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How does one get to be an Elite Member?


Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score

How does one become an elite member? This sounds important. It would look good on my resume. Can you help me out here? I don't really like typing, so that is out. Any shortcuts? If you know what I mean.

Hi Tim,

I'm afraid there is nothing I can do. To have the title of "elite member", you need to reach 2000 posts. Now you got some work to do hehe
Hi Tim,

I'm afraid there is nothing I can do. To have the title of "elite member", you need to reach 2000 posts. Now you got some work to do hehe
And what does it take Scorpio to become Senior Member? Believe having read somewhere that this status is reached at 100 Points but I sure must be mistaken because I reached that number for quite a while already and still have "Member" behind my profile.Please clarify.Thanks.
kodieboy found a way to rack up posts quickly and easily on his "I'm bored" thread. He created a thread that was more or less an IM chat format. So he could use a whole post to say things like: Yes, No, brb, Tweezers Ray, (For trips to the bathroom)...etc.... haha
Thanks rrhill.It seems I will have a lot of posting to do before being promoted.
kodieboy found a way to rack up posts quickly and easily on his "I'm bored" thread. He created a thread that was more or less an IM chat format. So he could use a whole post to say things like: Yes, No, brb, Tweezers Ray, (For trips to the bathroom)...etc.... haha

And use the Fishslap
Here you go :)

Junior Member: 0 post
Member: minimum 30 posts
Senior Member: minimum 250 posts
Elite Member: minimum 2000 posts
The list I posted is all I know of. Any custom titles are out of my area.
And use the Fishslap

Speaking of the Fishslap, does anybody know what happened to dear Kodie?

He left a message once, but I missed it for a couple of months, and when I finally responded, he seemed to have vanished?:confused1:
Speaking of the Fishslap, does anybody know what happened to dear Kodie?

He left a message once, but I missed it for a couple of months, and when I finally responded, he seemed to have vanished?:confused1:

He just disappeared Marky.
I had his email address but he didn't even respond to a couple of emails I sent him.
I do know he went back to work & that was about the same time he vanished.
Same here. I didn't get a response from a couple email messages I sent. My sense is though that he is doing okay. Probably just very busy working.
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrobert--you can take the initiative and give yourself one ;) like HRH markymark...

I'll make you my royal personality from Denmark, and I'm not even Macbeth!