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Do models escort or work in strip clubs?


Well-known Member
Mar 27, 2010
Reaction score
Just wondering if any of the models work in the strip clubs in Miami/Ft Lauderdale Metro? Do any of them do escorting on their own or work for escort agencies? Those seem to be two logical ways that gay porn models/actors could make some money and the work is not much different than what they do on Broke Straight Boys Does anybody know? Any of you members down in that area of South Florida ever see the boys out and about looking for work?
This topic seems to keep popping up. Models are not for hire. Their personal information and location is not up for discussion.
I posted this on the "Nelson the gay boy....." thread & I will post it here as well:-

Exactly MissD just because someone does porn doesn't mean that person should be treated as, or expected to be, "loose" & "available".
There are a number of porn models I would love to have sex with, not becuase they are porn stars, but because they are hot as a person.
Having said that I would never want, nor expect, to just jump in to bed with them at first meeting.
I would love to sit down with the person & talk, maybe have dinner etc, get to know them & them get to know me.
If sex happens out of it then that is a bonus.
For me, as far as a porn model goes, they are human beings like everyone else I know & I would treat a porn model with the same respect as I do my friends.
Exactly. I sell cars for a living. I have done it for 35 years. On my day off, I don't want to talk about cars, I don't want to discuss what your car is worth for a trade-in and I don't want to listen to it and tell you what I think is wrong with it. I am not a car whore.

On the other hand, I have often wondered how a gynecologist can go home at night and be amorous with his better half.

Doing what these models do in order to augment their income is merely a fraction of who they are. Ray, for once I agree with you word for word. I have several models on this site who I find sexually attractive. If I want to see them naked, I pay my membership every month and can watch them anytime I want. But, those same guys, I would LOVE to have dinner with, lengthy conversations about anything but Broke Straight Boys and sex, and find out about them. It's kind of a perverse reverse twist. Most people get to know the public person and long to know the private person. On here, we get very intimate with the private person, and I yearn to know the person the average member will never know.

On the other hand, Ms. D, I think your answer was extremely harsh. LoganBroad didn't ask for models' personal information, he didn't request phone numbers or ways to contact them. He simply asked a yes or no question.
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My last post brings up an interesting experiment I have performed in my day-to-day life. Try it sometime.

Ms. D, I am not singling you out.

For a given period of time, say for one week or ten days, concentrate on the people you come into contact with every day. Think of them as one group. Then, at the same time, think of people you have casual contact with, a server at a restaurant, the clerk at the convenience store. Think of them as another group. You will be surprised how these two groups react almost exactly the same, even though your level of acquaintance is vastly different. OK, so here goes. Ask them a question that can technically only be answered yes or no. See what their response is. Almost all of them are completely incapable of answering simply yes or no. Some try to explain, some get defensive, none will just say yes or no.

Let me know the results.
Getting better acquainted

Exactly. I sell cars for a living. I have done it for 35 years. On my day off, I don't want to talk about cars, I don't want to discuss what your car is worth for a trade-in and I don't want to listen to it and tell you what I think is wrong with it. I am not a car whore.

On the other hand, I have often wondered how a gynecologist can go home at night and be amorous with his better half.

Doing what these models do in order to augment their income is merely a fraction of who they are. Ray, for once I agree with you word for word. I have several models on this site who I find sexually attractive. If I want to see them naked, I pay my membership every month and can watch them anytime I want. But, those same guys, I would LOVE to have dinner with, lengthy conversations about anything but Broke Straight Boys and sex, and find out about them. It's kind of a perverse reverse twist. Most people get to know the public person and long to know the private person. On here, we get very intimate with the private person, and I yearn to know the person the average member will never know..

Talking about relating to their better half, how do urologist or proctologist go home at night and be amorous?

I will say that I do agree with your desire to know more about the other 99% of the personality behind the Broke Straight Boys model. If I had the opportunity, I would love to become better acquainted with their private life. This would not be for escort services. Obviously, for those models that are completely straight in their personal life, I would understand they might find better ways of spending their private time than with the likes of Broke Straight Boys members. Participation would have to be voluntary.
Ms. D, I think your answer was extremely harsh.

Oh well carking1, I can't please everyone! I'm just going to say what needs to be said according to my feelings. You can write a simple sentence and it can be read by 10 different people and be interpreted 10 different ways....:ohmy:
Oh well carking1, I can't please everyone! I'm just going to say what needs to be said according to my feelings. You can write a simple sentence and it can be read by 10 different people and be interpreted 10 different ways....:ohmy:

deidra is right, i dont think she was being harsh at all, but thats because we talk on the phone EVERYDAY sometimes a few times a day. not to mention people just love to misinterpret me *cough* all the time. you might have noticed it on some other threads. anywho, the models arent just eye candy, they are people, with other things going on in their lives, besides Broke Straight Boys and gay 4 pay sex.
Do the Broke Straight Boys models escort or strip? I would imagine that most of them don't. However, if one is willing to do certain things for a certain amount of money on camera, it's probably not unreasonable to think that some of them have done "private" performances. I know for certain of one, str8 and married, that hails out of the Tampa Bay area.

No one is saying who, what, where, when and how. One only has to look at the tour to see that money talks. Is that stripping? This is after all a porn site and these are porn stars. Yes they have the right to a private life, but we're not talking about that. If they hang out a shingle as a rentboy....... it's fair game. Now no one is saying that a call to David or Mark will result in an e-mail from a model with a price list and availability. They don't do that PERIOD

Now Ms. D. I love ya, but I have to say that you are a moderator. When you post, it can have repercussions. You can say what you want to say and how you want to say it, however you as a moderator MUST make the distinction between the Broke Straight Boys fan and the moderator. You came down pretty hard when a simple PM would have sufficed rather than a public posting. Remember it doesn't say Senior Member anymore, it says Moderator.

This topic has come up, is up and will continue to pop up. I for one will continue to comment on it as I feel fit until the Super Moderator has a discussion with me.

Be well one and all.

Do the Broke Straight Boys models escort or strip? I would imagine that most of them don't. However, if one is willing to do certain things for a certain amount of money on camera, it's probably not unreasonable to think that some of them have done "private" performances. I know for certain of one, str8 and married, that hails out of the Tampa Bay area.

No one is saying who, what, where, when and how. One only has to look at the tour to see that money talks. Is that stripping? This is after all a porn site and these are porn stars. Yes they have the right to a private life, but we're not talking about that. If they hang out a shingle as a rentboy....... it's fair game. Now no one is saying that a call to David or Mark will result in an e-mail from a model with a price list and availability. They don't do that PERIOD

Now Ms. D. I love ya, but I have to say that you are a moderator. When you post, it can have repercussions. You can say what you want to say and how you want to say it, however you as a moderator MUST make the distinction between the Broke Straight Boys fan and the moderator. You came down pretty hard when a simple PM would have sufficed rather than a public posting. Remember it doesn't say Senior Member anymore, it says Moderator.

This topic has come up, is up and will continue to pop up. I for one will continue to comment on it as I feel fit until the Super Moderator has a discussion with me.

Be well one and all.


i really dont understand what the issue is here? are we talking about whether this guy was kosher by asking if the guys escort or are we attacking a moderator because she happens to be the most promenant woman on this forum? for reals?
Did I say anything about the moderator being a woman? Step back Joe Joe and put away your claws. It's about whether the conversation is "kosher" (as you put it) and what the Moderator had to say. That is the title our friend is using these days, isn't it? Or was the remark from the lovable Ms. D.? The response was IMHO not appropriate in the case of the former and ok by the case of the latter. The problem is knowing the difference.

Be well,


i really dont understand what the issue is here? are we talking about whether this guy was kosher by asking if the guys escort or are we attacking a moderator because she happens to be the most promenant woman on this forum? for reals?
I guess I will chime in on this as well, I understand asking the question of being a stripper. I know in the video of Chasen and I think diesal he did disclose he does strip to make extra money and in fact they pay him more because he has been on Broke Straight Boys I also know there have been many things that have come up on the personal side of models that shouldnt be out there. I was able to chat with the guys and they are lovely wonderful down to earth guys but I will say if they dont put it out there dont come and look for it. People in porn dont use fake names for no reason let me just say that.
Did I say anything about the moderator being a woman? Step back Joe Joe and put away your claws. It's about whether the conversation is "kosher" (as you put it) and what the Moderator had to say. That is the title our friend is using these days, isn't it? Or was the remark from the lovable Ms. D.? The response was IMHO not appropriate in the case of the former and ok by the case of the latter. The problem is knowing the difference.

Be well,


well your holyness, i was basically summing up the past week since my lovable Miss D became a moderator (which btw is not a title she chose, it was given to her). members have acted like she has been some sort of dictator since she started as a moderator, and im beginning to think its because she is a woman. i will not step back, deidra is my girl. or as bill compton would say deidra is mine.
ok wow time to step back... I think we need to as whole discuss that deidra would have said those things NO MATTER IF SHE WAS A MOD OR NOT! by her saying something she isnt meaning anyone is introuble she is expressing an opinion. If she not allowed to do that what is she allowed to do. Yes she is my friend but I know we have talked about not going to models home life. I have said many times as well if they dont want me knowing something then I guess i wasnt ment to know.

i really dont hope this forum does not turn into people attacking someone for stating a opinion no matter what control they have.
Yes they are nice guys, super guys. I have had the privilege to meet and get to know a few. There is a difference between the person and the model. I understand that and respect it. However, there are those models who also make money in the oldest profession. So what? We pay to see them have sex, is it that far of a stretch to say that someone wouldn't want to pay for some personal action? I'm not talking about stalking anyone and yes there are reasons they use stage names. But that same stage name frees them to do things they wouldn't do otherwise. Is a cl ad offering services putting it out there? an ad on Men4rentnow? Are we limited to what they have said on cam or are other sources ok?

I'm not trying to be bellacose. They have decided to do this. They have signed away the rights to the media and images, consented to a contract, shown that they are of age, and have been paid. Some things will naturally follow. I don't want anything bad to happen to them, quite the opposite. But they need not be wrapped in bubble wrap either.


I guess I will chime in on this as well, I understand asking the question of being a stripper. I know in the video of Chasen and I think diesal he did disclose he does strip to make extra money and in fact they pay him more because he has been on Broke Straight Boys I also know there have been many things that have come up on the personal side of models that shouldnt be out there. I was able to chat with the guys and they are lovely wonderful down to earth guys but I will say if they dont put it out there dont come and look for it. People in porn dont use fake names for no reason let me just say that.
If guys are willing to have sex with strangers for money albeit it a studio, then some will undoubtedly have sex with strangers outside of a studio. At least then it won't be plastered all over the internet.
well your holyness, i was basically summing up the past week since my lovable Miss D became a moderator (which btw is not a title she chose, it was given to her). members have acted like she has been some sort of dictator since she started as a moderator, and im beginning to think its because she is a woman. i will not step back, deidra is my girl. or as bill compton would say deidra is mine.

Oh, I absolutely don't agree with you at all. I'll tell you what I think. I think most longtime posters on this forum have been completely appalled to find that there is such a thing as a "Moderator" at all watching over this highly intimate, close knit, mega-interactive, miniscule band of porn-fan, forumite friends.

All the worried members of both sexes who've PMed me have vehemently and convincingly denied that their concern has to do with the sex of a Moderator, but just that the role of Moderator, for holy fuck's sake, exists at all in here.

The rumors are rife. People are speculating as to whether, without advertising the fact, management and moderators are able to hack our identities, which in some cases are much more sensitive than any post-teen's real name who decides to go public and be filmed with a dick in his ass on an international porn site. Be real.

I think moreover that someone, maybe even poor Deidra herself, needs to get on the forum and deny categorically that he/she/they is/are privy to:

members' forum PMs
members' credit card info/real names/addresses
management's comments and biases regarding members

and then go on to explain:

how many bloody moderators (besides the only one we need, Stephane) there actually are, and what their screen names are.

what the fuck a "moderator's" role is in this forum anyway. Surely it's not just to wag your finger sententiously if your eagle eye picks up some argumentative posting. If that's all it is anyone would have to be crazy to accept the job. As adorable as she is, poor Deidra has very unfortunately lost most of her glow since her appointment. Blu, simply because she's attended a bunch of events and shown herself to be super-simpatica, was rash in loading her down with the job. Jayman and I are known as "peacemakers" which is the next best thing to a "moderator", but I can tell you unequivocally that if I were approached to take on this highly suspect, friendless and unnecessary task officially, I'd run a mile.

Anybody out there with some answers?
Oh, I absolutely don't agree with you at all. I'll tell you what I think. I think most longtime posters on this forum have been completely appalled to find that there is such a thing as a "Moderator" at all watching over this highly intimate, close knit, mega-interactive, miniscule band of porn-fan, forumite friends.

All the worried members of both sexes who've PMed me have vehemently and convincingly denied that their concern has to do with the sex of a Moderator, but just that the role of Moderator, for holy fuck's sake, exists at all in here.

The rumors are rife. People are speculating as to whether, without advertising the fact, management and moderators are able to hack our identities, which in some cases are much more sensitive than any post-teen's real name who decides to go public and be filmed with a dick in his ass on an international porn site. Be real.

I think moreover that someone, maybe even poor Deidra herself, needs to get on the forum and deny categorically that he/she/they is/are privy to:

members' forum PMs
members' credit card info/real names/addresses
management's comments and biases regarding members

and then go on to explain:

how many bloody moderators (besides the only one we need, Stephane) there actually are, and what their screen names are.

what the fuck a "moderator's" role is in this forum anyway. Surely it's not just to wag your finger sententiously if your eagle eye picks up some argumentative posting. If that's all it is anyone would have to be crazy to accept the job. As adorable as she is, poor Deidra has very unfortunately lost most of her glow since her appointment. Blu, simply because she's attended a bunch of events and shown herself to be super-simpatica, was rash in loading her down with the job. Jayman and I are known as "peacemakers" which is the next best thing to a "moderator", but I can tell you unequivocally that if I were approached to take on this highly suspect, friendless and unnecessary task officially, I'd run a mile.

Anybody out there with some answers?

I have no answers Slim but do agree with you 1000 per cent. I think Mark or Chuck should pitch in with some explanation to their decision. Have you PM'd them ?
I have all the answers you need. I CAN NOT read the members PM's. Only my own. I DO NOT have access to your names, addresses and billing information. Only my own. I am not privy to anything management is saying about the other members.

If you go to the main page you can click on a link that says "View Forum Leaders" and you can see who has a "moderator" status.

My role is just to keep the peace. Mgmt doesn't always have the time to read every post, so I do. I want everyone to know I moderated a forum for 5+ years and the same thing happened there that is happening here. It died down after a while when they realized what that I was just trying to help keep everything peaceful. Another job is simple maintenance. Moving threads around when they are put in the incorrect spot.

My biggest thing is not being vulgar with the other members. No name calling per say. It's just not cool. I think everyone can agree we don't like to be called names. When you sign up to post on the forum you accept that you wont do this.

I guess I will say I didn't expect it to get so ugly so fast, but I am a very thick skinned person. I am also here to stay and am not going anywhere. This forum is very important to me and I really like being involved in it. Which means I will continue to post. I hope everyone understands me a bit better. I haven't lost my glow. I am glowing all the time because I have a kick-ass time here talking to everyone and going to events. I feel I have met some fantastic friends for life. If anyone has any questions please feel free to PM me.

As for whether some of the Brokies who appear on the futon, strip or escort, get absolutely real guys and gals.

David, many months ago, lauding the "nice guy" aura of one of the models, said, "...and he doesn't even dance or escort..." (approximate quote, of course, I don't remember verbatim what he said, but "even" was the operative word).

Brian escorts. It says so in the text accompanying one of his episodes.

You can absolutely bet a bunch of the other futonites you've seen perform have accepted prezzies from hot guys whom they weren't necessarily head over heels in love with, but who were nice, and who were attracted enough to them to help them with their tuition in exchange for some kind of sex. God, where has all the reality gone. Sex is just part of the greater panoply of leisure activities and odd jobs guys that age engage in all the time. Can you help me move my stuff to the new house? I'll give you what I'd pay a mover. Man, I'm horny. Let's jack each other off, I'll take ya ta dinner after.

it's so absolutely no big thing. Really, it's not. You don't become embittered, it doesn't change the way you look at love. It's a happy, flattering, uncomplicated moment, when someone really cool is too shy to come onto you without the crutch of the offer of a present.

This is extreme: but just assume that most of the Brokies have been in a situation like that at some time or another, and have maybe once or twice gone with it. I say more power to them.
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