I'm curious, are you trying to annoy Carking1? I mean are you just posting to bug the hell out of him or what?
Will you. Okay that would be great. Thank you.
In all honestly you have your pov and he has his, and management has theirs, and your friends who you feel have been unfarily made to feel like criminals have theirs and so on and so on and so on. You don't seem to have a problem expressing your opinion but anytime someone else does you keep coming back and posting, each post more sarcastic than the one before. What's the pay off for you? You have to be getting something from it or you wouldn't do it? Which brings me back to my original question, "Are you trying to annoy Carking1? I mean are you just posting to bug the hell out of him or what?"
There really has to come a point where people have to agree to disagree without picking at one another, or making fun or calling names. We can disagree without being disagreeable.
I love how you had to get your point across one more time before you said, but I'm fine to drop it. And by love, I mean I really do love it. I think it's hilarious. Its like talking with myself. I love to get the last word in, even when I'm saying I'm going to let it go.
How does that work, the ignore list? I thought you could only do that up to the age of 11.![]()
Your direct point is the shakiest of all. Don't forget what David said when he bludgeoned the forum with his complaints. He said he was insulted and hurt by the digging into his real identity and the public data about his business. He didn't say he was gonna sue tucsonjayce or Denny or tampa or report them to the authorities; in essence he said he felt really really bad he'd been outed.
He also mixed up this really benign little gossip group, who riled him and his friends on these social networking sites, with other fairly rad people who went to visit him in Florida with some crazy, urgent, fanatical fan stuff in mind. I doubt if all the pious forum finger wagging about how outrageous and dangerous all this is will ever be read by the people who had to have the police called on them because they were trampling the petunias under Dave's office window, trying to get in to meet a brokie. That's stalking.
The other is time killing. Like knitting, or whatever you do if you've got a few minutes to just chill and don't happen to have a hard on.
You obviously have never been the victim of a stalker. I have. Its scary and it causes paranoia. Takes a long time to come to terms with it. David, nor the others are immune to this. If one really is a keen observer of the human race one might take feelings into account.
Originally Posted by slimvintage
He also mixed up this really benign little gossip group...with other fairly rad people who went to visit him in Florida with some crazy, urgent, fanatical fan stuff in mind...I doubt...this is will ever be read by the people who had to have the police called on them because they were trampling the petunias under Dave's office window, trying to get in to meet a brokie. That's stalking.