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How do we get more members posting?

IF the "clique" doesn't like you, it gets nasty! ... and defensive. See.

but...passive aggressive.

How was correcting EVERYONE'S English passive aggressive? And how did it warrant your passive aggressive snark? I am certainly not a part of any alleged or imagined CLIQUE. Um, who is the bully? Methinks the lady doth protest too much...
How was correcting EVERYONE'S English passive aggressive? And how did it warrant your passive aggressive snark? I am certainly not a part of any alleged or imagined CLIQUE. Um, who is the bully? Methinks the lady doth protest too much...

Very well said!
There's a new sheriff in town well I've been here awhile and I'm not going to let cruel or nasty comments happen.

Welcome and thanks for posting Observer.

Thank you Mark for keeping a closer eye on this message board. I have said hundreds of times on this forum how the forum is the main reason I remain a loyal subscriber to your site over the years, (in addition to the great archives of my favorite models of the past) and some of the more current models like "my Jake", :drool: lol, and Ethan Steele and Ryan Parks among others.

And as great as this forum is as an uncensored place for me to exchange thoughts and opinions with my fellow forumites both old and new, if you can create an even more welcome and friendly atmosphere here, then I am all in favor of that. And hopefully your presence here will prevent the very few bad apples from ever making "cruel or nasty comments" again about both models and fellow members.

Thanks Mark for trying to make the site and this board even greater than it currently is. Long Live Broke Straight Boys and the Broke Straight Boys Forum! :smiley-love021:
I think you could drive members to the forum if a Broke Straight Boys admin regularly posted deleted scenes or bloopers/outtakes or some type of exclusive content on the Message Board.

The pics from the house today brought out some new posters. Great work Broke Straight Boys

Mark, I think these guys are on to something. It requires more work by you but if you remember when you have posted shoot week photos. And other behind the scenes info you get lots of posts. And the guy who said you get more info on Twitter is right. That shouldn’t be the case. Twitter posts could entice people to find out more behind the scenes over here. I believe that would build the forum and membership.

When I joined Broke Straight Boys and later the forum it was the hay days of filming at the Colorado mansion and Broke Straight Boys TV etc. I just loved all the behind the scenes info and antics and the interactivity of the forum. I was really sold on Broke Straight Boys What a porn site, I think that’s the magic sauce. Shoot week photos, behind the scenes info and perhaps some of these social media butterfly models could be cooped to help feed people to Broke Straight Boys and the forum.

Back in the day, Damien Kyle as quite active in social media and promoting Broke Straight Boys There have been a couple of cases lately with models posting a few quips about what happened at shoot week. How they interacted with this model or that. Enquiring minds want to know. Some of our social media savvy members like Jay, often share some of this Broke Straight Boys behind the scenes info that happens on twitter or else where which is really great. But what if you had to tune into the forum to really get the scoop? I think there is the answer to building the forum.

Mark It may take up too much of your time to coordinate all of this but now days people have consultants and departments to handle social media and build their brand. But maybe you could make a big effort to amp up the forum with behind the scenes, model info and input. Maybe even get a couple of chatty models to participate. If it brings in the new members and enough new business. It might justify a social media person to coordinate all of this. Anyway there are lots of great ideas here.

Broke Straight Boys has always had much more interactivity with their members than any other site I know about. I think this is a big selling point. I’ve noticed that the big sites that are mostly owned by conglomerates are getting even more boring and homogeneous. Broke Straight Boys has th flexibility to stand out. I couldn’t believe it when I found out you could talk to management, sometimes models and members with long memories and experience with the site. I was so impressed. I think others would be. Perhaps you could steer people over here with twitter. Instead of having to check out twitter to find out what’s going on with Broke Straight Boys and models. Post could entice people to come to the forum to really get the scoop on behind the scenes and models.
Rep makes some excellent points. I am reminded that my longest standing off forum friend, Stowe from Pittsburgh, (who I of course remembered to Jason Matthews on camera during the Broke Straight Boys NYC Pride event :wink:), but Stowe has often questioned on the forum, why so much advance info was being offered on the Broke Straight Boys Twitter page and not on the forum.

I agree with both Rep & Stowe that if this forum became the #1 "go to" place for Broke Straight Boys info, as well as more postings by the models themselves, it could create more traffic right here at my "home away from home", the Broke Straight Boys Forum.

P.S. One more point. Mark started this thread to attract new members to the forum. I would hope that we offer positive suggestions on this thread in order to :welcome: new members, rather than rehash old perceived slights of the past.

Thanks again Mark for your new "hands on" approach to the forum and your efforts to improve it and to get more folks posting here. You have a great thing going and I love seeing it get even better. Long live Broke Straight Boys and the forum! :thumbup:
How was correcting EVERYONE'S English passive aggressive? And how did it warrant your passive aggressive snark? I am certainly not a part of any alleged or imagined CLIQUE. Um, who is the bully? Methinks the lady doth protest too much...

I did not attribute any motive to your correction. While generally, we do not correct people's spelling on the forum. It makes the misspeller feel a little stupid for his error. There are lots of misspellings. Mostly "To" when meaning "Too". I never attributed malace to what might otherwise just ignorance of this convention.

My references to nasty and defensive was the way the "clique" began to jump onto your remark in a passive aggressive way. That's all. And it continues.
Maybe we can make a introduction thread? like a small story about yourself
Sorry to post this here, but is anyone else having issues with pages taking longer than usual to load? I’m referring to the site. The forum seems to be ok.
Yes, thought it was just me. Glad you mentioned it.
I thought maybe the new Ryan Pitt scenes being entered were causing a logjam due to his big dick :blushing:
Sorry to post this here, but is anyone else having issues with pages taking longer than usual to load? I’m referring to the site. The forum seems to be ok.
Yes indeed Jay. For the last three or four or so days, I've been having the same issue. Thanks for bringing it to management's attemtion.
I've told you many times Jay that I think you have been a breath of fresh air on the forum since you started posting regularly. I love your passion and enthusiasm over the site and the forum. More posters like Jaybifla would be great!!!!! Keep on being who you are Jay. You are terrific. :thumbup1:

I agree! I'm so happy you are posting in here Jay. :)

I have been going through a few health issues lately which have kept me away from the computer. And I will be away again through most, if not all, of this coming weekend. It's not for lack of wanting to interact with all of you in here. And certainly it's not a lack of desire to respond to any one person. I'd like to stay more abreast of what is happening here in the forum. But my real life gets in the way at times. lol I'll never be tired of the forum in here. It's been a source of both entertainment and support for me throughout the years.
I agree! I'm so happy you are posting in here Jay. :)

I have been going through a few health issues lately which have kept me away from the computer. And I will be away again through most, if not all, of this coming weekend. It's not for lack of wanting to interact with all of you in here. And certainly it's not a lack of desire to respond to any one person. I'd like to stay more abreast of what is happening here in the forum. But my real life gets in the way at times. lol I'll never be tired of the forum in here. It's been a source of both entertainment and support for me throughout the years.

Hope you feel better. I’ll send up some prayers, and I mean that. We’ll be anxiously awaiting your return! :)
You have to have stamina to post here. If you say the wrong thing, certain members and clicks of the member will censor you and run you out. It happens all the time. Its hard to get inside this click.

Say one thing different than the party line and you get censored.

People like me have stamina, and I've hung in here. But notice I'm totally excluded from the main click. Most people would just give up and go away.

But not me. I just keep hanging in here. Saying what I think. And if you ask me, making some of the most creative posts that are made on the site. While others post way more and some of the most boring, and inapplicable posts you ever heard of.

It creates a bad ambiance.

Advise people who post on the positive board under the scene. Positive postings are not very well accepted here.

If you like the scene because its hot sex, or don't like certain Broke Straight Boys-1 type scenes, then you don't fit here.

I think its getting a little better but very slowly.

Someone will review every comment that a new guy makes until he is trained. There are four or five exceptions to this rule, but most are under the strong influence of the main click.

Hi StuddAndy,

To whatever extent you feel I am included in a clique which stifles or puts down opposing opinions on a given topic, I apologize if you feel that way. Some of us in here can have strong opinions and some of us post more than others. The place does need frequent posters to keep the place from getting stale and wilting on the vine. I thank you for being one of the people who keeps the pulse alive in here. I always enjoy your well written and thoroughly entertaining and witty contributions.

If you (or others) are not feeling the love and sincerity of my enjoyment of your posts, based on a lack of a reply from me...again I'm sorry. As I say earlier I've just had a lot going on in my personal life over the last several months. Also to be quite honest I don't always feel obligated to watch every scene which comes out if I don't think the models or the scene in general will appeal to me. Fortunately the site has branched out into so many different types of models that I have the luxury of being able to pick and choose which scenes I watch. So a lack of participation on certain scene threads doesn't mean there is intentional personal neglect and no love for people who are adding great posts and great contributions in them.

As usual I get so longwinded that I have to wrap up my own beginning thesis at the end of a post. haha That being that I truly value your participation in here (as well as many others) even if I don't always express it in the moment, or in a timely manner. I can state it as fact that I feel that you (and people like Jay and many others for instance) add so many positives to the forum experience which would be sorely lacking without you in here.

So thank you!! :biggrin: :thankyou: