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How can you miss a cum shot!!!????


Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
New York, New York
In the latest epissode with the new hot red head blows his load and the cum shot is revealed after it's over? WTF? Either the camerman had his eyes closed, or someone doesn't know how to edit.
This may be a bit off topic, but may I suggest that everyone check PeconicNY's profile page, and look at his album. As we here are all connoisseur's of hot guys, it is definitely worth a gander or two. :cool:
yup, because wait! how can you be hot and have an opinion at the same time!? sorry for the sarcasm i just had to point out how some members treat some men here. a little shallow i gues...
yup, because wait! how can you be hot and have an opinion at the same time!? sorry for the sarcasm i just had to point out how some members treat some men here. a little shallow i gues...
Keep in mind that we ALL come here to look at HOT men, and if a fellow forumite is HOT, and willing to share some sexy pics of himself, I think it is very appropriate to compliment the guy on his nice pics, and his good looks. I don't see anything shallow about it, and if I was a sexy 20 something year old, I would enjoy receiving the praise. But we are all certainly entitled to our opinions, and I respect your's, even if I don't quite get it.
OK the guy is hot

We all agree he is hot, but what about the original statement.
What happened. At first I thought it was my computer. That is one cum shot that must have been really hot. I'd like to have seen the whole thing.
This may be a bit off topic, but may I suggest that everyone check PeconicNY's profile page, and look at his album. As we here are all connoisseur's of hot guys, it is definitely worth a gander or two. :cool:

Yes. About as hot as it gets!
A cliche filled response

We all agree he is hot, but what about the original statement.
What happened. At first I thought it was my computer. That is one cum shot that must have been really hot. I'd like to have seen the whole thing.
And I do believe that we all agree that it is unfortunate that the vital cum shot was missed. It was obviously an error on the part of David, or Tyler, or the editor, but we are all human, and mistakes do happen, even on things more important in the big picture of life than missing a cum shot on a porn shoot.

"Cum" to think of it, and the following may be considered a pun, but "you can't cry over spilt milk", (or a spilled milky white substance). :drool:

We all would have liked to see the "money shot", but it was missed and we must move on. To use another old saying "To Err Is Human, To Forgive Divine" , and while I'm by no means divine, I do forgive David's team, or the editor in Colorado. And to use one more cliche in closing, "Shit Happens". :001_tt1:
This may be a bit off topic, but may I suggest that everyone check PeconicNY's profile page, and look at his album. As we here are all connoisseur's of hot guys, it is definitely worth a gander or two. :cool:

a bit off topic? completely. i'll join this off topic train for a moment:

people like you are the reason some of us, how did you put it, who are "willing to share some sexy pics of himself," also want to take them down. also, some people pine over those of us who fit into your category of hot and fall over every word and phrase just because we're attractive. it's quite shallow. phil, myself, jon, pec... i'm sure there are others in the past that i've missed out on and i'm sure it won't end.

back on topic:

i really wanted to see the missing cumshot, it was massive!!!!
people like you are the reason some of us, how did you put it, who are "willing to share some sexy pics of himself," also want to take them down. also, some people pine over those of us who fit into your category of hot and fall over every word and phrase just because we're attractive. it's quite shallow. phil, myself, jon, pec... i'm sure there are others in the past that i've missed out on and i'm sure it won't end.
Excuse me, but I'm completely baffled by your comments. If someone who is good looking such as PeconicNY decides to post hot pics of himself on this site, and I complement him on his fine pics, and his good looks, how am I, how did you put it, "some people pine over those of us who fit into your category of hot and fall over every word and phrase just because we're attractive" ?

You said that "people like me" are the reason people like you take down their pictures. What is your definition of "people like me"? How was I pining over Peconic's every word and phrase?

This is a pay site that for men and women of all ages over 18, who enjoy seeing young good looking guy's sexy images, in videos and still images. If a guy puts his sexy pictures on the site, doesn't he want us to look at them?

I read his comments, clicked on his profile page, admired his pictures, and wanted to share with my fellow forumites that he is hot. I thought that Peconic would take it as a complement. Why else would he post these pic's on a porn site, in the first place?

Please explain exactly what I said or did that you consider wrong in any way. I find your criticism totally baffling.
Excuse me, but I'm completely baffled by your comments. If someone who is good looking such as PeconicNY decides to post hot pics of himself on this site, and I complement him on his fine pics, and his good looks, how am I, how did you put it, "some people pine over those of us who fit into your category of hot and fall over every word and phrase just because we're attractive" ?

You said that "people like me" are the reason people like you take down their pictures. What is your definition of "people like me"? How was I pining over Peconic's every word and phrase?

This is a pay site that for men and women of all ages over 18, who enjoy seeing young good looking guy's sexy images, in videos and still images. If a guy puts his sexy pictures on the site, doesn't he want us to look at them?

I read his comments, clicked on his profile page, admired his pictures, and wanted to share with my fellow forumites that he is hot. I thought that Peconic would take it as a complement. Why else would he post these pic's on a porn site, in the first place?

Please explain exactly what I said or did that you consider wrong in any way. I find your criticism totally baffling.

you and your little misfit band of merry gentlemen tend to fawn over the cuties in the forum and most fall for it. they feed into your need to see the young and the beautiful, something you want back desperately. i come to the site to watch straight men (my "fetish") do things they wouldn't do without money, that is hot. what is not hot, is watching certain advanced/elite or entitled members dote over some members and hang on their every phrase and post because they are hot. i am also tired of seeing members treated poorly because they don't fit your definition of hot. sorry, i'm going there.
Excuse me, but I'm completely baffled by your comments. If someone who is good looking such as PeconicNY decides to post hot pics of himself on this site, and I complement him on his fine pics, and his good looks, how am I, how did you put it, "some people pine over those of us who fit into your category of hot and fall over every word and phrase just because we're attractive" ?

You said that "people like me" are the reason people like you take down their pictures. What is your definition of "people like me"? How was I pining over Peconic's every word and phrase?

This is a pay site that for men and women of all ages over 18, who enjoy seeing young good looking guy's sexy images, in videos and still images. If a guy puts his sexy pictures on the site, doesn't he want us to look at them?

I read his comments, clicked on his profile page, admired his pictures, and wanted to share with my fellow forumites that he is hot. I thought that Peconic would take it as a complement. Why else would he post these pic's on a porn site, in the first place?

Please explain exactly what I said or did that you consider wrong in any way. I find your criticism totally baffling.

i think what z and i are trying to say is that people take it too far. if you want to enjoy them, go for it, but subjecting him to people he might not realize are out there is cruel. i cant post any pictures here because every time i do i get thousands of pm's telling me that im a tease and that i owe the members to show them more. its not always about enjoyment for people, its about power and internet bullying. there is a difference. i might suggest that if you enjoy them so much you comment on them, and dont make his post into a three ring circus about his body. make a new thread for it if you absolutely must (and i will be there to argue with you) but the pictures allow comments for a reason. im sure he is more than a pretty face.
you and your little misfit band of merry gentlemen tend to fawn over the cuties in the forum and most fall for it. they feed into your need to see the young and the beautiful, something you want back desperately. i come to the site to watch straight men (my "fetish") do things they wouldn't do without money, that is hot. what is not hot, is watching certain advanced/elite or entitled members dote over some members and hang on their every phrase and post because they are hot. i am also tired of seeing members treated poorly because they don't fit your definition of hot. sorry, i'm going there.
I am still missing your point on this thread. After reading PeconicNY's initial post on this thread, I looked at his hot avatar, checked his profile page and commented:

"This may be a bit off topic, but may I suggest that everyone check PeconicNY's profile page, and look at his album. As we here are all connoisseur's of hot guys, it is definitely worth a gander or two."

I'm a gay man who is attracted to good looking, young guys. That's why I come to this porn site. Peconic is obviously proud of his looks, as he should be, or he would not have provided an album of himself.

That was it. Case closed. He showed his pics, and I complemented his good looks, and recommended that other's enjoy them too.

Perhaps, you are confusing me with someone else on the forum who has committed the offences you are accusing me of. You speak of me part of a "little misfit band of merry gentlemen"? I have friends here on the forum who are male and female, young and old, hot and not, but from reading your posts here, you also have a group of friends, and I would never call your friends a "misfit band". What makes your friends different or superior to mine? You are coming off as an elitist comparing your friends to mine.

I don't "hang on to every phrase and post" by a member based on their looks, but rather based on one's humor, wit and intelligence. If a member is young, and fit and trim, and wants to share his images with us, I will comment on his good looks, but I will treat his postings the same as I would for anyone else. And what do you mean by "I am also tired of seeing members treated poorly because they don't fit your definition of hot."?

And if a good looking guy with a hot body gets some extra attention here, haven't you done the same thing in your personal life? When you were single, and perhaps walked into a gay bar, or met some new guys at a party, haven't you ever flirted or paid extra attention to the hotties in the group, and paid less attention to the less attractive guys who do not fit your description of hot? It is human nature to flirt with people you are attracted to. There is nothing evil or wrong about it. Please lighten up a bit.

If anything, you seem to have a prejudice against the older members of the forum, as if we are somehow different than you, because we've been on the earth longer than you have. I know it's a cliche, but you will be amazed how quickly time passes, and you will be posting on a message board, or whatever exists thirty-five years from now, and perhaps a young man will make the same false accusations about you, that you are doing about me, based on your age. And by the way, your taste in guys will not change when you're sixty. You will still appreciate a beautiful young guy, the same way you do today.

Finally, you said, "i come to the site to watch straight men (my "fetish") do things they wouldn't do without money, that is hot." That's the same reason that we all come here, and if I find a guy who post's pics of himself here to be attractive, i will continue to tell him, hey dude, "looking good". Why on a porn site dedicated to featuring young hot guys, do you find something wrong with us all enjoying a beautiful young guy?

I consider myself to be fair minded, and respectful to all members of the forum, and I'm offended by your unwarranted accusations, when all I'm doing is being a man who enjoys looking at hot young guys, the same way you do. The only difference is our age. But you will be here too, much faster than you anticipate. Being older is not a crime, it is a fact of life. I would implore you to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
There are two guys who've mounted a vendetta against another guy, I think because they believe he was unfair to a third friend in their group of forum acquaintances. I'm not making this up because a) it was practically announced, and b) it's obvious.

Sorry kids, but the guy you're trying to bully can give you back much better than you're able to give. Especially since you're both grasping at straws and losing the debate. But at least it's better than the boredom that's reigned for days around here.

I invited David to comment on the first missed ejaculation and thought he might come on here with something typically witty, but now there's been a second one and he's still not posting. Smiley got it right: these are the remains of all the videos David and troupe produced. I think that despite the amputations they're still dancin'. We also now have something to compare with: the Preview. Peconic, you total hottie, what kind of vibe did you get from the New Broke Straight Boys?
With apologies to Bill Maher because he's a hell of a lot funnier than I am, New Rules:

what is not hot, is watching certain advanced/elite or entitled members dote over some members and hang on their every phrase and post because they are hot.
New Rule: You can't tell someone they are hot because somebody else will tell you that you are not. In a site featuring good looking young guys, don't let it be known you are attracted to good looking young guys. It will just get you in trouble.

Me, I think Harvey Fierstein is hot. I think I'm on safe ground here.

if you want to enjoy them, go for it, but subjecting him to people he might not realize are out there is cruel.
New Rule: All posters must wear a burka, or at least a Snuggie. Showing off any skin can will only get others to appreciate you. And whatever you do, don't post about what another member looks like under their blanket. Sausages under a blanket are meant for IHOP, not a gay porn site.

i cant post any pictures here because every time i do i get thousands of pm's telling me that im a tease and that i owe the members to show them more.
New Rule: It's a thousand times easier to exaggerate about the size of your sausage when it's wrapped in a blanket. Jusk the beancounters at IHOP.
Wrong side of the futon

No, I dont smell the coffee yet! It seems like a couple of fellows got up on the wrong side of the futon this morning and missed their coffee.

I do not believe Mikeyank is some predator anymore than Zyl or JW are predators either. Mike was well within good taste in his original comment and jumping him so hard only makes you two look worse in the eyes of the rest of the forum.

I thought it was a general understanding not to openly criticize, degrade, or call members names. That is the only way the forum can remain a civil place to be for all members, and not just certain cliques. Mikeyank was only complementing PeconicNY for his nice build and what was publicly posted in his profile available to all members. This doesn't seem like any invasion of someone's privacy.

The interchange that was started against Mikeyank was far more invasive calling into question his personal character and the negative generalization implied of all older members (as I definitely am older). I am very disappointed this ever took place and find it unworthy of those who escallated it to the extent it was taken. Furthermore, I don't like to see anyone "ganged-up on" for any reason. That is not the purpose of the forum and makes me wonder where the moderators are when you really need them?

Without an apology coming from Zyl or JW at this time, I would like to offer an apology for them to Mikeyank and all older members for this unfortunate incident.


With apologies to Bill Maher because he's a hell of a lot funnier than I am, New Rules:

New Rule: You can't tell someone they are hot because somebody else will tell you that you are not. In a site featuring good looking young guys, don't let it be known you are attracted to good looking young guys. It will just get you in trouble.

Me, I think Harvey Fierstein is hot. I think I'm on safe ground here.

New Rule: All posters must wear a burka, or at least a Snuggie. Showing off any skin can will only get others to appreciate you. And whatever you do, don't post about what another member looks like under their blanket. Sausages under a blanket are meant for IHOP, not a gay porn site.

New Rule: It's a thousand times easier to exaggerate about the size of your sausage when it's wrapped in a blanket. Jusk the beancounters at IHOP.

Oh Smiley, You are the best.:lol:

They make Snuggies in so many colors and patterns now, I'm sure there is one for everyone's taste.

I have been reading this for days, and I find it confusing........that the ones objecting to members voicing appreciation for other members looks, are the members that started an entire thread devoted to members voting on which one of them had the hottest body part avatar. And I forgot, was it Z's very own penis that won......or Z's hubbies' abs?:confused1:
I am still missing your point on this thread. After reading PeconicNY's initial post on this thread, I looked at his hot avatar, checked his profile page and commented:

"This may be a bit off topic, but may I suggest that everyone check PeconicNY's profile page, and look at his album. As we here are all connoisseur's of hot guys, it is definitely worth a gander or two."

I'm a gay man who is attracted to good looking, young guys. That's why I come to this porn site. Peconic is obviously proud of his looks, as he should be, or he would not have provided an album of himself.

That was it. Case closed. He showed his pics, and I complemented his good looks, and recommended that other's enjoy them too.

Perhaps, you are confusing me with someone else on the forum who has committed the offences you are accusing me of. You speak of me part of a "little misfit band of merry gentlemen"? I have friends here on the forum who are male and female, young and old, hot and not, but from reading your posts here, you also have a group of friends, and I would never call your friends a "misfit band". What makes your friends different or superior to mine? You are coming off as an elitist comparing your friends to mine.

I don't "hang on to every phrase and post" by a member based on their looks, but rather based on one's humor, wit and intelligence. If a member is young, and fit and trim, and wants to share his images with us, I will comment on his good looks, but I will treat his postings the same as I would for anyone else. And what do you mean by "I am also tired of seeing members treated poorly because they don't fit your definition of hot."?

And if a good looking guy with a hot body gets some extra attention here, haven't you done the same thing in your personal life? When you were single, and perhaps walked into a gay bar, or met some new guys at a party, haven't you ever flirted or paid extra attention to the hotties in the group, and paid less attention to the less attractive guys who do not fit your description of hot? It is human nature to flirt with people you are attracted to. There is nothing evil or wrong about it. Please lighten up a bit.

If anything, you seem to have a prejudice against the older members of the forum, as if we are somehow different than you, because we've been on the earth longer than you have. I know it's a cliche, but you will be amazed how quickly time passes, and you will be posting on a message board, or whatever exists thirty-five years from now, and perhaps a young man will make the same false accusations about you, that you are doing about me, based on your age. And by the way, your taste in guys will not change when you're sixty. You will still appreciate a beautiful young guy, the same way you do today.

Finally, you said, "i come to the site to watch straight men (my "fetish") do things they wouldn't do without money, that is hot." That's the same reason that we all come here, and if I find a guy who post's pics of himself here to be attractive, i will continue to tell him, hey dude, "looking good". Why on a porn site dedicated to featuring young hot guys, do you find something wrong with us all enjoying a beautiful young guy?

I consider myself to be fair minded, and respectful to all members of the forum, and I'm offended by your unwarranted accusations, when all I'm doing is being a man who enjoys looking at hot young guys, the same way you do. The only difference is our age. But you will be here too, much faster than you anticipate. Being older is not a crime, it is a fact of life. I would implore you to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

mike - i get your point, by my point still stands: individuals treat members differently based on their looks. how many times have members loved and swooned over what phillionaire had to say? no matter how crazy and out there and dangerous it was, it was always aww post more pics! before i posted my pics, not a single one of you knew i existed on here and i did post. it's very shallow, sorry. i hate that about society. i treat everyone i know and meet in person exactly the same unless they do something to warrant me treating them differently. here all i can judge is by your actions and words.

slim - you couldn't be farther from the truth. this third member you allude to and i haven't been acquaintances in quite some time. you can go back in my posting history and find i have had this same type of discussion before.
Oh Smiley, You are the best.:lol:

They make Snuggies in so many colors and patterns now, I'm sure there is one for everyone's taste.

I have been reading this for days, and I find it confusing........that the ones objecting to members voicing appreciation for other members looks, are the members that started an entire thread devoted to members voting on which one of them had the hottest body part avatar. And I forgot, was it Z's very own penis that won......or Z's hubbies' abs?:confused1:

Don't go there, it's embarrassing:001_rolleyes:. But it's kind of you to pretend to be confused. Just one more reason to adore you dude. Do they make Snuggies for two (or more)?

Anyway I voted for Joe's bosoms since my dick and abs are hotter than the ones in those avatars:001_rolleyes:
No, I dont smell the coffee yet! It seems like a couple of fellows got up on the wrong side of the futon this morning and missed their coffee.

I do not believe Mikeyank is some predator anymore than Zyl or JW are predators either. Mike was well within good taste in his original comment and jumping him so hard only makes you two look worse in the eyes of the rest of the forum.

I thought it was a general understanding not to openly criticize, degrade, or call members names. That is the only way the forum can remain a civil place to be for all members, and not just certain cliques. Mikeyank was only complementing PeconicNY for his nice build and what was publicly posted in his profile available to all members. This doesn't seem like any invasion of someone's privacy.

The interchange that was started against Mikeyank was far more invasive calling into question his personal character and the negative generalization implied of all older members (as I definitely am older). I am very disappointed this ever took place and find it unworthy of those who escallated it to the extent it was taken. Furthermore, I don't like to see anyone "ganged-up on" for any reason. That is not the purpose of the forum and makes me wonder where the moderators are when you really need them?

Without an apology coming from Zyl or JW at this time, I would like to offer an apology for them to Mikeyank and all older members for this unfortunate incident.



cumrag, please don't apologize for me. there's no need for me to apologize. i do not care how any of you view me. i know i am perfectly content with my life.