Do the
Broke Straight Boys models escort or strip? I would imagine that most of them don't. However, if one is willing to do certain things for a certain amount of money on camera, it's probably not unreasonable to think that some of them have done "private" performances. I know for certain of one, str8 and married, that hails out of the Tampa Bay area.
No one is saying who, what, where, when and how. One only has to look at the tour to see that money talks. Is that stripping? This is after all a porn site and these are porn stars. Yes they have the right to a private life, but we're not talking about that. If they hang out a shingle as a rentboy....... it's fair game. Now no one is saying that a call to David or Mark will result in an e-mail from a model with a price list and availability. They don't do that PERIOD
Now Ms. D. I love ya, but I have to say that you are a moderator. When you post, it can have repercussions. You can say what you want to say and how you want to say it, however you as a moderator MUST make the distinction between the
Broke Straight Boys fan and the moderator. You came down pretty hard when a simple PM would have sufficed rather than a public posting. Remember it doesn't say Senior Member anymore, it says Moderator.
This topic has come up, is up and will continue to pop up. I for one will continue to comment on it as I feel fit until the Super Moderator has a discussion with me.
Be well one and all.