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I just Don't Understand


Well-known Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Today has been a very disturbing day.

First I read about i2ina69 having colon cancer.

Then I go out to coach a baseball team practice. I have one of my former player who is now 18 volunteer to help me coach. That is a special kid. This same kid was a 3 starter as the varsity quaterback and 3 year starter on the varsity basketball team. With all this success he is a humble kid. During tonights practice he has a siezure. Such a great kid and this happens.

Today has been a very disturbing day.

First I read about i2ina69 having colon cancer.

Then I go out to coach a baseball team practice. I have one of my former player who is now 18 volunteer to help me coach. That is a special kid. This same kid was a 3 starter as the varsity quaterback and 3 year starter on the varsity basketball team. With all this success he is a humble kid. During tonights practice he has a siezure. Such a great kid and this happens.


One day we will all know why.:001_cool: Today we scratch our heads and grow. My prayers are with you and your player... Bless your heart.
Today has been a very disturbing day.

First I read about i2ina69 having colon cancer.

Then I go out to coach a baseball team practice. I have one of my former player who is now 18 volunteer to help me coach. That is a special kid. This same kid was a 3 starter as the varsity quaterback and 3 year starter on the varsity basketball team. With all this success he is a humble kid. During tonights practice he has a siezure. Such a great kid and this happens.


It is hard to grasp why things happen the way they do. I have to believe that there is a divine purpose to everything even when we don't understand it or want to accept it. I'm reminded of Mother theresa who lived among some of the poorest and most destitute people on the planet. Children and people in India could be thrown away to starve as if they were unwanted trash. She saw so much cruelty and injustice on an hourly basis throughout her whole life. Then she would go to wealthy countries to raise money. She would see fabulous, almost obscene wealth, and good food that was casually thrown away in huge quantities. Countries where well fed and even obese people could have the luxury of standing in grocery aisles staring at cereal boxes. Their only struggle in getting food was trying to decide on what brand or flavor they wanted. There are children and people in the world DYING for lack of cereal and other very basic foods.

If you wonder how you can grasp the unfairness and injustices in the world then you are in good company. Mother Theresa was considered right next to an earthly saint. She had a very strong and loving relationship with God. She was asked one time what she would say to God when she saw him in heaven. She said: "I would tell him... You have a LOT of explaining to do!"

Even she had moments when she was bitter.


I will keep that young man in my thoughts and prayers right along with I269.
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Ever watch Latter Days? A character in it has one of the best explanations of god's ineffable plan that I've ever heard. he says it's like the sunday funnies, where everything is printed with those colored dots. What we see is up close, like if our noses are on the newsprint and the dots make no sense. God sees it from a distance and can see the whole picture and that way it all makes sense.
See, this is a part that i try to understand but i just don't get it. When something happens, you have people saying "things happen for a reason". I truly try to believe it but it's really hard. I just don't get it. This is probably why i'm lost when it comes to my beliefs. Why would my God make me suffer? This is just not the God i want to believe in but yet, i want to believe in him. Talk about being lost.

My prayers are for everybody suffering in some ways.
Today has been a very disturbing day.

First I read about i2ina69 having colon cancer.

Then I go out to coach a baseball team practice. I have one of my former player who is now 18 volunteer to help me coach. That is a special kid. This same kid was a 3 starter as the varsity quaterback and 3 year starter on the varsity basketball team. With all this success he is a humble kid. During tonights practice he has a siezure. Such a great kid and this happens.

canada, I believe that our creator throw's us a curve ball every now and then to see how we cope and handle them. I like to think of them as a test. Each of us handle thing's in different way's. But with love and support from family and friends. And keeping your faith in GOD, we will all over come our fear's. You and your young friend will be in my thoughts and prayer's. Please wish him well for me.
See, this is a part that i try to understand but i just don't get it. When something happens, you have people saying "things happen for a reason". I truly try to believe it but it's really hard. I just don't get it. This is probably why i'm lost when it comes to my beliefs. Why would my God make me suffer? This is just not the God i want to believe in but yet, i want to believe in him. Talk about being lost.

My prayers are for everybody suffering in some ways.

One possible lesson is that the people who receive the suffering then get into a closer relationship with their creator as a result. 'Course, it could be that the suffering winds up resulting in actions that benefits dozens or hundreds of people we know nothing about. Any action, good or bad or indifferent, is like a rock landing in a lake and the ripples go on long after we lose track of them...

Thank you very much for your thoughtful comments. This morning I talk to the family and the young man. Physically he is doing ok, but is very skook up over the incident. The family is amazing. The father called me last night to see how I was doing because he knew I was upset. This world would be such a much better place if we had more families like this one.

Thanks again for being so caring. If people making comments like this are considered dysfunctional, I would be proud to call myself dysfunctional.
One possible lesson is that the people who receive the suffering then get into a closer relationship with their creator as a result. 'Course, it could be that the suffering winds up resulting in actions that benefits dozens or hundreds of people we know nothing about. Any action, good or bad or indifferent, is like a rock landing in a lake and the ripples go on long after we lose track of them...

Both your offerings are rather heady stuff. I pretty much subscribe to us lookoing too closely and not being able to see the big picture. (My mom) The thing about the rock making ripples going on long after we lose track of them keeps running around my brain. Thanks for the posts.
See, this is a part that i try to understand but i just don't get it. When something happens, you have people saying "things happen for a reason". I truly try to believe it but it's really hard. I just don't get it. This is probably why i'm lost when it comes to my beliefs. Why would my God make me suffer? This is just not the God i want to believe in but yet, i want to believe in him. Talk about being lost.

My prayers are for everybody suffering in some ways.

One analogy I try to keep in mind is this. God takes us in the palm of his hand like a lump of coal. In the beginning we are rough and raw. He applies heat and friction, struggle and adversity, so that we may grow and learn from the experience. He wants us to become stronger and more resilient. He never gives up on his children or gets impatient and throws the coal down a pit in disgust. He has eternity to work with us. He wants nothing more than for us to succeed. And because of that we will! He has infinite patience... Over what seems to us to be a very long time in chronological terms he will apply heat, cold and friction. At the end of the process he has taken what was a lump of coal and what he pulls out of his hand is a beautiful and precious diamond! A diamond that is one of the strongest stones in existense. And a stone that truly reflects back God's own glory.

For that is truly what we all are. We are all diamonds in the rough that God is still working on. At whatever point in our own individual development we are, some of us need heat, some of us need cold, some of us are due for some more friction. Some of us need a more moderate temperature for a while because we are still recuperating from friction that we may not remember in this life. But God is looking over all us at whatever point of the process we are. We have never fallen from the protection of his hand. And we never will!

Will the ushers please step forward? LOL :001_smile:
Reasons why

Hey Guys! Have been following this and I really can't comment more eloquently than what has already been written. Hell, it sound like you guys were inside my head writing down what you found there.

One of the things that makes us all crazy when we say "why?" is a basic basic tenant of faith - Free Will. God doesn't want sycophants, he wants us to grow to love him by choice - a meaningful relationship for both parties. Sometimes I envision adversity as his attempts to get us back on track. Sometimes it only takes a thorn in our heel or stubbing a toe. Other times (for me at least) the application of a 2X4 to the back of my head was needed to get my attention. :cursing: :tongue_smilie:

I don't know if we are advanced enough to truly understand the mind of God or whether we should even try. Jayman would probably be a better choice than I in this area for discussion/revelation. I know how I see God and try follow my path to God, and in some cases I have to relay on my faith and just SUBMIT to God (very Islam of me). No if, and's, but's or why's. Just follow my leader.

Not a very satisfying answer (I KNOW), but how would God mold us into Tampa's diamonds if we knew what lay in store for us? Life would be really dull.

and one other thing - that pebble we dropped will change the world in some small or large way and we may never know it. A smile on the street to a stranger may lead that person to help another, who in turn develops a cure for AIDS. I think on whole I can live with not knowing why.......

Love to all,

Latter days,The movie Baal mentioned.

Latter days,The movie Baal mentioned. This is my first attachment on this site ..... xing fingers.


  • Latter Days.jpg
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I visited a friend I love dearly from work who was diagnosed with a fast growing brain tumor and then had a stroke after surgery. She's Mormon and when I walked in the house there were two Missionary Boys visiting too and I couldn't look at them at all without flashing back to Latter Days...
I havent seen it yet, i ve got it comming.

Well i belive in God and i belive he wouldnt give us anything we werent caperable of handling, thou sometimes i could do with a flaming break lmao
I havent seen it yet, i ve got it comming.

Well i belive in God and i belive he wouldnt give us anything we werent caperable of handling, thou sometimes i could do with a flaming break lmao

I have now seen this movie...... now that was a suprise ending
I skimmed and can't find what movie you mean...