BSB Addict
slim baby, i get it. you still didn't, though.i do find some things that some people say on here inappropriate and out of this world, somewhat creepy. the people who blur the lines of their fantasy and the premise of this site and say things about how much they love and care for a person they've never even met, yet alone a fantasy persona. i'm sorry, but i don't get that! people on this site tend to say 'oh my god, i love model-a!' and than 2 minutes later are fed up with the same model for doing the same thing that they had said they loved them for. some members have this sense of entitlement that i don't understand. you are a paying customer. you pay for your pleasure, but that doesn't give you the right to demand to know the owner/operator's decisions regarding any of their proceedings. btw, i mean you in a general sense, as in you the member, you no specifically slim. don't take that you the wrong way.
both of my remarks were meant in a funny sarcastic tone, but what i wrote above is my true, actual feelings. enjoy the porn, members have no ride in demanding anything of management other than to uphold the promise that they advertise - updates and hard dicks.
OK, I see your you still still don't get it and raise you two the forum is here for a reason.
The forum is here mostly as a market research tool for the site. It also serves as a draw to prospective membership, so it's merchandising as well. If you don't rave about the models, or decry them albeit nicely (Moderators are at large don't forget), if you don't ask why certain decisions were made regarding how stuff goes down, models, scenes, lots of stuff like that: you're just dross on the forum. You serve the purpose of financing to a minute degree the continuance of the site on the internet, but that's all. As a member of the forum you might just as well not exist. This is all about feedback to management. It's grown into a meeting place for likeminded friends, but that wasn't the original intention. And it certainly would be boring as shit if everyone followed your guidelines.
On the other hand you are a logical, if fallacious, thinker and you write really well. You don't like strong opinions in others but you have definite ones of your own. I say you should stay, despite the raw edges. So many people, early on in the forum, toed the "just watch the porn, shut up and jerk off" line. David was the first to say it. You can see how he's evolved in the course of the two years he's been posting. I wish you a similar apocalypse.
Nice to meet you man.