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Damian Kyle/ Paul Canon/ Ayden Troy shows

This one was posted on Damien's Twitter Jul 17th. Sometimes the tats can "fill" you in on who's doing whom:
This one was posted on Damien's Twitter Jul 17th. Sometimes the tats can "fill" you in on who's doing whom:
I sure recognize the snowboarder tat on Ayden's right thigh. That goes back to the days when Ms. K and I first fell in love with him and dubbed him AYDEN!
Mikeyank, you have a FB account, I'm sure if you type in Paul or Damien's pages: they have clips posted on Youtube. I know you can navigate Youtube right? Or, I might be thinking about Ambi!
I typed in Ayden Troy and only got the one new shot that Beth posted, and a bunch of olders pics, beautiful pics, but nothing from him with Damien recently.


By the way, this is a Damian Christopher shot. Whatever happened to him and his 211 or 311 modeling agency? Did it go belly up?

P.S. Ayden is fucking beautiful!!!
I typed in Ayden Troy and only got the one new shot that Beth posted, and a bunch of olders pics, beautiful pics, but nothing from him with Damien recently.


By the way, this is a Damian Christopher shot. Whatever happened to him and his 211 or 311 modeling agency? Did it go belly up?

P.S. Ayden is fucking beautiful!!!

I agree, Ayden is beautiful; his voice is so intense.:thumbup:
As for Damian Christopher...it's all drama. I dropped out of his social media circle so I do not know what he is up to these days.:confused1:
This one was posted on Damien's Twitter Jul 17th. Sometimes the tats can "fill" you in on who's doing whom:

I can think of someone else who might have also joined the bisexual life. What's his name again Mikey??
I can think of someone else who might have also joined the bisexual life. What's his name again Mikey??

But as he is doing the skype shows for money, I don't see this a step further into bisexuality than his previous Broke Straight Boys scenes.

However I will reiterate that every single guy who has done more than a solo on Broke Straight Boys over the years, (including a certain Mr. Johnson) are somewhere past the "exclusively heterosexual" mark on the Kinsey scale, for as desperate as I might have been for money in my youth, I would never consider porn with a woman, but Ayden may still consider himself a straight guy hopefully still living with his girl and son.
This is the Ayden pic, posted on Damien's facebook page that I wanted to share. I do love my Ayden!!! :smiley-love021:

If you go to Damien's Twitter account/Facebook/XTube, you can see a lot of "tempting" photos.
Oops, while reviewing this thread, I see that Beth already posted this pic back in August. However, I never get tired of checking him out. lol
Happy to see you two agree on something lol I however think Ayden is just hum okay.....
Well, we all have our own personal taste, but in checking there are now 22 pages of models on Broke Straight Boys, each page showing 20 models, and Ayden is currently on Page 2 of the highest rated guys, so obviously the fans of the site over the years think he is more than "just hum okay....." lol
Well, we all have our own personal taste, but in checking there are now 22 pages of models on Broke Straight Boys, each page showing 20 models, and Ayden is currently on Page 2 of the highest rated guys, so obviously the fans of the site over the years think he is more than "just hum okay....." lol

Yet PC is on page 3 and Damien Kyle & Tank Shane on page 6. And looking at the models (with the exception of Mick) that are rated higher than these 3, well that just tells you how accurate these really are right? I for a fact have great taste in men and half of the models rated higher than these 3 I wouldn't give a second look if I passed them on the street!
Yet PC is on page 3 and Damien Kyle & Tank Shane on page 6. And looking at the models (with the exception of Mick) that are rated higher than these 3, well that just tells you how accurate these really are right? I for a fact have great taste in men and half of the models rated higher than these 3 I wouldn't give a second look if I passed them on the street!

Its' funny how our different tastes run. There are a few models over the years who seemingly everybody raved over, while I never saw what all the fuss was about. Some of them I wouldn't have given a second glance if I had seen them in public. But then of course it works the other way too. Some models that really get our attention don't do much for the rest of the viewers or contributors on the forum. lol

As the Romans used to say, "de gustibus non est disputandem" ~ "In matters of taste, there is NO disputing." (BTW, this is the best cocktail-party or dinner-party line EVER, especially if someone is getting on your case about the art of Georges Braque. . . or the music of Philip Glass. (Or the music of NICK CARTER, for that matter. . . kisses, Nick OXOXOXOXO ;-)

In this matter, I am happy to agree with Tampa - our tastes do differ. Even when we DO agree, each of us has some unusual "outliers" that are a puzzle, to others. However, I am happy to agree with both Tampa, and MikeYank, that Ayden is gorgeous. I will say, though, that my take on Ayden is that he was just "hitting his stride", during his stretch of last performances at Broke Straight Boys I think he's MUCH more beautiful now, than ever!!!

Voyeur that I am. . . I would of course LOVE to see Ayden in his latest (and sexiest) incarnation! But, looking after Mr. K.K., as I do, doesn't make it financially practical for me to "splurge out" on private shows, as perhaps I did (once or twice) in my mis-spent youth. (And early adulthood. And middle adulthood. And later adulthood ;-)))

To dear Peter, I would say, yes - I agree with you, about the ratings-system, and all it (apparently) betokens. For two reasons. #1: I am not at all certain that it is weighted, or regulated, correctly. But, #2 (and much more importantly): As new members join the site, and search out videos by hit-and-miss, of course, they are going to alight upon both previously-liked models, who come to their attention on the front page (and this has a cumulative effect); and, especially, NEW models, who are featured on the front page. (And this is nothing against the new models - by doing what they do, they have EARNED their chance to be liked, and admired!)

However, Peter, there is no question that "Tank Shane" is one of the greatest models in Broke Straight Boys's history - even though new members may not be getting acquainted with him, as they should!) And there is, of course, also this factor - in the "golden age" of Broke Straight Boys, while the models and videography were outstanding, the video-quality was not (and of course could not be) up to today's exacting, standards. And some people are not willing or able to make allowances for this . . . though, if they wish to become connoisseurs of the male form, I think they ought to TRY - LOL!

Of course, it is well-known to everyone here that my idols in the whole model-cadre, and history of this site, are Jason Matthews, and DANNY, from Broke Straight Boys-1. While we have had (and have!) many wonderful models since. . . I still stand by this very personal adjudication, of beauty, and bliss ;-)))

$200 for guys that you can see here or for free on the Internet seems .........DUMB! And then there's been some questionable ( I'm being kind) interviews & responses from Mr. Canon & Mr. Kyle. Racism is not "HOT"!!!!!
$200 for guys that you can see here or for free on the Internet seems .........DUMB! And then there's been some questionable ( I'm being kind) interviews & responses from Mr. Canon & Mr. Kyle. Racism is not "HOT"!!!!!


Dear Mr. Judge ~

Scottish as I am, I get your point about the profligacy of spending a large amount of disposable income for a live-show featuring guys whom one can enjoy archivally, here or elsewhere. However, for a certain clientele, which is flush with cash, there will always be a market for such shows - because of the thrill of IMMEDIACY, and the opportunity to interact - - - and sometimes even take part in the show's direction.

As for Mr. Paul Canon, he's been beaten about the head quite a bit, for some ill-advised statements he made regarding his aesthetic/sexual preferences. . . and some of this was deserved, as he employed some quite ill-advised and out-of-date language, and (moreover) was not at all sensitive to the feelings of either fans or casual readers.

However, Paul is neither a judge nor a lawyer. . . he's an early-20-something lad, who has (in fact) been through a great deal in his life. I do not believe he is a racist, at heart, and, while some will find their moral sensibilities require his continued punishment - - - I wish (personally) that people would let this matter, rest.
