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He doth protest too much! Bobby/Ross


BSB Addict
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Benicia, CA
I like watching two slim wash-board stomach young men make out; but I think Bobby did too much protesting as Ross fucked him. I wondered why? Bobby didn't do that much noise when Jimmy fucked him; he was rather subdued compared to Ross fucking him - and Ross had a smaller dick!

The cum shots were minimal and disappointing. I give the overall scene a 4 rating. The guys were very attractive and I liked their interplay. I wonder whether Ross will bottom.
I agree with alot of what you said Angel. I don't think Bobby was protesting too much though. For some reason he seemed to be in alot of genuine discomfort compared to other scenes. He has more easily bottomed for guys with bigger dicks than Ross's in the past, which is rather odd. Ross has a nice penis that seems to be proportioned very well for topping. It's smaller at the top and then gradually flares out wider toward the bottom. Ross did not seem to be playing too rough. He was doing just fine. Had Bobby gotten "out of practice" or not prepared himself enough with a toy beforehand?

Bobby did very well keeping the pace of the scene moving and guiding Ross through it. You felt like there was some mentoring going on. haha I was left with the impression that Connor's scene with Ross came after this one rather than before. Ross and Bobby did a good job here.
I didn't see this thread and posted my review on the other Ross thread. Check it out.
I think this ws a great scene and shot very well.. As far as Bobby is concerned I feel that both guy did a great job and the cum shot was great. Angel commented on this cum shot yes it was minimal but some times you can only cum a nice load and other times ya shoot it all over the place that is just life. Over all a 5 on this scene keep up the greay work guys and hope to see both oy you soon
I like watching two slim wash-board stomach young men make out; but I think Bobby did too much protesting as Ross fucked him. I wondered why? Bobby didn't do that much noise when Jimmy fucked him; he was rather subdued compared to Ross fucking him - and Ross had a smaller dick!

The cum shots were minimal and disappointing. I give the overall scene a 4 rating. The guys were very attractive and I liked their interplay. I wonder whether Ross will bottom.

In my day I had hard fucks and I had easy ones, and it didn't have anything to do with the size of the guy. It always surprised me. It may have something to do with skill level of the top. It looked like Bobby was fighting it a little the way his back was up. Unconciously more than likely.:anyone:
I like watching two slim wash-board stomach young men make out; but I think Bobby did too much protesting as Ross fucked him. I wondered why? Bobby didn't do that much noise when Jimmy fucked him; he was rather subdued compared to Ross fucking him - and Ross had a smaller dick!

The cum shots were minimal and disappointing. I give the overall scene a 4 rating. The guys were very attractive and I liked their interplay. I wonder whether Ross will bottom.

I liked the scene. I gave it a "5", I would've given it a 4.5, but it don't work that way, do it?

Did Bobby suck his big toe? :w00t: Nice touch Bobby! Ross, it was fun watching you. Is the object to fuck or split the poor guy open (LOL)?:smiley-sex011:

When I get fucked, I love to enjoy a big head and narrow shaft, much more comfortable than rock hard evenly proportioned cock, or big shaft and small head :tmi:?

Ross this might pop up throughout your career, but I think I've seen you around before.... not in porn, but in real life.... no more conjecture here on my part.

Later guys, job well done!
Two very attractive guys -- I think Bobby is beautiful -- but, somehow, something seemed to be lacking.

Maybe that's why the cum loads seemed minimal; I just can't put my finger on it (would like to put it on their cum, though).

I gave it a 4.
I haven't seen it yet. When I click on it, I get a "server not found" message across the screen.:grr::crying1:
Well as has been said before, cum loads are cum loads. Sometimes I shoot a lot and other times it is hardly any. I do not think this is something anyone necessarily has any control over. I thought the boys were interacting well and enjoyed that. Bobby is always a charmer. I know that scenes are often not shown in the order they are filmed so I got the impression as well that this was done before the other scene with Ross. As for Bobby's difficulties, that can be the result of many things. I doubt he is taking it up the ass every day so who knows how "out of practice" his ass may have been. In addition I have found that smaller or more slender penii[?] tend to hurt more than larger or thicker ones. In addition the technique of the top comes into play as well. If indeed Ross is a novice at this or has a technique which is different from what Bobby is accustomed to, then I can see this being a factor is Bobby's reaction.

All in all a good show and I enjoyed it.
High 5!!!

Gave this scene a 5 because there was a lot of guiding and mentoring going on -- lots of great effort, especially by Bobby! I love Bobby, no matter what he does! I do agree that he was a little over the top reacting to Ross' dick, but I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt! Ross was the typical fumbling Newbie, :newhere:although he had some great moments! One hot scene with two hot guys!!!:biggrin:
This was an enjoyable episode. Not quite a "5", but definitely worth watching. I especially enjoyed Bobby's attitude, coaching Ross along. Bobby is almost always a joy to watch.

I know from his recent shoot with Jimmy, that Bobby does enjoy getting fucked, so it did puzzle me that he appeared to be in so much discomfort. However, he seemed in discomfort with Jimmy (though not as bad). Then again, as someone else pointed out, sometimes it's more about the top. Ross did seem to haVE some trouble staying in Bobby. That could have made a difference. Of course, it is all conjecture! Only the two of them know how it really went.

Still, they seemed to have some chemistry and seemed to get along well. It was an entertaining shoot.
I agree. Ross was ok as a top but the way bobby seemed to be in pain the whole time really ruined this scene for me. From a model that has bottomed so many times already I was confused as to why a average cock like ross's hurt him so much. He's taken Rocco's already without complaining lol. Ross is also very boring and these models had no chemistry. Still for effort I gave it a 3
Bobby's shouts, groans, grunts, bellows, and general protesting was a huge distraction for me. I wanted to love this seen, because I love Ross.........but loving Ross was not enough.

And, was Bobby wearing eye makeup?
I love Bobby and Ross is a very cute guy. However, I was disappointed in the scene. For me it is not hot and exciting when someone is in as much distress as Bobby seemed to be. I don't understand why Bobby had such a differcult time taking Ross's cock since he has been fucked before by bigger cocks. He said that he was fucked in prison so I know he took some big cocks in there. What ever the problem I hope he gets it sorted out and performs better the next time he gets fucked.
I think Bobby and Ross make a good team together. They seem to get along very well and Bobby was eager to show Ross the ropes. I absolutely love Bobby's smile. I was sorry that Bobby seemed to have so much discomfort for about the first 2/3s of the fucking. However, I did enjoy the cum shots and cum play at the end. I like the way Ross feed Bobby some of his own cum before jacking off himself. Ross shot a really nice load. It was fun to see Bobby request and receive a cum rub. Great show. Looking forward to seeing them again.