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Hey, everyone Graham here new model.

The scene won't air until 12:00 midnight on Sunday night, so you can sleep in on Saturday. Jon and Mike are just overly excited and want to see it yesterday. lol

Sorry, my bad. It's jason and pauls bareback (shhhh) scene on Saturday. Graham's solo will be released about 5am uk time on Monday morning.
i love the fact that Graham Is A Brand new Model and already He Has Somone With His Avatar!
If you post a bigger version of your Avatar picture... I'd make the Beer photo look so much more realistic...

Please post some photo's in high resolution for me to work with, and I'll entertain you in return.


Its def creative, but I actually dont have a bigger version of that pic, it was taken so long ago. Ill post some pics of me here in a short while ha.
Its def creative, but I actually dont have a bigger version of that pic, it was taken so long ago. Ill post some pics of me here in a short while ha.
That would be FANTASTIC. If we had a little patience though (which I'm working on....have to with you and Flint lol), we should have a bunch of your pics Monday morning.
Haha... I was kidding of course! I had no idea that Shamu was a whale...

I second that! We need more pics!! Damien has posted a bunch of himself and I know you guys have pics too. It's time to share, man :)

Well, I did always tell my friends that "sharing is caring." I might not wanna share though lmao. You sure you can take the heat? ;)
True!! I have a goldfish's memory though, so I get it ;)

I feel you both about having a bad memory I can sometimes forget what all I did in one day cause I do to much and sometimes I just forget what all I did or didnt do haha.
Ahhh, I have fond memories of visiting SeaWorld in Ohio growing up and seeing many Shamu shows. What area of marine biology do you hope to get into after school?

I never did get to go to SewWorld when they had it in Ohio I was even jealous when a family member got to go for his b-day haha. I have an interest in Marine Mammal Training so I would not mind working with Orca's or doing research about whales, either way I'm gonna get it done :).
Yah!!! Graham's scene is officially scheduled now. Can't wait for Monday, counting down the days, hours, minutes...


Just think its only just around the corner and remember patience is golden ;) lol
Same here Toby, and I am the one who "knighted" him GRAHAM after seeing the still of him sitting with the other Broke Straight Boys'ers with the banana in his lap.

And the small still of him from our preview page makes me want to see him even more.

Graham, as my friend Robb says, you look different in every picture, but you look real GOOD in every picture too. I join you Toby in the countdown to GRAHAM'S debut here, and I am looking forward even more until we see him paired up with one of the other guy's on that couch. I am hoping for Damien or Paul. :001_tt2:

Well, I guess your def gonna have to wait and see if I am paired up with them lol. I do look different in every pic which is a good thing and I appreciate the comments from the both of you and honored to be "knighted" of course and here I thought the Queen of England only did that lmao.
Can I ask that Saturday's solo is commented on another thread please...

I will most likely be starting a new thread here shortly this thread has lots of conversations and I think it would be good to start a new.
I plan on staying up to watch GRAHAM'S solo on Friday night, and if I am the first, it will be my honor to start a review thread for the hot new kid on the block. :001_tt2:

Wooo friday? That would be cutting a little to close don't you think? Its gonna be on Monday that my solo will be released lol. Getting all excited and forgetting the day , huh? lol. Much appreciated :)
Haha... Thanks guys, indeed it will be on Monday at around 6am for me and since I'm off work on Mondays, I'll try and watch it 'live'!

You would wake up at 6am? hahaha Crap I wouldn't wake up that early for nothing unless I had plans too. A guy needs all the Zzz's he can get. Thank god for having Mondays off, lol.