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Giving a helping hand to Ronan Kennedy Who Was Stabbed


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
Many of you have heard that one of our models Ronan Kennedy was nearly stabbed to death by an ex-boyfriend.

“For those of you who know me”, Ronan Kennedy writes on his GoFundMe page, “You’re aware that I was stabbed. What most don’t know is that I was stabbed by a man that wasn’t only my best friend but my boyfriend of three years.”

Somehow Ronan Kennedy survived. We can’t even begin to tell you how glad we are that Ronan Kennedy is alive and made it through this horrible incident. I can’t even imagine what he went through and is still going through.

As a rule, we don’t ask for donations on behalf of models but I think you’ll agree this is an exception. Ronan Kennedy is one of the most amazing people we’ve ever worked with. He’s one of the good guys so I personally want to bring awareness to his gofundme campaign.


Right now Ronan Kennedy has raised $2300. He’s a long ways from his goal, but for every dollar raised by our members after this post, I’ll match up to $1,000. Additionally, RocketTube is joining us in matching my $1000. That means your donation will actually be tripled. Just post below the amount you donated. If our members donate $1K, we can have Ronan Kennedy at $5300 in no time.

Sending you much love Ronan Kennedy,


  • ronan.jpg
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Mark - thanks so much for doing this. It shows true compassion to someone who needs it. I donated $200.00 a couple days ago on the gofindme page under my full name.
Mark, I just wanted to clarify something in your post. Above you said, "...for every dollar raised by our members after this post, I’ll match up to $1,000." Does that mean that any money donated before today won't count toward the total? I donated $20 two days ago and would like that to count toward the total. Also, I donated it in my real name, are you able to identify that? I'm not trying to be picky, I just want to be clear about this. I'm on a pretty tight budget but I may be able to donate a little more.
Mark - thanks so much for doing this. It shows true compassion to someone who needs it. I donated $200.00 a couple days ago on the gofindme page under my full name.
I donated $20.00 already But what is another $30.00 ? Five packs of smokes. I am on my 5th day. Not smoking. Hardest thing ever. I Have To Quit....
A pack a day. After many many years. Don't know for sure if I will make it ? Today I have my doubts. But it is just another $30.00 laying around.
Might as well use it for a good cause. OH. Those who doubt me.. Those are San Francisco prices...$10.50 a pack....Hope it Helps Ronan Kennedy ?? xo
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Hey Old Fart... we know that a lot of you have given already.. That is fantastic! I think the goal here is to encourage anyone that is able and willing to donate for the match. I'm pretty confident that we will get another $1000 which will then become $3000 with the two matches. If we counted the donations already given then we end up raising less potential money. Say that members have already given a grand and we counted that... then we only added $2k instead of $3k to the total. So I'm sure Ronan Kennedy appreciates your gift already and we are certainly in awe of all of you who donated so generously. But this is for $1000 in new money to encourage those who haven't to give and raise the most we can for him. Hope that helps explain why we structured it the way we did!

All the best,
Hey Old Fart... we know that a lot of you have given already.. That is fantastic! I think the goal here is to encourage anyone that is able and willing to donate for the match. I'm pretty confident that we will get another $1000 which will then become $3000 with the two matches. If we counted the donations already given then we end up raising less potential money. Say that members have already given a grand and we counted that... then we only added $2k instead of $3k to the total. So I'm sure Ronan Kennedy appreciates your gift already and we are certainly in awe of all of you who donated so generously. But this is for $1000 in new money to encourage those who haven't to give and raise the most we can for him. Hope that helps explain why we structured it the way we did!

All the best,

Bryce you are exactly right! This is to encourage new donations. I already donated but I have been planning to donate more. Because of the Broke Straight Boys challenge I will do it today. My good buddy Johnny, who I know has his own health issues right now and can’t work stuck his neck out for another $30 which is a big deal with all he has going on and no money coming in from work, I’m going make a new donation to Ronan Kennedy in honor of our forum friend Johnny in the amount of $300 toward this new goal. I know he is really struggling with the no smoking and I am so proud of him and I hope this dedication gives him just that extra bit of will power to not pick up those smokes! I know he cares deeply for Ronan Kennedy and his situation as do I.

I’m hoping this will spur others on other forumites. Surely we can raise 1000. There aren’t that many regular members on the forum. If the general members knew about this it would be very easy. But let’s all see what we can do to help Ronan Kennedy. This is a great offer by management and we need to all pitch in.

I guess we will have to list our donations or pm them to Mark. Guys let us know. They need some way to verify this.
Hey Old Fart... we know that a lot of you have given already.. That is fantastic! I think the goal here is to encourage anyone that is able and willing to donate for the match. I'm pretty confident that we will get another $1000 which will then become $3000 with the two matches. If we counted the donations already given then we end up raising less potential money. Say that members have already given a grand and we counted that... then we only added $2k instead of $3k to the total. So I'm sure Ronan Kennedy appreciates your gift already and we are certainly in awe of all of you who donated so generously. But this is for $1000 in new money to encourage those who haven't to give and raise the most we can for him. Hope that helps explain why we structured it the way we did!

All the best,

Thanks Bryce for the explanation, it certainly makes sense. I also wanted to give a special THANK TO YOU MARK, SHA, BRYCE,
AND EVERYONE AT Broke Straight Boys
for creating this matching fund. This is such a great way for you to show your appreciation of what Ronan Kennedy has added to the site. Whatever can be done to alleviate the financial burden resulting from this terrible incident is, I'm sure, greatly appreciated.
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I donated $20.00 already But what is another $30.00 ? Five packs of smokes. I am on my 5th day. Not smoking. Hardest thing ever. I Have To Quit....
A pack a day. After many many years. Don't know for sure if I will make it ? Today I have my doubts. But it is just another $30.00 laying around.
Might as well use it for a good cause. OH. Those who doubt me.. Those are San Francisco prices...$10.50 a pack....Hope it Helps Ronan Kennedy ?? xo

Hey Johnny, the first 3-5 days are the worst and you made it past that (I had help. I was in a coma for 6 days, Don't let anyone tell you that the flu is just a bad cold). Just think of it this way, if you donate the equivalent of 3 packs, not only will you breathe easier but so will Ronan Kennedy.
Bryce - I am sorry. I did not realize this when I saw Mark's post. But I went and donated another $200.00 to the gofundme for Ronan Kennedy using my full name which I assume you have since it is the name I used when I signed up for Broke Straight Boys

That’s great we are half way there! I never expected to meet such a great bunch of guys on a porn site but I have. Thanks old Fart for encouraging Johnny. It’s a tough thing he is doing and a tough time to be doing it.
That’s great we are half way there! I never expected to meet such a great bunch of guys on a porn site but I have. Thanks old Fart for encouraging Johnny. It’s a tough thing he is doing and a tough time to be doing it.

I second that, Rep.

Sometimes giving to others lifts our own spirits and I hope Johnny is feeling the love coming his way too.
That’s great we are half way there! I never expected to meet such a great bunch of guys on a porn site but I have. Thanks old Fart for encouraging Johnny. It’s a tough thing he is doing and a tough time to be doing it.

I'll have to agree with everything you said, Rep. I always encourage others to quit smoking. It's not easy, but it's damn well worth it. Hang in there Johnny, you can do it!
You guys are really awesome and you are right.. We hold it in the strictest of confidence, but we can match your username to your real name based on when you signed up so no problem there.
Hey Old Fart... we know that a lot of you have given already.. That is fantastic! I think the goal here is to encourage anyone that is able and willing to donate for the match. I'm pretty confident that we will get another $1000 which will then become $3000 with the two matches. If we counted the donations already given then we end up raising less potential money. Say that members have already given a grand and we counted that... then we only added $2k instead of $3k to the total. So I'm sure Ronan Kennedy appreciates your gift already and we are certainly in awe of all of you who donated so generously. But this is for $1000 in new money to encourage those who haven't to give and raise the most we can for him. Hope that helps explain why we structured it the way we did!

All the best,

Yes. Thank you Bryce for the explanation. It makes perfect sense that you want to encourage additional donations beyond those already given. Thank you Bryce, Mark, Sha and everyone else at Broke Straight Boys H.Q. so much for all you are doing to help Ronan Kennedy.
I know you guys who have donated twice now are not doing it for the sake of getting praise or recognition from other members. But still, I want to thank you.


And P.S.

Thank you Johnny and good luck with quitting smoking. :)
I just donated 25.00 and appreciate Broke Straight Boys and Rocket Tube matching my donation. While it is not that much money, I hope it will make a difference.