Valentine, I spend a lot of my time in my bed here in Denver with a gay erotic romance, of which I've purchased 100s, on my iPhone using my Kindle app. I've read some by male authors, one by a former forum member, but most are, indeed, written by women
how fun!!! If you feel you would not compromise your creative juices, I'd love to read a sample!
Mr Lovelumps and I have been having a bit of a difference of opinion for the last few years about what a healthy, passionate, loving, trusting and intimate sex life looks like. He's been ambivalent for so long I took the option away from him. My jaw was tired and my soul hurt. He's a wonderful man. He's had some major professional setbacks in the last 5 years that have left him depressed and with no libido. I'm fighting for him, but now, we're concentrating on getting to know each other again, trust, intimacy and having fun together. It's a slow process. We've seen some professionals, he's getting accustomed to a new career, and I'm working on trusting him enough to start snuggling.
I fantasize about really alternative, tall, tatted and pierced bad boys with big dicks fucking me. Sometimes, I fantasize about fucking them. And in those fantasies, I have different parts!
I love you ladies to pieces!!!