I am asking for a volunteer to offer up a realistic comparison. Someone who is a male
Broke Straight Boys member, who is 100% gay and has never had sex with a woman before and who has never had a desire, to offer up to having sex with women on camera in front of a crew and to post the footage onto a straight porn website. One that has a forum, where the members publicly critique the scenes and state their opinions.
That is what it is probably like for Jimmy to be a
Broke Straight Boys model, but from the opposite end of the spectrum.
Jimmy has tried everything except bottoming and rimming. He has sucked cock, and he has kissed. If you go back and watch the scene where he has kissed, and sucked cock, you can't miss that it is very uncomfortable for him even though he made the most out of it and kept an open mind, and he tried his best. You can tell just from his body language and his facial expressions that he was having a really hard time with it BUT HE KEPT HIS SENSE OF HUMOR, and he never said anything bad about it.
If anyone of you gay men can volunteer to try the same thing with a beautiful woman, including performing oral sex on her and full on fucking her and showing passion and lust while you're doing it, please come back and report back to us what kind of an experience it was for you. Would you love it, would your performance make it look good enough to eat like most straight guys do when they're having sex with women in straight porn? I doubt it.
If you then had to read the forum comments for days...weeks...and months on end where every day people were coming out in droves and saying very mean and insulting things about you while all the other guys who are actually straight are being lauded and praised, would you not at some point defend yourself?
Also, please note that not one time has anyone from
Broke Straight Boys management nor any one of his co workers/models lifted a finger to defend him publicly except for Colin.
The scope and tone behind some of the things some of you have said about and to Jimmy goes way beyond stating your opinion as to what you don't like about his performances. Some of you have been mean, cruel, and it's almost as if some of you are trying to seek revenge against him for wrongs that may have been done to you years ago and it seems as if Jimmy is your punching bag.
I think possibly some of you feel strength in numbers, and that it's somehow ok to jump on the pile and say horrible things about Jimmy because he's one guy against many of you. If that's not bullying, I don't know what is.
Jimmy, being a man, feels no fear and defends himself all the while being totally respectful and decent to every one of you who have said downright nasty things about him. He has reached out to nearly everyone who has criticized him, thanked you for your feedback, and he has conceded that he is making changes and working hard on improving his performances. And then you retaliate against him for daring to "talk back to a paying member" as if you're the queen of Sheba or something, because you pay your monthly membership fee it's somehow ok to treat others like dirt and say destructive, mean spirited things about them.
In my opinion Jimmy has handled his criticisms and flat out mudslinging fests with class and he has never once bowed down to the level his "critics" (using a much nicer word than I would like to) have stooped to. Yes he has defended himself against idiocy in my opinion, but he never once was disrespectful nor did he stoop to the tactics hurled at him. All Jimmy has ever done was try to do his best, he has listened to his feedbacks whether positive or negative, and he has done so with an open mind and thanked EVERYONE for their feedback whether positive or negative and he has taken that back with him and made improvements in his performances.
I dare say if any one of you who have hurled nasty comments at or about Jimmy were to meet up with him in person, you wouldn't DARE tell him these things to his face if it was just you and him. For one, I'm pretty sure that Jimmy would be the first one to reach out his hand to you in friendship and want to shake your hand. For two, if you did start slamming him to his face he would probably want to sit down and talk about it as friends (or at least as men) rather than exchanging nasty comments back and forth. Some of you are just being downright b****y.
I really get the sense that Jimmy is a decent, kind hearted, genuinely nice guy who is a lot of fun and he is a funny guy! When he's unscripted, he's hilarious. Come on people, some of the comments he has made in his scenes were funny. He wasn't trying to be a jerk, he wasn't trying to be homophobic or arrogant in any way shape or form but instead he was joking around and just being himself. I think that he makes the most controversial comments (i.e. I'll do the work, you just do your job) when he's about to undertake a job he really doesn't like very much and is feeling uncomfortable and stressed out himself (i.e. having sex with another man which for many of you would = having sex with a woman).
And Jason yes, I do remember the comments that were made about Mike R back in the day, Dustin, and CJ. But in no way did it even come close to the way people have slammed Jimmy into the ground on a daily and constant basis. I was among those who was critical of Mike R, and I was one of the loudest complainers because I was getting downright tired of the frequency of scenes that he was in. And yes, I was and still am to this day very remorseful for the mean things that I said about him, and I can only hope that he wasn't hurt by any of them because Mike R was a very nice but troubled guy who was probably in deep trouble emotionally, the extent to which none of us will ever know most likely. Dustin was liked by many, but towards the end I think people were just getting turned off by his weight gain and obvious loss of hair that was covered up with a hat. CJ just acted completely bored and as if he'd rather be watching paint dry even while he was getting plowed, he just seemed so laid back and bored by the whole thing that if memory serves, after awhile people complained about him but I don't remember any of it coming close to the extent a few people hurl things against Jimmy.
I guess this is a situation where the best way to defy ignorance is to ignore it altogether because you will never win against a bunch of people who appear to be out to settle a score.