Long time forumite
From the same Calvin Klein ad campaign. 

From the same Calvin Klein ad campaign.
You guys should really read what I wrote. Did I say anything about Marky Mark? No. Thus it is illogical for you to infer that my disapproval of Bieber was in any way an endorsement of Mark. I did not approve of him either and still don't. He was then and still is a raging homophobe. And while even I can admire their physcial attributes, CK could have easily found others who have either the same or better physical attributes but who present a more wholesome public image - in my humble opinion, of course.
I completely agree Ambi. I honestly don't know Justin's music, and I would not recognize his singing voice on the radio at all. I don't admire him as a human being in any way. I just think that he is fucking beautiful, and if given the opportunity, I would lick him like an all day sucker, and leave no part of him "unlicked".HOWEVER, in fairness to YOU, Stowie - and to my (perhaps not eternal, but temporal, and temporary, shame): there IS one 'buried premise' in my discourse, supra. AND THAT IS. . . (and perhaps it is a premise which I share with MikeYank, though he will have to speak for himself, on this point, because it is a matter of aesthetics, and not logic, PROPER. . . .):
*Not ALL PHYSICALLY BEAUTIFUL, or PHYSICALLY DESIRABLE, young men, are ALSO (of necessity) MORALLY GOOD.* Stowie (and Jon, as well): I believe that this proposition is one which Kant would term to be not 'analytic' (that is, true by its very definition): but, 'synthetic' ~ that is, true only in terms of its EMPIRICAL RELATION to the world, as we know it.
I just read that someone on the photo shoot leaked that Justins bulge was photo-shopped to look bigger hahaha I'd still go for a ride and bring LJ as back-up!!!
I completely agree Ambi. I honestly don't know Justin's music, and I would not recognize his singing voice on the radio at all. I don't admire him as a human being in any way. I just think that he is fucking beautiful, and if given the opportunity, I would lick him like an all day sucker, and leave no part of him "unlicked".![]()
Link for you above, Peter ;-)
Dear Ambi,******************************
Mike, above, we were talking about "logic", not experience of the man himself. As I have said a few times before:
*I care a lot about singing - as some of you have gathered, at other times, and in other places. JB is not the best singer ever, but he is not the worst, either. He has a sweet and pleasant voice, and he has given a few beautiful covers of other people's songs - most notably, "Come Home to Me."
*Yes, for the last couple of years he has been a jackass. But I do know people who have worked with him closely, who say that (at least up until a couple of years ago) he was a total sweetheart. He has a very sweet and caring Mom, and (from what my friends tell me) a Dad who is a total f***-up. As money and hormones took over, he chose to abandon his Mom's example, and hang with his Dad, who abandoned him years ago - and just party all the time. I think the corrosive impact of a $64-million per annum income on an 18-year-old, can't be underestimated.
*I would say this not only to Mike, and the people who LIKE JB in some small way, but also to those who DETEST him. . . Would you wish this kind of life on a brother, or friend, or son, or nephew, of yours? I wouldn't. It might be nice to have Lamborghinis and mansions and all that stuff when you are 16 years old, but. . . the downside is not getting to have the love and discipline most of US have received from caring parents, who set limits for us. . . .
In the back of MY head, when I think about guys like this, is always a LITTLE bit of concern for guys like JB as human beings, as human SOULS. JB is now surrounded by - a BAD DAD, a cadre of paid 'yes-men', and is basically a walking "ID". I don't know what I would have done if I could have had anything I wanted when I was 18 and horny (and it's impossible for me to even IMAGINE, because my parents were strict disciplinarians, but). . . I sort of feel like JB is more to be pitied, than HATED, as so many people seem to HATE him, now. (Though admittedly he's done a fair bit to deserve it.)
I mean, I went to uni when I was 16, on a tide of scholarship money, but I COULDN'T lose my bearings, because my parents were ALWAYS there, EVERY DAY, with lots of love and LOTS of expectations. (My Mother famously said, "'A' ~ you get 'A's, or don't come HOME!")
JB's lifelong ambition has been to be LIKE ELVIS, or be like Michael Jackson, and he'll never be as great a star as either of those two, but. . . unfortunately. . . he might just get his wish, in other ways, that are NOT so good :-(((( In a weird, inverted, way, he is just as badly off as some of our models who are in trouble with the law and have NO money. They have NOTHING - he has. . . TOO MUCH. And Aristotle always said, 'virtue is the golden mean - midway between two paths of vice' - and I am not sure JB ever had the chance to find that path.
So, you know, a little compassion would be nice, also - even though he is such a jackass. Maybe BECAUSE he is such a jackass?
*And yeah - I'll confess that I think he is super-cute, also. (All except his feet - which are UGLY - and I'm a connoisseur! ;-) But as beautiful as ANY guy has ever been, or that I've ever met, I've never felt that gives me licence either to lick him up (like an orange popsicle - because I LOVE orange popsicles!); or to toss him out the window, like a cream popsicle (because I HATE cream popsicles). . . I just think there is more to people, than that. Eyes, and smile, and pecs, and abs, and all the rest. . . .
Sure, that's all fun. But everybody has a story. And just about everybody deserves a little care and compassion. Whether they are someone you'd choose as a friend, or not. I think. And sometimes people who go astray - even way, WAY, astray, like the Biebs has - deserve a little compassion, too.
The Biebs grew up eating at food-banks, and performing at the side of the road to make a few nickels, for groceries. It is little-known that he has given millions to children's food-banks in Canada (especially in Ontario, where he grew up): and I think his heart is in the right place. BUT - now he is surrounded by a lot of bad people, and a lot of drugs, and a lot of hedonism - and maybe that has ruined his character forever. (I hope not.) But, rich and privileged as he is now, he is still just a messed-up kid, and I think he deserves a little compassion, too, and shouldn't just be treated as a human plaything, to be consumed, criticized, and cast away, forever.
Hey, Mike -
Believe me - I'm not upset with you for liking JB primarily (or only!) because he's cute! (Because - apart from his stubby little toes - LOL) he really is, I think ;-) I just wanted to remind people that, while he isn't perfect, he is a human being, also. I think our culture has an unfortunate tendency to turn celebrities into commodities for consumption, rather than regarding them as human beings with real faults, failings, and problems of their own.
I HATE it when people treat our favourite models that way - - - and I think (even with distant figures like JB, with whom we have little to no contact): it's important to keep a little humanity in the equation. (Anyway, you always do XOXOXOXO)
Well Stated Ambi, Well Stated....I agree with you 100%....You truly are a Gentleman of Human kind in this nasty world.....For what ever reason, it seems we build them up and then once they reach the that God like status we heap upon them, we want to destroy them for the same mistakes that we see everyday with other young people.....Live long and Prosper my Friend.....
It was nice to read the comments from our dear friends!I just saw this pic on Facebook and found this thread from nine years ago to share it on. Some things never change, like my fascination with The Biebs and my love of this forum and the archives with forumites over the years.
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It was nice to read the comments from our dear friends!
As my beloved British Bulldog would say "stop acting like a pussy Mikeyank" lolololololExactly Peter. I know that we are down to just a very few still here on the forum who remember the earlier times, but I am eternally grateful to Mark and his staff for maintaining not just the great archives of the Broke Straight Boys scenes but also the entire contents of this beloved forum. So many people who were indeed my online family over these past fifteen years.
Again what an unexpected bonus from a website that I discovered to jerk off to featuring the kind of straight appearing guys who always turned me on, morphing into a social media phenomenon that has influenced me so profoundly.
I mentioned yesterday that Beth is still # 9 in all time posts on the forum. Your British bulldog, Jon is still #5. By the way, you are #7. Luckily Tampa still remains as an active poster and Jay and Chac and sadly only a few others are regular contributors who also have something interesting to say In discussion posts. I wish more people would discuss topics of interest that everyone can comment on and discuss as it once was.As my beloved British Bulldog would say "stop acting like a pussy Mikeyank" lololololol