Hi guys,
I would kinda like to ask a question about anal sex and hope that none of you will mind and will give me a honest and serious answer.
I had tried to add Tyler and Logan to my friends list so that I could just ask one of them and not totally have to embarass myself by asking the guys here on the forum. (Well, Tyler and Logan will not seem to let me add them and I realize that in reality we are not really anything important to them. Probably see everyone as a pervert and freak or something like that.), so I have to ask some of you because I really want to know.
1) How much does it hurt to have anal sex and at what time would it stop hurting...I mean does it just hurt for a second while they are trying to get inside you or does it hurt the whole time. or does it only hurt when they get the head in and not the shaft since it is usually not as big as the head.
2) How much does the lubrication really help and does it ease or have no affect on the pain at all.
3) if a guy is inside you then what does it feel like when he is pushing it in and out...does it just hurt like crazy...I mean do you really feel it much and how does it feel when you are feeling it? Do you have any way of describing the feeling that I would understand? and I noticed in some of the videos that they go really fast while they are pumping you and does that actually feel better or worse...I mean does it just hurt the same but in faster cadences or does it actually add anything to ease the experience?
4) will having anal sex do any damage to your prostate or colon? I mean will it puncture it or cause prostate or colon cancer or will it make you bleed alot. I don't really know how to ask the question.
5) about the bleeding...are you going to bleed alot inside if someone was having anul intercourse with you. I know sometimes when you cut yourself and you like touch water or something to wash it off then it really stings alot? If you are having anul sex does it sting like that?
6) I also wanted to know about what would happen if they came inside you...I mean would it feel like...hmmm lets see
One time I went to the doctor because I had to have a physical to play on the baseball team and the doctor put KY jelly on his finger and pushed it inside my hole to like feel the prostate or something like that. When he was done then it felt all slippery inside me. (It felt kinda neat actually and I can't say that I didn't like the feeling of the ky inside me), Does it feel the same or different if someone came inside you...would it just feel all slippery and slimy inside you or would it burn, or what?
This would have been alot easier if Tyler or Logan would have just added me to their damn friends list so that I could ask them because I could use video refferences like the pictures and the videos while they were getting it done to them. Then I could be sure of the answer they gave me. I know all of you here will think I'm a total idiot but, I just want to know.
also...one of my friends here on the forum answered some questions about the Prostate fluid that David was mentioning while Tyler or Logan was pumping the Holden guy. I think he gave me a clear answer but I still wish that Tyler or Logan would tell me what it actually was...I mean did they cum inside the guy or what...What was the fluid?
and lastly, and this is really stupid but...Do they get shit all over your dick when you are having anal sex with them. That would so totally freak me out to have shit on my dick so I just thought I would ask.
if I left anything important out of the questions then please answer them also.
I forgot to ask about the different positions I've seen on this site...which one hurts the less and what are the benefits of all of them...I mean whats the pros and cons about them and what makes them better than some of the others.
Casper O
I would kinda like to ask a question about anal sex and hope that none of you will mind and will give me a honest and serious answer.
I had tried to add Tyler and Logan to my friends list so that I could just ask one of them and not totally have to embarass myself by asking the guys here on the forum. (Well, Tyler and Logan will not seem to let me add them and I realize that in reality we are not really anything important to them. Probably see everyone as a pervert and freak or something like that.), so I have to ask some of you because I really want to know.
1) How much does it hurt to have anal sex and at what time would it stop hurting...I mean does it just hurt for a second while they are trying to get inside you or does it hurt the whole time. or does it only hurt when they get the head in and not the shaft since it is usually not as big as the head.
2) How much does the lubrication really help and does it ease or have no affect on the pain at all.
3) if a guy is inside you then what does it feel like when he is pushing it in and out...does it just hurt like crazy...I mean do you really feel it much and how does it feel when you are feeling it? Do you have any way of describing the feeling that I would understand? and I noticed in some of the videos that they go really fast while they are pumping you and does that actually feel better or worse...I mean does it just hurt the same but in faster cadences or does it actually add anything to ease the experience?
4) will having anal sex do any damage to your prostate or colon? I mean will it puncture it or cause prostate or colon cancer or will it make you bleed alot. I don't really know how to ask the question.
5) about the bleeding...are you going to bleed alot inside if someone was having anul intercourse with you. I know sometimes when you cut yourself and you like touch water or something to wash it off then it really stings alot? If you are having anul sex does it sting like that?
6) I also wanted to know about what would happen if they came inside you...I mean would it feel like...hmmm lets see
One time I went to the doctor because I had to have a physical to play on the baseball team and the doctor put KY jelly on his finger and pushed it inside my hole to like feel the prostate or something like that. When he was done then it felt all slippery inside me. (It felt kinda neat actually and I can't say that I didn't like the feeling of the ky inside me), Does it feel the same or different if someone came inside you...would it just feel all slippery and slimy inside you or would it burn, or what?
This would have been alot easier if Tyler or Logan would have just added me to their damn friends list so that I could ask them because I could use video refferences like the pictures and the videos while they were getting it done to them. Then I could be sure of the answer they gave me. I know all of you here will think I'm a total idiot but, I just want to know.
also...one of my friends here on the forum answered some questions about the Prostate fluid that David was mentioning while Tyler or Logan was pumping the Holden guy. I think he gave me a clear answer but I still wish that Tyler or Logan would tell me what it actually was...I mean did they cum inside the guy or what...What was the fluid?
and lastly, and this is really stupid but...Do they get shit all over your dick when you are having anal sex with them. That would so totally freak me out to have shit on my dick so I just thought I would ask.
if I left anything important out of the questions then please answer them also.
I forgot to ask about the different positions I've seen on this site...which one hurts the less and what are the benefits of all of them...I mean whats the pros and cons about them and what makes them better than some of the others.
Casper O
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