I can’t believe y’all ain’t started a thread on the coronavirus. So President Trump is banning travel to and from Europe starting Friday. What are your thoughts? How will this affect the Broke Straight Boys filming schedule? LOL
I can’t believe y’all ain’t started a thread on the coronavirus. So President Trump is banning travel to and from Europe starting Friday. What are your thoughts? How will this affect the Broke Straight Boys filming schedule? LOL
Y’all this is pretty bad. Cruise lines cancelling, Disneyland closing until the end of the month.
It is all so crazy and our entire world is gonna change for quite some time. I wasn't expecting what happened today already. I can't believe NBA cancelled all games and NCAA will have no fans as well as the travel bans.
We do have quite a bit in the can and this is exactly why in case of unforeseeable circumstances we keep quite a bit in the can. We will hopefully try to film here this month to have even more in the can.
I can’t believe y’all ain’t started a thread on the coronavirus. So President Trump is banning travel to and from Europe starting Friday. What are your thoughts? How will this affect the Broke Straight Boys filming schedule? LOL
Right on point. I was just telling a family member tonight, “this is what you get when you elect someone who’s unqualified and inexperienced.” It doesn’t even have anything to do with Republican or Democrat. It’s being able to handle situations like this. And the economy will suffer for it.Three things should be noted: First, President Obama established a pandemic preparation task force of scientific experts within the National Security Council so that the US would be prepared for anything like caronavirus. Trump abolished it. Second, last January a scientist in Washington State had completed a federally funded large test group study on the flu, saw the beginnings of caronavirus in China and proposed using the samples from her recently completed test group to research caronavirus. The Trump Administration denied her request, missing a second opportunity for the US to be prepared for this. Third, as the Admistration's lead doctor admitted today, the US was completely unprepared for caronavirus in terms of number of test kits on hand calling this situation "a failing of our system.". So I think that it is fair to conclude that if the 3,000,000 Clinton victory margin over Trump in the 2016 popular vote had been implemented as the proposed Interstate Compact would do, we would not be experiencing our caronavirus public health emergency right now. We are paying the price for putting into the Presidency an unqualified person whom the American people in their now apparent wisdom rejected by over 3,000,000 votes.
I believe that Rose Garden press conference today was one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever seen.
I was driving all day but I have msnbc in the car so I heard it. It’s a good thing Trump knows everything, can you imagine the mess we would he in if he didn’t ? Lol, actually that is why we are in this mess because he does think he knows it all.
I can’t believe y’all ain’t started a thread on the coronavirus. So President Trump is banning travel to and from Europe starting Friday. What are your thoughts? How will this affect the Broke Straight Boys filming schedule? LOL
I believe that Rose Garden press conference today was one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever seen.
Harry Truman is reknown for saying "the buck stops here", while Trump just said "I take no responsibility for anything!" That pretty much sums up the difference between Trump as President in contrast to all of his predecessors as President. Talk about fake news, Trump is the fake President! In a time of pandemic that can be fatal.