camera shy and almost disinterested! Give me a break! Jordan was moaning and looking over at giovanni, waiting for Giovanni to do something, and there was nothing! What a waste of a maiden voage!

This site advertises 'Broke Straight Boys". And that is what drew my interest to this site, as well as many other members. So, if you are going to knowingly mislead the public by bringing in bi boys and gay boys, and professionals, at least have the decency to demand a better performance from them. And when they don't deliver, dump the shoot and DON'T KEEP BRINGING THEM BACK!

Personally, I think the original shoots at the beginning were the overall better. They seemed more realistic. Even if it is all a fantasy, they were at least good ones.
This site is a damned good one, and, as someone else said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
That doens't mean it can't be improved. I'm just saying.

Please understand that I realize it is not in my power to change anything, but I do sincerely appreciate the ability to at least vent my opinion. Thank you Mark, and David, and Blu Media, and D & E. And may all have a safe and Happy NewYear!
2010 Thinking in a 2011 World

For clarification,

I started to respond to this earlier but had to go check something out and then got distracted with another post. But, I am glad that I did.

I realize that many members do like the professional models and gay boys that are often used. It used to bother me, a lot. I even bitched about it before in the past. In time I learned to accept my fate and enjoy what was being presented,regardless. So, I do, and it makes the straight shoots even more valuable to watch.

What I do take exception with isthe use(sometimesover and over again) of models, specially if they are pros or gays, that give such lackluster performances. For example, the beautiful and talented Shane, who almost always brings so much to a shoot. While, on the other hand, there is Braden whose only real asset is his beautiful cock. Let's face it, he is not truly that attractive, and his personality sucks and so do his performances.

As for the gays, some do come on here and do enhance a straight boys performance, but all too often, they don't! Take the Giovanni and Jordan shoot of May 2, 2009. That was Jordan's innaugural oral shoot. Jordan really got into the shoot and gave a stellar performance, inspite of Giovanni, who seemed camera shy and almost disinterested! Give me a break! Jordan was moaning and looking over at giovanni, waiting for Giovanni to do something, and there was nothing! What a waste of a maiden voage!

This site advertises 'Broke Straight Boys". And that is what drew my interest to this site, as well as many other members. So, if you are going to knowingly mislead the public by bringing in bi boys and gay boys, and professionals, at least have the decency to demand a better performance from them. And when they don't deliver, dump the shoot and DON'T KEEP BRINGING THEM BACK!

Personally, I think the original shoots at the beginning were the overall better. They seemed more realistic. Even if it is all a fantasy, they were at least good ones.
This site is a damned good one, and, as someone else said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
That doens't mean it can't be improved. I'm just saying.

Please understand that I realize it is not in my power to change anything, but I do sincerely appreciate the ability to at least vent my opinion. Thank you Mark, and David, and Blu Media, and D & E. And may all have a safe and Happy NewYear!

Happy New Year JLipps4u,

At this time of the year, it is good to reflect what has been presented since the HD episodes ended Sept. 4th. Even some episodes that had been reserved to the "bottom of the barrel", we have seen some as average and above episodes as well that more than justify the cost of one's membership. Think just recently about the Kyle, Price, and David episode. I don't think too many members object to Kyle and Price's performance. Regardless of Price's sexual leanings, I don't think too many people have left too disappointed from this episode. Even with the slow starter, David fucking Price's manpussy and then followed by Price straddling David dick penetrating Price's cheeks as Kyle was sucking and stroking Price's dick, the action definitely picked up at the end including David for a happy if exhausted finish.

Then there was the highly regarded 4-way with MikeR, Diesal, Shane, and Josh where Diesal gave Shane one hell of a passionate hand job reaching around to Shanes dick and the conjecture about the possible romance between Shane and Josh. This too was a wonderful episode. Oddly, it didn't receive the greatest ratings, possible due to MikeR being along for the ride.

There were others worthy of positive reviews since Sept 4th as well. The point is, not all updates were bad since Sept. 4th. There were some low lows since Sept. 4th but I feel that more were average or above with the episode average of approximately 3.8 since Sept. 4th. Three of the forty-eight were the lowest rated at 2.0, 2.2, and a 2.8, where as 16 (1/3rd of the 48) were rated 4.0 or better. So, maybe even the bottom of the barrel was not as bad as perceived, after all. It definitely had it's moments, however.

Again, I bring this up because, with a few adjustments even the bottom of tbe barrel were not as bad as we probably perceived. Therefore, reiterating the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mantra. Never at anytime of Broke Straight Boys's existence have "all members" been pleased and I think we just need to be more dilligent communicating our likes and/or dislikes with mgmt. Despite the title of Broke Straight Boys, hiring professionals have generally been a plus to the episodes released, and having the occasional "Gay" model has not unnecessarily sullied the integrity of Broke Straight Boys overall.

All the time I have been a Broke Straight Boys member, I have also heard members were "sick of labels". Then, why does this dislike for labels work against hiring the occasional "porn pro" or "gay models". Hopefully, diversity is the spice of life, as it should be here on Broke Straight Boys Insisting on strict adherence to the label "Straight" would have denied us many memoriable episodes featuring Shane, Zakk, Kyler, and the like. Should a model like Austin Grant transition from straight to gay, are we then to drop them from the Broke Straight Boys lineup because they no longer fit our name? Hopefully not! Look at Price and how popular he has become. Many members already assume that he is gay but he is, nonetheless, a real asset on the futon. I recently saw a feature on cable tv where males who acquire female breast while keeping their penis are quite popular with many straight men for dating. They appear not to mind what is down below, as long as they can pass as a female in public. These people probably fit the definition of males too. Probably, some of them still consider themselves as straight as well. Who knows anymore!

In theory it would be nice that all things could neatly fit within certain parameters or convenient labels. With the diversity of life today, however, this is not so easily done without the use of artificial labels. Think of Phillionaire and how would he fit within a certain label, other than as a "sexual being". As these issues are becoming more difficult to define with the younger generations to come, labeling one's sexuality is old thinking, strictly 2010 thinking in a 2011 world. Hope you have a...

Happy New Year,

Cumrag27, aka Stimpy
The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey
A Man and his son were once going with their Donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side a countryman passed them and said: "You fools, what is a Donkey for but to ride upon?"
So the Man put the Boy on the Donkey and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said: "See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides."
So the Man ordered his Boy to get off, and got on himself. But they hadn't gone far when they passed two women, one of whom said to the other: "Shame on that lazy lout to let his poor little son trudge along."
Well, the Man didn't know what to do, but at last he took his Boy up before him on the Donkey. By this time they had come to the town, and the passers-by began to jeer and point at them. The Man stopped and asked what they were scoffing at. The men said: "Aren't you ashamed of yourself for overloading that poor donkey of yoursu and your hulking son?"
The Man and Boy got off and tried to think what to do. They thought and they thought, till at last they cut down a pole, tied the donkey's feet to it, and raised the pole and the donkey to their shoulders. They went along amid the laughter of all who met them till they came to Market Bridge, when the Donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out and caused the Boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle the Donkey fell over the bridge, and his fore-feet being tied together he was drowned.
"That will teach you," said an old man who had followed them: "Please all, and you will please none."
If the new look is in place (today is 1/2/11), it looks a whole lot like the old look. Am I missing something?
If the new look is in place (today is 1/2/11), it looks a whole lot like the old look. Am I missing something?

The "new" Broke Straight Boys hasn't started yet.
I believe Mark will make an annoucement in due course as to the timing of the change.
In the meantime the last of the D&E episodes are being finished first.

The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey
A Man and his son were once going with their Donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side a countryman passed them and said: "You fools, what is a Donkey for but to ride upon?"
So the Man put the Boy on the Donkey and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said: "See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides."
So the Man ordered his Boy to get off, and got on himself. But they hadn't gone far when they passed two women, one of whom said to the other: "Shame on that lazy lout to let his poor little son trudge along."
Well, the Man didn't know what to do, but at last he took his Boy up before him on the Donkey. By this time they had come to the town, and the passers-by began to jeer and point at them. The Man stopped and asked what they were scoffing at. The men said: "Aren't you ashamed of yourself for overloading that poor donkey of yoursu and your hulking son?"
The Man and Boy got off and tried to think what to do. They thought and they thought, till at last they cut down a pole, tied the donkey's feet to it, and raised the pole and the donkey to their shoulders. They went along amid the laughter of all who met them till they came to Market Bridge, when the Donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out and caused the Boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle the Donkey fell over the bridge, and his fore-feet being tied together he was drowned.
"That will teach you," said an old man who had followed them: "Please all, and you will please none."

Robert, and I was concerned your story was going to get kinky.

Undie (relieved, but not in that way guys!)
Nothing wrong with a little rough sex. Can be very hot if done appropiately. Justin did a scene with a cute model whose name I cant recall and it was very hot.

I can't honestly tell if you arerebuking my post, or agreeing with it. But, just to make sure. I do understand that there have been professional models and gay boys who have given good performances. In the end, I don't give a damn about the labels, don't need to neatly fit anyone into any either. REgardless of where a model perceives himself, or attempts to portray himself as, just give a good performance. To me, that is what is most important. If you're gonna get paid to perform, then do a good job. Period.
Latest wishes are:

Leave socks on.
Plenty of cum eating, rimming and kissing.

Shit I posted this on the wrong site lol. xx
Hi Mark:

I have been a member for a couple of years but never posted before. I take the opportunity of you requesting feedback to do so.

As the old adage says, "opinions are like assholes, all of us have one" (sometimes some of us have more than one (opinion that is)). I agree with those who opine that we are attracted to this site because of the notion that it involves "straight" boys even though it is obvious at times that some of the boys are clearly not straight. I also am a member of this site, as opposed to others, because the vast majority of the models are young/boyish/twinkish, very cute/handsome, with "good" to great bodies, primarily cut (very important to me but I know some guys like uncut) and some have very cute personalities that come through in the interviews.

What would drive me crazy (but not crazy enough to raise it previously) was the predictability of the scenes. I could parrot David's opening ("Hey guys, welcome to Broke Straight Boys, what's up..."), then have the model(s) stand up and undress (but leave the underwear on), sit down, stroke themselves to porn until they are hard, then take off the underwear, then, if not a solo, one gives "oral" to the other, etc. While many of the scenes are ultimately incredibly hot, this monotonous start of the vast majority of scenes is clearly unneccessary (and, in my humble opinion, undesirable).

I love the idea of interviews and agree that becoming familiar with the models enhances the viewing of the sex. But let's be a little creative and change things up a bit. And please, please, please, find guys who will make out. For me that is the ultimate turnon. On several occassions it appeared to me that one or more of the models would be getting extremely turned on and passionate and wanted to kiss the other model but seemed to be discouraged from doing so. I understand that some of them don't want to and consider it too intimate, but I am equally certain that there are plenty of good looking hot "straight" models who will do so, with minimal encouragement (or throw them a little extra dough if necessary). Tyler and Leon's making out, as well as Shane's, made me a premature ejaculator.

I also agree with the suggestion for more than one camera being used during filming so that different angles can be shot and both face and cock can be shown during orgasm. Again, it doesn't have to be every time, but if you throw that into the mix from time to time it makes for great viewing. Same goes for use of "slo mo" and other editing "tricks" from time to time to mix things up.

Thanks for listening. I look forward to the new format.
I agree with those who opine that we are attracted to this site because of the notion that it involves "straight" boys even though it is obvious at times that some of the boys are clearly not straight. I also am a member of this site, as opposed to others, because the vast majority of the models are young/boyish/twinkish, very cute/handsome, with "good" to great bodies, primarily cut (very important to me but I know some guys like uncut) and some have very cute personalities that come through in the interviews.
Thank you for posting, Bithebi. I enjoy reading fresh voices on the forum. I do totally agree with the points of your's that I quoted. Those are exactly the traits that I look for in a guy, and that is why I joined this site, and the interview process ads to my excitement, knowing who the guy is while he's dressed the way I would normally see a guy his age. And then to see what he looks like naked, with a hardon, and then having gay sex fills a whole bunch of my fantasies. :001_tt2:
I applaud Bithebi's suggestions above. I would also like to suggest that if we have future models who mumble terribly or whisper, that we subtitle some of their comments. But only of course if they give an important insight to the model or if the comment adds to the enjoyment of the sex scene.
I applaud Bithebi's suggestions above. I would also like to suggest that if we have future models who mumble terribly or whisper, that we subtitle some of their comments. But only of course if they give an important insight to the model or if the comment adds to the enjoyment of the sex scene.

Oh come on Tampa, subtitles !! lol. Get a hearing aid or turn the volume up :001_tt2:

Apologies if this has already been covered... I've been a member for a couple years now, but don't visit the forums that often, so I'm playing catch-up. So this sounds like a really big change, I'm a little nervous. This is the only site I've maintained a subscription to for so long. I like the Broke Straight Boys kind of 'basic' approach, David's voice and the whole kind of 'wink-wink' attitude and laid-back nature of the site. Will all the old videos still be available? What's going to happen to College Boy Physicals?

I'm going to miss Nu and that cutie Zakk, and Nelson and of course Tyler, and several others. But I would like to see some Asian and African-american guys to spice it up, and I think it's fun when David has had an openly gay guy in the mix sometimes.


I 2nd that motion

Apologies if this has already been covered... I've been a member for a couple years now, but don't visit the forums that often, so I'm playing catch-up. So this sounds like a really big change, I'm a little nervous. This is the only site I've maintained a subscription to for so long. I like the Broke Straight Boys kind of 'basic' approach, David's voice and the whole kind of 'wink-wink' attitude and laid-back nature of the site. Will all the old videos still be available? What's going to happen to College Boy Physicals?

I'm going to miss Nu and that cutie Zakk, and Nelson and of course Tyler, and several others. But I would like to see some Asian and African-american guys to spice it up, and I think it's fun when David has had an openly gay guy in the mix sometimes.



Dearest Kevin,

I agree totally and also worry about the treasure that is the Broke Straight Boys archived episodes and the forum itself. Hopefully, they will not totally abandon the brilliant performers such as Zakk, Nelson, and the other stars that did so much to add VARIETY to the predictable and mechanical 1,2,+3 part paradigm. We should not raise this formulaic approach as some infallible Broke Straight Boys doctrine while discouraging other "outside the box" experiences that have brought much enjoyment to Broke Straight Boys members for years. How many members simply thing the jackoff scene is BORING and refuse to watch 1/3 of the episodes any way. If you have the financial resources and have reached the age requirements to be a member, then you have already figured out what is depicted in part one. It costs just as much to film something that is BORING as it does to film some of the hotter and less predictable scenes coming from Zakk or Nelson, for instance.

Lets just remember that life has spontaneity and, hopefully, so will the new Broke Straight Boys Without it, it will be boring too. Some of the hottest scenes were when models far exceeded expectations during their scheduled episodes. I say "damn the formula, go for the "gold", full speed ahead as long as the models are willing. While we all hope to see as many sausages as possible, this is not a sausage factory meeting some production standard per hour.

We definitely need to see more than plain vanilla when racial diversity is taken into consideration. "Horn-dogs" exist outside the "Caucasian" category, or so I am told, I am quite certain they are out there. Think of all those hot loads, both cut and uncut, we are missing because of lacking commitment for recruiting from various available ethnicities. Curiosity is an equal-opportunity mental fascination.


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy
Dearest Kevin,

I agree totally and also worry about the treasure that is the Broke Straight Boys archived episodes and the forum itself. Hopefully, they will not totally abandon the brilliant performers such as Zakk, Nelson, and the other stars that did so much to add VARIETY to the predictable and mechanical 1,2,+3 part paradigm. We should not raise this formulaic approach as some infallible Broke Straight Boys doctrine while discouraging other "outside the box" experiences that have brought much enjoyment to Broke Straight Boys members for years. How many members simply thing the jackoff scene is BORING and refuse to watch 1/3 of the episodes any way. If you have the financial resources and have reached the age requirements to be a member, then you have already figured out what is depicted in part one. It costs just as much to film something that is BORING as it does to film some of the hotter and less predictable scenes coming from Zakk or Nelson, for instance.

Lets just remember that life has spontaneity and, hopefully, so will the new Broke Straight Boys Without it, it will be boring too. Some of the hottest scenes were when models far exceeded expectations during their scheduled episodes. I say "damn the formula, go for the "gold", full speed ahead as long as the models are willing. While we all hope to see as many sausages as possible, this is not a sausage factory meeting some production standard per hour.

We definitely need to see more than plain vanilla when racial diversity is taken into consideration. "Horn-dogs" exist outside the "Caucasian" category, or so I am told, I am quite certain they are out there. Think of all those hot loads, both cut and uncut, we are missing because of lacking commitment for recruiting from various available ethnicities. Curiosity is an equal-opportunity mental fascination.


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy

I agree about the solo and jackoff scenes, they just don't do it for me, and I also agree when the boys are (at least seemingly) spontaneous, and even seem to catch David by surprise. One of the wildest for me was what seemed like an odd pairing of Dustin and Nelson, but it was hot, and suddenly they were making out while Dustin was topping Nelson! Maybe Nelson isn't the prettiest Broke Straight Boys but he's a wild thing. And I can't say enough good things about Zakk and Nu. I loved Nu wearing his glasses. *Sigh*