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Curious...what ever happened to the Director for a Day contest episode?


Well-known Member
Jan 4, 2010
Reaction score
on an island in the Pacific

Maybe I missed something in another thread, but has there been any update in the Director for a Day contest? Winners were announced, and if I remember correctly, the 2nd place winner was someone who had been banned from the Forum.

Don't recall hearing anything since.

Any further developments? Inquiring minds want to know...

So weird. Kianna and I were just talking about this hours before your post, in the context of the dreaded, banned casper whose excellent scenarios were among the top three chosen as finalists.

It would be excellent to know if the winner has been down to Florida yet. I hope he wasn't the one caught trying to break into the compound!!!
So weird. Kianna and I were just talking about this hours before your post, in the context of the dreaded, banned casper whose excellent scenarios were among the top three chosen as finalists.

It would be excellent to know if the winner has been down to Florida yet. I hope he wasn't the one caught trying to break into the compound!!!

Well if the films are 6 months behind then it will be way down the list. I would have thought that there would have been some sort of comment about what went on though. Maybe it fell through and didn't happen. Who won it ? Casper lol
Well if the films are 6 months behind then it will be way down the list. I would have thought that there would have been some sort of comment about what went on though. Maybe it fell through and didn't happen. Who won it ? Casper lol
Keep in mind Jon, that David is the one who films the episodes, so he would have to be the one to inform us if the shoot happened or not. And he is currently not posting on the forum, unless he feels the need to chastise us. So we will have to wait, unless Mark either comments, or gives us a preview of upcoming episodes, as he used to do.
Keep in mind Jon, that David is the one who films the episodes, so he would have to be the one to inform us if the shoot happened or not. And he is currently not posting on the forum, unless he feels the need to chastise us. So we will have to wait, unless Mark either comments, or gives us a preview of upcoming episodes, as he used to do.

Mike, perhaps someone could post something that would cause Dave to barrage us with a great deal of consternation. The poster could put a postscript to his caustic post something like this: Say Dave, after you correct me in my posting would you please let us know who won the Director of the Day contest. Thanks my friend, and please disregard my post, I did not mean anything by it. :w00t:
Why don't you just PM David or Mark and ask? If you really want to know, it seems like the easiest way to find your answer.
The winner was announced and we are just coordinating with the winner of the contest at this time.

We thank our members for your concern and we do appreciate your membership and support!
Why don't you just PM David or Mark and ask? If you really want to know, it seems like the easiest way to find your answer.

Well the watchfull eyes of David and Mark have given their reply so there is not reason to PM them. David may well be not posting as much on the forum, but judging by the few posts he has made, he is still keen to read the members' vies and interject/advise when need be.

Thanks David.

Thanks Dave for this update. Glad to hear things are moving forward. Please keep us posted as that episode develops. I'm looking forward to the finished product.


Thanks Dave for this update. Glad to hear things are moving forward. Please keep us posted as that episode develops. I'm looking forward to the finished product.


Yes, thanks David. I hope the scene is shot differently though, to give it some interactive flavor with the person who won the contest. If the winner's participation is limited to supplying the synopsis it's gonna be just another episode, this time one that wasn't dreamed up in-house, but which isn't distinguished from the others except for the fact that we know it won a forum contest.

How would it be if Tyler (if he isn't actually in the scene, which would be awesome), filmed "The Making Of..." for either BTS, or as an episode of its own to be uploaded beside the video the winner directs?

With all the panic that's come about lately from the break down of distances between management and customers, this is coming at an interesting and delicate time, and harks back to when D&E seemed keen to create bridges with members. It would be very healing if the shooting of this episode, in the light of the lessons we've learned, somehow brought us together again.
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With all the panic that's come about lately from the break down of distances between management and customers, this is coming at an interesting and delicate time, and harks back to when D&E seemed keen to create bridges with members. It would be very healing if the shooting of this episode, in the light of the lessons we've learned, somehow brought us together again.

Hear, hear. I was just nearing the end of my journey through the Forums when all that transpired went down. It was certainly climactic, but also a huge disappointment. I really enjoyed the communication from management, and found it to be very insightful. I'm OK with the decisions each participant in the matter made. After all, you create your own reality...

But I do long for the previous level of communication.
