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Clearing the smoke with Miss D as Mod

I concur with Slim and Mike.

I must say that as much as I understand the views of those who are dead set opposed to Miss D's appointment, not all of us feel that strongly. I think that a co-moderator who is a man would be a very welcome compromise. I find Miss D to be a charming, intelligent person. She thoroughly enjoys herself here. I see no need to make her life hell. Far from it. I want her to stay and enjoy herself for as much time as she likes. For years if she so chooses.

We gays face so much hostility in the outside world. It would be a shame if we get labeled in here as a bunch of misogynists. We are not.

What are you getting at Tampa and who are you getting at ? Those who have voiced our opinion on here are mainly against how the appointment was made, the fact that it was given to a girl where they are a minority (numbers wise) within the site membership, why is there a need for a moderator when the forum seems to get along quite fun (until now), and finally such a condescending post from Chuck that seemed to make this all a joke.

Note that my use of minority is purely in reference to the numbers of females on the site to males. I think that you girls have made valuable contributions to the forum and may you continue, as members.
Those who have voiced our opinion on here are mainly against how the appointment was made...

I agree with you on that Jon. Passions are getting so heated that I wanted to clarify, and give my own opinion. I fear that the wrong message is being sent out. This is not about the guys in here having a grudge against women. I want the women to feel welcome. If we have one female moderator and one male I am hoping that would be satisfactory to everyone. If so decided. That's the only point I was trying to make. I wish we could all step back and take a breath. We need to take it down a few notches. The tension is overwhelming. And of course it's not getting us anywhere.
I will challenge Miss D to an option. If she truly wants to see the forum do so well then she should understand the feelings of the guys in here and for the betterment of everyone resign the position. No questions asked and no hard feelings. Everyone will be able to return to and go on loving each other. Mark, Chuck, Stephen, I love you all to death but the next time you decide to make this big of a mistake. Please get your head out of your ass first.

I know I should be PC and polite and all that, but get freaking real. Unless the members who are in such a tizzy can actually provide proof that the majority of this site's meber's are egregiously offended by a woman being a moderator, then you have no clue that the majority of the members feel the way you do. Just because this site is run by gay men and has men having sex with each other, does not mean you guys get to have run of the place and say who can and cannot be a moderator.

I can understand people being a little upset that there wasn't some kind of heads up. Not that any of us needed to be consulted, but a simple post announcing the change would have probably have prevented a lot of grief. While I also get people being upset at management's somewhat flippant attitude over the upset, they have also stated over and over that Miss D won't be the only mode. So people all upset that a woman is going to have a run of the place can just relax. I seriously don't understand the brouhaha. Us women on this site have the same sensibility as the guys here. We're attracted to men and enjoy watching two guys go at it. As a mod Miss D won't have the run of the place. She still has to run most decisions by the gay men in charge.

im not gonna lie, this whole situation makes me want to have my dick removed....
Well all I have to say is "coming from a long time member even though my posts do not say it and it has been off and on" WOW. The only reason why i have ever stayed a member of this site it because management has always been very open and honest to us and has been Great to their Models. They may have made a misstep.( i personally don't think they did). Sheesh go start your own studio if it is that big of a problem. WOW. I love what Blumedia and Broke Straight Boys do. keep up the good job guys.
Well all I have to say is "coming from a long time member even though my posts do not say it and it has been off and on" WOW. The only reason why i have ever stayed a member of this site it because management has always been very open and honest to us and has been Great to their Models. They may have made a misstep.( i personally don't think they did). Sheesh go start your own studio if it is that big of a problem. WOW. I love what Blumedia and Broke Straight Boys do. keep up the good job guys.

tg, i agree with you 110%! mgmt did nothing wrong. a small group of members is at heart here, they were exposed. a small saying comes to mind... the coverup is always worse than the crime. that is majorly true here.

back to my dick! still waiting for those other hands...
back to my dick! still waiting for those other hands...

Well, It's lunchtime where I am and I'm certainly hungry enough to give you not only both of my hands but there is something else I have in mind.
Until I read the Farewell from a member, I did not even know there was a moderator, nor that it was a woman, much less that some members got their panties twisted by it all. I never noticed anything different. Obviously, its not a big deal, as Blu has mentioned.

My congrats to Ms D. I love that women are here and so engaged in the forum. It is these women who help to change the attitudes of the hetero world about gays, and in this case, gay porn.

I too have made some rash statements about this and that, as many others have. BUt life goes on and I continue as a member and continue to enjoy this truly fabulous site. Broke Straight Boys is the only site that offers so much to its membership. If they make a mistake along the way (I don't think they did), then as members, we have the choice to continue our membership, or not.

I think the response by Blu was not condesending at all. I think it just goes to show that they don't see why this is even an issue. Frankly, neither do I. Who gives a crap, some of us were not even aware! And the bottom line is, its Blu's site and they can do what they like. I don't feel a need to give my approval for how they manage their site.
Someone else said it perfectly, we are Broke Straight Boys members, not investors. Broke Straight Boys has the right to go in whatever direction they choose, and we have the right to cancel. In the end, its all about money.

Want to give your opinion? Fine, then do it. But don't try to speak for all of us older long time Broke Straight Boys members. I have a voice and can speak for myself, thank you.
I have been a member since page 1, and got along just fine for years without being a forum member. I came here to watch porn that spoke to my one true passion in life, enlightening staight men to man sex. I only started getting involved in the forum to pick up clues on things I missed when viewing, and thanks to member's posts, I have gone back and picked up on shoots that I missed or just looked at through different perspective.

I don't know about some of you guys, but I have a job, in fact 2 jobs, and I don't have time to get involved in so much drama. All I really want in the end, is to log on and find the new update, and enjoy the hell out of it. I can live without the forums, but the Broke Straight Boys shoots are my major source of entertainment. I'll just leave the management of Broke Straight Boys and the forums to BluMedia, as they have done so well for so long. Good job boys! Keep it up!

This whole thing further proves my theory that there are a lot of guys who have nothing else to do and spend their time as 'professional Forumites' Broke Straight Boys is a porn site! That's why and how you got here. Broke Straight Boys is a business not a democracy (a model business I might add). They can do whatever they want. If Ms D being a moderator so upsets you, cancel and join the Forum on one of those other porn sites....oh, wait, they don't have a Forum. Silly me!

For those of you who are seeing a montain, put your specs on, its a molehill. Better yet, enjoy the porn and get something better to do with your lives than devote all your time to The Forum.
This whole thing further proves my theory that there are a lot of guys who have nothing else to do and spend their time as 'professional Forumites' Broke Straight Boys is a porn site! That's why and how you got here. Broke Straight Boys is a business not a democracy (a model business I might add). They can do whatever they want. If Ms D being a moderator so upsets you, cancel and join the Forum on one of those other porn sites....oh, wait, they don't have a Forum. Silly me!

For those of you who are seeing a montain, put your specs on, its a molehill. Better yet, enjoy the porn and get something better to do with your lives than devote all your time to The Forum.

Well, It's lunchtime where I am and I'm certainly hungry enough to give you not only both of my hands but there is something else I have in mind.

they call me z and i approve of this message... :001_wub:
JW well said!!!!!
who the fuck cares who runs it as long as i get a hardon watching the videos and posting on line.
Ive been on what used to be called bbs (bulletin board systems) since the 70's with a commedore 64 back then. EVEN THEN there were people who acted just the way they are here. It's really a shame that we just dont stay on topic and keep it hot.

ok, i just have one problem here... why do all of you who are upset by her appointment feel that you were entitled to know what the Broke Straight Boys mgmt do and are planning to do? you pay your money to enjoy porn content, these forums are a wonderful bonus. you shouldn't feel that mgmt needs to say 'hey guys, we're thinking about putting one or two volunteers out there to moderate the forums. moderators are there to keep the posts in their correct forums and let us know when a member on the forums is getting out of control or completely inappropriate. this is all due to x, y and z. thanks guys!' ... if you expected that, get real. this isn't your business and you don't have a word in how it's to be run! get over your entitled attitude and enjoy yourselves. i could only imagine what would have happened if they had announced that they were looking for a mods. i can only imagine all of you who are causing such a panty twisting session applying and than not being chosen! that would have been the end of the world, or so it appears.

and to even be upset that it's a woman? holy... the women on these forums are into the same thing we are! straight guys getting fucked in the ass. we should exalt them for being so open and accepting! please, come into 2010 and embrace one another instead of discriminating.

i'm sorry, i just have a really hard time seeing why you are all so upset. now, if you'll excuse me, my dick needs some attention.

This post is a healthy dose of reality. Broke Straight Boys is a business. It is not a democracy. A lot of you guys seem to think you are shareholders. You are subscribers.

As far as I know I am the only guy on this campus that post things in The Forum. One of the reason ohters don't is because they are here primarily for the porn. We have lives and other things to do than be a Forumite. For your own sake, get a life.