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Idea's, suggestions for the new Broke Straight Boys

My suggestions for the new Broke Straight Boys:

1. Bring back Billie from BCB, with that delicious curved up/shaved cock and his hot body, straight guy swagger and attitude
2. Show us lots of hot sex, sex, and SEX!!!!!
I hear necrophilia is dead ... but this one's still twitching, I think.

I thought it appropriate to post this in the thread where I made the original post: while I am still figuring out what my opinion of the new style is, I have to thank you wholeheartedly for not cutting away from faces during the money shots.

I don't know if it was a choice in direction that you had already made or if my original post ( link ) pointed suggestively in that direction or what, exactly; but, whatever the reason, you have my thanks. There's such a dearth of porn that values all of the things that are or can be beautiful about the models. It is heartening to see what I asked for, here -- whatever the reason :).

The obverse of the coin is the distressing series of shots when the top pulls his dick urgently out of his victim's ass, pulls the rubber urgently off his dick and chucks it urgently away, grimaces, groans and announces tersely between gritted teeth that he's gonna cum, and CUT to a closeup of his face (since the heralding of orgasm and ejaculation was a charade) for more grimacing and teeth gritting and lip biting, and then CUT back to the poor bugger jacking earnestly to try to make the charade look real and true, which e v e n t u a l l y it is. Give me William being blown to orgasm by li'l Ricky any day.
That's funny. Yeah I always kind of chuckled to myself when one of them exclaims "I'm gonna cum!" and then the camera cuts to him in a completely different position obviously quite some time later. Orly?
In fact I would have some suggestions for the new Broke Straight Boys, some might even be a bit revolutionary : -)

Imagine Mark, you would invite Broke Straight Boys director-1 David to film six episodes.

Next you would convince our Broke Straight Boys director-2 our Clay to do another six episodes as well...

And you could invite a third director, the new guy, to deliver six episodes as well... Do you believe in competition, that this is a small world, one should set aside old grievance?

So I dare you to reinvent Mark...

Once you caught me with David's first episode "Alex and Chris"
alex chris.jpg[

and next Clay's first episode with the unforgeable Jimmy Johnson!
jimmy johnson.jpg

This website is not about the directors, or models... only about straight boy fantasy customers and you. : -)
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Thank you Jon... you seem familiar too!

When you said hope springs eternal...

Somehow we all feel that!
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In fact I would have some suggestions for the new Broke Straight Boys, some might even be a bit revolutionary : -)

Imagine Mark, you would invite Broke Straight Boys director-1 David to film six episodes.

Next you would convince our Broke Straight Boys director-2 our Clay to do another six episodes as well...

And you could invite a third director, the new guy, to deliver six episodes as well... Do you believe in competition, that this is a small world, one should set aside old grievance?

So I dare you to reinvent Mark...

Once you caught me with David's first episode "Alex and Chris"
View attachment 13356[

and next Clay's first episode with the unforgeable Jimmy Johnson!
View attachment 13355

This website is not about the directors, or models... only about straight boy fantasy customers and you. : -)
I too was swept off my feet by the Alex & Chris episode which is what made me originally join Broke Straight Boys, and as you well know as a fellow Jimmyholic, I thought that Jimmy was a perfect guy to introduce BSB2.

It's so nice to have you back on this side Robert. You are just full of surprises this holiday season of 2014. :welcome: back to the original forum where we all met, and thanks for digging up this thread chock full of forumites from days of yore. It warms the cockles of the heart of this sentimental old fool. lol
Really into guys without pubic hair. Especially models who may have hairy torsos but a totally clean hairless pubic area. Thanks
It is so nice to back at all of you. Really missed your presence!

Where are the girls?

As an on and off visitor to me Broke Straight Boys.com is like dining out. No, I have no urgent need for food. I visit a restaurant for its ambiance.
This first class web design, like a red Ferrari with black leather seats.

I could eat sandwiches at home...

Rather I visit here at Broke Straight Boys, because of it AAA+++ customer service, the guys and girls on the forum...

In the last place I of course come to visit exquisite porn, the kind of porn that could not be found anywhere on the Internet easy.

My visit here has to do with nothing less but with the total Broke Straight Boys experience!

There is no "cunning plan" Jon, besides helping Mark and his dedicated Broke Straight Boys team, helping rediscovering and reminding what this porn site was all about at all in the first place.
Not a copy of Men.com or any other site. It was shy straight boys, experimenting with gay sex.

What do you think my friends? What was Broke Straight Boys.com all about? What was the good, the bad, and the ugly? It is you subscribers that define this site! Please be open, and speak your heart...


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It is so nice to back at all of you. Really missed your presence!

Where are the girls?

As an on and off visitor to me Broke Straight Boys.com is like dining out. No, I have no urgent need for food. I visit a restaurant for its ambiance.
This first class web design, like a red Ferrari with black leather seats.

I could eat sandwiches at home...

Rather I visit here at Broke Straight Boys, because of it AAA+++ customer service, the guys and girls on the forum...

In the last place I of course come to visit exquisite porn, the kind of porn that could not be found anywhere on the Internet easy.

My visit here has to do with nothing less but with the total Broke Straight Boys experience!

There is no "cunning plan" Jon, besides helping Mark and his dedicated Broke Straight Boys team, helping rediscovering and reminding what this porn site was all about at all in the first place.
Not a copy of Men.com or any other site. It was shy straight boys, experimenting with gay sex.

What do you think my friends? What was Broke Straight Boys.com all about? What was the good, the bad, and the ugly? It is you subscribers that define this site! Please be open, and speak your heart...
First of all it is a pleasure and an honor to have the great Robert Hill back where I originally met him, here on the Broke Straight Boys forum. You have surprised me before at Christmas time, Robert but this visit is truly a very pleasant surprise.

It is interesting that ten minutes ago I posted a still and a link to a very old Broke Straight Boys scene filmed by David, with at least one truly straight guy along with a beautiful guy named Logan, who I do believe lived a 100% straight lifestyle prior to visiting David's futon, and then going through the self discovery process right before our eyes. To answer your question Robert, Logan was the type of guy that originally attracted me to Broke Straight Boys, and David knew exactly how to coax the straight boys to go further and further, but sometimes nothing happened as with the boy Dustin in the scene I posted. It all seemed so real, the boys, and emotions the models went through. Today it is mostly "plastic" appearing, (much like the new set lol), and so little appears real to me today.

Welcome home sweet Robert!
To answer your question Robert, Logan was the type of guy that originally attracted me to Broke Straight Boys, and David knew exactly how to coax the straight boys to go further and further, but sometimes nothing happened as with the boy Dustin in the scene I posted. It all seemed so real, the boys, and emotions the models went through. Today it is mostly "plastic" appearing, (much like the new set lol), and so little appears real to me today.

As when I entered this site for the very first time, you do have the gift to put your finger on the soar place
, and explain a lot in a few words.

Others are most invited to express their opinion... Whomever you are, you are most welcome to join this discussion!

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It is so nice to back at all of you. Really missed your presence!

Where are the girls?

Hey Robert....love that you're back! Sorry, I've been out of the loop for about a week. Steve had some time off, so he's been "on" me! :001_tongue: