I wanted to tell you again Graham how much I like your hair. You apparently can do lots of different things with it as far as straight and curly, and so on. I think you also said you like to change it a lot. My only piece of advice would be not to cut it drastically short after you've started filming. Once fans see a model with hair a certain way, they don't usually like big changes.
Some models think they will get a haircut right before filming so their hair looks its best. What they don't take into account is that many times a brand new haircut looks dorky for the first several days until it starts filling in again. So they show up on set to film looking...well... Dorky. haha If you're going to cut your hair prior to filming...give yourself at least a 5-6 day lead time before jumping in front of the camera. Know what I'm sayin'? haha
We've had some models here in the past who have had especially nice hair. Then maybe summer came or they just decided on a whim that they wanted a change. So they cut it much shorter or even shaved their heads down to stubs. Then the members and fans were/are disappointed and annoyed with the new look. Speaking for myself, that's broken my heart more than a few times. lol
I say all this because I have a feeling that I am going to fall in love with your hair. I may not like every style as much as another. But I think I'll like just about any way you do it. Your hair gives you such a range of looks that makes you nearly perfect for modeling of any kind. As a favor to me and your other fans though...please don't cut your hair way short.