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I am nothing without power


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas TX
There was a big storm last night here in Dallas, and we lost power at around 4am. It took them 14 hours to get it back up. I was alone, without a car today. It was 87 degrees in the house, no tv, no computer. I spent the whole day calling TXU and walking all through the house like a dumbass.

So yeah, without power, I'm pretty much useless :(

Give me some love, I need some.
There was a big storm last night here in Dallas, and we lost power at around 4am. It took them 14 hours to get it back up. I was alone, without a car today. It was 87 degrees in the house, no tv, no computer. I spent the whole day calling TXU and walking all through the house like a dumbass.

So yeah, without power, I'm pretty much useless :(

Give me some love, I need some.

....................................s o m e .............................................​







Live Long and Prosper (with Love),

Awww Scorpio. There there now... It's gonna be okay. It's all over with now. I know... I know, sweetheart. It must have been awful! But in a few more days it will feel like just a distant memory. I promise! haha

Just focus now on how much you are enjoying all the creature comforts that we all tend to take for granted. Think of how nice it is to have your computer humming again. Think of how nice it will be to go to bed tonight covered with a sheet and/or a light blanket while the cool air from the A/C caresses your face. Wishing you sweet dreams and sending you lots of

LOVE :001_tt1:
There was a big storm last night here in Dallas, and we lost power at around 4am. It took them 14 hours to get it back up. I was alone, without a car today. It was 87 degrees in the house, no tv, no computer. I spent the whole day calling TXU and walking all through the house like a dumbass.

So yeah, without power, I'm pretty much useless :(

Give me some love, I need some.

Feel the love, Scorpio! It's here for you!

Tornadoes did damage not far from me a couple days ago. Friends of mine were affected. More than once. A true bitch of a time going home they had. No injuries, but lots of excitement!

We are so dependent on electricity, it's really kind of scary.

I can easily imagine your day. :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub:

Happy to see you are up and running again!

All of us are sending you tiny little heart shaped capsules laden with vitamins C & E. Scorpio must not only regain his power, he must also restore his motility!
hehe thanks guys. It could always be worse, though I was not saying that a few hours ago. I think I yelled at a dozen people today. I work from home, so no power, no work, and that was the most frustrating. I could live without a TV really, but my computer? huh huh :)

We went to rent a generator. We got the biggest one they had. You know what all we could plug in? a fridge, that's about it. I thought it was ridiculous.
There was a big storm last night here in Dallas, and we lost power at around 4am. It took them 14 hours to get it back up. I was alone, without a car today. It was 87 degrees in the house, no tv, no computer. I spent the whole day calling TXU and walking all through the house like a dumbass.

So yeah, without power, I'm pretty much useless :(

Give me some love, I need some.

Bless your heart, Scorpio. I think it was just a small lesson to remind us that we need balance in our lives. On the other hand I think I have something that could help you in the future. Locally they have been talking about our Electric rates trippeling next year. So, I did some on line research. For a small investment of $1,500 to $4,000 they actually make solar powered generators.


I am planning on buying one myself in the near future. It will take me about 4 months to afford one. But it is very promising.

I am sorry, you had to go through this trama. I hope this gives you some hope.:thumbup1:
There was a big storm last night here in Dallas, and we lost power at around 4am. It took them 14 hours to get it back up. I was alone, without a car today. It was 87 degrees in the house, no tv, no computer. I spent the whole day calling TXU and walking all through the house like a dumbass.

So yeah, without power, I'm pretty much useless :(

Give me some love, I need some.

I'm disappointed. I was expecting a Doctor Doom level egomaniacal rant about gaining power. Oh well. Does remind of a similar thing that happened to a neighborhood or two in Phoenix a few years back. I was watching Channel 15's late news when they covered it and the anchorman sent out a special message of advice to people in the affected areas. Really. And he still has a job so Channel 15 has had one less viewer since that night...

I'm disappointed. I was expecting a Doctor Doom level egomaniacal rant about gaining power. Oh well. Does remind of a similar thing that happened to a neighborhood or two in Phoenix a few years back. I was watching Channel 15's late news when they covered it and the anchorman sent out a special message of advice to people in the affected areas. Really. And he still has a job so Channel 15 has had one less viewer since that night...


I really love those sorts of warnings & notifications that go out to people who cannot received the message because of what the problem is being warned about.
It is like being advised of an internet outage by your ISP during the outage. :lol:
Stephane you get some love from me on a 24/7 basis, just little blips several times a day when I check into a site you've designed and think of the sweet-ass dude that does such amazing work when he has the electricity to do it...and then the forumite who always gets the zeitgeist exactly right, and the perfect measure of every situation. It would be awesome to meet you mister :001_tt1:
Dear Scorpio I am sending you so much love that I would even gt a tattoo for you. You can pick where. Hope all is better