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Couple of random Bieber pics, for MikeYank ;-)

Lol ud have to be selena on her period not to want to have sex with somone like him :p I wonder if he likes it fast or slow
This is the one Ambi posted so you can compare the tattoos.

This came up when I typed in "gay mile high club;"
Lolol id prob be an hour early for the scene :p hes dope id let him tear that ass up. All I wanna do is have sex you his lolly song hahaha

Now that would be a scene....Damien Kyle and the Biebs.....Wonder how much the Biebs would want to go Gay for Pay....lolololol.....I know I would like to lick that all day sucker and then taste the cream filled canter...opp's did I say that.....lolol....:angel::smiley-sex022:
Now that would be a scene....Damien Kyle and the Biebs.....Wonder how much the Biebs would want to go Gay for Pay....lolololol.....I know I would like to lick that all day sucker and then taste the cream filled canter...opp's did I say that.....lolol....:angel::smiley-sex022:

I Love the Biebs. Hes a kid. He worked for it. I'd do him in a minute. Let him have his fun. Let him play. He likes sex. That's a good thing.
And he is so fucking young. He has to be fairly smart. He will get it together. And I agree Justin and Damien be a hot scene..Yikes...
And he is so fucking cute...Just saying...
Now that would be a scene....Damien Kyle and the Biebs.....Wonder how much the Biebs would want to go Gay for Pay....lolololol.....I know I would like to lick that all day sucker and then taste the cream filled canter...opp's did I say that.....lolol....:angel::smiley-sex022:

Hed either have to be going broke or just really bored with all the pussy hes been geting lol.
I Love the Biebs. Hes a kid. He worked for it. I'd do him in a minute. Let him have his fun. Let him play. He likes sex. That's a good thing.
And he is so fucking young. He has to be fairly smart. He will get it together. And I agree Justin and Damien be a hot scene..Yikes...
And he is so fucking cute...Just saying...

It would def be a jacuzzi scene with lots of bubbles!
How about You your Pal Paul and the Biebs in that jacuzzi ? Damn what a scene that would be.Just think about it.

Who would be the bottom though or would everyone get fucked in this scene?
Dear Damien
I saw this late. But I am sorry? You would have to be the one getting fucked. Hope that doesn't upset you? Again...
Think about it. You are man enough.xoxo

Hahaha its all good :p
Hed either have to be going broke or just really bored with all the pussy hes been geting lol.

True Damien Kyle...Very True....Of course it took me along time to dump the pussy, ( No Offense Miss Beth ) I was 38 when I realized what I really liked...and there ain't NO turning back now....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...MMMMMMMM that cock is sooooooo good......:001_tongue:
True Damien Kyle...Very True....Of course it took me along time to dump the pussy, ( No Offense Miss Beth ) I was 38 when I realized what I really liked...and there ain't NO turning back now....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...MMMMMMMM that cock is sooooooo good......:001_tongue:

Oh, this song fits so perfectly here, right now, "over me!":001_tongue: