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I tried!

I know that many people, including those of us who once struggled with our sexual identities, don't like to be labeled. I can understand Jimmy becoming upset at the "accusation", as he likely saw it, that he was actually bi. I do feel sorry for him that he has to deal with negative feedback to the extent he does. I'm sure it's not easy for him to take. I wish it was different. I wish that nearly every post he read was full of compliments and praise.

Quite honestly I think he has handled it better, and over a much longer period of time, than I would have been able to when I was his age. Even if we were to agree that he went a little over the top in this particular thread...that still does not negate the fact that he has consistently dealt very well and with professionalism to negative feedback in the past. I feel I do have to stand up for him on that point.

I tend to think that if he or any other model is critiqued (constructively) in the work he does onscreen...that's different from making it personal. We have to respect the real flesh and blood human being behind the screen name. And of course it should go without saying that the models must also show the same respect to the members on a personal level when responding to their posts. It's when those lines of distinction blur that we get into anger and hurt feelings.
I heard it from my parents, in Church growing up and I relearned it in college from a secular perspective: Respect what people tell you about themselves - don't judge! Give people their space and time to develop themselves. Don't make their problems yours - own your own problems. I respect Jimmy's right to say whatever he wants to say about himself and I give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm not his judge or his counselor - I'm his fan.
Now Tequila, I wasn't trying to be mean to you and of course Jimmy doesn't need anyone to stick up for him. I wasn't trying to "fight his battles" for him, I assume Jimmy really couldn't care less who likes him and who doesn't but instead he's just trying to do a job and it probably hurts his feelings in how mean people are towards him at times.

Tequila, I am the first to admit when I have screwed up (especially after someone brings it to my attention), and I have been known to say things I shouldn't before more often than a lot of people in this forum. I have said some mean and uncalled things myself on more than one occasion, and came back in here and apologized for it. This is the ONLY time I am aware of that you have been mean and said things that were uncalled for, and of course you are entitled to your opinion. But just because you feel a certain way about someone doesn't give you the right to make public accusations (and by the way I don't think Jimmy is bi anymore than I think the pope is an atheist).

Again, I have done the same thing myself and I got called out on it and I ended up apologizing because I was in the wrong. I feel that were in the wrong by being mean to Jimmy and you basically called him a liar, and you flat out accused him of being bi sexual. YES, you are entitled to your opinion as we all are, but you shouldn't have made those accusations against him.

For the most part, you were very respectful and at no time did he reply to you in a manner that was out of line compared to the way you were treating him publicly in my opinion.

But we can argue this back and forth till we're both blue in the face and probably won't get anything accomplished so I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree on this.

BUT Tequila, you are a very nice and thoughtful guy most of the time and you
are very intelligent and eloquent. I think very highly of you and I for one will miss you when you're gone. :(

I'm sorry, Abe, but I can't let sleeping dogs lie! From the very start of your post you were condescending in your tone ("Now Tequila,I wasn't trying to be mean to you"). Did I say you were being mean to me? Then, you kept saying that I made "public accusations," when I said one thing to him, ONE! I don't
know what other accusations you are talking about.

Ms Kianna, Stimpy and Jason wrote logical and well-thought out posts expressing their opinions, and I thank them for that! You, however, came at me like a machine gun, all under the guise of expressing your opinion, not once, but three times!

Thank you for the kind things you said about me, but it is difficult for me to accept your sincerity. Now, I can agree to disagree with you!
I'm confused, Tequila. What questions are you talking about and when did you pose them to Jimmy? What thread is all this on? I've check the thread you cite above and the "enough of Jimmy's mouth" thread and could find nothing. Please advise.

i cant wait for you to read the thread...im just speechless i took so much time to respond to his questions and he still was mean afterword i dont understand it
I wish we could still delete our posts, hours or days after we make them, as was possible in the old days here. I made this post earlier today without having read all the threads involved. I now feel that both parties got down and dirty, and that Jimmy's responses were not out of line, in my opinion, and no apologies are necessary, except for mine, for my previous post. I'm sorry for commenting without knowing the whole story.

I'm baffled. I just read the whole exchange between Tequila and Jimmy and IMHO Jimmy went off the deep end. At no time did Tequila say anything rude to Jimmy. He stated that a completely straight guy (that's a ten on the scale) Would not have any kind of sex with another man. Personally, I don't believe many of us are that straight or that gay. I figure Jimmy is about a 7 or 8 on the scale. In other words, I think most of us are to some degree bi-sexual. That Jimmy was so put off by Tequila's comment shows to me he isn't all that comfortable with what he is doing, and it has put some doubts in his mind. I didn't think either man's exchanges were enough to cause any ballyhoo. Like I've stated before, I'm blown away that there is such open communication on this site. But if people are going to get their noses out of joint over fairly innocuous remarks, maybe it isn't such a good idea. Sorry you felt this was worth leaving over, Tequila. I tended to agree with a lot of your posts. :001_huh::confused1:
We all want the models to post on the forum, but this is the drawback. When we are enamored with them, like we are Colin and Rob, it all works and everyone is happy. But, when it is someone who draws a lot of criticism like Jimmy, it causes a lot of strife and drama.

I am actually surprised that Jimmy held his tongue as long as he did. My experiences with College age guys, has overwhelmingly shown me that they do not deal with criticism very well, and tend to lash out in anger, often finding a target to deflect the attention from themselves. Their egos are not able to handle it.

I am also surprised that management did not issue any statements during all of this Jimmy drama. I expected Mark to come out with a statement, at least acknowledging the concern over the frequency of Jimmy scenes. Perhaps telling us that he was contracted for a certain length of time, or number of scenes. I especially thought we would hear from Mark or Chuck when the last volley of posts with Jimmy got so ugly.

But, by the same token, we get angry when management does "get involved," so this is another instance of "damned if I do, and damned if I don't" for them.

I don't know the answers here, and I think that is why so many of the neutral forum members always tried to smooth the waters. This was my big fear, that we would lose someone really great, like Tequila or PrettyPolly, over something that most definitely has a time limit. I just don't know what the time limit is.

I haven't watched a Jimmy scene since.........I don't even know when. But honestly, with Chad and Colin around, I forget there ever were any other models on BSB2.

the worst part about it is ive still held my tounge and said nothing wrong or disrespectful but you just see tequila crying because i didnt expect him to TELL me about MYSELF after i took alot of time to answer what seemed like a nice respectful member (like most on this forum) questions and because i didnt feel like responding to his rude disrespectful comments and NOW IM THE BAD GUY....FUCK THAT i did nothing wrong im a grown man i can speak for my self...Rob Ryder is one of my best friends one of the nicest guys i know wher at an event as we speak and hes even said its REDICULOUS
i cant wait for you to read the thread...im just speechless i took so much time to respond to his questions and he still was mean afterword i dont understand it

Jimmy, there is a sociological 10-1 scale that is highly regarded. Here 10 is totally straight and a 1 is totally gay. The evidence is that almost no one is a ten or a one. I think I would come out about a 3 or 4 and you about a 7 or 8. In other words, most of us are bi-sexual to some degree. So that really isn't much of an insult.:001_cool:
You know, Jimmy keeps saying that he's trying and trying and trying to improve! Well, I've tried too! I've tried to understand Jimmy, so I asked him to respond to some questions I posed to him -- questions that One member thought were right out of the Inquisition! Jimmy did, indeed, respond to those questions and in his response, he said that because I was "fucking hard with his mind," he might not have responded to everything and he wanted to be more "procise," so "keep them cumming!" So, I responded to his request, and, yes, I did call him a Bisexual, using the definition of the term. He chose to respond to this part of my post only! I don't think I did anything wrong! However, he retorted with all kinds of insults! No one has ever said anything like that to me!

And that's why I stand by my post on the "Will Jimmy ever bottom" thread, page 4, post #35. I'm done with Jimmy and I'm done with BSB2 as well.!!! Besides Broke Straight Boys doesn't need me as a member! The site has plenty of members who will put up with disappointing scenes, lower prices to stay, and loud-mouthed, 2-bit punk models who think they can get on this forum and disparage paying customers!!! It is said that "if you can't stand the heat , then get out of the fire!!! And that's precisely what I am doing!!

But as far as Jimmy is concerned: "METHINKS THE STRAIGHT? BOY DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH!"

omg YOU TRICKED ME read the posts you acted like a nice respectful member with questions i answered the same way i do for everyone else...and you respond by TELLING me things like your my father disrespecting my sexuality and me as a man in general and now you CLAIM that i "retorted with all kinds of insults" were ther so many you couldnt leave any examples??? i simply stood up for myself and you dont like it...SORRY im not going to bow down to your disrespect im a model on Broke Straight Boys just because im a model doesnt mean im supposed to be a little bitch and be scared that one member might not like being told the truth which is you were being very rude and dickish after i took the time to respond to your post...i never thought grown men could act this way its unbelievable
I am all in favor of free speech, and while I enjoy Jimmy's attitude in his "on screen scenarios", I thought that he went way over board in his comments to you Tequila. You were being respectful to him, unlike some of the antagonistic whiners who were rude to him.

As an employee of Mark's, I thought that he went way overboard in "attacking" a member, who said nothing rude to him. I would hope that Mark will address this issue.

I still think that Jimmy is a hot guy, and I think he is a huge asset to Broke Straight Boys in his appearances and of course in his porn work on the site, but he must also be aware that he shouldn't talk to the member's of this site in a disrespectful tone, either.

I would hope that Mark and or Jimmy might apologize and that Tequila might reconsider his decision too. We were just getting to know you Tequila, and I would hope that you might decide to overlook Jimmy's indiscretions, and perhaps you will stay with us on the forum, so that you can enjoy the other model's on this site who you enjoy watching.

mike dont be like that i have nothing to apologize for read the posts hes crying because i stood up for myself...tequila and the only othe person posting on here have stated ive posted all these rude things but have come up with NO examples...anything and everything i post has a purpose im not going to skip over members who are treating me disrespectfully UNTIL i read tequilas response to a post i took alot of time to answer his questions on at that time i respond sarcastically to imply i didnt want to talk to him anymore after treating me the way he did...no reason to cry about me speaking up for myself or lie about me being disrespectful when anyone who can read the post IN ORDER can see the truth its a fuckin joke to even be talking about this it ruins the forum for others who want to enjoy it instead of complain be negative judgemental its sad grown men act like this over PORN
Dear Tequila69,

So sorry for it all to end this way, kinda like throwing the baby out with the bath water! It all seems so very, very unfair to be treated this way as a paying customer only wanting his money's worth on, of all things, a "Gay Porn Site"!!

Poor "defenseless and victimized" Jimmy may feel "put upon strutting his stuff" while being employed on a Gay Porn Site, but not all of the paying customers would necessarily agree! In sharp contrast, Rob_Ryder has the perfect attitude to go along with the perfect "everything else, including his being STRAIGHT"! Lets hear it for Rob!

Sorry you feel so very unwelcomed and disenfranchised here on Broke Straight Boys-2! I am not too far behind you in your feelings!

Sincerely Gay and loving it!:waw:


Rob Ryder is literally sitting right next after just reading the posts on the anthony and jimmy thread that this thread is based off my conversation with tequila and he cant believe that people feel i said something wrong after the way he treated me...
I actually read the entire thread in question, and I don't see anything that Jimmy did wrong. Jimmy is what he is, he doesn't sugar coat stuff. His posts were to the point, and direct, but I don't see them as being out of line although he says what he thinks and quite frankly, Jimmy is regularly being criticized to death on an almost DAILY BASIS.

I ask anyone who dislikes Jimmy to ask themselves this question: If you are 100% gay and doing straight porn, fucking women, and then had to go into a forum type setting and read post after post after post after post on a daily basis from people who are mean, rude, and scathing in their criticisms of not only your performances but also slamming the way you write, the way you spell, accusing you of being someone else, then having the gall to call you straight (Tequila, you flat out told Jimmy in your post that he's bi, which is literally and completely labeling someone and in my opinion is hitting below the belt), wouldn't you get just a tad bit defensive?

NO ONE who has ever modeled in the history of Broke Straight Boys has EVER had to endure the type of constant, daily, non-stop slamming of Jimmy on a never ending basis. VERY FEW people say nice things about him, it's RARE that anyone ever has a nice thing to say about him.

I ask you again, if you had to read literally hundreds of posts from people who do nothing but complain about you specifically, hitting below the belt, saying terrible and mean things about you, how would you feel?

At some point, after days and weeks and months, you would probably start getting a bit frustrated I'm guessing.

Tequila, in my opinion I feel that you were very mean and cruel when you flat out accused Jimmy that he's bi. Jimmy has told us that it's not easy for him mentally having to have sex with a man and I think Jimmy is being provoked on a very constant basis by members who don't like him and he has very few people sticking up for him. Jimmy is LITERALLY being bullied by a large number of people, and he is almost the only person sticking up for and defending himself. Yet he still responds to questions and comments, and thanks people for their feedback, and Jimmy has said countless times in here that he is making changes and trying to improve.

After reading Jimmy's posts in the thread in question on pages 7 and 8, he was not making insults towards anyone, nor was he accusing anyone of anything either. He was DEFENDING HIMSELF against a whole lot of people who are leveling very mean and unkind accusations and downright cruel insults at him.

What do you expect him to do, thank you for writing and to have a nice day?

Come on people get real.

Jimmy is a human, he is a young guy with feelings, he has a son and I think a child on the way with a girlfriend and he is trying to do the best job he can. Jimmy has said that it doesn't bother him when people say mean things about him, but I'm betting that it actually does and it probably really hurts his feelings and if your goal is to drive him away and never come back then you're doing a really good job of it.

Many people should be ASHAMED of themselves for the cruel things they have said to, and about Jimmy.

hey abe im speechless man...honestly in all seriousness this is BULLSHIT you know and i know after reading every post regarding me and tequila i said nothing that i felt was wrong to say and i even held my tounge as always out of respect for Broke Straight Boys and STILL people post on this thread who didnt even take the time to read the actual posts in question...they just assume bad straight jimmy was mean to a member and that couldnt be further from the truth and on top of that bullshit they would like me to never work for Broke Straight Boys again after knowing that my last released scene had a whole thread of mostly nothing but great feed back about me and anthony...how unfair is it to ask mark to get rid of me when so many members enjoy watching me and ther are so many other members and scenes to watch that im not involved...
I wish we could still delete our posts, hours or days after we make them, as was possible in the old days here. I made this post earlier today without having read all the threads involved. I now feel that both parties got down and dirty, and that Jimmy's responses were not out of line, in my opinion, and no apologies are necessary, except for mine, for my previous post. I'm sorry for commenting without knowing the whole story.

you just saved our friendship because i couldnt believe your post before...knowing i didnt say anything wrong i just feel like most didnt take the time to read it like you did without knowing the whole story...you had me worried mike (; but in all seriousness if i did something wrong i would say that but i didnt and ABEs post was all that needs to be said
Tequila you were out of line in my opinion, and Jimmy had every right to respond the way he did.

ive never appreciated normal men as much as i do right now....thank you very much and sincerly...abe and mike i really mean that
Jimmy's a big boy and can answer for himself. He doesn't need you to fight his battles for him, although I'm sure he's very self satisfied that you are. I wonder how you would have replied had he come back to you the way he did at me all those times that you criticized him for not doing more. I am glad that you, Abe, have become a Jimmy convert and have gone so far as to want to see Jimmy with a woman. Yes, I called him bi, because that was MY OPINION of what he's been doing on this site for whatever amount of time he's been on Broke Straight Boys Was I critical of him? YES! But mean and cruel I was never trying to be. There have been forum members who have said a lot worse things to Jimmy. But thank you for your two cents worth. I am very disappointed and sad to say that to me, your opinions are worth nothing.

I'll be gone pretty soon and I'm sure that you and the rest of Jimmy's army will be glad to see "The Wicked Witch of the South" gone!!!:mad:

LOOK at how you treat other members...im not the problem here...i read one line of this post and knew how the rest would go...why would i respond after the way youve acted? ANYBODY who can read english can clearly see that you were the one who responded inapropriatley...the TRUTH of the matter is this post should be JIMMY TRIED...im the on that tried to treat you with the same respect i treat ever member no matter ther opinion i took time to respond to your questions with complete respect and you responded back very mean and rude for no reason...I TRIED and if you dont want to be on this site because a model stood up for himself when you attacked and disrespected me as a man then SO BE IT ive met and talked to NEW members who joined because of me i work hard
I know that many people, including those of us who once struggled with our sexual identities, don't like to be labeled. I can understand Jimmy becoming upset at the "accusation", as he likely saw it, that he was actually bi. I do feel sorry for him that he has to deal with negative feedback to the extent he does. I'm sure it's not easy for him to take. I wish it was different. I wish that nearly every post he read was full of compliments and praise.

Quite honestly I think he has handled it better, and over a much longer period of time, than I would have been able to when I was his age. Even if we were to agree that he went a little over the top in this particular thread...that still does not negate the fact that he has consistently dealt very well and with professionalism to negative feedback in the past. I feel I do have to stand up for him on that point.

I tend to think that if he or any other model is critiqued (constructively) in the work he does onscreen...that's different from making it personal. We have to respect the real flesh and blood human being behind the screen name. And of course it should go without saying that the models must also show the same respect to the members on a personal level when responding to their posts. It's when those lines of distinction blur that we get into anger and hurt feelings.

tampa come on man you know me well enough by now to know i can handle negative comments suggestions anything but i try to respond to everyone and anyone who posts so that they feel envolved...i just didnt realize how sensative everyone throwing the stones was in that glass house...its like NEWS FLASH A Broke Straight Boys MODEL HAS OFFICIALLY STOOD UP FOR HIMSELF WITHOUT BEING DISRESPECTFUL WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN WERE PAYING THESE GUYS TO BE FAKE...in all reality the site is called Broke Straight Boys for a reason you signed up for REAL Broke Straight Boys..not broke gay boys not broke bitch boys not broke quite boys...im real and ive been very respectful...
I heard it from my parents, in Church growing up and I relearned it in college from a secular perspective: Respect what people tell you about themselves - don't judge! Give people their space and time to develop themselves. Don't make their problems yours - own your own problems. I respect Jimmy's right to say whatever he wants to say about himself and I give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm not his judge or his counselor - I'm his fan.

i appreciate that...more importantly i would appreciate your respect even if you hated my guts as a model...i would bet you would be just as classy and respectful even if you werent a fan...thats the type of people i TRY to make a scene they will enjoy...nobody as told me to be fake and act so ive been myself and because ive been myself i have nothing to worry about...ive been respectful to all members even after they disrespect me
I'm sorry, Abe, but I can't let sleeping dogs lie! From the very start of your post you were condescending in your tone ("Now Tequila,I wasn't trying to be mean to you"). Did I say you were being mean to me? Then, you kept saying that I made "public accusations," when I said one thing to him, ONE! I don't
know what other accusations you are talking about.

Ms Kianna, Stimpy and Jason wrote logical and well-thought out posts expressing their opinions, and I thank them for that! You, however, came at me like a machine gun, all under the guise of expressing your opinion, not once, but three times!

Thank you for the kind things you said about me, but it is difficult for me to accept your sincerity. Now, I can agree to disagree with you!

you really are REDICULOUS...stimpy kianna and jason all love rob ryber and hes completley in agreement with me and abe and mike who believe i did nothing wrong...kianna jason tequila and stimpy gave NOT ONE example from the actual related posts most likely they didnt even take the time to read them or they would clearly see i did nothing wrong...
I'm baffled. I just read the whole exchange between Tequila and Jimmy and IMHO Jimmy went off the deep end. At no time did Tequila say anything rude to Jimmy. He stated that a completely straight guy (that's a ten on the scale) Would not have any kind of sex with another man. Personally, I don't believe many of us are that straight or that gay. I figure Jimmy is about a 7 or 8 on the scale. In other words, I think most of us are to some degree bi-sexual. That Jimmy was so put off by Tequila's comment shows to me he isn't all that comfortable with what he is doing, and it has put some doubts in his mind. I didn't think either man's exchanges were enough to cause any ballyhoo. Like I've stated before, I'm blown away that there is such open communication on this site. But if people are going to get their noses out of joint over fairly innocuous remarks, maybe it isn't such a good idea. Sorry you felt this was worth leaving over, Tequila. I tended to agree with a lot of your posts. :001_huh::confused1:

your just as bad as him...im a 7 or 8 on your straight scale? based on nothing ive never even talked to you before...your a 3 on my gay scale you actually like girls...NOTICE i didnt say i think you actually like girls...im TELLING you the same way tequila TOLD me about myself...im 21 years old and know better than to judge someone i dont even know...i wouldnt recognize you in a crowd so why should i judge you or even worse TELL YOU ABOUT YOURSELF its crazy
I'm baffled. I just read the whole exchange between Tequila and Jimmy and IMHO Jimmy went off the deep end. At no time did Tequila say anything rude to Jimmy. He stated that a completely straight guy (that's a ten on the scale) Would not have any kind of sex with another man. Personally, I don't believe many of us are that straight or that gay. I figure Jimmy is about a 7 or 8 on the scale. In other words, I think most of us are to some degree bi-sexual. That Jimmy was so put off by Tequila's comment shows to me he isn't all that comfortable with what he is doing, and it has put some doubts in his mind. I didn't think either man's exchanges were enough to cause any ballyhoo. Like I've stated before, I'm blown away that there is such open communication on this site. But if people are going to get their noses out of joint over fairly innocuous remarks, maybe it isn't such a good idea. Sorry you felt this was worth leaving over, Tequila. I tended to agree with a lot of your posts. :001_huh::confused1:

the one thing i do appreciate about your post is your realize how rediculous it is to even make the innocuous remarks an issue....its just crying over nothing...
Jimmy, there is a sociological 10-1 scale that is highly regarded. Here 10 is totally straight and a 1 is totally gay. The evidence is that almost no one is a ten or a one. I think I would come out about a 3 or 4 and you about a 7 or 8. In other words, most of us are bi-sexual to some degree. So that really isn't much of an insult.:001_cool:

do you understand your telling me YOUR OPINION...its like one day you realized you were gay...i was 99.9 percent sure i ONLY like loved enjoyed was turned on by WOMEN and then i did gay porn on Broke Straight Boys for the first time and realized without a doubt im 100 percent straight...respect that dont over analyze it...your picking apart well since jimmy responded this way it means this and blah blah blah just stop your basically calling me a liar about MYSELF...it be like you meeting me at a gay pride event telling me how one day you realized you ONLY like men strictly realized thats the only sexual partner you could enjoy and i said no i think your a 4 on my scale so you must like girls 4/10 ratio so ther for your not gay your bi...its crazy absolutley crazy