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Does anyone else like to see this happen??

Thanks for your memories...

Thanks much Jason it really adds to the site to hear tid bits from the models and thank you so much for being so kind as to share your stories and memories with us. Do you remember your fist day? From the updates it appears to have been around December in 08 you were with Danny and Diesal and you looked so young, wide eyed, and horny. LOL Speaking of Diesal can you share any thoughts on him: he always struck me as the gentle giant? I don’t think you ever worked with Logan but if you ever did I would love to hear about him.

Dear Jason,

DennyBear brings up a good point, what was your first rememberances resulting from this initial 3-way episode on Broke Straight Boys with Danny and Diesal with his mighty "GIGANTOR":dancingpenis:. Obviously, this was Jason's first time at bat, meaning entering Danny's furry and inviting backdoor.:drool: I realize that while giving a performance, and especially one as intimidating as your first anal scene:smiley-sex011:, most guys would naturally tend to be concentrating on staying hard while completing the act and hoping to avoid the embarrassment of cumming in the condom rather than providing the almighty "MONEY SHOT"!

Just revisiting the scene, is there anything special about feeling the warmth and tightness of your first male ass or even the sensation from receiving your first bj from either performer on screen or having sucked Diesal's girthy meat that perhaps left a lingering impression you can"t completely shake off. Obviously, I realize this was not just yesterday when it took place and a lot of "water flowed under the bridge since then"! Also, while you are at it, in the privacy of your own home, have you ever relived any of these specially pleasing moments while jacking off alone at home? If so, could you share one or two of these with the forum? I am sure both Denny Bear and I would love to hear the details.:001_rolleyes:

As Bob Hope's theme song would recall..."Thanks for the Memories!" and we will leave the rest up to you!:smiley-sex022:


My first day ... hmmmm where to begin. It was rather nerve racking I recall. I was straight had no experience and no idea what I was getting into. David and I believe it was Lane had picked me up at the airport. I had no idea who either of them were or even who I was looking for. As i got off the plane and entered the airport I saw this large creepy fellow lurking in the shaddows behind flocks of families waiting for their loved ones. I saw him and said "God please dont let this be the guy" sure enough it was. I remember he drove a BMW suv which I was a bit excited about the increase in luxuary I was already experiencing. We drove back to his house in South Beach where I met Eddie his assistant and Partner (I believe they were dating anyway) who was even more weird. He has actually played the doctor before on College Boy Physicals. Later when all the guys had gotten together we went to the grocery store where we were allowed to get what ever we wanted. Dustin, went straight for the beer rack and seleted a buffet of beverages including Corona and Michelob. The house was like a modern row house in Miami. It had a garage/basement then three floors on topof it. At the very top was where the models stayed. In a single larger room. With a dorm like atmosphere and not bunk beds but several beds in one room. Sometimes we were made to share a bed with other models. In the corner of the room was a surveilance camera and David was never afraid to remind you that "big brother" is always watching. Why they never turned that footage into BTS is beyond me. The rest of it was pretty much awkward intoductions and normal life until the filming began. We all ate a home cooked dinner around the table like a big broke straight happy family. Pasta. It was almost always some form of pasta for dinner.
Not knowing any of these people from Adam, it had to be rather scary. Especially knowing you were there to do something that was so unusual for the typical straight male. At least you had a small group of people your own age with whom to rely on for some support and some clue as to how to behave in this very strange situation. haha I take it that you did adjust to it after a bit. Of course I'd love to ask questions about David and Eddie, but I'm afraid that might go in the direction of tawdry gossip. And that would really be unfair to them. So I'll ask you a softball question. For the grocery store did you go to Publix? :) It's definitely one of the best in Florida. And no. I don't work for them or own stock. haha But I am a fan.

You say that some of that bedroom footage might have been pretty interesting to viewers as a BTS vid. What kind of stuff went on in the dorm room? :) Pillow fights? Toe nail painting? Were the models self conscious about nudity within the bedroom? How did you feel as a straight guy changing clothes in there with them and so on? Did you guys try to change only in the bathroom? It would seem to be a real contradiction if everybody was really modest at the house and then got naked and had sex with with each other in the studio. haha

Lane was a really strange one to try to figure out. He seemed like he was really out of his element doing any kind of porn. He didn't make a real good impression on me as a viewer. But he was a favorite of Scorpio's though! :) LOL
My first day ... hmmmm where to begin. It was rather nerve racking I recall. I was straight had no experience and no idea what I was getting into. David and I believe it was Lane had picked me up at the airport. I had no idea who either of them were or even who I was looking for. As i got off the plane and entered the airport I saw this large creepy fellow lurking in the shaddows behind flocks of families waiting for their loved ones. I saw him and said "God please dont let this be the guy" sure enough it was. I remember he drove a BMW suv which I was a bit excited about the increase in luxuary I was already experiencing. We drove back to his house in South Beach where I met Eddie his assistant and Partner (I believe they were dating anyway) who was even more weird. He has actually played the doctor before on College Boy Physicals. Later when all the guys had gotten together we went to the grocery store where we were allowed to get what ever we wanted. Dustin, went straight for the beer rack and seleted a buffet of beverages including Corona and Michelob. The house was like a modern row house in Miami. It had a garage/basement then three floors on topof it. At the very top was where the models stayed. In a single larger room. With a dorm like atmosphere and not bunk beds but several beds in one room. Sometimes we were made to share a bed with other models. In the corner of the room was a surveilance camera and David was never afraid to remind you that "big brother" is always watching. Why they never turned that footage into BTS is beyond me. The rest of it was pretty much awkward intoductions and normal life until the filming began. We all ate a home cooked dinner around the table like a big broke straight happy family. Pasta. It was almost always some form of pasta for dinner.

Jason, as Tampa, Denny, Stimpy, Peter, etc. have all said this is "must read" material to us long time forumites. It is fascinating for me to hear your perspective as a young innocent straight guy landing in Fort Lauderdale airport, wondering exactly what you got yourself into. And seeing Lane and David, I can understand your thought process as David can be an intimidating presence, especially if you don't know who he is.

I completely believe every word you say Jason, as you are an incredibly forthright person, and as you may not be aware, David had often described the set up with the model's in his home with Eddie, and your experience jives totally with the picture David painted many times to us.

I sure hope you continue this series of your recollections of your entire experience as a scared, innocent straight kid. Your previous story of Dustin approaching you in the shower does surprise me, but it makes for most interesting reading as well.
Creepy is as creepy does, I guess...

My first day ... hmmmm where to begin. It was rather nerve racking I recall. I was straight had no experience and no idea what I was getting into. David and I believe it was Lane had picked me up at the airport. I had no idea who either of them were or even who I was looking for. As i got off the plane and entered the airport I saw this large creepy fellow lurking in the shaddows behind flocks of families waiting for their loved ones. I saw him and said "God please dont let this be the guy" sure enough it was. I remember he drove a BMW suv which I was a bit excited about the increase in luxuary I was already experiencing. We drove back to his house in South Beach where I met Eddie his assistant and Partner (I believe they were dating anyway) who was even more weird. He has actually played the doctor before on College Boy Physicals. Later when all the guys had gotten together we went to the grocery store where we were allowed to get what ever we wanted. Dustin, went straight for the beer rack and seleted a buffet of beverages including Corona and Michelob. The house was like a modern row house in Miami. It had a garage/basement then three floors on topof it. At the very top was where the models stayed. In a single larger room. With a dorm like atmosphere and not bunk beds but several beds in one room. Sometimes we were made to share a bed with other models. In the corner of the room was a surveilance camera and David was never afraid to remind you that "big brother" is always watching. Why they never turned that footage into BTS is beyond me. The rest of it was pretty much awkward intoductions and normal life until the filming began. We all ate a home cooked dinner around the table like a big broke straight happy family. Pasta. It was almost always some form of pasta for dinner.

Dear Sweet Jason,

The shit we have put you and others through over the years just to see young impressionable guys and the occasional hard-headed hold-out in their prime placed in ackward sexual situations where :cya: is literally & figuratively always "frowned-upon" and :wtf: is on "the next day's dinner menu" more or less. While the premise of the site is to get str8 bois strapped for cash to do "Gay-4-Pay sex acts", all the while thinking they will take the money and run, while no one at home will ever actually know!

Did your friends and/or family ever know beforehand what you intended to do with this career-move to modeling for Broke Straight Boys? If so, what "BS" did they pull to register their unhappiness with this situation of your own choosing? Also, after your first few Broke Straight Boys scenes, did you feel fundamentally different (an irrevokably changed man, changed for the "GOOD") as you now viewed yourself OR were you your own man from the get-go - completely immune to others putting guilt-trips or assumptions they had formed for you directly at odds with your unconventional actions? Did you have a broader personal definition of what is acceptably masculine and at what approximate age did this view let itself be known to you? Did this make you feel like you were singled out by nature or did you feel this was a great advantage for you in the first place?


I think that is enough from me for now, dear Jason. I most of all want you to know that I not only admire you in multiple ways physically, but I admire you mostly for your willingness to do the unconventional in these unconventional times. I admire the heart that you pour into whatever you do to give us your best effort. And, I admire the way you think by boldly making your own path as a man with a purpose and determined to never look back with regret or trepidation for those things that good-or-bad have collectively contributed to the greater man you represent today! Also, thank you for being so responsive on the forum!


My first day ... hmmmm where to begin. It was rather nerve racking I recall. I was straight had no experience and no idea what I was getting into. David and I believe it was Lane had picked me up at the airport. I had no idea who either of them were or even who I was looking for. As i got off the plane and entered the airport I saw this large creepy fellow lurking in the shaddows behind flocks of families waiting for their loved ones. I saw him and said "God please dont let this be the guy" sure enough it was. I remember he drove a BMW suv which I was a bit excited about the increase in luxuary I was already experiencing. We drove back to his house in South Beach where I met Eddie his assistant and Partner (I believe they were dating anyway) who was even more weird. He has actually played the doctor before on College Boy Physicals. Later when all the guys had gotten together we went to the grocery store where we were allowed to get what ever we wanted. Dustin, went straight for the beer rack and seleted a buffet of beverages including Corona and Michelob. The house was like a modern row house in Miami. It had a garage/basement then three floors on topof it. At the very top was where the models stayed. In a single larger room. With a dorm like atmosphere and not bunk beds but several beds in one room. Sometimes we were made to share a bed with other models. In the corner of the room was a surveilance camera and David was never afraid to remind you that "big brother" is always watching. Why they never turned that footage into BTS is beyond me. The rest of it was pretty much awkward intoductions and normal life until the filming began. We all ate a home cooked dinner around the table like a big broke straight happy family. Pasta. It was almost always some form of pasta for dinner.

Well look who's come back from the grave. Sorry I've been gone for a such a long while. Jason, I can understand your feeling when you came off the plane and went down the escalator to baggage claim to see who is coming to get you. A few years ago I had the opportunity to Visit with David in Florida. I was taking a cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale and he volunteered to pick me up. As I went down that exculator, you could not miss him, especially with his D & E production sign. David is a really cool guy. Now I did not get to meet Eddie on this occasion, but did get a full tour of the studio. For more information about that, go back a couple of hundred threads to see the ones I did post on that visit. For the newbies here, I hold the distinction of being the only formunite making it to the futon. As for what happened, that's for me to know and you all to speculate.

Now, I will be taking another cruise in a couple of weeks and will be meeting with and spending half a day with David & Eddie. I would be willing to bring questions to them to answer and relay it on to the forum, if there is any interest. No promises, but if the opportunity arises and he has no issue with it I'm more than happy to follow-up.

Now when's the next eclipse???

Live Long and Prosper,

Pure gold, Jason.
And, I will add, you are a natural writer. I do think there's a book in you about your Broke Straight Boys experiences.

On another notes, would some kind angel please tell me where to view the DANNY material? It seems
to be unavailable here. I caught a few minutes of him chatting to the camera with Dustin and Diesal
on either side of him. His 'star quality' was obvious. I can't wait to see more of him.

Perhaps all-wise, all-seeing Beth can help me on this? Or someone else, please?

Thanks Jason, and thanks to someone-as-yet-unknown,
Pure gold, Jason.
And, I will add, you are a natural writer. I do think there's a book in you about your Broke Straight Boys experiences.

On another notes, would some kind angel please tell me where to view the DANNY material? It seems
to be unavailable here. I caught a few minutes of him chatting to the camera with Dustin and Diesal
on either side of him. His 'star quality' was obvious. I can't wait to see more of him.

Perhaps all-wise, all-seeing Beth can help me on this? Or someone else, please?

Thanks Jason, and thanks to someone-as-yet-unknown,
It is actually quite easy now to find all of the work of any model whose name we remember. Just go to the "Episodes" Bar on top of the page and go to the names starting with filter, and scroll to names starting with "DAN", and viola, all of Danny's work on Broke Straight Boys will appear. You can do this with any model who ever appeared on the site.
Diesal.. ohhhh Diesal Ive said many times .... He was by far my all time favorite!!! He just had such an intense and enjoyable personality I dont see how anyone who has met him could not approve or disagree. During my short tenure He and I were rather close. Never in a sexual way just as friends. We lived similar lifestyles and found alot in common. He was easy to talk to and good at entertaining both individuals and a group of people. He was sort of my sheppard into the porn industry. Having been much more experienced he often guided me and was always there for my curious questions. I felt like I had actually made a friend.

I do remember before having met him hearing him being referred to as "gigantor" and it was a proper name indeed. He was great to work with on camera. One thing that stands out for me in my memory was his looks. In person he had a very pretty almost androgynous like look to his face. I never really thought it was ever properly captured on camera and its kind of hard to explain. He just had this glow about him I suppose. Something I find rare in most others.
As far as my sexual fantasies go they have never really involved any other models that I know or work with. Although I wouldnt say I watch much porn but any time I spend jacking off is almost always spent with a visual aid of some sort. Further more it is actually rare that I find any of the models I work with sexually attractive. Not that they are bad looking or anything ... they just dont float my boat. I enjoy most of them as people but when it comes to sex and my imagination or muse The Broke Straight Boys both past and present are the furthest thing from my mind.
Dear Sweet Jason,

The shit we have put you and others through over the years just to see young impressionable guys and the occasional hard-headed hold-out in their prime placed in ackward sexual situations where :cya: is literally & figuratively always "frowned-upon" and :wtf: is on "the next day's dinner menu" more or less. While the premise of the site is to get str8 bois strapped for cash to do "Gay-4-Pay sex acts", all the while thinking they will take the money and run, while no one at home will ever actually know!

Did your friends and/or family ever know beforehand what you intended to do with this career-move to modeling for Broke Straight Boys? If so, what "BS" did they pull to register their unhappiness with this situation of your own choosing? Also, after your first few Broke Straight Boys scenes, did you feel fundamentally different (an irrevokably changed man, changed for the "GOOD") as you now viewed yourself OR were you your own man from the get-go - completely immune to others putting guilt-trips or assumptions they had formed for you directly at odds with your unconventional actions? Did you have a broader personal definition of what is acceptably masculine and at what approximate age did this view let itself be known to you? Did this make you feel like you were singled out by nature or did you feel this was a great advantage for you in the first place?


I think that is enough from me for now, dear Jason. I most of all want you to know that I not only admire you in multiple ways physically, but I admire you mostly for your willingness to do the unconventional in these unconventional times. I admire the heart that you pour into whatever you do to give us your best effort. And, I admire the way you think by boldly making your own path as a man with a purpose and determined to never look back with regret or trepidation for those things that good-or-bad have collectively contributed to the greater man you represent today! Also, thank you for being so responsive on the forum!



When I first came to Broke Straight Boys no one knew. Previously I held a position of employment that required some travel. I simply said I was still working with that company on a per diem basis. No one ever really second guessed it. My friends were the first to catch on and it later spread to the town. I grew up in a rural area and come from a very political and popular family so it was hot gossip. But there was never really a coping period although my best friend always called my work "construction" in stead of porn hahaha.

After the release of my first few scenes I felt remarkably different! I thought I was hott shot king shit top of the world gonna be a porn star look ma Im famous. I had just been opened up to this fast world of quick money little work and lots of parties. Prior to my scenes release but after they were filmed, I was offered a high value exclusive contract with College Dudes So that just went to feul my head I suppose. I had big plans and was on the path to lots of cash. It was almost like a dream come true.

If anyone was doing any coping it was me. I had actually developed another personality per say. Because now I had become two people and their lives dont mix well. When I was at work I was paid to be gay and have sex with boys and when I went home I had to hide that in the darkest corner and spare my life to keep it covered up, while still maintaining a personal life

I bought nice clothes, took my friends out to dinner and even bought a car. I brought the beer to the party and lent friends money. I felt like I was unstoppable. Fortunatly my absence from the industry would begin soon there after and I found myself in a position to reflect and observe. I had the time to mature and grow up, realizing the priorities in life. Jail came just in time I guess.

I have always been my own person. Making decision with my best interest in mind regardless of how its viewed or precieved by anyone. I look back on all the decision that Ive made over the course of my entire life as a whole, and find no regret. I appreciate the things, both good and bad, that I have taken part of and understand that without those experiences I would be a much different person today. I like the person I have become and am curious of the person I will be in ten, fifteen and twenty years. Then too, will I be content with that person because in my best effort that is the person that I have created.

I would have answered your further questions but begining with the masculine one I apologize but I dont understand what youre asking, if you would be happy to expand and help me better understand I would be please to finish answering
Well look who's come back from the grave. Sorry I've been gone for a such a long while. Jason, I can understand your feeling when you came off the plane and went down the escalator to baggage claim to see who is coming to get you. A few years ago I had the opportunity to Visit with David in Florida. I was taking a cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale and he volunteered to pick me up. As I went down that exculator, you could not miss him, especially with his D & E production sign. David is a really cool guy. Now I did not get to meet Eddie on this occasion, but did get a full tour of the studio. For more information about that, go back a couple of hundred threads to see the ones I did post on that visit. For the newbies here, I hold the distinction of being the only formunite making it to the futon. As for what happened, that's for me to know and you all to speculate.

Now, I will be taking another cruise in a couple of weeks and will be meeting with and spending half a day with David & Eddie. I would be willing to bring questions to them to answer and relay it on to the forum, if there is any interest. No promises, but if the opportunity arises and he has no issue with it I'm more than happy to follow-up.

Now when's the next eclipse???

Live Long and Prosper,


Ahhh when I saw your post I had to double take on the name twice. If i recall correctly you were the one responsible for the eclispe glasses in Long Beach. If so thank you ... if not ... well my mistake.

Overall I would say David is a warm hearted person and very welcoming. Our interactions were always professional and pleasant and sometimes occasionally awkward. Please send him my best if you see him !
Pure gold, Jason.
And, I will add, you are a natural writer. I do think there's a book in you about your Broke Straight Boys experiences.

On another notes, would some kind angel please tell me where to view the DANNY material? It seems
to be unavailable here. I caught a few minutes of him chatting to the camera with Dustin and Diesal
on either side of him. His 'star quality' was obvious. I can't wait to see more of him.

Perhaps all-wise, all-seeing Beth can help me on this? Or someone else, please?

Thanks Jason, and thanks to someone-as-yet-unknown,

Surely my pleasure! Thank you I do enjoy writing although im very critical of myself and dont think I am the best of writers but I try. Hmmm a book ... now that could be a good read because surely I have some stories to tell.
Not knowing any of these people from Adam, it had to be rather scary. Especially knowing you were there to do something that was so unusual for the typical straight male. At least you had a small group of people your own age with whom to rely on for some support and some clue as to how to behave in this very strange situation. haha I take it that you did adjust to it after a bit. Of course I'd love to ask questions about David and Eddie, but I'm afraid that might go in the direction of tawdry gossip. And that would really be unfair to them. So I'll ask you a softball question. For the grocery store did you go to Publix? :) It's definitely one of the best in Florida. And no. I don't work for them or own stock. haha But I am a fan.

You say that some of that bedroom footage might have been pretty interesting to viewers as a BTS vid. What kind of stuff went on in the dorm room? :) Pillow fights? Toe nail painting? Were the models self conscious about nudity within the bedroom? How did you feel as a straight guy changing clothes in there with them and so on? Did you guys try to change only in the bathroom? It would seem to be a real contradiction if everybody was really modest at the house and then got naked and had sex with with each other in the studio. haha

Lane was a really strange one to try to figure out. He seemed like he was really out of his element doing any kind of porn. He didn't make a real good impression on me as a viewer. But he was a favorite of Scorpio's though! :) LOL

I will agree Publix is the best ! However I didnt really pay attention at the time as I was preoccupied with what ever else. Nowadays any time Im at the studio we always do our shopping at Publix
Not knowing any of these people from Adam, it had to be rather scary. Especially knowing you were there to do something that was so unusual for the typical straight male. At least you had a small group of people your own age with whom to rely on for some support and some clue as to how to behave in this very strange situation. haha I take it that you did adjust to it after a bit. Of course I'd love to ask questions about David and Eddie, but I'm afraid that might go in the direction of tawdry gossip. And that would really be unfair to them. So I'll ask you a softball question. For the grocery store did you go to Publix? :) It's definitely one of the best in Florida. And no. I don't work for them or own stock. haha But I am a fan.

You say that some of that bedroom footage might have been pretty interesting to viewers as a BTS vid. What kind of stuff went on in the dorm room? :) Pillow fights? Toe nail painting? Were the models self conscious about nudity within the bedroom? How did you feel as a straight guy changing clothes in there with them and so on? Did you guys try to change only in the bathroom? It would seem to be a real contradiction if everybody was really modest at the house and then got naked and had sex with with each other in the studio. haha

Lane was a really strange one to try to figure out. He seemed like he was really out of his element doing any kind of porn. He didn't make a real good impression on me as a viewer. But he was a favorite of Scorpio's though! :) LOL

I doubt the footage would ever be anything overly sexual because the camera was actually a deterrant for sexual things. It was against the rules. But Im sure you would have found some good conversations and interesting interactions.

The models wernt particularly self concious about being naked at the house and in the studio it was never a problem. But off camera people generally respected each others space and privacy and we all got dressed in our own place and time. One time we all went skinny dipping at the studio though :)
You are so right about one of my favorite models of all time. Diesal of course. I did have the pleasure of meeting him in person. He does have very strong charisma and magnetism about him. People are just drawn to him. He can carry on conversations, seemingly with great ease, with any age group. Ina small group of people he is part of the center of attention. In a large group of people you will see them circled around him as they talk. He is a center of gravity in any social occasion.

One time at lunch he told Cousin Anthony that he was "man pretty". Anthony just smiled and blushed. :) I told Diesal that he was "man beautiful". I opted not to sat that he was man handsome. Even though that would have been true also. But you're right that in addition to his face being masculine, there was also a softer quality to his features. His face would catch the attention of any man or woman...regardless of their sexual orientation. I hope that Diesal is doing well out there in the world also. :) And you talk about one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet... That's him. :)
Last edited:
I doubt the footage would ever be anything overly sexual because the camera was actually a deterrant for sexual things. It was against the rules. But Im sure you would have found some good conversations and interesting interactions.

The models wernt particularly self concious about being naked at the house and in the studio it was never a problem. But off camera people generally respected each others space and privacy and we all got dressed in our own place and time. One time we all went skinny dipping at the studio though :)

I'm sure the conversations would have been priceless. I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall hearing straight guys discussing their questions and concerns about doing the job. I'm sure there were quite a few fascinating conversations! :)

Who were some of the people you went skinny dipping with? Those are the kinds of carefree memories of youth that you'll look back on later with a smile. As I sense you already do. Harmless fun of guys just being guys and enjoying their youthful freedom. Before full-time career oriented jobs. Before marriage and children. Before mortgages and all the ancilliary responsibilities of later adulthood.
Dear Sweet Jason,

..."Also, after your first few Broke Straight Boys scenes, did you feel fundamentally different (an irrevokably changed man, changed for the "GOOD") as you now viewed yourself OR were you your own man from the get-go - completely immune to others putting guilt-trips or assumptions they had formed for you directly at odds with your unconventional actions? "Did you have a broader personal definition of what is acceptably masculine and at what approximate age did this view let itself be known to you? Did this make you feel like you were singled out by nature or did you feel this was a great advantage for you in the first place?"

..."I admire the heart that you pour into whatever you do to give us your best effort. And, I admire the way you think by boldly making your own path as a man with a purpose and determined to never look back with regret or trepidation for those things that good-or-bad have collectively contributed to the greater man you represent today! Also, thank you for being so responsive on the forum!



Boy oh Boy Jason, please enlighten me,

I used the term "masculine" signifying something that is assumed to be a "STRAIGHT" characteristic through and through! Of necessity of course, is your being fluid enough in your own view of sexuality to accommodate this stretch within your range of sexual behaviors.
While commendable, this is something most testosterone-enriched "macho men" find difficult to imagine for themself and preceed by shaking in their own boots of conformity. Unfortunately, most Str8 guys would be unwilling at the get-go to cross the line into those unknown territories of their sexual identity; free-flowing rivers of thick and sticky reproductive jucies; and landing on some unthinkably hairy and musky smelling penninsulas fitted with two boulders and an erect geyser, who produces the occasional puff of steamy smoke proudly defining the region against the backdrop of the "primordial horizon", while being at the ready within seconds to BLAST OFF - destination unknown! Sorry there, for my lapse of consciousness causing a "drifting off topic momentarily and spewing fanciful imagery illuminating the wonders of the "Pubic Triangle of No Return"! Much like the TV series "The Twilight Zone", I can imagine Rod Serling Rod_Serling_jpg-2443.jpg with his authoritatively deep masculine presence standing dutifully at the bushy entrance selling guided tours for the unitiated traveller.

Back to the topic at hand(NO PUN INTENDED - ALTHOUGH A LITTLE LEVITY ALONG THE WAY NEVER HURT ANYBODY!), throughout my personal experience of growing up, there was this constant struggle with what was assumed as "Masculine" and how was I to "Man-up"! Str8 guys would constantly utilize the "most feminized of extreme stereotypical behaviors" to set themselves apart as some lowly "fag", that they were secretly hoping to leave no doubt in anyone's mind about their own unshakeable sexual orientation. As being subjected to these highly animated but equally inaccutate protrayals of what "Gay Life" was supposed to really mean, the constant theme conveyed by these "overly Masculine guys" suggested all we really wanted at its essense was to become a member of the opposite sex with male genitalia chopped completely off and the addition of a "boob job". The thought of this unreversable remodeling simply felt horrendously painful, like I was just kicked in the balls. OUCH! OUUUUUUUUUUUUCH!

Back to the task at hand, all I wanted to know was if you felt after participating in "Gay-4-Pay" activities, did you feel any less of a man(in your own personal opinion) as a consequence of your professional encounters at Broke Straight Boys? I guess I took the long-way to spit out this otherwise simple question. Part II was afterwards, did this new reality about your self cause you to feel more vulnerable from other Str8s questioning your true sexual identity? OR, was this experience the source of new found self-confidence about who you were and this fact made you stronger for dealing with other's having their doubts about you?

Please excuse me, Jason, for getting so far adrift here. Thank you for being so very tolerant of my flightier moments!

Sincerely your eternal fan,

I won't be on your case anylonger asking these endless questions

As far as my sexual fantasies go they have never really involved any other models that I know or work with. Although I wouldnt say I watch much porn but any time I spend jacking off is almost always spent with a visual aid of some sort. Further more it is actually rare that I find any of the models I work with sexually attractive. Not that they are bad looking or anything ... they just dont float my boat. I enjoy most of them as people but when it comes to sex and my imagination or muse The Broke Straight Boys both past and present are the furthest thing from my mind.

Dear Jason,

Thank you for being so plain spoken about so many topics. I have really enjoyed the dialogue we have established. I can really see that those conditions at David's House would not be such that you or most other models would be tempted to sample any of the wares from other models. But, as you alluded to earlier, guys like Dustin that have their ego problems thinking they are God's Gift to Everybody(sexually speaking) come with the territory, it seems. Anyone can become a jerk if they try hard enough.

I guess you must have writer's cramp by this time, with all the answers to questions you may or may not have to our litany of unending questions. I want to thank you, Jason, for all you have shared as it only serves to make us forumites feel a greater closeness and bond with you. Jason, you are a class act if there ever was one!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!:smiley-love021:

Respectfully, thankful for your candid responses and wishing you a :goodnight:,
