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Why are guys from TENNESSEE always SO DAMNED CUTE (2nd try)


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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Hey, sorry. . . .

This is my second try at this. . . when I posted initially, I discovered I had a little photo editing to do, and it didn't work unless I deleted the whole thread. But the title didn't go! (It would be nice, webmasters, if - when we mess up a thread, we could delete it, including the title: and start all over again!)

Anyway, all I wanted to say is. . . being from the arctic circle, I have only ever 'known' two boys from Tennessee. One was our Jake (who is adorable): and the other (from a previous incarnation) was Jeremiah (who was pretty adorable, too). Despite the fact that they are both blonds ;-) *Well, Jeremiah wasn't really a blond;-)*

For some reason, I guess I have always loved those southern boys. . . maybe that's why I'm dating one, now??? But Tennessee certainly does seem to have more than its share of pretty, sexy, and beautiful young men!


P.S. Here is the "Tennessee Waltz", just for Jake.


P.S. And here are a couple of pics of my other favourite Tennessean, from days of yore. (I'mma tryin' to git it RIGHT, this time ;-)

Jeremiah 001b.jpg

Jeremiah 002.jpg

Jeremiah 004.jpg

Jeremiah 006.jpg

Jeremiah 007.jpg
I've always found Southern guys very attractive not just guys from TN but say they are all so cute is kind of an overstatement. Maybe if you go to the posh part of town you will find cute guys but if you are in the country and main sections of town and see the redneck element I find them sexually attractive but cute is not an adjective that applies.
Austin is from the same part of Tennessee as jake. Austin and I shared experiences from the part of the state. I really like him. something about Tennessee boys.
I've always found Southern guys very attractive not just guys from TN but say they are all so cute is kind of an overstatement. Maybe if you go to the posh part of town you will find cute guys but if you are in the country and main sections of town and see the redneck element I find them sexually attractive but cute is not an adjective that applies.



Y'all have misconstrued me, ah'm afraid, sah. Such an over-reachin' claim, ah'd nevah make. Besides. . . you ain't ever met mah b/f, who is from way down Sowwth, at AHLL, at THAT. If y'evah met'im, y'ahll might change yah MIN' ;-)

Quawt ahronically yours, Mistah Ben,
"A" ;-))))

I remember as a young teen going camping in Tennessee. I could hardly wait to take a shower at night because all the cute local boys were there and none of them were shy back then. This was years ago and they had open bay showers at the place. I need to find a map and locate where that place was.

But yes, Tennessee boys are quite sexy and adorable. Jeremy is a hottie and is seen on another site now (they are uploading his older DVDs now). Worth it just for him.
Tennessee is not the only state Southern boys come from. You have Kentucky, South Carolina,, Georgia, Alabama, and rural parts of Florida.

What makes them so cute? Simple! It's that good ole country Southern cooking and cheep beer. Their looks come from the special batter used in Sunday church fried chicken dinners. They come from families with strong Christian values but when horny enough, they'll fuck the nearest rabbit. But, you can always trust they will be faithful to their kin. They work hard and they take pride when they have done a good day's work.

I live in a rural part of Florida. I see these young men when they come in to the country store. They are sweaty, dirty but they are happy and vibrant. They walk swiftly. They don't shuffle their feet as if they were tired and depressed. They are proud they did a good job that day and that money is coming their way the end of the week.

So, What makes them so cute? They are pure in heart and in spirit.
Hey, sorry. . . .

This is my second try at this. . . when I posted initially, I discovered I had a little photo editing to do, and it didn't work unless I deleted the whole thread. But the title didn't go! (It would be nice, webmasters, if - when we mess up a thread, we could delete it, including the title: and start all over again!)

Anyway, all I wanted to say is. . . being from the arctic circle, I have only ever 'known' two boys from Tennessee. One was our Jake (who is adorable): and the other (from a previous incarnation) was Jeremiah (who was pretty adorable, too). Despite the fact that they are both blonds ;-) *Well, Jeremiah wasn't really a blond;-)*

For some reason, I guess I have always loved those southern boys. . . maybe that's why I'm dating one, now??? But Tennessee certainly does seem to have more than its share of pretty, sexy, and beautiful young men!

Ambi - that's a pretty broad statement based on a sample of only two!


P.S. Here is the "Tennessee Waltz", just for Jake.


P.S. And here are a couple of pics of my other favourite Tennessean, from days of yore. (I'mma tryin' to git it RIGHT, this time ;-)

View attachment 12596

View attachment 12597

View attachment 12598

View attachment 12599

View attachment 12600

Tennessee is not the only state Southern boys come from. You have Kentucky, South Carolina,, Georgia, Alabama, and rural parts of Florida.

What makes them so cute? Simple! It's that good ole country Southern cooking and cheep beer. Their looks come from the special batter used in Sunday church fried chicken dinners. They come from families with strong Christian values but when horny enough, they'll fuck the nearest rabbit. But, you can always trust they will be faithful to their kin. They work hard and they take pride when they have done a good day's work.

I live in a rural part of Florida. I see these young men when they come in to the country store. They are sweaty, dirty but they are happy and vibrant. They walk swiftly. They don't shuffle their feet as if they were tired and depressed. They are proud they did a good job that day and that money is coming their way the end of the week.

So, What makes them so cute? They are pure in heart and in spirit.

That's a cute post Louis, thought I doubt whether fried batter would give you good looks lol. For a young person it would probably give you zits x
Tennessee is not the only state Southern boys come from. You have Kentucky, South Carolina,, Georgia, Alabama, and rural parts of Florida.

What makes them so cute? Simple! It's that good ole country Southern cooking and cheep beer. Their looks come from the special batter used in Sunday church fried chicken dinners. They come from families with strong Christian values but when horny enough, they'll fuck the nearest rabbit. But, you can always trust they will be faithful to their kin. They work hard and they take pride when they have done a good day's work.

I live in a rural part of Florida. I see these young men when they come in to the country store. They are sweaty, dirty but they are happy and vibrant. They walk swiftly. They don't shuffle their feet as if they were tired and depressed. They are proud they did a good job that day and that money is coming their way the end of the week.

So, What makes them so cute? They are pure in heart and in spirit.


Hey, Louis -

I agree with Jon, that your post was cute, and sweet!

As for my reasons for loving gay boys who are Southerners, I'll tell you the reasons, that matter most to me:

*The DOWNSIDE of dating a Southern-boy is, sometimes, that culture has messed some of them up about being gay, and who they are, and all of that kind of stuff. (It really depends on who it is, whether he has got through all that stuff unscathed, or not.)
*Sometimes, Southern boys have religious and cultural issues and conflicts, which can rear up and bit you in the A**.
*And sometimes, they have preconceptions and prejudices, which can likewise, cause you a lot of heartache - - - BUT:


*The UPSIDE is (or can be): I find that a lot of Southern boys, the NICE ONES (both gay and straight) have, because of their upbringing (and this might be a cliché, but clichés become clichés, for a reason. . . ):
*A very ingrained and reflexive. . . . politesse and charm, which is natural to them. They don't have to PRETEND to be kind and considerate, because they were brought UP that way.
*A genuine respect and love for older people, which young men in many other parts of the Western world would think either risible, or dispensable. (And I appreciate this, as I'm an old man, now.)
*A great and lovely sense of caring, and loyalty, for family and friends.
*A kind of tender regard for a lover, which is so gentle, when they whisper in your ear, you feel you're being let down upon a bed of SILK.
*A rather gentle care and patience, which is uncommon in boys from, let's say, New Jersey, or New York, or TORONTO. In my experience, whereas boys from the Northeast are mostly all down to business, and constantly asking, "What are you going to do for ME???". . . Guys from the South take it a little easier, and often ask, "Baby, how are YOU feeling, and what can I do, for YOU?"


Now, I don't know about all that fried-chicken batter, you talked about, Louis ;-)

But I do know, coming from a country background, myself - I do feel a whole lot more comfortable with someone with some of the same values about family and friends, that I have, than someone from Toronto who is looking me like a balance-sheet, to be mined for its best assets, and then left ;-)

All I would say to Stowe is - of all the boys I've ever met, from Canada, the U.S., France, the Balkans, Russia, and who-knows-where: boys from the Southern U.S.A. have always been nicest to me, and that's why I love them, the best.



Sorry, Louis, there were lots of typo's in that, but the site will not allow me to fix them.

"A" :-(
Fried chicken batter = the byproduct of what was mixed together by their moms with love.

Typos - the site does allow 15 minutes to edit your post. The edit bar appears as soon as you post your remarks.
Louis I don't get what you get. I have amended a post on the other side and it saved it straight away. Try typing with your fingers and not your huge dick, it makes less errors xx
I'm an Australian, though extensively travelled and I have to say I agree.

Although I'd for most of the South, not just Tennessee. Though I wasn't surprised you nominated it. (SC would be my other nominee in the unlikely event you were wondering.)

For me, it's simple: first, the accent. It just makes me zit up and listen. Every time.

Including once when I was traveling through the US for business. We all ended up very close friends very, very quickly if you get my meaning. Still in touch with them now and, in fact, introduced my new BF to them a few months ago.

Nick made the same comment (without any prompting from me). They are comfortable with who they are, they don't try too hard to 'pretty' themselves up and, for want of a better description, their attitude to life is 'devil may care'.

But I agree their physical features are also gorgeous.

Nick and I are heading back in September. And, yes, we catch up in that special way once again.